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1、-综英英翻中-第 7 页IEC1-031. I see such a difference in New York City, for example, from when I first moved here more than 20 years ago: people rushing into elevators without giving those inside a chance to get off first, never saying “Thank you” when others hold a door open for them, or “Please” when they

2、 want a coworker to hand them something, never giving a wave or nod of appreciation when another motorist lets them pull out into traffic.譬如,我在纽约就看到这样的差别,与我20多年前刚搬来时大不相同了:人们蜂拥走进楼梯,却没有让电梯里的人先出来;别人为他开门时,从来不说“谢谢”;需要同事给他递东西时,从来不说“请”;当其他开车人为他们让道时,也从不挥手或点头表示谢意。2. Havent you noticed that the kindest, most

3、generous people seem to keep getting prettier? 难道你没有注意到那些最和蔼、最慷慨的人似乎越来越漂亮吗?3. The note was lovely enough, but even lovelier was the fact that the guest had also included a recipe for a dish Id complimented her on at an earlier gathering. 那封短信已经够可爱的了,然而更加可爱的是这位客人还在信中附上了一道小菜的制作方法,那是在前一次聚会时我对她大加赞赏的一道菜。

4、4. Being on time for lunch dates, for example, shows the person were meeting that we value his or her precious time as much as we do our own.准时赴约和他人共进午餐是向对方表示:我们珍惜自己的时间,也同样珍惜他/她的时间。5. we cant be truly stylish without good manners.没有了礼貌,我们就不可能变得真正时尚。6. I think of good manners as a sort of hidden beau

5、ty secret.我认为良好的礼貌是一种内在美的秘方。7.Like wearing a little lipstick or making sure your hair is neat, getting into the habit of saying “Thank you” can make you feel better about yourself, and then you look better to everyone around you. A gracious manner not only sets an excellent example for your children

6、 and grandchildren but it adds priceless panache to your image.正像是出门前涂上一点口红或整理好自己的头发一样,养成习惯说声“谢谢你”能使你自我感觉更好些, 这样, 你在周围人眼中的形象也更好些。风度翩翩的举止不仅为子孙们树立了优秀的榜样,而且为自己的形象也增添了无限风采。8. . If you feel like a feel because youve put off sending a card, write a note that says, “I should have done this two weeks ago, b

7、ut I didnt want to let another day go by without telling you how much I enjoyed your party.”如果你感觉已经拖延着没有及时寄出卡片的话,那就在卡上写下这句话吧:“我本该两周前给你寄这张卡的,却一直拖到今天。但我一天也不想再耽搁了,我想告诉你参加你的晚会我真的非常开心。”9. . Just because his job is to carry my bags doesnt mean he doesnt appreciate a little gesture that makes his life a we

8、e bit easier.他的本职工作就是给我拎行李,但这并不意味着他不会感激你帮他做这个可以使他的生活变得更容易一些的小举动。10. Similarly, bringing home the most insignificant little presents for people you cherish will go a long way. 同样,为你所爱的人带回微不足道的小礼物也是件意义非同一般的事情。这表明你在想着他们而且希望他们快乐。11. Now, if we could just get everyone to catch them! 现在,如果我们让每个人都能受到感染做到礼貌

9、行事该有多好呀!IEC1-071. Oh, Lord, I thought, this is it! 哦,上帝呀,我想要出事了。2. Somehow I managed to unbolt the door and scramble out. 我想方设法打开门,爬了出去。3. As I lunged toward my seat, passengers looked up at me with the stricken expressions of creatures who know they are about to die. 当我冲向我的座位时,乘客们抬头看我,满脸惊恐。这种表情只有那些

10、知道自己马上就要死的人才有。4. She had won a trip to England by competing in a high school geography bee and was supposed to make a connecting flight when we landed in Newark. 她在一次高中地理竞赛中获胜,赢取去英国旅游的机会,本应该在新沃克着陆后换乘其他航班。5. When he was done, the voice of a flight attendant came on, reminding us of the emergency proc

11、edures she had reviewed before takeoff.当他一说完,又传来了乘务员的声音,提示我们飞机起飞前她给我们讲解过的紧急应变步骤。6. always figuring that if we ever got to the point where we needed to use life jackets. 一向认为如果到了需要穿上救生衣的时候7.I reached for her hand and reassured her that we were going to make it. 我伸出手去握住了她的手,安慰她我们会渡过难关的。8.She must have

12、 seen how scared I was and reached over. 她一定看到了我有多害怕,就把她的手伸了过来。9.I was sure that even if I survived the plane crash, Id have a couple of broken fingers from all the TLC. 我敢说,就算我在飞机失事中逃过一劫,我也会因为她温柔、爱护和关心的触摸而弄断一两根手指头。10. The point is not to pay back kindness but to pass it on. 关键不是报答这种善举,而是传递与发扬善举。11.

13、 As I lunged toward my seat, passengers looked up at me with the stricken expressions of creatures who know they are about to die.我踉踉跄跄想座位冲过去时, 乘客们抬起头来望着我, 满脸惊恐,似乎感到死期已到。12. I was ready to faint, but when I saw the face of the girl next to me, I pulled myself together我快昏过去了, 但是一看到身旁女孩的脸, 我稳住了自己的情绪。1

14、3. Among the many feelings going through my head during those excruciating 20 minutes was pride pride in how well everybody on board was behaving. 在那痛苦难熬的20分钟里,我脑海里思绪万千, 但其中不乏自豪之情为飞机上所有人都表现得那么出色而感到自豪。13. I remember the passengers on that fateful, lucky flight and wish I could thank them for the many

15、 acts of kindness I witnessed and received. 我想起在那次生命攸关却又万分侥幸的飞行中结识的乘客们, 希望能够为自己亲眼所见、有幸承受的友好行为向他们表示感谢。IEC1-101. My debt is to an Englishman, who long ago in China rendered an inestimable service to a small American child. 我亏欠了一个英国人的恩情,很久以前在中国,他为一个美国小女孩提供了无价的帮助。2. I know no better way to meet my oblig

16、ation than to write down what Charles Dickens did in China for an American child. 我实在找不到更好的方法报答他的恩情,我只能用笔记下狄更斯为身在中国的美国孩子所做的一切。3. First, you must picture to yourself that child, living quite solitary in a remote Chinese countryside, in a small mission bungalow perched upon a hill among the rice field

17、s in the valleys below. 首先, 你必须先了解那个孩子她很孤独, 生活在一个偏远的中国农村, 住在一个传教士住的平房里, 房子建在一座小山上, 山谷中是一片片稻田。 4. She lingered beside villages of boat folk, and saw them live, the babies tied to a rope and splashing in the shallower waters. 她爱在渔民住的村落附近闲逛(她流连于渔民聚集的村落),看他们怎样生活,看他们把自家的幼儿用一根绳子拴住,让孩子们在浅水里玩耍。 5. She wande

18、red small and alien among the farm folk in the earthen houses among the fields. 她,一个外国小孩,漫无目的地游走在村民中,他们住在田间土房子里。6. However kindly the people about her might be, and they were much more often kind than not, she knew that she was foreign to them. And she wondered very much about her own folk and where

19、 they were and how they looked and at what they played. 无论周围的人们对她多友善,他们通常对她的确相当的友善,她知道自己对于他们仍是外国人。她很想知道一些和她自己一样的人的事情:他们都在哪儿?长得什么样都?玩什么游戏? 7. they were too busy to pay much heed to her and so she wandered about a great deal, seeing and learning all sorts of things. 他们太忙以至于无暇顾及于她,因此她常常四处徘徊,观看和学习各种各样的事

20、物。8. To this small isolated creature, there came one day an extraordinary accident. She was an impossibly voracious reader. 有一天,这个孤独的小女孩遇到了件不平常的事。对于读书,她的贪婪难以想象。9. But being desperate she put a three-cornered bamboo stool on top of a small table and climbed up and stared at the bindings and in faded

21、black titles she read Oliver Twist, by Charles Dickens. 由于急于想探个究竟,她便把一个三脚竹凳放在一个小桌子上,攀上去瞪大眼睛看那些封皮和褪了色的黑体书名。她读出了其中一本的名字雾都孤儿,作者查理狄更斯。 10. when the household was asleep, all except the indefatigable parents, and they were very, very busy. 除了整日忙得不亦乐乎又不知疲倦的父母外,家里其他人都睡着了。 11. She took Oliver Twist out of i

22、ts place it was fat and thick, for Hard Times was bound with it and in great peril descended, and stopping in the pantry for a pocket full of peanuts, she made off to a secret corner of the veranda into which only a small, agile child could squeeze, and opened the closely printed pages of an old edi

23、tion, and discovered her playmates. 她把雾都孤儿抽了出来,书厚厚的,因为艰难时世和它订在一块儿。从凳子上下来时她心惊胆战,下来后又从贮藏室装了满满一口袋花生。她走进走廊上一个不为人知、只有身材娇小灵活的孩子才挤得进去的角落,打开一本印得密密麻麻的旧版书,在书中找到了自己的伙伴。12. There in that corner above the country road in China, with vendors passing beneath me, I entered into my own heritage. I cannot tell you ab

24、out those hours. I know I was roused at six oclock by the call to my supper, and I looked about dazed, to discover the long rays of the late afternoon sun streaming across the valleys. 就在那儿,那个角落,下面是中国乡间的小路,做买卖的小贩从下面走过,而我却进入了自己的文化遗产。我无法向你述说那几个时辰是怎样度过的。我只知道六点钟他们叫我吃晚饭时我才站起身,神情恍惚地环顾四周,发现山谷里已是夕阳斜照。 13. I

25、 remember twice I closed the book and burst into tears, unable to bear the tragedy of Oliver Twist, and then opened it quickly again, burning to know more. 受奥利弗特维斯特的悲惨遭遇,然后又迅速打开,渴望了解更我记得我曾经两次合上书,失声痛哭,无法承多。14. This program I carried on persistently, over and over, for about ten years, and after that

26、I still kept a Dickens book on hand, so to speak, to dip into and feel myself at home again. 我从未停止过执行我的计划。我把这排书读了一遍又一遍,十年不断。从那以后,我仍然将一本狄更斯的书带在身边,可以说,这让我沉浸在一种身处家乡的舒适感受中。15. He taught me to hate hypocrisy and pious mouthing of unctuous words. He taught me that beneath gruffness there may be kindness,

27、and that kindness is the sweetest thing in the world, and goodness is the best thing in the world. He taught me to despise money grubbing. 他教会我憎恨虚假伪善、油腔滑调。他教导我,粗鲁的背后也许藏着和蔼,而和蔼是世界上最美好的东西,善良是世界上最完美的东西。他还教会我蔑视那种为了金钱不择手段的人。 16. Debts are usually burdens, but this is no ordinary debt, and it is no burden

28、, except as the feeling of warm gratitude may ache in one until it is expressed. 债务一般是负担,但这绝对不是普通的债务,因此也不是负担, 只不过是深藏在心中不吐不快的那种温馨感激之情。17. She loved to crawl along its banks upon the rocks or upon the muddy flats and watch for the lifting of the huge four-square nets that hung into the moving yellow f

29、lood, and see out of that flood come perhaps again and again an empty net, but sometimes great flashing, twisting silver bodies of fish. 她喜欢在河岸的岩石和泥泞的滩涂上散步,观看垂挂在流淌色黄色河水中那硕大四方的渔网被拉出水面,屡屡看见的也许是出水的一张空网,但偶尔也会看到闪着银光、扭动着身躯的一条条大鱼。18.She made off to a secret corner of the veranda into which only a small, ag

30、ile child could squeeze, and opened the closely printed pages of an old edition, and discovered her playmates. 她走进走廊上一个不为人知、只有身材娇小灵活的孩子才挤得进去的角落,打开一本印得密密麻麻的旧版书,在书中找到了自己的伙伴。19. He taught me that beneath gruffness there may be kindness, and that kindness is the sweetest thing in the world, and goodness

31、 is the best thing in the world. 他教导我,粗鲁的背后也许藏着和蔼,而和蔼是世界上最美好的东西,善良是世界上最完美的东西。IEC1-121. There are times, when in conversation with another individual, that we must take into account the persons linguistic genealogy. There are people who use language that would be considered prejudicial or biased in u

32、se. 有时候与人交谈时,我们必须将这人的语言谱系学考虑在内。有些人使用那些有可能被认为是具有偏见用法的语言。2. There are words in the English language that are existing or have existed (some of them have changed with the new wave of “political correctness” coming about) that have inherently been sexually biased against women. 英语语言中曾经存在过、目前仍然有一些固有的对女性性

33、别歧视的词语。3. This denotes her inability, apparently due to her gender, to hold on to something that is a part of her, and enforcing the mans ability and right to claim something that is not his. 这说明:由于性别的原因, 女人无法把握属于自己的一部分,却使男人能够理所当然地获取并不属于他的东西。4. Neilsen yields the example of “shrew” and “shrewd.” The

34、 word “shrew” is taken from the name of a small be especially viscous animal, however in Neilsens dictionary, a “shrew” was identified as an “ill-tempered, scolding woman.” 尼尔森举的例子是 “鼩鼱”(shrew)和“机敏的”(shrewd)。Shrew (鼩鼱)这个单词原来指一种身体很小但特别恶毒的动物。但是,在尼尔森的词典里,shrew的意思是一个“脾气极坏、骂骂咧咧的女人”。5. Even in family rela

35、tionships, the male in the home is often referred to as the “man of the house,” even if it is a 4-year-old child. 甚至在亲属关系上,家中的男人常被称为“当家的”,即便只不过是个四岁的娃儿。6. In American culture, a woman is valued for the attractiveness of her body, while a man is valued for his physical strength and his achievements. 在

36、美国文化里,女人的价值在于她身体的魅力,而男人价值在于他的体力和成就。7. This denotes her inability, apparently due to her gender, to hold on to something that is a part of her, thus enforcing the mans ability and right to claim something that is not his. 这说明:由于性别的原因,女人无法把握属于自己的一部分,却使得男人能够理所当然地获取并不属于他的东西。1-021.Many Americans do not l

37、ive with their families, but in apartment blocks of residential areas where everyone is more or less of the same age. 在美国, 许多年轻人不和家人住在一起,而是住在居民区的公寓楼群里,在这里大家差不多都是同龄人。2.Americans are often on the move, and some families change their homes every few years.美国人总是在搬家,有的家庭每隔几年就要搬一次。3.and big windows give a

38、 wonderful view of the swimming pool and the sea.大大的窗户将游泳池和大海的美景收览无余。4.The lack of privacy within the Chinese home finds its extreme expression in many well-to-do families of North China. Here the rooms are arranged in rows like the cars of a train. But instead of each room having a separate entranc

39、e, all the rooms are arranged in sequence, one leading into another. Such an arrangement in living quarters would be very uncommon to Americans.中国家庭没有隐私概念,这在北方许多富裕家庭可以找到极端例子。在那里,房间并排连在一起,像火车车厢一样。所有房间一个通着一个,按一定的顺序排列,而每个房间没有单独的入口。如此这般的住所布局在美国并不常见。1-061. Garrick is a delightfully unspoiled village surr

40、ounded by fields and woods at the mouth of a river. Yet its only a short bus ride from the old city of Harbury with its factories, industry, and heavy traffic.格瑞克村庄位于河口处,被丛林和田野包围着,它是一方令人愉悦而尚未被破坏的净土。然而它离汉勃瑞古城乘车只需一小会儿,在那儿厂房林立、工业繁忙、交通拥挤。 2. Through the village flows a wide, clear river, along the banks

41、 of which are a fleet of fishing boats.一条宽阔而又清澈的河流从村庄中间淌过,靠在河岸的是一排排的渔船。 1-131. It has also found that the highest scores on vocabulary tests have been made by people getting the highest pay.同时还发现这样一个现象:词汇测试最高分都是由收入最高人群获得。 2. It is through words that people grasp the thoughts of others and do their o

42、wn thinking.通过词汇人们可以领悟他人思想,也可以进行独立思考。3. And the best thing about vocabulary is that unlike your height or the shape of your face, its something you can easily control and improve.关于词汇量,最有意思的是你可以轻松掌握和扩充,不像身高和脸蛋,你爱莫能助。4. Words that we learn through their use in context are much more likely to stay with us than words we memorize by themselves, as in a list or in a dictionary相比那些死记硬背单词表或字典而学到的单词,通过理解上下文而掌握的词汇可能会记得更为牢靠。


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