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1、精品_精品资料_高分作文常用连接词1表层次First,firstly,tobeginwith,inthefirstplace,second,secondly,tostartwith,still, furthermore, third, thirdly, whats more, last but not least, also, and then, next besides, and equally important too, moreover, besides, in addition, finally2表转折Although,though,yet, at thesame time,but,

2、despitethe factthat,even so, incontrast nevertheless even though on the other hand otherwise instead still regardless3表因果Thereforeconsequentlybecause of,forthisreason,thus,hence, dueto,owingto,so, accordingly, thanks to, on this account, since, as, on that account, in this way, for4表递进Furthermore, m

3、oreover, likewise, what is more, besides, also, not onlybut also 5表举例For example, for instance, for one thing that is to illustrate6表说明As a matter of fact, frankly speaking, in this case, namely, in other word7表总结Insummary,ina word,thus, as has been said, in brief,in conclusion,in otherwords,to conc

4、lude, finally, in simpler terms, in short, on the whole, to put it simply, in all, therefore, to summarize.8表强调Of course, indeed, surely,as a matter of fact, above all, most important, in particular, thatis to say, certainly,infact, anyway,in thiscase, naturally,obviously,no doubt,actually, clearly9

5、表比较In comparison, likewise, however, similarly, equally, in the same way, unlike10 表时间Aftera while,afterward,and then,presently,atlast,simultaneously,at length,atthat time ,since, so far, eventually, finally, subsequently, then, further, thereafter, in the first place,in the past, until now, meanwhi

6、le lately.图表作文1图表类型表格 TABLE(每个后面都是配有原图的这个可以在WORD 文档中做出这些图表来的,请留意每一个都要添置图样这样利于你的PPT 教学)柱状图BAR CHART饼状图PIE CHART坐标曲线图GRAPH2 图表作文的写作步骤:依据图表的要求一般可以分三段来写 第一段大体描述出图表反映的总的情形其次段是对数据进行比较和分析,并做出归纳,找出变化的缘由和结果可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_最终一段是写出自己的结论和建议3 例文Average number of hours of a student spends on the computer

7、per weeka. 图所示为 1990 年 1995 年 2022 年某校高校生使用运算机的情形, 请描述变化b. 请说明发生这些变化的缘由(可以从运算机的用途、价格、或社会进展等方面加以说明)c. 你认为目前高校生在运算机使用中有什么困难或问题.图略As the bar chart shows, the average number of a student in a certain university spent on the computer per week increased dramatically during the years of 1990 to 2022. as ea

8、rly as 1990, a student only spent one hour on average on the computer each week. Then five years later, the number increased four times.Finally in the year2022, an average student was sitting in front of the computer screen for as many as twenty hours every week.Several factors contribute to the sha

9、rp increase in the amount of timeemployed in computer use. First, the computer has variety of applications nowadays. Also, with the development of society, computer skills have become a must for employment. Finally, the gradually lowered price of computers makes it possible for the computer to find

10、its way to the common home. All thisresults in the boom of computer use.However, the computer may also cause some problems. The computer, in my opinion, may be addictive, the effect of which is not only physical, but also mental, turning the student inhuman as well as weak. So my principle is to use

11、 the computer, but do not overdo it.4 图表作文常用词组和句型a. 文章开头According to the table/ chart/ graph/ figures we can see that As is shown inthe table/ chart/ graph/ figures thatAs can be seen fromThe table/ chart/ graph/ figures shows thatIt can be seen fromWe can see fromthe table/ chart/ graph/ figures th

12、at It is clear fromIt is obvious fromb. 数据的描述上升:increase, rise, go up, grow, boom, be on the rise/ increase可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_下降:decrease, drop, fall, go down,稳固:remain steady/ stable fromtoThere is little/hardly any/ no change in the number of cars sold fromto/ betweenand达到最高点: the monthly pro

13、fitpeaked in December / reached a high point降到最低点:(the figures ) reached the bottom/ a low pointc. 表变化速度和程度的形容词和副词Slow, slight, gradual, steady, quick, fast, rapid, significant, vast, dramatic, sharp The number of increased dramatically/rose gradually/fell sharply from June toDecember.There was a ra

14、pid/ significant/slight increase/drop in the number offromto5. 例文 2Study the following table carefully and base your composition on the information given in the table.a. state the changes in peoples diet in the past five years;b. give possible reasons for the changes.c. Draw your own conclusions可编辑资

15、料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_图略 也是一个表格Changes in Peoples Diet可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_As can be seen fromthe table, great changes took place in peoples diet from 1986 to 1990.the composition of grain, fruit and vegetables decreased year by year whilethatof some high-energyfood,such as milkandmeat, increased s

16、teadily.Whywere there changed in peoples diet. There were two majorreasons.First,people couldaffordtobuymoreexpensive foodwithbetternutrition because of the improvement of their living standards. Second, people paid more attention tothe quality of their diet, becausethey knew it was of great benefit

17、 their health toeat in a scientific way.Therefore, they weretrying their bestto improve the structure of their food.From the above, we can see that peoples living standard improved greatlyin the five years between 1986 and 1990 since our country had been opened to investment, tradetechnicaland econo

18、mic cooperationwithothercountries on the basis of equality and mutual benefit. We can also expect that their life is sureto be more prosperous in the years to come.6. 例文 3Directions : study the graph below and write a composition of about 120words on “Fire Causes in London in the year 2022”. Your co

19、mposition should be basedon the information given in the graph.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_Your composition should be in 3 paragraphs:a. The first paragraph introduces the causesb. The second paragraph reports the information given the chartc. Thethirdparagraphconcludesthecompositionbygivingsome suggest

20、ions此为一个饼状图略Fire Causes in London in the year 2022Fire is one of the most terrible killers in London, as in other cities of the world. As can be seen from the chart above, careless smokers, defective insulations and children playing with matches are the three major causes of fires in that city.Inthe

21、 year 2022, many fireaccidents took place in London.Smokers were the biggest cause of all, which accounted for 50% of the fires. Another major factor was children playing with matches.They were responsible for 37.5%ofthefireincidents.Another12.5%ofthefiresresultedfrom defective insulation.From thech

22、art, we can conclude no matterwhat the type of fire was,careless seems to be the root cause. Therefore, smokers should be advised to be more careful with the cigarette ends. Besides, we need to keep a closer eye on ourchildrenand warnthem of the dangers of playingwithmatches. Workers should also be

23、instructed to take a good care of insulation.提纲式作文提纲式作文是历年四、六级考试中最常见的题型.它要求考生依据给出的题目和提纲,确定文章的中心思想,然后紧紧环绕中心思想绽开论述,表达提纲的主旨.它的优点是提纲既表达了文章的层次,又规定了各段大体的内容,为考生供应了一条思路,稍加摸索、方案、整理就可成文.但缺点它的限定性较大, 不懂得提放所呈现的内容或词汇,就会感到难以下笔.一、 写作步骤和技巧:1 写好提纲式作文的关键是仔细审题和分析所给的提纲,认清题目和提纲之间的关系,然后确定文章的主题、内容以及问题.即对文章总体的把握2 每一个提纲可以作为文

24、章的一个段落层次(全文3-5 段为佳),关键是将给定的提纲转化为主题句. 假如提纲学问对一文章的提示和概括,不是主题句,这学要依据提纲的性质写出完整的、表达提纲主旨的句子, 使之成为主题句3 然后环绕主题句进行扩展,运用材料支持主题句.材料可以是事实、例证、亲身经受、名人名言、谚语警句等.应当留意的是,所选材料要与文章的主 题相符,能充分说明问题.在有多个例证的段落中,仍要留意各个例证之间的连贯性.二、 审题和构思可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_My View on Job-hoppinga. 有些人始终喜爱从事一种工作,由于b. 有些人喜爱常常换工作,由于c. 我的看法显而易

25、见,这是一道提纲式的作文题.可以通过以下审题和构思过程完成这篇作文:1 分析题目和提纲可知,要写出“不换工作“的缘由,然后给出自己的看法, 重点是缘由和看法.2 依据提纲,文章可分三段,第一段是“喜爱做一种工作的“的缘由.其次段写出”喜爱常常换工作“的缘由.第三段”我的“看法.依据以上分析,可以把提纲转换为主题句如下 : some people tend to stick to their position all the time some people are different. They are in the habit of job-hopping. as faras Iamconc

26、erned,Iamnotinfavorofconstantjob-hopping.3 以材料支持各段主题句.第一段的材料可以是:喜爱那份工作的各种缘由: 有进展前途、工资高等.其次段常常“跳槽”的缘由:不能施展自己的才能,谋求更高的收入等.第三段也要说明缘由,并总结归纳,圆满结尾.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_三、 参考范文:My View on Job-hopping可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_Some people tend to stick to their positions all the time, as they think the long

27、er one works in a particular field, the more skillful one will be at it. Somehave been teachers alltheirlives. Some devote alltheirenergytoscientific research. Such people love their work and turn out to be specialists in their own fields. They are usually high achievers.Some are different. They are

28、 in the habit of job-hopping, for they always go after what isnew and stimulating.They never seemcontent withtheir present situations.Theyliketomeetmorepeople,makemoremoneyandnew acquaintances, so they hop from job to job.As far as I am concerned, I am not in favor of constant job-hopping. I believe

29、 in a famous proverb, “A rolling stone gathers no moss.”I want to be professionally strong. And I respect those who devote themselves to theiraffectionate jobs throughout their life.四、 四六级写作中常见的写作模式1 对立观点式(92/01, 92/12, 95/01, 96/01,98/06, 99/06,2022/06 )A 有人认为 X 是好事,为什么?B 有人认为 X 是坏事,为什么?C 我的看法模式 1S

30、ome people believe argue, recognize, thinkthat观点 1 becauseButother people take an opposite side. They firmly believe that观点 2. As for me, I agreeto the former/latter idea.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_There are a dozen of reasons behind my belief. First of all,论据 1. More importantly,论据 2.Most important of

31、 all,论据 3. In summary,OrFrom above, we can predict that模式 2People hold different views about X. some people are of the opinion that观点 , whileotherspointsoutthat观点 .Asfaras Iamconcerned,theformer/latter opinion holds more weight.For one thing,论据 1. For another,论据 2.Last but not least,论据 3. To conclud

32、e,总结观点.Or From above, we can predict that猜测.2 批驳式观点A. 一个错观点.B. 我不同意.Many people argue that 错误观点.By saying that, they mean 对这个观点的进一步说明. There might be some element of truth in these people s belief. But if we consider it in depth, we will feel no reservation to conclude that正确的观点. There are a number

33、of reasons behind my belief. 以下参照上文的写法 .3 社会问题现象式(93/01)A. 一个社会问题或现象及产生的缘由B. 对社会和我们的生活的影响C. 如何杜绝.(假如是问题的话)D. 前景的猜测.Nowadays, thereexists an increasinglyserious social/economic/environmental problem. X has increasingly become a common concern of the public. There are a couple of reasons booming this

34、problem/ phenomenon.Xhas caused substantialimpactonthesociety andourdailylife,whichis obvious in the following aspects.参照上文的写法.A dozen of measures are supposed to take to prevent X from bringing us more harm,参照上文的写法.Based on the above discussions, I can easily forecast that more and more people will

35、.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_4.书信作文( 02/01) 称呼: Dear Mr. President,Dear Mary,Dear Sir or Madam,开头:I am writing to you becauseI am writing to you in reference toI received your letterdays ago and I am writing to answer your inquiry about如是正式信件,不要用How are you .等口语化的句子.正文:陈述自己的观点,留意层次和条理,留意连接词的使用.结尾:最终一句或是

36、一段通常用来重申写信的目的.Complementaryclose:商业和公务信笺通常用YourssincerelyorSincerelyyours,私人信件可用 Best wishes.署名段落扩展练习Reading plays an important role in language learning.First, it can enlarge our vocabulary, widen our knowledge and review what we have already learned. Nest, reading is great help in improving our wr

37、iting ability.This is because, through reading, we can learn how to use words appropriately, how to achieve sentence consistency andparagraphcoherence as well.Andfinallythroughreading practice, we might get into good reading habit, master efficient reading sills and consequently improve our reading

38、comprehension ability.Writing Models for Band Four and Six1. 对立观点题型基本模式(一)客观列举对试题中的不同看法,再发表自己的见解Topic: 1有人认为2) 另一些人认为3) 我的看法Model 1Some people prefer to . In their opinion, AAA . In addition, . Nevertheless, nowadays, BBB has become more and more common.There are some people, especially some young m

39、en, who . Their reasons are different, sometimes for , sometimes for , and sometimes simply for .My own point of view is that BBB is a normal behavior in our society. There is no doubt that . As an old proverb goes“ ”.Model 2Different people have different views on AAA. Some people support AAA by可编辑

40、资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_claiming that .Some people, on the other hand, think differently. They say that . For example, .In my opinion, although everything has its positive and negative sides. I would like to agree to the former. . The reason goes as follows. For one thing, . For another thing, .Model 3

41、Peoples opinions on AAA vary from person to person. Some of them hold that AAA is right because .Nevertheless, other people prefer the view that BBB is better. They explain that .As far as I am concerned, my favor goes to the first view. . The following are the reasons of my choice. Firstly, .Second

42、ly, . In conclusion, .Model 4Some people prefer AAA. Usually they believe that . At the same time, . In addition, .On the other hand, others like BBB. The think that .Of these two ways of , I prefer . First of all, . Second .Model 5There is no consensus of opinion among people as to the view of AAA.

43、 Some people suggest that. .In contrast, some other people argue that in a sense . The reasonis that .As far as I am concerned, I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that . For example, .In conclusion, I believe that .Model 6When being asked about AAA, different people will offer d

44、ifferent answers. Some people think that .However, other hold that .As to me, I m in favour of the latter one.The reason can be seen easily, . A case in point is that .In conclusion, .基本模式(二):给出一个主题,请考生依据提示仅就其某一方面论述观点,强调考生态度.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_Topic: 1有人认为2 我认为(我的理由)Model 7Some people believe t

45、hat .for example, theythink . And it will bring them .In my opinion, I never think this reason can be the point. For one thing, . For another thing, .From all what I have said, I agree to the thought that Model 8Some people take it for granted that . They oftern neglect the fact that .Therefore, my attitude for this matter is positive. The reasons are just as follows.First, .what s more, . And at last, .In conclusion, .2. 解决方法题型Topic: 1问题现状2) 怎么解决(解决方案的优缺点)Model 9Although AAA has


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