我有一个梦想】Have a DreamWhen I was small, I like to eat candy so much, I would always ask my parents to buy candy for me. In order to eat all kinds of candies, I wanted to open a candy shop when I grew up, this is my dream. Now I still hold that dream, I can sell candy to the children and I like to see Iheir happy faces.当我还小的时候,我很喜欢吃糖果,我总会叫父母给我买糖果。为了吃到各种各样 的糖果,我想要在长大后开一间糖果店,这是我的梦想。现在我仍然怀抱着那样的梦想,我 可以卖糖果给孩子们,我喜欢看到他们开心的笑脸。