1、-手抄报(中西方饮食文化差异)-第 2 页The difference betweenChineseandwesterncultureof diet Second, the atmosphere of Chinese food is different from Western-style food while having a meal.其次,中西方的就餐氛围不同。The atmosphere of Western-style food is particular about scenery. The good restaurant is generally built in the bea
2、utiful mountaintop, park or the revolving dining-room of the city center high building. So Western-style food is “Eat the scenery” but not “Eat taste”.在西方,人们看重就餐的环境。一家好的餐馆最好建在风景如画的山顶、公园或者城市中心的高楼上。所以西餐吃的不是味道,是环境。 The atmosphere of Chinese food is particular about taste and participation. Chinese food
3、 conquers the world with taste. There is a folk adage in China “If I want to conquer your heart, I will conquer your stomach first”. 在中国,人们看重食物的味道与分享。中餐以美味征服世界。中国有句古话:欲征服人心,先征服人胃。 中西饮食文化的差异首先是在饮食观念上的差异。萝卜芹菜,各有所爱(One mans meat is another mans posion)。说到中西方饮食文化差异,你第一个想到的是什么?我们用筷子,老外用刀叉? First of all,
4、the making method of Chinese food is different from Western-style food.首先,中西餐的烹调方法不同。Making Western-style food is easy, I think it is like a testing laboratory. so long as you according to cookbook manual. 烹调西餐就像在实验室里做实验一样。所以只要参考着烹调书,西餐是很好做的。There is a folk adage in China “south sweet, north salty, east hot and west sour”. So, a good cook rely on experience and skill when cooks in China. 在中国,不同地域的人们口味不同。所以,一个好厨师靠的是丰富的经验和技巧。