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1、-中西方词汇文化差异-第 11 页英汉词汇的中西文化差异分析(陕西师范大学外语学院,)摘要:语言离不开文化,语言是文化的载体。词汇是语言的基础,词汇无法独立于语言之外存在,就像语言离不开文化。正是因为它的重要性,新世纪以来学者对英汉词汇的研究从不间断。本文主要从英汉词汇体现的不同内涵、不同情感、不同表达以及概念缺失、网络新词中的文化差异四种现象来探讨。本研究运用对比、参考文献的方法对研究内容分析,从而试图解释中西方文化之间的差异。关键词:英汉词汇 文化差异 对比 一、 研究的现状与目前存在的问题1. 研究意义由于中西方文化背景、思维方式、风俗习惯、政治历史、地理环境等方面的不同,必然会造成词义

2、概念和外延的差异、严格地讲,两种不同的语言是找不到完全对等的词的。由此可见,词汇的文化内涵往往因文化不同而含有浓郁的民族文化特色,所以同一词汇在英汉两种语言中表达意义的内涵差异是不同文化差异的具体反映。(1)The significance of educationWe all known that , the vocabulary ,in conection with a nation of religious, mythological, literary, artistic traditions and historical ,which is mostly belong to the

3、non-correspondence connotation or zero corresponding word. Such as English boycott; throw in the towel and other terms, if we not explain from a cultural perspective, it would be impossible for the students fully understand the vocabulary and understanding .在英语教学中,教师不仅要传授给学生鲜活生动的词汇文化内涵,还要鼓励学生在英语学习过程

4、中重视学习方法的多元化发展,从而是学生能够对词汇所蕴含的文化意义做出深刻的了解。(2)Respect to the significance of Intercultural Communication Ability在跨文化交际中,说话者对语言交际原则的选择,会受到他们所依附的文化背景的干扰,如果说话者误将母语中的语言习惯、表达方式等套入目标语中,往往会引误解,甚至造成比违反语法规则更为严重的错误。学生通过对英汉词汇对比的学习,吸取西方文化,既有利于学生提高英语学习的效率,又有利于学生跨文化交流。2. 研究现状早在1977年,我国著名的文学家吕叔湘就说过,要认识到汉语的特点,就必须和其他非汉


6、。 3.目前存在的问题我国的英汉对比研究在不断发展的同时也存在着一些问题,例如,英汉对比语言学的理论建设尚未得到足够的重视,英汉微观层次系统的量化对比研究还不足,应用对比研究还缺少深度和广度,因此,在未来的工作中我们还需要加强汉语的学习和研究,深入的了解汉语的特点,找到汉语和英语的异同之处,重视理论体系的建立,用科学严谨的态度促进我国英汉语言对比的发展。二、 英汉词汇差异的具体表现1. 同一事物的不同表达(1) 中文:红茶英文:black tea分析:中西文化中对同一种茶在颜色辨识上存在分歧,反映在词汇中就是两种表达,我们不能误把black tea译为黑茶,也不能把红茶译为red tea。类似

7、的还有红糖 (brown sugar)、黄色电影 (blue movies)等等。 ( 2 ) 中文:春风英文:west wind分析:欧洲西边临海,西边的风吹来会带来暖湿的空气,是万物复苏的季节,再加上西方人惯用理性分析的思维方式表达客观事物,因而用西风来表达中文的春风之意。相反,中国人惯用感性思维表达,春天是一种抽象的事物,但说到春的时候,中国人都明白是万物复苏,天气变暖的时候。与这类词汇类似的还有秋风(east wind)、青一块紫一块(Black and blue)。(3) 中文:胸有成竹 英文:have a well-thought-out plan 分析:汉语成语“胸有成竹”,理想

8、的等值英语译文,应该是具有同样意义、形象和风格的成语,但英语中却没有与此形象比喻相同的习语,只能译成“have a well-thought-out plan”,保留了语言意义,而丢失了形象比喻。另一个汉语成语中“雨后春笋”,意义是“事物很快涌现”,英语中没有相同的习语,为了尽可能保持意义和风格的等值,找到一个具有类似形象的同义习语:“like mushrooms”。(4) 中文:国家 英文:state , nation, country 分析: 对于“国家”一词的对应词,在西方国家不同情况下用不同的词,有时也会难以区分,实际上,这与国家之间如制度等各种方面的特征相关,如美国“United S

9、tate”,俄罗斯联邦和印度之类的联邦国家的组成单位,如州、邦等,也用state表示。此外nation有民族的内涵,在中国有56个民族,在涉及这方面含义时,则多用“nation”,而“country”是很笼统的“祖国”之义,因此例句中也有应选择country,但是在汉语中只有“国家”一词,因为在古文中,没有“国家”这个提法,一般都是“国”,“国家”一词的形成又该从中国的传统制度说起,对于中国来说,一国就是一家,一方面,家是国的基本单位,家齐而后国治;另一方面,中国古代盛行宗法制,国处于某家族统治受以上影响,汉语中也就有“国家”一词包括“国”的方方面面的含义。2. 同一事物的不同内涵(1) 玫瑰

10、(rose)在英汉语言文化中,玫瑰都能让人们联想到爱情。虽然这一词汇在隐含语言中所代表的内涵具有一定的相似性,但是在某些情况下会出现差异。如:“Under the rose”象征着沉默与秘密。“带刺的玫瑰”则是指具有魅力容貌但是并不容易接近的女性。(2) 白(white)白色在中国和英语国家都有用它表示“清白”、“纯洁”、但在汉语中有些带有“白”字的词,英语中却不用“white”一词。例如,白菜(Chinese cabbage)、白开水(boiled water)、白痴(idiot)。白费力气、白手起家等许多词语中的“白”字不是总是能与英语的white对应,而要分别译为to fish in t

11、he air , build up from nothing。而英语中的“white”代表着纯洁和幸运,如a white day(吉日),a white lie(善意的谎言)。(3) 狗(dog)在英汉语言中狗的基本意义是一致的,但却有着明显差异的文化内涵。在英语中大多数场合中,狗是用来形容值得同情信赖的人,如a lucky dog(幸运儿),as faithful as a dog(像狗一样忠诚),every dog has his day(凡人皆有得意日),a good dog deserves a good bone(有功者受赏),love me ,love my dog(爱屋及乌)。这

12、些俗语体现了英国人对狗的喜爱,在汉语文化中,狗带有贬义,代表不良品性。很多带狗的词语如偷鸡摸狗、鸡鸣狗盗、丧家之狗、鸡飞狗跳等明显具有贬义色彩。(4) 梅、兰、竹、菊由于中西文化的差异,一种语言中的词汇在另一种语言中往往不能产生相同的联想和意义。在中国,人们看到“松、梅、竹”就会联想到“岁寒三友”,联想到”斗霜傲雪”、“高风亮节”的伴随意义。这类词在英汉词汇中具有相同的概念而内涵缺失。梅兰竹菊在中国被誉为花木中的四君子,象征高尚的品德和情操,而与其对应的英语词汇只代表植物的名称。3. 同一事物的不同情感 Among the Chinese, with dragon phoenix, are b

13、eing auspicious Village, Phoenix is the king of birds, Phoenix has a very mysterious force that can bring people wishful and auspicious life. However, in Western culture, they are not considered to represent good luck Phoenix is an eternal know how magical bird, causing the two sides on view also ha

14、s a large gap, expressed Phoenix also has a very different meaning a. In addition, there are more typical tigers, lions some ferocious beast. Asian tiger eyes are the most ferocious beast, because in the history of the development process, it is the most exposed to the tiger instead of a lion, the l

15、ion is rare in the East, so that a representative of the mighty tiger main noun. It will be seen as the tiger king of beasts, the brave generals seen as tiger, the momentum of the rising military metaphor tiger, which shows the status and significance of the tiger. In Western eyes, the lion is the m

16、ost ferocious animals, lions mainly in large parts of Africa, Europe and the early development process put this ferocious beast is captured and shipped to the country, so that people insight into this ferocious animals so in terms of which the West is often synonymous with the Lions as a brave, brav

17、e man likened to a lion.(1) 龙(dragon)汉语:亚洲四小龙英语:four tigers作为中西方文化神话传说中的动物,龙(dragon)在中文里是吉祥权威的代表,然而在英文中是凶残邪恶的象征。在中国文化中,龙象征着吉祥权威和高贵。字封建社会,龙是帝王的象征,历代皇帝都把自己称作“真龙天子”。我们把自己的国家称作“东方巨龙”,我们是龙的传人。汉语中龙的成语例如龙马精神,卧虎藏龙,生龙活虎等体现了龙的文化内涵。然而在西方文化中,人们却认为dragon代表着邪恶,是恶魔的化身。同一动物因为中英文化的差异内涵也不同。人们若想用英语表达汉语中的“龙”这个概念,最好将其译成

18、“Chinese dragon”.如“亚洲四小龙”可译成“four tigers”,而不是“four dragons”,以免引起误解。(2) 红(red)Chinese :”开门红”,”红双喜”,”红榜”,”红旗”;English:”red rag”, ”red alert”, ”red hands”;在英汉两种文化中,相同色彩的颜色词汇有着不同的内涵和象征意义。红色在汉语中的褒义色彩尤为明显,如“开门红”中的“红”代表了好运气。例如,红双喜、红榜、红旗等词语,“红”都象征着吉祥、昌盛、喜庆。不过在西方民族文化中,“red”常给人以愤怒、危险、恐怖、战争的感觉,于是便有了red rag(斗牛用

19、的红布,激怒人的东西),red alert(紧急警报),red hands(血腥的手)等象征意义。(3) 7(seven)Chinese:“七窍生烟”,”七零八落”,”七手八脚”,”七上八下”,”七擒七纵”,”七扭八歪”;English:”lucky seven”,”in the seventh heaven of delight”,”a seven step in the right direction” ,”the seventh son of a seventh son ”,”seven times seven”,Although the number 7 in English - Ch

20、inese language and culture in all holy figures, but standing in their culture is different as shown, with the obvious difference. Because, seven in Western culture is absolutely divine, lucky numbers, all with the sacred, beautiful, auspicious and linked; but in Chinas traditional culture, there are

21、 two aspects of Luck representatives and the significance, in some extent, the Chinese fear more than seven worship. 4 概念缺失(1) 对应英语概念缺失 汉语中的有些词语在英语中是空缺的。例如:粽子、饺子、土地庙、中山装、旗袍等。(2) 对应汉语概念缺失在英语中,一些反映国家特有的地理、历史、政治、宗教、生活方式的词汇,这些单词虽然有对应的汉语翻译,但表示的事物是中国文化中不存在,如Channel(英吉利海峡), Duke(公爵),the May Flower(五月花号), H

22、ippie(嬉皮士),Puritan(清教徒), Thanksgiving Day(感恩节), Sandwich(三明治)等。5. 英汉网络新词汇的构词方式 网络词汇是网络交际中的重要产物,并且这些网络用语也逐渐在人们的生活中被使用,从汉语发展来看,我国教育部所公布的新词汇中,来自网络的词汇占据了很大的比例,而英国的BBC News 也在新的钱伯斯词典中所收录的新词有四分之一的词汇来自网络文化。a. 英语网络词行成中的复合法在英语网络词汇的形成中,复合法指的是以两个词素或者更多词素来构成新的词汇,其中两个具有单独意义的网络词汇也可以组成一个新的词汇。即使不在网络环境下,这种构词方式的地位更加明

23、显,其形式主要体现为以下几种:一是名词加名词构成词汇,如pay与wall可构成pay-wall;二是名词加动词构成词汇,如crowd 与 source 可构成crowdsource;三是形容词加名词,如dark和net构成darknet ;四是动词加副词构成词汇,如tweet 与up可构成tweet-up。(2) 汉语词汇构词形成的方法一是名词加名词构成词汇,如网络与日记,构成网络日记;二是名词与动词构成词汇,如人肉与搜索,构成人肉搜索;三是形容词与名词构成词汇,如网上与商店,构成网上商店。三、 差异出现的原因1. 不同的地理环境、历史文化背景 历史对于语言以及词汇有着非常重要的影响,历史发展

24、历程直接决定着人们的思维方式以及对事物的看法以及认知。我国作为历史悠久的国家,拥有着灿烂而丰富的历史文化,从而形成了极具代表性的东方文化,并对周边国家的文化和历史发展起到了非常深远的影响。而反观西方国家,由于所处的地域不同、环境不同,双方的历史发展过程存在很大的区别,信仰和宗教文化有着很大的区别,导致双方对于事物的理解和看法也有很大差距。(1) Due to the different geographical awareness of different things, such as Sea大不列颠民族为海洋民族,他的民族兴衰、时代更替,都与海洋有着千丝万缕的联系,海洋锻造着海洋民族的精神

25、品格,海洋精神也深深地植根于英国的历史文化。“sea ,ocean”可以表示“海洋”、“大湖”。其中,“at sea(在大海漂泊迷惑,茫然),sea change(显著的变化)”等等。从众多和“sea”有关的习语中,我们看到的是英国民族对海的态度还是令人敬畏的,它蕴含着极大的破坏力。汉语中“海洋”的概念意义大致和英语相同,但在古代中国人的观念中,海洋具有“凶险、偏僻”的意义。古人认为中国领土四周环海,“九夷八狄,七戎六蛮,谓之四海”,故把边境少数民族或来自海外的外国人称之为海夷。“海”构成的许多成语具有独特的联想意义。如比喻非常遥远(海角天涯);形容思念亲人的感情(海天茫茫)和坚贞的爱情(海誓

26、山盟)等等。 (2) Due to cultural differences have different effects on the rational meaning of a worda. Meaning scope of the concept of different sizes engineerChinese engineer is a more advanced technical titles, generally speaking ,it refers to the college-educated and have many years of work experience

27、, the man who was recognized by the state of the art, but there are a lot of meaning in English engineer, according to the New English Dictionary, the interpretation, it both finger engineers, technicians, also refers to the train driver, engineer, engineers, and even garbage workers sanitary engine

28、er, which the meaning of engineer a far cry from the Chinese.b. The focus of the different meaningsDifferent nationalities, different cultures both English and Chinese on the same understanding of things will be different emphasis and expression. For example, the expression 红茶 English habit of black

29、 tea instead of red tea, and any other words such as six on seven ,pour dogs and cats .(3) Due to the cultural differences have impassion of the a. Different emotionalEmotional words, means attached to some words of praise, love, affirmation, respect or eating, disgust, denial, contempt and other fe

30、elings. English as a propaganda and the Chinese word 宣传.b. different appearanceWords appearance are the object ,which words alleged, in peoples consciousness vivid and specific reflection. For example, the cultural differences between English vocabulary related to colors, flora and fauna, auspicious

31、 aspects of language and taboo words can thrusting a dark image of the English language in different colors. White, for example, in Chinese with funeral-related, funeral people dressed in white, white streamers hanging all old folk; and English white represents innocence, lucky .lucky ,white day(吉日)

32、,days marked with a white stone(幸福的日子)。2. 不同的思维方式Differences in ways of thinking brought about mainly because China has been swayed by Confucianism, so the influence of Confucianism in China since ancient times is extremely deep and broad, it is the pursuit of the so-called noble Confucian spirit re

33、alm. Government technical improvements and inventions do not have any role, not in these areas has been encouraged. But the West is quite different, everyone is equal before God, believe in Christ, who can create wealth and charity to help the poor, who will be able to enter heaven after death. This

34、 combination of labor and knowledge, and no authority, the spirit of equality is an important factor in promoting scientific development. 由于欧美和中国所处地区环境不同,因此而形成的风俗习惯、生活条件各不相同,由此而形成了该语言所特有的思维方式。比如,英语重形合,是表音文字,其新词语以字母或单词为基本成分,以语法统驭语义;汉语中意合,其新词以汉字为基本成分,以语义统驭语法。 中国人偏好形象思维,西方人偏好抽象思维。中国人偏好综合思维,西方人偏好分析思维。中国

35、人偏好归纳思维,西方人偏好演绎思维。中国人注重统一,偏好主体意识,西方人注重对立,偏好客体意识。由于思维方式的差别,英汉词汇在语用功能上呈现出非对应性。例如:中国人会把亲属关系的称呼分的很清楚,但是英语中就不同。3. 不同的价值态度(1)Different appellationChinese culture has a long history , and Chinese culture development time is also very long, in the process of evolving, many cultures have been enriched and su

36、pplemented, the formation of an independent and special oriental culture. Appellation system is the Chinese culture more special composition, the title reflects not only a persons identity and status, but also reflects the location of the family. Chinese culture appellation system is very complex, a

37、nd made a very detailed classification, a complete system, not just the title there is paternal, maternal, including the immediate and other branches, together constitute a huge become system. In Chinese culture, a relatively high proportion of feudal warm, among this social system, people on kinshi

38、p and kinship are more valued, the title of an important component of family systems of society, within the family, relatives of the title are often very strict, one is to express the feeling of respect for others, and secondly, to highlight someones identity and status, and in order to win respect.

39、 However, in Western countries, the kinship and family ties for the degree of attention is not strong, people tend to be more emphasis on the independence, when their children in adulthood, and has a certain ability to live independently, their children will be independent from their parents life. A

40、nd such acts and practices, but also makes sense of Western countries do not pay attention to the family, the family structure is relatively simple, the title also more casually. Because deeply influenced by Eastern culture, people see their elders, often need to show humility salute, and strictly i

41、n accordance with the appellation system call, but Western countries are not rigidly adhere to these details, after the two met often with friends etiquette to treat and uncle and other titles to refer others.(2)Different concept of equality 在西方,他们强调“天赋人权,人人平等”,这自然包括了男女平等。而在中国,自古以来就形成了男尊女卑的一种思想,虽然现金

42、有所改观,但是这种思想仍在语言上有所体现。汉语会严格区分男女的差别,就像“娶”和“嫁”;或是直接忽视女性的存在,如“主席”,“英雄”等词,都普遍观念里会暗指男性,而英语不同,他们强调女性的角色,有中性词chairperson,有chairman,当然也有chairwoman。例如,我们说“he marries her.”和”she marries him.”看似没区别,但是译成中文就有区别了。当然,我们可以译为“他和她结婚了”。但是,在汉语中,译成“他娶她”或是“她嫁给她”就会显得更地道。(3) 处事风格不同由于受到儒家文化的影响,中庸之道较为强烈,提倡对自我的贬抑,来突出他人的才华和能力。谦

43、虚和保守是人们的主要观念,谦谦君子就是那些谦虚之人,这样才能够给人留下较为良好的印象。这也是历代封建君王推崇儒家文化的主要原因。在汉文化当中,谦虚之词较多,人们常说的仆、寒、陋、愚等词语,都是个人用以贬抑自己或者与自己相关事物的谦词。有朋友来家中探望或者做客,主人便会说“欢迎光临寒舍,真是蓬荜生辉”,当两人见面交谈之中,也往往用鄙人以示谦卑。同时,这种中庸之道所衍生出来的词语也相对比较丰富,人们在外对自己的儿子称呼犬子,对自己妻子称呼是贱内,对亲密朋友和兄弟称呼是愚兄等等,这些 都体现了儒家思想中的中庸之道,尽量不突出个人,而是懂得如何去贬抑自己,使得个人显得更加高尚,让别人刮目相看。在西方文

44、化当中,则并没有这样的称呼,主要原因是由于两者信仰和主张的不同,西方人在交谈之中,往往会用较为随意的称呼来称呼自己和他人,并且一般对自己的妻子和儿子都是大加夸赞,西方人会说”Careful and beautiful wife ,Handsome and clever son ”,使得自己在别人面前更加风光,并且使自己能够在别人的心中留下更加深刻的印象。四、 总结随着经济全球化趋势的不断推动,地区经济与文化的不断交流,使得人们对东西方文化的差异越来越重视。汉英语言词汇方面的差异,能够较为直接的反映出两者文化上的鲜明对比。为保证东西方文化的合理交流,避免文化冲突和矛盾的发生,必须要从词汇差异性出

45、发,深入了解文化的差别,掌握合理的技巧去规避问题,例如在英汉对译时可以利用文化语境分析词汇的含义,同一事物在中西方的表达,内涵以及情感态度都有可能存在差异,而且要克服母语文化的干扰,从而提高国人学习外语的能力,促进东西方经济与文化的有效沟通与了解。【参考文献】1 石华贞.英汉动物词汇的文化异同对比以“兔”文化词汇为例J.Journal of Jiangsu University of Science and Technology(Social Science Edition).(2014)03-0053-042 Wang Yuefang.英汉词汇语义容量的差异与翻译A .江苏理工大学学报(社会科学版)J2000.991023 Wang Ming. Influence of cultural Differences between English and Chinese on translationA.青年文学家.2011.1441464 Mi Xiao.2013.The Relationship and Differences between English and Chinese.M5 金华.英汉上下义词汇空缺.A2014年6月第116卷增刊.167169


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