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1、摘要在分析目前新生代农民工所面临的就业问题的基础上,就如何改善其中的就业机制进行探索,以为新生代农民工就业问题的解决提供参考。 关键词新生代;农民工;就业问题 新生代农民工主要是指80、90后农民工,以“三高一低”为特征,即受教育程度高,职业期望值高,物质和精神享受要求高,工作耐受力低1。新生代农民工不同于以往的农民工,具有更加明显的特点,如更加注重个人享受,更加注重个人价值的实现以及社会的认同,更加向往城市生活。目前,我国新生代农民工已经超过1亿人,该群体的逐渐壮大意味着一个新的时代的开始。新生代农民工更加渴望城市生活,希望能在城市里扎根落地,被城市所容纳,大部分的新生代农民工首先选择在城市

2、就业,如何解决好新生代农民工的就业问题值得全社会思考。 1新生代农民工就业面临的问题 1.1面临社会排斥 首先,物质条件的匮乏使新生代农民工只能居住在偏远的厂房或者廉价的出租房内,从而在住所上和当地的正式居民隔离,无法参加正式的社交活动,这种地理隔离对新生代农民工有心理和现实的双重影响,加剧了其心理上作为“外来人”的感觉,现实中则限制其获得当地知识和联系的机会,阻碍其在当地扎根并获得认同;其次,新生代农民工有强烈的愿望参与当地的政治活动,却无法得到满足,政府往往对此持漠视态度,甚至有的政策还在加深这种差距。现行的户籍制度,严重阻碍了新生代农民工享有平等社会待遇,虽然有些城市正在改革地方户籍制度

3、,允许更多的农民工落户城市,但是往往落户门槛太高,一般新生代农民工无法凭借自身力量逾越2。 1.2生活无保障,福利差 大部分人认为农民工对当地经济发展做出了巨大贡献,但是当地经济发展的利益分配却是不对称的,由于受到土地制度和户籍制度的限制,没有当地土地股份或社会身份的农民工进入当地社会参与利益分配格局障碍重重,最基本的居住条件都不能保证。调查显示,有31%的新生代农民工居住在集体宿舍,18%居住在缺乏厨卫设施的出租屋里,15%居住在工作地点,10%居住在临时搭建的工棚里,15%在城里没有住所,只能往返于城郊之间回农家居住,只有11%居住在厨卫齐全的房屋里。在生活无保障或者福利状况较差的情况下,

4、农民工容易积累恶性的不满,甚至通过极端的方法发泄,以致于有时会给当地带来犯罪等社会问题,从而使当地居民对其产生心理上的排斥,致使这种矛盾长期恶性循环。 1.3就业途径受局限,缺乏专业职介体系 新生代农民工在就业途径的选择中,熟人介绍、老乡介绍、亲属介绍3种途径所占比例较高,这是一种比较原始的就业方式,建立在相互信任和帮助的基础上,私人关系占据主流地位。学校推荐也是最近几年新生代农民工就业的主要途径之一,其优势是就业层次相对较高,跟新生代农民工所学技能有较高的关联性。但是,目前政府针对新生代农民工专门设置的职业介绍体系相对缺乏,缺少关注与引导,信息网络不健全,用工信息发布不及时,缺乏调控。新生代

5、农民工集中反映的问题就是公办劳动服务中心工作人员的服务态度差、办事效率低;而民办职业介绍服务中心则又收费过高,信息不可靠。 1.4工作环境恶劣,劳动安全缺失 首先,新生代农民工劳动超时现象十分普遍,加班加点问题普遍存在,周末双休以及国家法定节假日也难以实现。例如,在苏州的新生代农民工一般工作时间都较长,每天工作910 h的占38.0%,1112 h的占54.0%。收入低是导致农民工文化生活匮乏的另一个重要因素3。调查发现,月均收入在1 000元以下的占21.0%,月均收入在1 0002 000元之间的占62.0%。其次,在当前体制下,新生代农民工处于弱势地位,其劳动价值得不到公平体现,许多城市

6、的新生代农民工虽然从事和正式工同样的工作,付出相同的劳动量,却得不到同样的报酬,“拖欠”问题更是没能得到根本解决。此外,由于新生代农民工缺乏最基本的劳动安全保护,有些企业只顾眼前利益,为了降低生产成本,不给其必要的劳动保护用品,也不对其进行必要的安全培训,导致其职业发病率和工伤事故发生率居高不下。 1.5新生代农民工的返乡就业 大部分农民工选择城市就业,不愿意回到家乡从事耕种活动。但在一些地区当农村经济发展条件和水平得到改善后,许多新生代农民工开始回到家乡,从事在农业生产结构调整以后可以获得相对较高收入的农业劳动,如反季节养殖4,因其需要掌握一定的科学技术,可以获得较高的经济收益,因此吸引了部

7、分新生代农民工。还有一部分新生代农民工返乡后开始从事运输、餐饮等行业,进行小规模的个体户创业,或者有的利用外出期间所学习掌握的技能和经验募集资金进行创业,还有些则回到家乡的乡镇企业再就业。 2改善新生代农民工就业的机制探索 2.1加快户籍制度改革 户籍制度是制约中国农民工就业问题的首要因素,因此,要改善新生代农民工的社会地位,必须进行户籍改革。其改革关键在于消除户口管理上的种种社会经济差别,建立城乡统一的户籍制度,使新生代农民工与地居民在就业和其他发展机会上真正享受平等的待遇。然而,在户籍制度背后存在着大量由城乡身份决定的经济租金是制度改革在相当长时期内存在的历史问题。目前,政府还没有出台相关

8、的政策取消把公民划分为农业与非农业户口两大类,这就要求各地方可从当地实际情况出发,用地域代替职位作为划分居民性质的主要标准,让新生代农民工在城市中享受应有的权利,被城市所接纳。2010年中央一号文件强调要采取有效措施推进城镇化,让符合条件的农民工进城。中共广东省委、省政府将在全省推介的中山市流动人口“积分制”管理办法,不以户口为标准,从而将教育、就业、社保、医疗等公共服务与户口脱钩,是引导进城农民工“软着陆”的科学机制,值得各地方政府学习。 2.2有赖政府提供均等化的公共服务 新生代农民工融入城市首先要解决就业问题,其次要解决住房、子女教育问题,这些均有赖于政府提供均等化的公共服务。新生代农民


10、住并符合住房保障条件的农民工,可以在居住地申请廉租住房或者购买经济适用房。 2.3加强培训,提高新生代农民工的就业能力 新生代农民工普遍存在职业要求较高、职业期望值较大的现象,调查显示,有17%的新生代农民工有技术,75%的农民工有要求进行技能培训的欲望,仅有8%的农民工没有考虑过。因此,应加强对新生代农民工基本权益保护、法律知识、城市生活常识、寻找就业岗位等方面知识的培训,强化其社会责任意识、诚实守信意识和城市归属意识;其次,应根据国家职业标准和不同行业对从业人员基本技能和技术操作规程的要求安排培训内容6。要指导农民工根据自己的优势,结合市场需求,选择适合自己的职业工种进行培训;最后,应以实

11、现稳定就业为技能培训的目标,将培训与就业紧密结合,实行免费的技能培训鉴定和就业推荐。如2009年河南省刚刚启动的农村劳动力转移阳光工程百日培训计划,计划在5月底前的100 d内,完成10万农民的职业技能培训,转移就业率达80%以上。为了该计划的实施,河南省将安排培训补助资金5 000万元。 免费论文下载中心 2.4政府牵头,实行网络化的人力资源对接 政府应充分发挥其组织调控作用,建立城市和乡村、输出地和流入地、学校和企业及城市社区的信息资源互通和共享,为新生代农民工就业提供畅通的信息渠道;建立高效、快捷、及时、准确的劳动力市场信息网络,及时准确反映民工供需情况,实现省、市、县劳动力资源的信息互

12、联互通,通过劳务中介机构,实现求职者和用工单位紧密联系,推动新生代农民工有序流动,减少其求职成本;充分发挥网络优势,各地政府间要建立健全促进区域间青年劳动力转移的长效合作机制,加强劳动保障和教育等部门的合作,力求劳动力的供需平衡,做好人力资源的共享与对接,开发人力资源和就业需求对接市场,以及网络化的培训和招工市场,为人才的培养、输送搭建绿色通道。 2.5加强维权组织建设 新生代民工权益得不到保障的一个重要原因就是其作为个体太分散,缺乏与用人单位进行有效沟通与谈判的能力,缺少来自组织的力量。目前,农民工组织主要是通过“同乡会”的形式进行,当与用人单位发生矛盾时,往往采取“过激”的行为,容易产生社

13、会治安问题。因此,建议政府在农民工集中的区域建立联合工会。新生代农民工更加追求自由与自我享受,在权利得不到保证的情况下易跳槽,流动性更强,调研发现第1次就业的流失率高达40%之多,其第1次工作一般3个月就辞职。因此,政府应组织新生代农民工加入工会,协助其通过集体力量和用人单位进行谈判,改变自身在维权中的弱势地位。 2.6支持新生代农民工回乡创业或从事农业就业 在新生代农民工问题上,一方面,县乡政府应发挥作用,制定系列的优惠政策,吸引其回乡创业。如给农民减免税费,发展农村信贷业务,积极发展村镇银行、互助基金等新型农村金融机构。另一方面,县乡政府应鼓励发展设施农业,即带领新生代农民工掌握一定的农业

14、技术,利用一定的工程设备,克服自然气候对农业生产的形响,进行反季节种植(养殖)。设施农业收入较高,对新生代农民工来说具有一定的吸引力,为其就业提供了可能。设施农业不仅效益高,而且能够安置大量的劳动力,提高农村劳动效率,可以提高农业就业的潜力。如河南省汤阴县重点发展禽肉加工、粮食加工和食品添加剂制造,解决当地农村近万人就业,乡镇农民工大都返乡进场就业,极大地提高当地农民的收入水平与就业环境,在一定程度上促进农村经济的发展。 3参考文献 1 赵芳.“新生代”,一个难以界定的概念以湖南青幺村为例J.社会学研究,2003(6):71-83. 2 王春光.新生代农村流动人口的社会认同与城乡融合的关系J.

15、社会学研究,2001(3):63-76. 3 王春光.新生代的农村流动人口对基本公民权的渴求J.民主与科学,2000(1):18-20. 4 熊自权.社会转型时期的中国农民工研究M.西安:陕西师范大学出版社,1999. 5 彭红碧.我国农民工工资非公平性的实质与根源J.现代经济探讨,2010(6):77-80. 6 朱永安.新生代农民工研究D.南京:南京师范大学,2005. Employment of Young Migrant WorkersPosted:2010-12-7 13:48:00 Browse:17772 chinese Version Abstract In the analy

16、sis of the current generation of migrant workers facing employment problems, based on how to improve the employment system in which to explore, that the new generation solution to the problem of employment of migrant workers to provide information. Keywords: Cenozoic; migrant workers; Employment Mai

17、nly refers to the generation of migrant workers after the migrant workers 80,90 to the three high and one low for the feature, namely the high level of education, vocational high expectations, demanding material and spiritual enjoyment, work tolerance of low 1. Unlike the previous generation of migr

18、ant workers, migrant workers, with the more obvious characteristics, such as greater emphasis on personal enjoyment, greater emphasis on personal fulfillment and social identity, yearning for city life more. At present, our generation has more than 100 million migrant workers people, the gradual gro

19、wth of the group means a new era. the new generation of migrant workers more eager to city life, hoping to take root in the city landing, was accommodated in the city, most of the first generation of migrant workers in urban employment choice How to solve the employment problems of the new generatio

20、n of migrant workers should be thinking the whole society. A new generation of the employment problems faced by migrant workers 1.1 The social exclusion faced by First, the lack of material conditions so that only the new generation of migrant workers living in remote or low-cost rental plant room,

21、resulting in the official residence and the local residents on the isolation, unable to participate in formal social activities, this new generation of geographical isolation psychological reality of migrant workers and the dual effect of increasing its psychological as outsiders in the sense of rea

22、lity is to limit their access to local knowledge and networking opportunities, and to hinder its roots in the local recognition; Secondly, the new generation of farmers Workers have a strong desire to participate in local Political activities, but can not be met, the government often disregard this

23、holding, and even some policy also deepened the gap. The current household registration system, a serious impediment to the generation of migrant workers enjoy equal social treatment, although some cities are the reform of local household registration system to allow more migrant workers settled in

24、the city, but often settled threshold is too high, the general generation of migrant workers with their own forces can not go beyond 2. 1.2 life without security, welfare difference Most people think of migrant workers on local Economic Development has made great contributions, but the distribution

25、of benefits of local economic development is asymmetrical, due to the land system and the household registration system without the constraints of local land shares or social status of migrant workers into distribution pattern of local society in the interests of obstacles, the most basic living con

26、ditions can not be guaranteed. survey shows that 31% of the new generation of migrant workers living in dormitories, 18% living in rented house the lack of kitchen facilities, 15% live in the workplace, 10% lived in makeshift shed, 15% in the city, no shelter, only to and from the suburbs back to th

27、e farm between the living, only 11% lived in houses full kitchen. insecure in life or welfare of poor circumstances, the accumulation of malignant migrant workers dissatisfied easily, even through extreme methods to vent, so that can sometimes bring the local crime and other social issues, so that l

28、ocal residents have their psychological rejection, resulting in the kinds of contradictions in the long-term vicious circle. 1.3 by limited employment opportunities, lack of professional staffing system Generation of migrant workers in the choice of employment opportunities, the acquaintance introdu

29、ced, villagers described, relatives described a high proportion of 3 ways, this is a primitive means of employment, based on mutual trust and assistance, based on personal relationships mainstream. their schools is the employment generation of migrant workers in recent years, one of the main, the ad

30、vantage is the relatively high employment levels, with the generation of migrant workers have higher skills learned association. However, the present, the government specifically set up the new generation of migrant workers relative lack of employment system, the lack of attention and guidance, Info

31、rmation network is not perfect, employment information release is not timely, the lack of regulation. the new generation of migrant workers concentrated reflection of the problem is Public Service staff working attitude poor efficiency is low; and private employment service centers and high charges,

32、 unreliable information. 1.4 poor working conditions, labor safety and loss First, the generation of migrant workers is widespread labor overtime, overtime is widespread, Saturdays, and national holidays are difficult to achieve. For example, the new generation of migrant workers in Suzhou, the work

33、ing hours are longer, working 9 10 h accounted for 38.0%, 11 12 h accounted for 54.0%. led to low-income migrant workers and cultural life is another important factor deprivation 3. The survey found that average monthly income of 1000 yuan accounted for 21.0% average monthly income in 1 000 2 000 yu

34、an accounted for 62.0%. Second, in the current system, the generation of migrant workers in a weak position, the value of their labor are not fairly represented, many cities though the new generation of migrant workers and formal work in the same job, pay the same amount of labor, do not get the sam

35、e pay, arrears problem is not able to be solved. In addition, the new generation of migrant workers lack the most basic labor safety protection, and some business care for immediate benefits, in order to reduce production costs, do not give it the necessary labor protection products, not its necessa

36、ry safety training, resulting in occupational morbidity and high rate of accidents. 1.5 Employment generation of migrant workers return home Select a city most of the employment of migrant workers, unwilling to engage in farming activities back home. But in some areas when the level of rural economi

37、c development and improved conditions, many of the new generation of migrant workers began to return home, engaged in the restructuring of agricultural production can later access to agricultural labor income is relatively high, such as anti-breeding season 4, because of their need to have some scie

38、nce and technology, to obtain higher economic returns, it attracts some of the new generation of migrant workers. there is a part of the new generation of migrant workers after returning home engaged in the transportation, catering and other industries, small-scale self-employed entrepreneurs, or ot

39、hers to go out during the study and use of skills and Experience in raising funds for business, and some will return home re-employment of rural enterprises. 2 To improve the mechanism of generation of migrant workers to explore employment 2.1 speed up the reform of household registration system Chi

40、nas household registration system that hinders the employment of migrant workers the most important factor, therefore, the new generation of migrant workers to improve the social status of household registration reform must be carried out. The reform of key account management is to eliminate the soc

41、io-economic differences, establishment of a unified household registration system so that the new generation of migrant workers and residents in employment and other development opportunities really enjoy equal treatment. However, there are a lot behind the household registration system as determine

42、d by the urban and rural reforms in the economic rent is a very long time in the history of memory problems . At present, the government has not issued the relevant policy to cancel the agricultural and non-citizens into two major categories of agricultural accounts, which requires only parts from t

43、he local actual conditions, instead of using geographical position as the main criterion by the nature of the residents, so that students on behalf of migrant workers in cities should enjoy the right to be accepted by .2010 in the central city first document stresses the need to take effective measu

44、res to promote urbanization to meet the conditions of migrant workers in cities. CPC Guangdong Provincial Committee, the provincial government will Zhongshan City, the provinces promotion of floating Population points system management approach, not to the standard account, thus education, employmen

45、t, social security, medical and other public services and accounts decoupling, is to guide the migrant workers soft landing of the scientific mechanism , it is worth learning the local government. 2.2 The Government relies on the equalization of public services The first generation of migrant worker

46、s into the city to solve the employment problem, and secondly to solve the housing, children education, which are dependent on the Government to provide equalization of public services. Cenozoic high expectations of children of migrant workers, the China Youth Research Center, recently published Dev

47、elopment of new generation of Chinese migrant workers and generational contrast study shows that the new generation of migrant workers on their childrens expectations are very high, most peoples expectations for their children are college educated, masters and PhD degree 89.1% of the total of the th

48、ree, which hope their children will have a doctoral degree graduate students up to 38.8% 5. for the new generation of migrant workers to provide affordable housing and low cost housing is that many local governments are exploring the implementation of the policy, the implementation of this policy co

49、nducive to the family reunion, conducive to maintaining family stability and life for a new generation of migrant workers and their childrens Education provides the basic guarantee, facilitate its integration into the city In 2009 November 23, Henan Province XI session of the Standing Committee at its twelfth meeting of the On the modified Lan


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