1、-有关人体器官的英语词组-第 5 页一、head1above ones head高深莫测2beat ones head against the wall徒劳无益3bite someones head off大发雷霆4bury ones head in the sand自欺欺人5comedraw to a head达到危急的关头6eyes in the back of ones head神通广大7get a swelled head得意忘形8go to sbs head冲昏头脑9have ones head in the clouds有幻想,不切实际10hit the nail on the h
2、ead一针见血二、eye1apple of ones eyes 掌上明珠2get the eye遭人白眼3be in the public eye抛头露面4be up to ones eyes in疲于奔命5bugeyed惊讶得瞠目结舌的6catch ones eye引人注目7closeshut ones eyes to视若无睹8feast ones eyes on一饱眼福9give sbthe eye暗送秋波10have an eye for能欣赏三、ear1be all ears洗耳恭听2about ones ears(引起)麻烦3walls have ears隔墙有耳4come to s
3、bs ears传到某人耳中5turn a deaf ear to不理会6. play something by ear 见机行事四、hand1at hand即将到来2force sbs hand强人所难3have ones hands full应接不暇4bite the hand that feeds one恩将仇报5eat out of ones hand盲目相信6heavy-handed笨手笨脚的7highhanded专横的五、mouth1from mouth to mouth口口相传2keep ones mouth shut保守秘密3foam at the mouth极其愤怒4give
4、it mouth慷慨陈词5shoot off ones mouth信口开河六、其他1arm in arm亲密无间2at arms length若即若离3as scarce as hens teeth凤毛麟角4grit ones teeth咬紧牙关5drag ones feetheels故意拖拉6on ones feet大病初愈7keep face泰然处之8fall(flat) on ones face一败涂地9save ones face保持某人尊严10twiddle ones thumbs无所事事11beat someone to his knees打败某人12on ones knees苦苦
5、请求13burn ones fingers吃苦头;吃亏14butterflies in ones stomach因害怕而引起的发抖15give the shirt off ones back把所有的一切都送给别人16hang on sbs lips凝神谛听17keep the tail in the water兴隆;发达18off ones leg歇歇脚19back to front前后倒置20a lump in ones throat(因感情激动而)喉咙哽住21shoulder to shoulder并肩地22as plain as the nose in your face一清二楚23cannot see beyond the length of ones nose鼠目寸光24. be up in arms 满腔怒火;大动肝火