1、大学英语四级词汇语法压轴预测A bold attempt is half success.以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的大 学英语四级词汇语法压轴预测,希望能给大家带来帮助!1. He was one of the greatest writers had ever lived.A. whowhichB. thatas2. He would try to ingratiate himself his clients in orderto earn more money.A. intowithB. forfrom3. Her address made a great impression the a
2、udience.A. atofB. inon4. Here is one of the most interesting novels that beenpublished the war.A. has . afterhave . afterB. have . sincehas . since5. His companions have threatened to his crimes to thepolice.A. imposeexpressB. encloseexpose6. His extravagance reduced him for his living.A. to begfrom
3、 beggingB. to begginginto begging7. His death with age.A. deteriorateddeterminedB. detecteddetained8. His long service with the company was with a present.A. admittedacknowledgedB. attributedaccepted9. His novel some light on life in China in Ming Dynasty.A. sendsprovidesB. throwsputs10. His tastes
4、and habits with those of his wife.A. combinecompeteB. coincidecompromise11. His wife is quite lazy. Her reluctance to wash her own clothes is a case pointA. inB. ontoC. forHis work is only, certainly not distinguished.A. fairremarkableB. goodwonderful12. Hot metal as it grows cooler.A. contractsredu
5、cesB. condensescompresses13. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full.A. capacitystrengthB. lengthpossibility14. How close parents are to their children a strong influence on the character of the children.A. hashaveB. havingto have15. I with thanks the help
6、of my colleagues in the preparation of this new column.A. expressconfessB. verifyacknowledge17.1 always what I have said.A. get tosee toB. lead tohold to4.1 1 am not used to like that.A. to being spokento speakB. being spokento speaking19. I am sorry that I must your invitation owing to aprevious appointment.A. declinerejectC.acceptD. receive20.1 appreciate to your home.A. to be invitedto have invitedB. being invitedhaving invited参考答案:IC 2. B 3. D 4. C 5. D 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10 . C11. A 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. A 16. D 17. D 18. A 19. A 20. C【大学英语四级词汇语法压轴预测】