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1、Go for it Unit1 My names Gina.,宁波市翠柏中学陈程,新目标英语七年级上备课资料(四),本单元是Go for it初一年级上册的起始单元。新的环境学生渴望认识新的老师和同学,所以本单元出现的核心话题Greeting是非常合适的。本单元的主题为认识新朋友(包括朋友的姓名、电话号码等,以及中英文姓名表达方法的不同之处),并自然地引出语法项目-若干代词的用法。本单元计划3课时:第一课时(Page 1-Page 2),要求学生基本知道本班同学的姓名(包括中英文姓名)及如何认识新朋友;第二课时(Page 3),要求学生了解中英文名字的区别;第三课时(Page 4-Page 5

2、),在复习数字的基础上,要求学生能制作朋友的通讯录。在此,教师要为学生营造良好的学习英语的氛围,鼓励学生在新的环境下运用体验、实践、讨论、合作、探究等方式,发展听、说、读、写等综合语言技能。教学中可设计一些贴近学生生活及能激发学生兴趣而积极参与的任务,使任务更具有真实性。,单元分析,分课分析,第一课时: Page1-Page2为Section1,通过新学期伊始第一堂课学生间的互相认识,要求学生掌握本课重点句型:Whats your/his/ her name? My /His/ Her name is . 及Nice to meet you .等。并基本熟悉本班同学的英文姓名及学生较熟悉的国内

3、外体育明星及著名人物的英文姓名。 1、教学重点: (1)词汇:your,my,his,her,name,what,is,meet,nice,Im, Whats等。及Jenny,Gina,Tony,Tom等名。 (2)日常交际用语:Whats your /his/ her name? Nice to meet you. (3)语法:了解缩略形式What is =Whats, I am=Im等,初步了解代词my,your,his,her的用法(此知识可在今后学习中进一步巩固)。 2、教学难点: 1)掌握词汇; 2)掌握基本英文姓名的读法; 3)掌握Greeting的基本句型。,第二课时,Page3

4、为Section 2,本课通过讨论中英文姓名的区别,帮助学生了解中西方文化的差异,并要求学生在此基础上制作本人的ID card。 1、教学重点: 1)词汇:first name , last name, boy , girl等, 及Green , Jack等名。 2)日常交际用语:Whats your /his/ her first(last / family )name? 3)语法:比较中英文姓名的不同之处。 2、教学难点: 1)中英文姓名的区别; 2)男女姓名的区别; 3)制作本人的ID card。,第三课时,Page4- Page6)为Section 3,本课是复习课,复习小学学过的数字

5、0-9,复习姓名的表达法,复习Greeting等,并在此基础上制作朋友的通讯录。 1、教学重点: 1)词汇:zero , one , twoeight , nine , telephone , number , ID card , family name , etc. 2)日常交际用语:Whats your /his/ her telephone number? 2、教学难点: 1)电话号码的表达法; 2)制作朋友的通讯录。,任务特点,在本单元的教学活动中,每课都围绕一个中心任务而进行。 1.第一课时(Section 1)认识新朋友,并让学生排全班同学的座位表(英文名)。 2.第二课时(Sec

6、tion 2)帮助学生了解中西文化的差异,能制作本人的ID card。 3.第三课时(Section 3)让学生制作朋友的通讯录。,教学原则,(一)运用任务型的教学途径,培养学生综合语言运用能力。 (二)在教学中突出交际性,注重情景的真实性与实用性。要进行情感和策略调整,以积极的学习态度,促进语言实际运用能力的提高。 (三)坚持“教师为主导,学生为主体,任务为基础”的教学原则。,其中第一课时主要培养学生的听、说能力;第二课时主要培养学生的说、读能力;第三课时运用多种手段对学生进行听、说、读、写全方位的训练。,教学目标,语言技能目标:培养学生良好的听、说、读、 写的能力,1 能熟知课文中出现的英

7、文姓名。掌握和运用新的词汇及相关用法。 2 能运用所学的句型,进行真实交际,做到学以致用。 3 能结合教师所给的任务,综合地运用知识解决问题。,语言知识目标:学习和掌握本单元的语言基础知识。,1、通过学生的互相认识,培养学生广交朋友及和谐相处的品质。 2、通过中英文姓名的对比,让学生了解中外文化的差异。 3、通过开展采访或小组活动,互相帮助,培养协作意识,培养交际能力。,情感态度目标:保持积极的学习态度,主动参与, 乐于合作,保持和提高学习兴趣。,学习策略目标:有效使用学习策略,把握学 习方向,提高学习效益。,1、认真做好预习及教师布置的课前任务。 2、利用Internet或其他手段收集国内外

8、明星(包括体育界、娱乐界)及著名人物的图片及其英文名,供上课小组活动使用。 3、通过小组讨论、采访、调查、竞赛等多种形式,确立在用中、做中、交流中学习英语的思想。,1、通过了解中英文名字的区别,培养和提高学生对中外文化差异的敏感性和鉴别能力,加深对本国文化的理解和认识,培养学生的世界观意识,以及初步的跨文化交际能力。,文化意识目标:了解和尊重文化差异, 恰当作出反应。,教学总体设计,(一)创设情景,营造氛围,激发兴趣。培养学生实际运用英语的能力及交际能力。,1、第一课时:通过教师与学生以及学生与学生之间的认识与采访,获悉并熟悉彼此的英文姓名;并能制作全班同学的座位表。同时让学生展示各自在课前搜

9、集的国内外明星及著名人物的图片,让其他学生猜出其姓名,加深对英文名字的认识。 2、第二课时:课前让学生准备好若干著名人物的假面具,以便在课堂上让学生戴上面具扮演此人,运用句型进行交友。同时,通过Team competition的形式,搞一个“记忆库”活动,比一比谁能最多地记住英文姓名,也可采用名字接龙游戏,以一个名字的末字母作为下一个首字母,比哪一小组接得多。eg:Alan , Nick , Kim等。 3 、第三课时:熟练运用数字。可通过熟悉电话号码、车牌号、学号及生活中常用号码(如119,120,110等)等来加深记忆。并且课前让学生准备好自己亲友的照片,制作好并展示亲友的通讯录。,(二)

10、采用“任务型”的教学方法,培养学生综合语言 运用能力。,1、任务: 第一课时:认识新朋友,制作全班同学的座位表(英文名)。 第二课时:制作本人的ID card。 第三课时:制作亲友的通讯录。 2、目标:通过认识朋友,交流了解个人信息,学生通过调查、采 访,可以训练如何用所学语言获取信息的技能并在实际生活中 进行真实交际的能力。 3、材料: 1)一些著名球星、影星及歌星的照片。 2)一些著名人物的图片,制成面具。 3)若干亲友的照片,若干生活中常用电话号码的图片(急救、 报警、火灾等)。,4、技能:Listening , speaking , reading and writing 5、操作过程

11、: 1)教师与学生交谈,了解学生以前的英文名(如在第一课时教学时,可通过师生间的认识,彼此互通英文名,若干学生以前不曾用过英文名,可为之取名并今后使用)。 2)教师布置任务并提出具体要求;(如第一课时教学前,可让学生收集有关著名球星、影星等的照片;以及第二课时前让学生制成上述人物的假面具,以便课堂上进行交际时使用)。 3)学生分组讨论、采访并派代表向全班作调查报告;(如以小组为单位,采访各小组成员的姓名及电话号码并向全班汇报本组成员的个人资料)。,(三)面向全体学生,关注学生的全面发展。,开展经常性的二人、四人及大组的小组活动,以好帮差,互帮互学,全班共处,共同进步,培养团队精神。,评价工具:

12、评价注意形成性评价与终结性评价的有 机结合,并特别重视形成性评价的激 励作用与终结性评价的导向作用。,(一)课中的竞赛得分评价语言和活动质量。 (二)课前、后作业,小组合作情况的打分,评 价学习效果、语言运用质量和学习策略。 (三)单元考试检测语言点和知识点技能的掌握情况。,Section 1,Main Task:The Ss make new friends in the class; and can make a seat table of the whole class. 1、Task 1(before class):Collect the photos of some famous p

13、eople (including football stars, film stars, and politicians) 2、Task 2(in class): Interview:To know each other by interviewing the members of his / her group, report the information of the group member. Guessing game:guess the famous people. Making a seat table of the whole class 3、Task 3(after clas

14、s):Remember English names weve learned as many as possible.,Teaching Steps,Step 1. Warming-up. Greeting(say hello between the teacher and the Ss). Chatting(sing ABC song to enliven the atmosphere of the class). Step 2. Language input. The teacher is chatting with the students: Hello / Hi! / Im / my

15、names Cindy. Whats your name? (Let the Ss tell the teacher their own English names. If someone doesnt have , choose names for them ). Nice to meet you . ( Teach above expressions to ask the Ss to make new friends ).,Step 3. Interviewing Group work: Interview the members of his / her group, and fill

16、in the blanks. Then ask one to report the information of the group member. (句型:Whats your name? Nice to meet you.) Report:Im . My friend is . Step 4 . Listening and arranging. Listen and number the conversation(1a). Step 5. Practice. Practise the conversation (1a), then meet other students in their

17、class.,Step 6. Game 1. Guessing game: Ask some students to show the famous persons, let others guess the name of these persons by using:Is he/she ? Each student has three chances to guess. Then see which group is the winner. 2. Teaching Whats his / her name? His / Her name is by using the photos of

18、the students in the class. Then work in three to make a dialogue: A:Whats his name? B:His name is A:Hi , nice to meet you. C:Nice to meet you.,Step 7. Listening. Listen and circle the names. (2a). Step 8. Make a seat table. The Ss collect the names of the class, and make a seat table of the whole cl

19、ass. Step 9. Homework. Remember English names as many as possible and some interrelated exercises.,Section 2,Main Task:Make the Ss own ID card. 1. Task 1(before class):Make some false front(假面具) of the famous people. 2. Task 2(in class): act as famous people to meet the students in class. make the S

20、s own ID card. 记忆库(Remember English names as many as possible, see who knows the most names). 接龙游戏。,Step 1. Warming-up 1. Greeting. 2. Chatting. Whats your /his/ her name? Hi / Hello ! Nice to meet you. 3. Calling the students names. The teachers says “Who is Jenny /Tom ?” Let the students say:Im he

21、re /Tom is here.,Teaching steps.,Step 2. Presentation. The teacher asks the Ss to put on their false front to act as famous persons, and say(for example):Today some friends come to our school. This is Jacky Zhang(张学友), Then the famous persons introduce themselves to the class:Hello, my names (first

22、name + family name). The Ss welcome them. Let the Ss know the difference between English names and Chinese names. Then make a short dialogue between the Ss and the famous people, let them know each other.,Step 3 Making own ID card. Let the Ss make their own ID cards(including first name and last nam

23、e). First Name:_ Last Name:_ Step 4 Distinguish names. 1. Let the Ss tell first names from family names by doing exercise in the book(3a). 2. Tell boys names from girls names.,Last Name,First Name,Last Name,First Name,Girls,Boys,Step 5. Name Game(记忆库) 1.Competition:list names as many as possible, se

24、e which group gets the most names. S1:My name is Jenny Green. S2:Her name is Jenny Green. My name is Tony White. S3:Her name is Jenny. His name is Tony White. My name is Jim King. 2. 接龙游戏(以前一名字的末字母为后一名 字的首字母来接名字) eg:S1:Nick S2:Kim S3:Mary Step 6. Homework,1.Task 1(before class):思考:Whats the use of n

25、umbers?(数字的用途) 2.Task 2(in class): 交流课前任务所得,数字的用途(车牌号、电话号码、音乐、计算等) Read car numbers and tell each other his row / team / student number. Tell their phone numbers. Know some useful phone numbers:119, 110, etc. Make their friends and relatives address books. 3.Task 3(after class):composition:以“My frie

26、nd and I”为题写一篇短文。,Section 3,Main task: Make their friends and relatives address books,Step 1. Warming-up 1.Greeting 2.Chatting Revise numbers from 0-9 and 9-0. Each number stands for one note. Let the Ss say and sing each number, eg:0:休止符;1:哆;2来;3:咪. Let the Ss read car / bus / bike numbers. Let the

27、 Ss tell each other their row / team / students numbers.,Step 2. Language input The teacher teaches telephone numbers by showing a telephone and a dialogue: A:Hello! 586-9773? B:Hello! This is Jacky. Whos that? A:Linda is speaking. B:Hi, Linda. Is Tom in? A:Oh, sorry, hes out. B:OK, I see. Bye! A:By

28、e! Ask:What number is it in the dialogue? (Its a telephone number.) Whats her telephone number?,Step 3. Practice. Group work:Whats your his / her / phone number? Step 4. Listening. Listen to some phone numbers, ask the Ss to say them. Step 5. Guessing. Show some useful pictures, let the Ss guess the

29、 phone numbers which are used in these conditions.(121气象、120急救、110报警、119火警、114询问,122事故处理) What number should we dial?,Step 6. Making an address book,Name:_ First name:_ Last name:_ Telephone number:_,(ask their classmates or friends or relatives their phone numbers, then make an address book ),Step 7. Homework Composition:Writing a composition: 以“My friend and I ”为题写一篇短文。,Thank you!,


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