1、-哈姆雷特剧本主要出场人物:哈姆雷特(Hamlet)、霍拉旭(Horatio)朋友、克劳迪斯(Claudius)叔父、波罗涅斯(Polonius)大臣、欧菲莉亚(Ophelia)爱人、乔特鲁德(Gertrude)母亲、拉特斯(Laertes)欧菲莉亚的哥哥引言:It is a story about revenge. (这是一个关于复仇的故事)A classical line from it spreads far,(里面有一句经典的台词一直流传至今)“to be or not to be, that is a question.”Lets revisit the classic. Date
2、back to the mysterious age(让我们重温经典,回到那个神秘的年代)HamletRoyal castle of Elsinore, Denmark第一幕拉:Dear Ophelia, my necessaries are embarked.And,sisterFor Hamlet, hold it a fashion and a toy in blood. No more.欧:No more but so? His choice depends the safety and health of this whole state.波:Yet here,Laertes?拉:F
3、arewell,Ophelia, and remember well what I have said欧:This in my memory locked, and you yourself shall keep the key of it.(拉和父亲以及妹妹告别)波:Have you give words or talk with the Lord Hamlet. Look to it, I charge you! Come your ways.欧:I shall obey , my lord.(欧略带气愤地说)(欧 波 下台)哈:I pray thee, do not mock me, f
4、ellow student. I think it was to see my mothers wedding.霍:Indeed, my lord, it followed hard upon.霍:We saw that in the darkness, a figure like your father appeared before us.哈:Where? I will watch tonight.就在他们到达后不久,这个身穿盔甲的鬼魂突然从黑暗之中出现。(鬼魂向哈招手,示意跟他走)哈:King,Father! Why did you come here out of the grave?
5、鬼魂(Ghost):I am the ghost of your father. Two months ago, while I was sleeping in the beautiful garden of the castle, my brother Claudius came and put poison into my ear. I was instantly killed.哈:Murder?鬼魂:Hamlet! Be brave and kill him for me. But never kill or hurt my wife, for she is your mother. L
6、et her repent for what she has done. That is enough for her. What I have told you is true. My dear son. Good-bye, Hamlet.哈:Yes, father. I promise you! (所有人退下)第二幕:波:(他从口袋中掏出了一封信)I have found the reason. I have a daughter, have while she is mine who, in her duty and obedience, mark, hath given me this
7、.波:I would fain prove so. Ill loose my daughter to him. If he love her not, let me be no assistant for a state.乔:Oh, my pity boy!克:Do you think is this?乔:I doubt it is no other but the main. His fathers death and our overhasty marriage.哈姆雷特来到了安葬先王的墓室,他痛苦而又迷惑,他想从他的父王那获得启示。(Hamlet came to the formers
8、coffin chamber, feeling painful and puzzle, hoping to get some cues from his father.)第三幕:哈:To be or not to be, that is a question!波:(示意现场安静,演员上场)These are the best actors in the world. They are good at tragedy, comedy, history For the law of writ and the liberty, these are the only men. Give me some
9、 Give me some light!波:Lights! Give over the play!哈:Mother!乔:Withdraw, I hear him coming.(波罗涅斯并没有离开,躲到挂毯后面偷听)哈:Mother!波:Pray you, be round with him.乔:Fear me not.哈:Now mother, what is the matter!乔:Hamlet, thou hast thy father much offended.哈:Mother, you have my father much offended.乔:Come, come, you
10、answer with an idle tongue.哈:Go, go, you question with a wicked tongue.乔:Why, how now, Hamlet? Have you forgot me?哈:No, by the rood, not so.乔:You are the Queen, your husbands brothers wife. And, would it were not so, you are my mother.(他母亲给了他一巴掌)哈:Come and sit you down. You shall not budge.(他举着剑对皇后G
11、: Are you going to kill me? Help! Help!波:Help! Help! (挂毯后面的大臣发出叫喊声,哈发现了背后的动静)哈:How now! A rat? Dead, for a cat! (说着,哈姆雷特举剑刺过去,大臣的血喷溅出来)哈:Dead!?(哈拉挂毯,大臣的尸体倒了出来)乔:What a rash and bloody deed is this! (正在这时,欧菲莉亚刚好来找王后,她看到了眼前这一幕!大叫了起来,跑了出去)第四幕:(Ophelia comes to know that her father was killed by his lov
12、ely prince. She breaks up, and becomes crazy.)克:How long has she been thus?乔:(她颤抖的摇了摇头)I dont know.克:How do you, pretty lady?欧:Well, Godlily you!拉:Sister?欧:Who are you?拉:What have you done to her! Where is my father? Give me my father!克:Hes died.克:That I am guiltless of your fathers death and am mos
13、t sensibly in grief for it include your sister Hamlet.拉:Ill kill him!(Finally she drowns after falling into the river by accident.)第五幕:国王:Come, Hamlet, come, and take this hand from me.哈:Give me your pardon, sir. I have done you wrong in this audience.雷:In terms of honor, I stand aloof and will no r
14、econcilement. I think you are honest.哈:I embrace it freely and will this brothers wager frankly play. Give us the sword!国王:Cousin Hamlet, you know the wager?哈:Very well, my lord.国王:I have seen you both. Set me the stoup of wine upon that table. If Hamlet give the first or second hit. The King shall
15、drink to Hamlets better breath.(士兵把盛有酒的酒壶和杯子的托盘端上)国王:Stay. Give me drink. Our son shall win.王后:The queen share your fortune, Hamlet.国王:Gertrude, do not drink.王后:I will, my lord, I pray you pardon me. Come; let me wipe your face.王后:Poison! In the wine! 拉特斯趁乱将毒剑刺向哈姆雷特,哈急忙闪躲,还是被刺中左臂,哈反击一次,正好刺中拉特斯的要害,拉特
16、斯瞬间倒地。哈冲向他的母亲,看着母亲的遗体。哈:(大喊)Ho! Let the doors be locked! Treachery! Seek it out.拉:(奄奄一息地说)Hamlet, you will mine own treachery. Forgive me! The King The Kings to blame.哈:(冲向国王)Then, venom, to thy work!一剑刺向国王,国王倒地(哈姆雷特体内的毒素发作,也倒地)哈:I am dead, Horatio. In this harsh world, I draw my breath in pain. Tell my story to the future generations. The rest is silence.(哈倒在霍的怀里)霍:Good night, sweet prince and flights of angles sing thee to thy rest.-第 3 页-