1、-济慈给雪莱的信,伟大的对话-第 4 页济慈、雪莱,两位英国史上最伟大的浪漫派诗人,在济慈发表用希腊神话写的长诗恩底弥翁时,曾遭受评论界激烈抨击,唯有雪莱给了他宝贵支持,二人在意大利邂逅,遂结金兰。济慈病故后,雪莱悲痛异常,称亡友为“生命与自然的象征”。世事难料,雪莱本人也于翌年在意大利覆舟溺死海中,骨灰葬在济慈墓旁边,并建立了“济慈雪莱纪念馆”。 经典美文欣赏之浪漫派诗人济慈写给好友雪莱的信(英汉对照)16 august 1820Hampstead, August 16thMy dear Shelley, I am very much gratified that you, in a for
2、eign country, and with a mind almost over occupied, should write to me in the strain of the Letter beside me. If I do not take advantage of your invitation it will be prevented by a circumstance I have very much at heart to prophesy. There is no doubt that an english winter would put an end to me, a
3、nd do so in a lingering hateful manner, therefore I must either voyage or journey to Italy as a soldier marches up to a battery.您客居异邦、思念万千,仍不辞劳苦给我写信(您的信此刻就在我身边),表达了您对我的关心,这真让我感激不尽!万一不能应邀前往,那肯定是由于我的病情又在作怪,这也应是预料之中的。至于这儿的天气,就不用说了,这儿的严冬会毫不留情地日益侵袭我这本来就很虚弱的身体,或许会让我命归九泉。因此,我或取水路,或走陆路,就像奔赴疆场的战士一样,一定前往意大利。
4、My nerves at present are the worst part of me, yet they feel soothed when I think that come what extreme may, I shall not be destined to remain in one spot long enough to take a hatred of any four particular bed-posts. I am glad you take any pleasure in my poor Poem which I would willingly take the
5、trouble to unwrite, if possible, did I care so much as I have done about Reputation. I received a copy of the Cenci, asfrom yourself from Hunt. There is only one part of it I am judge ofthe Poetry and dramatic effectwhich by many spirits nowadays is considered the mammon.时下,我最糟的病情就是神经紧张,然而。无论有什么不测,我
6、将不为命运所摆布,而久卧病榻厌恶人生,每当我一想起这些,我就感到宽慰许多了。拙作承蒙错爱,让我兴奋不已。如果我仍能如昔日那样看重自己的名誉,很可能就会把它付之一炬。我从亨特那儿收到了一册珊奇,同您亲自寄来的一样。只有其中的一点我可做评就是诗歌与戏剧效果,这为现代许多人所崇尚。 A modern work it is said must have a purpose, which may be the God. An artist must serve Mammon;1 he must have “self-concentration,”selfishness perhaps.一部现代作品据说一
7、定要主题明确,它可能就是上帝。艺术家必须有所追求;他必须“孤芳自赏”或者说是私心而已。我敢肯定您会宽恕我的直言不讳,您不妨少一点体现您那高尚的品质,多一点艺术家的风格,让字里行间都洋溢着您的主题。想一想这样的框架,您一定像是上了冰冷的镣铐,或许您从未收起翅膀,安然坐上半载吧。 You, I am sure, will forgive me for sincerely remarking that you might curb your magnanimity and be more of an artist, and “load every rift” of your subject with
8、 ore.2 The thought of such discipline must fall like cold chains upon you, who perhaps never sat with your wings furld for six Months together.And is not this extraordinary talk for the writer of Endymion whose mind was like a pack of scattered cards? I am pickd up and sorted to a pip.我作为安第明的作者,以往我总
9、是思绪紊乱,就像散在地上的纸牌。如今说起这些,岂非多谈?幸好我能把这些牌敛起来,并能重新理顺。 My Imagination is a Monastry and I am its Monk.You must explain my metaphysics to yourself. I am in expectation of Prometheus every day. Could I have my own wish for its interest effected you would have it still in manuscript, or be but now putting an
10、end to the second act. I remember you advising me not to publish my first-blights, onHampstead heath. I am returning advice upon your hands. Most of the Poems in the volume I send you3 have been written above two years, and would never have been publishd but from a hope of gain; so you see I am incl
11、ined enough to take your advice now. I must express once more my deep sense of your kindness, adding my sincere thanks and respects for Mrs. Shelley.我的想象力是座庙宇,而我就是庙宇中的和尚。每天我都在期盼普罗米修斯。假如您在写作的时候,采纳了我的意见,那首诗剧肯定还未完成,或许正在写第二幕的结尾。记得您曾劝我不要发表那些无病呻吟、以汉普斯台德荒原为背景的组诗。现在该轮到我奉劝您的时候了。我寄给您的诗歌集都是两年前写的。假如不是为了生活所迫的话,我决不会让它们贻笑大方的,由此您也能看出,我是多么愿意听取您的忠告的。再次感激您的关心和盛情邀请。谨此,请转达我对您夫人的诚挚谢意和敬意! In the hope of soon seeing you I remain 盼望着和您见面的那一刻!most sincerely yoursJohn Keats (1820年8月于汉普斯台德)