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1、精品_精品资料_21 个你不能回避的雅思口语问题1. 口语 7 分是一个什么样的概念2. 口语和写作能一起预备吗,复习资料能共用吗?3. 口语常犯的语法错误有哪些?4. 有腔调是不是就不能拿高分了,纯正的英式或美式重要吗,平常怎么订正语音问题?5. 口语可以速成吗,有捷径吗?6. 要信任口语猜测吗?怎么利用口语猜测?7. 平常应当怎么预备口语了?什么样的方法才是好方法?8. 平常要多看美剧,多听BBC ,多读英文报纸吗?9. 要把全部的雅思问题都预备.10. Part 1 是不是回答一两句话就可以了11. Part 2 topics 是不是肯定要事先预备才能说得好了12. Part 3 应当怎

2、么预备了,怎么说才能拿高分了?13. 口语有模版吗?14. 预备口语要多少词汇啊?15. 预备口语需要像作文那样背句型吗?16. 在口语考试中,对于某个问题,万一脑海一片空白怎么办,怎么才能防止卡壳?17. 我们需要什么样的思维模式去回答疑题?18. 我们应当怎样挑选合适的参考书?19. 陪练的 Partner 重要吗?万一没有怎么办?20. 和外国人练口语就肯定有效吗?是不是在中国就不能练好英文?21. 考点考官(特殊是考官的性别)等非可控因素对分数有substantive influence 吗?a. 雅思口语 7 分是一个什么样的概念以下为雅思口语 7 分的标准Fluency and c

3、oherencespeaks at length without noticeable effort or loss of coherencemay demonstrate language-related hesitation at times, or some repetition and/or self-correction uses a range of connectives and discourse markers with some flexibility用最简洁的中文懂得就是:顺其自然,感觉在谈天.也就是说,核心词是:自然.其实,想想平常谈天说话的时候,我们也会有时徘徊一下,

4、 也会有时重复使用某个词儿,也会有时自我更新一下发音,但这都是基于一种顺其自然的、甚至是一种本能的自我调整.所以,基 于这种判定,在进考场之前,请你们不断给自己一个心理示意:我又不是上法庭答辩,又不是开记者款待会,我来不就是跟你这个破老外聊谈天嘛;任何一个正常的人都会说错话,都会用错字眼,都会重复使用某些词,但这完全不代表我们的口头表达才能有问题.Lexical resourceuses vocabulary resource flexibly to discuss a variety of topicsuses some less commonand idiomaticvocabularan

5、d shows some awareness ofstyleand collocation, with some inappropriate choicesuses paraphrase effectively用最简洁的中文懂得就是:用词到位,说明清晰.在这里,我想说的一点是:请你不要把口可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_语当成写作, 请你不要写作用的大词搬到口语中来,这是很要命的. 说话是否有魅力不在于你是否使用了什么 之乎者也 的大词, 而在于你是否清晰的呈献出你想表达的思维规律.不光是英文,中文也是如此, 请你想想为什么郎咸平教授的演讲那么有魅力那么受观众的青睐,他从来不说

6、什么高深的、xx主义 之类的理论,却又能用很简洁的语言去很好的表达了那些理论所包蕴的内在规律,就连七八十岁的老太太都听得懂他说的是什么.这话扯远了, 我想说的是, 请你不要第一焦急背什么词汇,用什么句型. 这不是写作, 这是口语; 关键是 先有观点, 再有词汇 ,然后顺着 复杂中文 - 简洁中文 -简洁英文 - 复杂英文 的思路来组织语言. 单词当然重要, 但它确定不能阻碍我们的摸索和表达,更加不能为了用某个词而让 我们的观点妥协了.在下文我会一个一个topic 的分析,到底我们需要什么样的词汇,怎么铺排这些词汇Grammatical range and accuracyuses a rang

7、e of complex structures with some flexibilityfrequently produces error-free sentences, though some grammatical mistakes persist用最简洁的中文懂得就是:句式结构多样性和答应语法错误.请留意, 这里的句式结构多样性没有写作的那样复杂.本人觉得在句子结构多样性方面,你可以着重从并列句,转折句,定语从句,状语从句(的点状语从句,时间状语从句),宾语从句,虚拟语气(特殊是if Iwas/were ,I wou和ld without , I)w,表ou语ld从句例如:the re

8、ason behind this situation is that.,被动语态等方面努力.请你尽量少用、甚至不要用强调句,主语从句,同位语从句等句型, 由于这些句式太简洁导致自己思维错乱和表达不清.其实说实在的, 在悉尼高校上了三年的课,也没见多少教授喜爱运用复杂句型来讲课.简洁句(主语+谓语 +宾语)永久都应当是口语的主角.至于常见的语法无非就是如下三种:没有区分名词单复数, 没有留意动词单复数和时态,错用 he 和 she.只要克服这三个最基本也是最最最主要的语法错误,老外就会默认你没有语法 错误了.Pronunciationshows all the positive features

9、 of Band 6 and some, but not all, of the positive features of Band 8Band 8uses a wide range of pronunciation featuressustains flexible use of features, with only occasional lapsesis easy to understand throughout; L1 accent has minimal effect on intelligibilityBand 6uses a range of pronunciation feat

10、ures with mixed control shows some effective use of features but this is not sustainedcan generally be understood throughout, though mispronunciation of individual words or sounds reduces clarity at timesb. Part 1+Part 2+Part 3PART1:这个阶段主要是一个让考生热身warm-up ,让考官初步明白考生gainfirst impression from candidate

11、s 的过程.这个部分的核心词是:description . 考官想测试你一下可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_对客观事物的英文描述才能,也就是说that is to say,考官问的绝大数问题都是你的所见所闻,你要做的就是一五一十的排列和陈述.简洁来说,这部分的重点就是说说家常,聊聊生活 .PART 2:这个阶段开头处于一个过渡阶段,核心词是:description+explanation .卡片的设计都是从 what, who, where, when 过渡到 how & why . 许多烤鸭包括许多中国老师都认为,在这个 section 里面最为重要的就是回答卡片的最终一个问

12、题,也就是explain .根据他们的规律,假如只顾着回答前面的what, who, when, where的问题而没来及说how & why ,分数必定被拉低. 事实是这样吗?实践是检验真理的唯独标准practice is the sole criterion for testingtruth .在回答 Part 2 卡片题的时候都没来得及或者没答完最终那个问题就被考官打住了.但这不阻碍我拿到 7 分以上. 所以我总结得出, 重点不是你是否机械般的把题目回答完, 而是你是否把全部的问题整合一个属于你的故事, 整理出一个很清晰的脉络. 简洁来说, 这部分的重点是 说说故事,聊聊感想 .PART

13、 3:这个阶段已经过渡到需要你的 explanation 了.这个部分毫无疑问是抢分的黄金机会,也是露家底的时候.假如说, part 2 topics 仍能事先预备的话,那么这部分的问题大部分都是即兴的,互动的,弹性的.要把这部分的题目提前预备,几乎不行能,或者说是,大海捞针 just like looking for a needle in a haystack,事倍功半 get half the results with twice theeffort .这里的重点是说明说明.通常说明说明分为: 举例子说明 use an example to illustrate , 分析前因后果inte

14、rpretthe cause and effect 和纵向横向比较compareinverticaland/orhorizontaldirection .点不需要多,但肯定要深化,合理,有规律.所以我认为这部分的重点是 说说道理,聊聊影响 .DescriptionExplanation其实说了这么多都是纸上谈兵,关键要落到实处. 所以接着了, 我准备具体到每个板块当中具体说明如何预备雅思口语.假如你想考好雅思口语, 你想真正的提高英语口语,请你平常多一点用英语联想, 多一点自言自语, 多一点自问自答, 多一点尝试用英语去回忆和复述你每一天的生活.有没有好的partners,有没有英语环境,有没

15、有老外伴侣等等这些要素都不是打算性的.关键是从这一刻起indulge yourself in English以下内容并不是答案,只是给大家展现一个“从 stories 到 topics ”的联想过程,但是我觉得这个过程比背答案仍要重要得多得多.但愿大家能在此找到共鸣resonance,唤起你们对生活的启示和感想 reflections.假如你只想要答案的话,请你直接跳过这部分,我也不想铺张你的时间.家庭生活篇一说到家庭,确定是由人和住宅所构成,由感情和责任所牵引.这个不废话了,在这样一个定义域里,我们能联想多少个可能的线索你.以下为我的浮翩乱想(基本根据亲身经受+普世价值的思路)家庭意味着什么

16、? 幸福的 - happyI will never have to worry about the issues of food and clothingno matter what I want to pursue, they always financially as well as spiritually support me可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_they always share their life experience with methey always provide me with the best growing environmenteven t

17、hey have troubles or encounter adversity, they always wear a warm smile on their face.Never let me worry about their personal affairs暖和的 - warmwhenever I feel frustrated, they always give me a lot of words of encouragement;I always obtain physical as well as spiritual support and encouragement from

18、my parents; they always give priority to concern about what I need;宽容的 - tolerantbe tolerant of my faults;always give me a chance to correct the mistakes I make; I have never gotten a scolding 挨骂 from my parents;they never feel disappointed with my poor performance in study;there are no mistakes in

19、the world, but only lessons;to their minds, the more mistakes I make, the more progress I will achieve 相互懂得和敬重的- mutual understanding and respectwe always treat each other in a respectful waysometimes we may have a divergence of views in some typical issues, but this is not going to preventing us fr

20、om drawing on collective wisdom and absorbing all useful ideas from each other although there is a generation gap between my parents and I, we still enjoy a harmonious family atmosphere舒服的 - comfortableI always enjoy the peaceful environment when back home from work or studyalthough my bedroom is no

21、t decorated with luxious ornament, it is always fullofmy happy memoryIt is a place where I can forget about all the troubles I have and get rid of any annoying things以上就是我对对于 家庭 的联想,其实仍有许多,我就不一一列举了.平常在我们预备雅思口语的时候, 我觉得吧,应当多做这样的联想,从一两个单词开头,尝试用英语去说明它的具体意义, 尝试结合自己的亲身经受去描述一个深刻的内容.为什么要这样做了?为的就是当我们在考试中遇到卡壳

22、的时候,能够立刻调动一两句平常已经有深刻体会的、看起来commonsense 的、 却又无懈可击 的话,尽可能让自己在夹缝中有充分的时间去摸索,去调整,去组织语言.接着,我们需要找到具体的载体来充实上面所说的普世价值 ,也就是我们要联系具体的人, 物和事.父亲 father- 工作 例如: workforthe government,lawyer,doctor - 庄重 serious,take everythingseriously,nottake/playajoke- 认 真 严 谨 doeverythingbased onrigorous standards-对孩子要求严格 be str

23、ict with what I do-望子成龙 hold high expectation for his child- 对孩子的不良行为很愤怒be angry with his childs misbehavior例如:沉迷电脑嬉戏indulge himself with computer games;不做作业 lazy in doing homework;说谎 tell a lie;早恋puppy love-代沟 generation gap between father and son- 人生观不一样 have a divergence of outlook on life-冲突吵架 m

24、ay easily quarrel with each other, even for trivial things-动身点是爱孩子 all he does is for our own good-有责任感 hold responsibility for the growing up of可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_his child- 做事仔细, 不怕困难, 不轻易舍弃 never easily give up no matter what he does; in his life dictionary, you cannt find the word give up-

25、为我树立榜样 set a good example for me- 崇拜 admire him most- 勉励我前行 stimulate me to progress and achieve my goal- 爸爸也需要孩子的照料 we need take good care of him- 变老变弱 getting older and may easily sufferfrom chronic diseases- 我们即将出国,见面削减,因此有点愧疚 once I make a decision to go aboard, that means we cannot fuifill our

26、own responsibilty in family care. Sometimes I feel sorrythat I cannot spend more time in alleviating his heavy burden from family- 方案生育 one child policy, no sibling- 爸爸思念孩子 He miss me a lot even though he does not look like that 母亲 mother- 家庭主妇 household lady- 学历不高 didnt receive higher education-但为人

27、爱护considerate, thoughtful- 和气可亲的 amiable, affable- 勤劳的 industrious- 好厨师 the best cook- 熟 悉 各 种 菜 式 beskillfulincookingdifferenttypesoffood- 用 心 withgreat consideration- 善于搭配菜式 she is a expert in combiningappropriate amount of meat and vegetable together- 好味道的 tasty, delicious- 健康的 healthy, wholesome

28、- 总是为我供应良好的成长环境 always provide me with a good growing environment-不让我操劳家庭的大小事务 never let me worry about family affair-无私的 selfless- 总是勉励我 always support andencourage me-只想我过得高兴幸福 live a happy life- 出国后思念妈妈 miss my mum- 体会到生活有多么的不简洁it is the firsttime forme to realise how difficultto maintain a daily

29、life- 自己要变得独立become physicallyand psychologicallyindependent- 学会关怀别人learnto show concerns forthe people around me- 努力学习 study hard- 有自己的事业stuggle for a promising future- 不让妈妈扫兴 never let her down对应题目Part1:关于家庭成员的问题 例如父母各自的工作 .关于 cooking 问题 谁负责煮饭,怎么煮, 学会煮饭重要吗 .关于 housework 问题平常谁负责打扫卫生,学会做家务对于孩子来说重要吗

30、Part2: describe a familymember, describe a person you admire most, describe an important advice,describe a movie由于我不喜爱看电影,所以我会挑选父亲这一角度为切入口,编一部电影叫做 MY FATHER AND I- 代沟 , describe your favorite song/ describe a song youheard in your childhood 世上只有妈妈好 , describe a change of life 出国后懂得关怀父母 , describe an

31、 old personpart3: 关于代沟,关于责任,关于老年人照料问题关于假日What do you usually do during holidays. And what you dont do during holidays.Usually I will go out to visit some fun spots with my parents, or hang out with my friends, or play sports. Whatever I do, I try to relax myself.Do you think holidays are important t

32、o our lives.Absolutely.Holidays are like when we can get away from our daily grind and have some timeout y,ou know when we check out fun spots, hang out withfriends and play sportswithout having to constantly worry about getting our work done. They are just so cool可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_ Whatre you

33、r favorite leisure activities.Well, my leisure activity is reading electronic newspapers via internet. Through reading the news, I can get access to up-to- date information about my hometown. It has become an indispensable part of my daily life. Reading the electronic newspaper is also a good way to

34、 relax from work. What did you do on last weekend.Last weekend, I went to UTS library to prepare for IELTS test with my friends. It was effective to practicespoken Englishwitha partner so thathe can pickup mygrammarmistakes or pronunciation problem. We also had a big dinner in the evening in China t

35、own.Do you like going to a party.Basically, I am not a party animal.I prefer to stay at home rather than go out for socializing. I know somehow partyingprovides people with a good platformto socializewiththose from different social and cultural background. But if the party is an important one, for e

36、xample, my best friend birthday party or annual parties from work, I am happy to attend.Do you like family parties or parties thrown by friends.Well, I do like friend parties more than family parties. You know, there is a obvious generation gap between parents and children. Althoughwe both care abou

37、t other very much, sometimes I can only share my happiness and sorrows with my friends. That is because we have similar experience, and share similar interest. In friend parties, I can enjoy more freedom. I can talk what I want toand I do not have to be overcautious about what I behave.关于旅行Do you li

38、ke traveling.Yes I do. Travelling is always a nice thing for me. Travelling can enable me to release stress from study and work and temporarily get rid of some annoying daily routine. Every time I finished my journey, I was full of spirit and energy. Also, travelling is a good way to widen my mind a

39、nd know more about other culture.Where did you travel to in your latest trip.My latest trip was to Beijing.I was quite fascinated about the places of historicalinterest in Beijing, like the Forbidden City, the summer palace and the Great Wall. Also the food in Beijingwas quite tasty. Especially the

40、roasted duck, it always makes my mouth watering.How long was the longest trip you took.My longest trip was to Beijing in last year. I stayed in Beijing for two weeks. Beijing is a special city. There are a lot of places of historical interests, such as the forbidden city, the summer palace, the grea

41、t wall and so on.What re the advantages of traveling by air. Do you think air travel is important to us.It sure is. It s convenient, comfortable and fun. Some people are concerned about its safety but according to statistics air travel is actually safer than car rides.可编辑资料 - - - 欢迎下载精品_精品资料_Which c

42、ountry do you plan to go to.Well, I am quite lookingforwardto travellingthe USA.You know, there are many amazing traveling spot in America, such as Disney theme park in los Angeles, luxurious l . zjur.i.s hotels and casinos in Las Vegas, and the famous Wall street in New York. As long as I find a st

43、able job here, I will go to the US.关于旅行的补充句子Travelling not only teaches you about other cultures, but it also teaches you more about yourself and your own culture. After all, only from the outside can you look back in.Travelling has a lasting impact on world view, self confidence and maturity. This

44、experience will be life-transforming.You can immerse yourself in the local culture.关于运动What sports do you play at school. / What do you do to improve your fitness.I used to play football, badminton, table tennis when I was in high school in China. When I came here, I love swimming.The sports centre

45、in the Universityof Sydney is quite good. It has an Olympic-standard swimming pool. I usually go swimming with my friends when class is over.What re your favorite sports.My favourite sport is badminton. It is a great sport for all-round fitness. Playing badminton not only gives a huge number of heal

46、th benefits but also keeps me feeling well, strong and motivated. It can help in coping with anxiety and stress and offers a release from the pressures of everyday life. What sports did you play when you were a child.I used to play football, badminton and table tennis when I was a child.What were the differences between sports played by boys and sports played by girls.Boys tend to more active than girls. They like playing extreme sports because those sports help them to build up their muscle.Girls prefer to play more gentle sports like Yoga and aerobics


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