-在学证明xx,男,19xx年xx月xx日出生,20xx年x月入学,现为我校xx专业攻读硕士/博士学位研究生,学制三年。学号xx。培养单位为中国科学院xxx研究所。特此证明。20xx年xx月xx日CERTIFICATIONThis is to certify that Ms. Liu jie,male/female, born on February 22,1979, Student ID.017002052, has been studying the graduate program for Masters /PhD Degree on Aquatic Biology in School of Life Science(Institute of )Chinese Academy of Sciences, from Sept. 2009 to now. The length of schooling is xx years.Students Affairs OfficeUniversity of Chinese Academy of SciencesNovember 10, 2011-第 1 页-