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1、-基础医学英语课文翻译-第 7 页【Chapter 1】The connection can be so close that no movement is possible, as is the case in the skull. Other kinds of joints permit movement: either back and forth in one plane as with the hinge joint of the elbow or movement around a single axisas with the pivot joint that permits th

2、e head to rotate.顱骨不能運動,是由於骨與骨之間的連接太過緊密.但其他的關節可允許活動,如一個平面上的前後屈身運動,如肘關節;或是繞軸心旋轉運動,如樞軸點允許頭部轉動.The ends of these muscles are attached to different bones by connective tissue bands so that when the muscle contracts, one bone moves in relation to the other. This makes it possible to move the whole body,

3、as when walking, or to move jus one part of the body, as when bending a finger.結締組織是肌肉末端附著於不同的骨面上,所以當肌肉收縮時,兩骨彼此靠近而產生運動.這也就使整個人體可以運動起來,如走路,運動軀體某個部位,如彎曲手指.The heart is a muscle that is divided into two nearly identical halve: one half receives blood from the lungs and sends it to the rest of the body,

4、 the other half sends blood that has traveled through the body back to the lungs.心臟是一塊被分為幾乎對等兩半的肌肉.一辦吸收來自肺部的血液,並把血液運送到機體的其餘部位,另一半使流經全身的血液回流入肺.The trachea divides to enter each of the two lungs and then divides more than 20 times to form a very large number of small air spaces. Oxygen from the air en

5、ters the blood through capillaries in the walls of these air spaces, and the blood releases carbon dioxide into the air spaces to be exhaled.氣管分成左右支氣管,各連結左右肺,左右之氣管在分支20多次,在終端形成大量為小的肺泡.從空氣攝取的氧氣流經這些肺泡壁內的毛喜血管流入血液.血液在經肺泡把釋放出的二氧化碳排出體外.The urinary system maintains normal levels of water and of certain sma

6、ll molecules such as sodium and potassium in the body. It does this by passing blood through the kidneys, two efficient filtering organs that get rid of any excess of various molecules and conserve those molecules that are in short supply.泌尿系統維持水分及體內某些小分子物質,如鈉鉀的正常水平.身體是通過讓腎過濾血液來做到這一點的.腎是兩個有效的過濾器官,他濾

7、出各種多餘的小分子物質,保留那些供應不足的小分子物質.A major gland is the pituitary, which is located under the brain in the middle of the head. It produces at least eight hormones, which affect growth, kidney function, and development of the sex organs.腦垂體是一個主要的腺體,他位於頭中部腦下方.他至少分泌八種激素,這些激素對人體生長,腎功能及性器官發育有影響.The female produc

8、tive system is responsible for producing and transporting ova( the female sex cells), eliminating ova from the body when they are not fertilized by sperm, nourishing and provid- ing a place for growth of an embryo when an ovum is fertilized by sperm, and nourishing a newborn child.女性生殖系統產生,輸送卵子(女性性細

9、胞),將未受精的卵子排出體外,而當精,卵結合時,女性生殖系統培養,提供胚胎生長場所,並孕育新生兒.【Chapter 2】A symptom is something a patient can de-tect, such as fever, bleeding, or pain. A sign is something a doctor can detect, such as a swollen blood vessel or an enlarged internal body organ.症狀是病人自己就能察覺到的,比如,高燒,流血,或是疼痛.而徵兆則是醫生所能夠觀察到的,比如,血管擴張或是體

10、內器官腫大.The skin and mucous membranes covering the body or lining its openings offer considerable resis-tance to invasion by bacteria and other infectious organisms. If these physical barriers are injured or burned, infection resistance drops. In minor cases, only boils or pimples may develop. In majo

11、r cases, however m large areas of the body might become infected.覆蓋在體表或者器官開口處的皮膚和黏膜能在很大程度上抵抗細菌或其他感染體的入侵.如果這些屏障遭到了損壞或損傷,身體對感染的抵抗力就會下降.在一些病情較輕的病例中,疥子和小膿胞可能會發生.在病情較重的病例中,身體的大面積區域則可能會被感染.Breathing passages are especially vulnerable to infection. Fortunately, they are lined with mu-cus-secreting cells th

12、at trap tiny organisms and dust particles. Also, minute hairs called cilia line the breathing passages, wave like a field of wheat, and gently sweep matter out of the respiratory tract.呼吸通道尤其容易受到感染,幸運的是,呼吸道內附蓋滿了能分泌黏液的細胞,他們能捕捉微小的有機體和塵粒.另外,被叫做纖毛的細小毛髮也覆蓋了呼吸道,他們像微風下麥田裡的小麥一樣舞動著,輕輕地將異物掃出呼吸道.In addition, f

13、oreign mater in the breathing passages can often be ejected by nose blowing, coughing, sneezing, and throat clearing.除此之外,呼吸道內的異物還常常因為擤鼻涕咳嗽打噴嚏和清喉嚨而被彈出.Unless the abscess breaks and allows the pus to drain, the infection is likely to spread.如果膿塊不破裂,裡面的膿不排除掉,感染很可能會擴大.1. Each antibody is made of a heav

14、y chain of chemical subunits, or amino acids, and a light chain of them. The light chain has special sites where the amino acids can link with their com-plements on the antigen molecule.每一個抗體由一條化學亞單位(及氨基酸)的重鏈和一條輕鏈所構成.這條輕鏈上有特別的部位,在那裡,氨基酸能使其補體和抗原分子相連.2. In some cases, through the process of opsonizati

15、on, antibodies “butter” the surface of some antigens and make them “tastier” to phagocytes, which engulf the antigens.在某些情況下,通過調理素作用的過程,抗體在抗原表面塗抹上一些”奶油”,讓吞噬細胞更喜歡吞噬他們.3. Sometimes an antibody hooks to bacterial antigen but needs an intermediate, or complement, to actually destroy the bacterium, As th

16、e antibody-antigen complex circulates in the blood, the complex “fixes” complement to it.在另一些情況下,抗體和一個細菌抗原合上以後,卻需要一個中間體,或補體來實施對該細菌的消滅.於是,當抗體和抗原的結合體隨血液循環時,該結合體會有一個補體附體.4. During the first day or so , antibodies against the infection cannot be found in the blood. But this is only because the basic cel

17、ls involved in antibody production have been triggered by the presence of antigen to multiply themselves.在第一天左右,血液中沒有發現對付傳染病的抗體,但是,這只是因為涉及抗體製造的基本細胞已被當前的抗原存在所觸發而準備開始繁殖.【Chapter 3】The fleshy belly is attached to one bone while the tendon passes over a joint to become firmly attached to the adjoining b

18、one.肌腱跨過關節牢固連接相鄰的兩塊骨頭,而腹肌則與骨頭緊密相接.Shortening of the fleshy part of the muscle produces movement at the joint by pulling on the tendon. The tendon itself does not change in length.腹肌收縮拉動肌腱使關節運動,而肌腱本身的長度是不變的.The many bundles surrounded by the fibrous connective tissue fascia form the fleshy belly of t

19、he muscle.許多纖維束又被纖維結締組織筋膜所包繞,最後形成肌肉的肌腹部份.The relation of the muscle bundles to the tendons is that the muscle bundles ate surrounded and held together by the fibrous connective tissue that is continuous with the fibrous connective tissue of the tendonous part of the muscle.肌束和肌腱之間的關係是:肌束被纖維結締組織包繞並連接

20、在一起,纖維結締組織又與肌鍵部份的結締組織相延續.The nerve fibers separate within a muscle with a terminal branch of the nerve going to each muscle fiber.在一塊肌肉中神經纖維可分枝出許多神經末梢,分配到每塊肌纖維中.【Chapter 4】Flat bones are generally thin and composed of two more or less parallel plates of compact bone enclosing a layer of spongy bone.

21、扁骨一般較薄,由兩層大致平行的骨密質骨板圍繞一層鬆質骨構成.Bones undergoing either intramembranous or endochondral ossification are continually remodeled from he time that initial calcification occurs until the final structure appears.自最初的鈣化發生開始,骨通過膜內骨化或軟骨內骨化而不斷地得以重塑,直至最後結構的形成.And still others, espe-cially the sex hormones, aid

22、 osteoblastic activity and thus promote the growth of new bone. The sex hormones act as a double-edged sword. They aid in the growth of new bone, but they also bring about the degeneration of all the cartilage cells in epiphyseal plates.還有其他激素,特別是性激素,協助成骨細胞活動因而促進骨生長.性激素作用具有兩面性,他能促進骨生長,但也使骺板所有軟骨細胞退化.

23、There are two principal effects of aging on the skeletal sys-tem. The first effect is the loss of calcium from bones.衰老對骨骼系統有兩個主要作用.第一個作用是骨鈣喪失.The second principal effect of aging on the skeletal system is a decrease in the rate of protein formation that results in a decreased ability to produce the

24、 organic portion of bone matrix.衰老對骨骼系統的第二個主要影響,是蛋白質合成速度降低至使產生骨基質的有機成分的能力下降.【Chapter 5】The cardiac sphincter relaxes and contracts to move food from the esophagus into the stomach, whereas the py-loric sphincter allows food to leave the stomach when it has sufficiently digested. 賁門括約肌的舒張與收縮使食物由食管入胃,

25、而幽門括約肌卻使食物在充分消化後出胃.These substances help transform food present in the stomach into a semifluid substance called chime. The pyloric sphincter allows food to pass into the small intestine only after it has been transformed into chime.這些物質(鹽酸)協助將胃內現存的食物轉變成為稱為食糜的半流質物質.幽門括約肌只有在食物完全變為食糜後才將其排入小腸.【Chapter

26、6】Air enters the body through the nose and passes through the nasal cavity, which is lined with a mucous membrane and fine hairs(cilia) to help filter out foreign bodies, as well as to warm and moisten the air.空氣通過鼻進入人體內.在通過鼻腔時,其內排列的黏膜和纖毛過濾了異物,同時使進入的空氣溫暖而溼潤Paranasal sinuses are hollow, air-containin

27、g spaces within the skull that communi-cate with the nasal cavity.副鼻竇位於頭顱骨內,中空含氣,並與鼻腔相通.They, too, have a mucous membrane lining and function to provide the lubricating fluid mucus, as well as to lighten the bones of the skull and help produce sound.副鼻竇也有黏膜襯裡,其功能是提供潤滑黏液,減輕頭顱骨負荷,以及協同發聲.It is in the h

28、ypopharyngeal region that the pharynx, serving as a common passageway for food from the mouth and air from the nose, divides into two branches, the larynx(voice box) and the esopha-gus.下咽部是來自於嘴的食物和來自鼻的空氣之共同通道,他在這裡又分為兩支,喉(聲音盒)和食管.A special deterrent to this event is provided for by a flap of cartilag

29、e attached the root of the tongue that acts like a lid over the larynx.這一起著特殊阻滯作用的物體是一層連著舌根的軟骨結構,它像塊蓋子蓋過喉.The measure of how easily the lungs expand under pressure is compliance.肺器之所以能在壓力下輕鬆自如地展開,其方法就是因勢利導,順其自然.Breathing is regulated unconsciously by center in the brainstem. These centers adjust the

30、 rate and rhythm of breathing according o changes in the composition of the blood, especially the concen-tration of carbon dioxide.腦幹裡呼吸中心在不知不覺中控制和調節了呼吸.這些中心根據血液裡的成分,特別是二氧化碳的濃度來調節呼吸的速率和節奏.If too much carbon dioxide is exhaled by hyper-ventilation, body fluids tend to become more alkaline, a conditio

31、n termed alkalosis. If too little car-bon dioxide is exhaled as a result of hypoventilation, body fluids tend to become more acid, a condi-tion termed acidosis.如果因為換氣過度而二氧化碳呼出過多,身體體液就容易變的偏鹼性,一種被稱為鹼中毒的狀態.然而,如果由於換氣不足,二氧化碳呼出過少,身體體液就容易變的偏酸性,一種被稱為酸中毒的狀態.Lining the trachea and bronchial tree are cells tha

32、t secrete mucus, which traps pollutants and bacteria. Also in the bronchi are cells containing tiny cilia, that project into the blanket of mucus and with constant wavelike motions push the mucus up out of the airways.第一,氣管和支氣管樹鋪滿能分泌黏液的細胞,它們能捕捉污染物質和細菌.第二,支氣管裡還有長有細小纖毛的細胞,它們深入遍布的黏液層,不停地通過波浪般的動作把黏液向上清掃

33、出呼吸道.【Chapter 7】There are three major types of blood vessels, i.e. , veins, and capillaries.血管分為三大類,即動脈、靜脈、毛細血管The largest artery, the aorta, is about 1 inch in diameter and has the thickest wall.主動脈是最大的動脈,管腔直徑約為1英吋,血管壁最厚The capillary boundaries are the most important center of activity of the entir

34、e circulatory system.毛細血管網是整各循環系統的最重要活動中心Most veins are equipped with one-way valves that permit the blood to flow in only one direction.They are most numerous in the veins of the extremities.大多數靜脈具有單向瓣膜,使血液朝著一個方向流動.在四肢的靜脈中,這樣的瓣膜最多The pulmonary arteries carry blood low in oxygen from the right ventr

35、icle, while the pulmonary veins carry blood high in oxygen from the lungs into the left atrium.肺動脈攜帶右心室出來的、含氧量低的血液;而肺靜脈將含氧量高的血液從肺攜帶到左心房Blood returning from tissues other than the lungs enters the heart by way of the venae cavae: the superior vena cava and the inferior vena cava.從組織(肺組織除外)而來的血液經腔靜脈,即

36、上腔靜脈與下腔靜脈,回到心臟When the atria contract, blood in the right atrium is forced through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle.當心房收縮時,右心房的血液則通過三尖瓣進入右心室Atrial contractions force blood from the left atrium through the mitral valve, also called bicuspid valve, into the left ventricle.心房收縮將血液從左心房擠壓通過二尖

37、瓣,進入左心室When the ventricles contract, blood in the left ventricle is forced through the aortic semilunar valve into the aorta, the bodys largest artery, for distribution to the tissues.當心室收縮時,左心室的血液被擠壓通過主動脈瓣,進入主動脈(機體內的最大動脈),然後分配到機體的各个組織【Chapter 8】Oxygen from the lungs and nutrients from the digestive

38、 tract are absorbed into blood for transport to the tissues. 血液吸收肺部來的氧和消化道來的營養物質,並輸送到組織At the same time, carbon dioxide and other waste products of cellular metabolism are absorbed from the tissues for transport to the organs of elimination.同時,組織的細胞代謝產生的二氧化碳和其他廢物,送到排泄器官The blood also transports hormones from endocrine glands to their target organs.血液還將內分泌腺產生的激素輸送到它們的靶器官


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