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1、IBM 2022技术面试题第1题:EDCBACADEBADBCEB E D ACDCAE BStart at the fourth letter of Column 5 and follow the letters around the outside of the pattern in a clockwise direction. What is the second letter between the second E and the second B you come to?第 2 题: AB2C311 B3 DA1BC45A5 2 BE5 D2CIn the row that has
2、 more letters than numbers, in which the numbers are separated by only one letter, and in which the numbers sum to less than the sum of the numbers in the second column, which letter comes just before the second number, counting from right to left?(a,b)= (a+b)/2/(a,b)= a/b*(a,b)= abIf a=l, b=2 then
3、findi)/(a,(a,b)z*(a,b)11) */(a,(*(a,b) 16. In UNIX a files i-node?第 23 题: enum number b= 4,c,d,e What is the value of e ?(a) 7(b)4(c)5(d) 15(e)3第 24 题: The very first process created by the kernal that runs till thekernal process is halts isa) initb) gettyc) both (a) and (b)d) none of these-io - 第 2
4、5 题: Output of the following program is main() int i=0; for(i=0;i20;i+) switch(i) case 0:i+=5; case l:i+=2; case 5:i+=5; default i+=4; break; printf(”d,”,i);a) 0,5,9,13,17b) 5,9,13,17c) 12,17,22d) 16,21e) Syntax error第 26 题: What is the ouptut in the following programmain() char c=-64; int i=-32 uns
5、igned int u =-16; if(ci) printf(passl/);if(cu) printf(pass2); else printf(Fail2); else printf(Faill);if(iu) printf(pass2); else printf(Fail2)a) Passl,Pass2b) Passl,Fail2c) Faill,Pass2d) FaillzFail2e) None of these-ii - 第 27 题: In the process table entry for the kernel process, the process id value i
6、s(a)0(b)l(c)2(d)255(e) it does not have a process table entry第 28 题: Which of the following API is used to hide a windowa) ShowWindowb) EnableWindowc) MoveWindowd) SetWindowPlacemente) None of the above第 29 题: What will the following program do?void main() int i; char a=String; char *p=New Sring; ch
7、ar *Temp; Temp=a; a=malloc(strlen(p) + 1); strcpy(a,p); /Line number:9/ p = malloc(strlen(Temp) + 1); strcpy(p,Temp); printf(%s, %s)za,p); free(p);-12 -free(a); /Line number 15/a) Swap contents of p a and print:(New string, string)b) Generate compilation error in line number 8c) Generate compilation
8、 error in line number 5d) Generate compilation error in line number 7e) Generate compilation error in line number 1第 30 题: In the following code segment what will be the result of the function,value of x , value of y unsigned int x=-l; int y; y =0; if(x = y) printf(same); else printf(not same);a) sa
9、me, MAXIN7; -1b) not same, MAXIN1; -MAXINTc) same, MAXUNIT,-1d) same, MAXUNIT, MAXUNITe) not same, MAXIN MAXUNIT第 31 题: PATH = /bin : /usr: /yourhome The file /bin/calender has the following line in it cal 10 1997 The file /yourhome/calender has the following line in it cal 5 1997 If the current dir
10、ectory is /yourhome and-13 -calender is executeda) The calendar for May 1997 will be printed on screenb) The calendar for Oct 1997 will be printed on screenc) The calendar for the current month( whatever it is) will be printedd) Nothing will get printed on screene) An error massage will be printed第
11、32 题: What will be the result of the following program ?char *gxxx() static char xxx1024; return xxx;main() char *g=string; strcpy(gxxx(),g); g = gxxx();strcpy(g,oldstring); printf(The string is : %s/gxxx();a) The string is : stringb) The string is :Oldstringc) Run time error/Core dumpd) Syntax erro
12、r during compilatione) None of these第 33 题: What will be result of the following program?void myalloc(char *x, int n) x= (char *)malloc(n*sizeof(char);memset(x,0/n*sizeof(char);-14 -main() char *g=String; myalloc(g,20); strcpy(g,Oldstring); printf(The string is %s,g);a) The string is : Stringb) Run
13、time error/Core dumpc) The string is : Oldstringd) Syntax error during compilatione) None of these第 34 题: Which of the following function is used to repaint a window immediatelya) Sendmessage(hWnd,WM_PAINt,)b) lnvalidateRect()c) MoveWindowd) WM_COPYe) None第 35 题: Which function is the entry point fo
14、r a DLL in MS Windows 3.1a) Mainb) Winmain-15 -c) Dllmaind) Libmaine) None第 36 题: The standard source for standard input, standard output and standard error isa) the terminalb) /dev/nullc) /usr/you/input, /usr/you/output/, /usr/you/error respectivelyd) None第 37 题: What will be the result of the foll
15、owing program? main() char p=String;int x=0; if(p=String) printf(Pass 1);if(psizeof(p)-2=g)printf(Pass 2); else printf(Fail 2); else printf(Fail 1); if(psizeof(p)-2=,g,) printf(Pass 2); else printf(Fail 2);a) Pass 1, Pass 2b) Fail 1, Fail 2c) Pass 1, Fail 2d) Fail 1, Pass 2-16 e) syntax error during
16、 compilation第 38 题: Which of the choices is true for the mentioned declaration ? const char *p; and char * const p;a) You cant change the character in bothb) First : You cant change the characterr Second : You can;t change the pointerc) You cant change the pointer in bothd) First: You cant change th
17、e pointer Second : You cant chanage the charactere) None第 39 题: The redirection operators anda) do the same functionb) differ: overwrites, while appendsc) differ: is used for input while is used for outputd) differ: write to any file while write only to standard outpute) None of these-17 -第 40 题: Th
18、e command grep first second third /usr/you/myfilea) prints lines containing the words first, second or third from the file /usr/you/myfileb) searches for lines containing the pattern first in the filessecond, third, and /usr/you/myfile and prints themc) searches the files /usr/you/myfiel and third f
19、or lines containing the words first or second and prints themd) replaces the word first with the word second in the files third and /usr/you/myfilee) None of the above-18 第 3 题: If a salesmans average is a new order every other week, he will break the office record of the year. However, after 28 wee
20、ks, he is six orders behind schedule. In what proportion of the remaining weeks does he have to obtain a new order to break the record?第4题:在房里有三盏灯,房外有三个开关,在房外看不见房内的状况,你只 能进门一次,你用什 么方法来区分那个开关掌握那一盏灯.第5题:一个粗细匀称的长直管子,两端开口,里面有4个白球和4个黑球, 球的直径、两 端开口的直径等于管子的内径,现在白球和黑球的排 列是wbbbb,要求不取出任何一个球,使得排列变为bbwbb。第6题:一只
21、蜗牛从井底爬到井口,每天白天蜗牛要睡觉,晚上才出来活动, 一个晚上蜗牛可以向上爬3尺,但是白天睡觉的时候会往下滑2尺, 井深10尺,问蜗牛几天可以爬出来?第7题:在一个平面上画1999条直线最多能将这一平面划分成多少个局部?第8题:在太平洋的一个小岛上生活着土人,他们不情愿被外人打搅,一天, 一个探险家到了岛上,被土人抓住,土人的祭司告知他,你临死前还 可以有一个机会留下一句话,假如这句话是真的,你将被烧死,是 假的,你将被五马分尸,可怜的探险家如何才能活下来?第9题:怎样种四棵树使得任意两棵树的距离相等。第10题:27个小运发动在参与完竞赛后,口渴难耐,去小店买饮料,饮料 店搞促销,凭三个空
22、瓶可以再换一瓶,他们最少买多少瓶饮料才能 保证一人一瓶?第11题:有一座山,山上有座庙,只有一条路可以从山上的庙到山脚,每周 一早上8点,有一个聪明的小和尚去山下化缘,周二早上8点从山 脚回山上的庙里,小和尚的上下山的速度 是任意的,在每个来回中, 他总是能在周一和周二的同一钟点到达山路上的同一点。例如,有 一次他觉察星期一的8点30和星期二的8点30他都到了山路靠山脚 的3/4的地方,问这是为什么?第12题:有两根不匀称分布的香,每根香烧完的时间是一个小时,你能用什 么方法来确定一段15分钟的时间?第13题:In 1978, a kg of paper was sold at Rs25/-.
23、 If the paper rate increases at 1.5% more than the inflation rate which is 6.5% a year, then what wil be the cost of a kg of paper after 2 years?(a) 29.12 (b) 29.72 (c) 30.12 (d) 32.65 (e) none of these第14题:In A,B,C are having some marbles with each of them.A has given B and C the same number of mar
24、bles each of them already have. Then, B gave C and A the same number of marbles they already have. Then C gave A and B the same number of marbles they already have. At the end A,B,and C have equal number of marbles.(i) If x,y,z are the marbles initially with A,B,C respectively. Then the number of ma
25、rbles B have at the end(a) 2(x-y-z)(b) 4(x-y-z)(c) 2(3y-x-z)(d) x + y-z(ii) If the total number of marbles are 72, then the number of marbles with A at the starting(a) 20(b) 30(c) 32(d)39第 15 题: If a car starts from A towards B with some velocity. Due to some problem in the engine after travelling 3
26、0km, the car goes with 4/5 th of its actual velocity The car reaches B 45 min later to the actual time.If the car engine fails of ter travelling 45km, the car reaches the destination B 36min late to the actual time What is the initial velocity of car and what is the distance between A and B in km第16
27、题:A person has Rs 100/- in his pocket, he can as 25 pencils or 15 books.He kept 15% of the money for travelling expenses and purchased 5 pencils. So how many books he can purchase with the remaining money.第17题:The values of shares (in Rs).of A, B and C from January to June are as follows.MonthABCJan
28、uary306080February356585March457565April407582May557585June507580i) During this period which share has undergone maximium fluctuation?ii) In which month it is possible to buy B and C selling A?iii) In which month the share values are very low? iv) By purchasing one share of A and 4 each of B and C i
29、n the beginning of the period, when shoudl these be sold to get maximum profit?第 18 题: In a computer institute 9 languages can be taught. The module is of 6 months duration and of the six languages only one can be taught each month . In addition to that BASIC is always taught and should be in first
30、month itself WORD PERFECT is to be taught in the preceeding week of WORD STAR. FORTRAN can not be taught until COBAL is taught prior to that BINO, FIFO can never be taught in single module languages are BASIC, WORD STAR, WORD PERFECT, FORTRAN, COBAL, BINO, FIFO, LOTUS, Ci) If word star is in 3rd mon
31、th , what could be in 6th month.ii) If COBAL is in the 2nd month and BINO in 6th month. FORTRAN will be taught in which month.第 19 题: In a class, except 18 all are above 50 years. 15 are below 50 years of age. How many people are there(a) 30(b) 33(c) 36(d) none of these.第 20 题: A square plate of som
32、e size is cut at four corners. Equal squares of the same size are cut and is formed as open box. If this open box carries 128 ml of oil. What is the size of the side of the plate?(a) 17(b) 14(c) 13(d) None of these第 21 题: In a square, all the mid points are joined. The inner square isshaded. If the area of the square is A, what is the area of the shaded area?第22题:Two questions on basic angles i.e given a circle, a few chords or diameter is drawn etc.12. If the follwoing statements are given-9 -