1、句子翻译51. 年轻人是否应该出国留学,这应该留给个人去判断。 Whether young people should study abroad should be left to individuals to judge.52. 中学生是不是应该穿校服,这是一个有争议的问题。Whether students should wear uniforms is a controversial issue.53. 从朋友那里,我们能学到我们需要的东西。From friends, we can learn what we need.54. 研究表明,在吸烟和一些严重的疾病如肺癌和心脏病之间,有确定的联
2、系。Studies reveal that there is a definite link between smoking and some serious diseases such lung cancer and heart disease.55. 他们认为审查的做法应该被废除。 They insist that the practice of censorship should be abolished.56. 一些人认为,与父母相比,学校更应该负责孩子的教育。Some think that the school should be more responsible for child
3、rens education compared with the parents.57. 我们需要知道在哪里能买到这些产品。We need to know where we can buy these products.58. 一些人认为,子女有义务照看他们的父母。Some people suggest that the old peoples children have the obligation to look after their older parents.59. 他们强调的是考试对学生的创造力有害。What they emphasize is that formal examin
4、ations are harmful to students creativity.60. 第一个原因是饲养宠物对人的健康有害。The first reason is that raising pets is harmful to peoples health.61. 购物,这个每天生活中必须的活动,在城市里是更方便的。Shopping, a necessary activity in everyday life, is more convenient in the city.62. 爱情能将学生从学习,学生的主要工作中分开。Love can tear students away from l
5、earning, the students main task.63. 一些人甚至提出了建议,在所有公共场所完全禁止吸烟。Some people even propose a suggestion that smoking should be totally banned in all public places.64. 从上面我所提到的,不难得出这样一个结论:中学生应该出国留学。From what I have mentioned above, it is not difficult to get the conclusion that students should go abroad t
6、o study.65. 每个人都看到的主要原因是,电视在我们面前展现了一个生动形象的世界。The main reason that everyone can see is that television presents a vivid world in front of us.66. 我们必须考虑的另一个因素是电视在我们的日常生活中起到教育的作用。Another factor we must consider is that television plays an educational role in our daily lives.67. 强烈反对这种做法的人声称它侵犯了人们基本的工作权
7、利。Those people who strongly oppose the practice claim that it violates peoples basic rights of working.68. 赞成网络的人认为它给我们带来了很大的方便和效率。Those who welcome the internet hold that it brings us great convenience and efficiency.69. 有很多其它因素导致这个问题。There are many other factors that bring about the problem.70. 还有
8、一些人认为我们应该与朋友一起去旅行。There are still some people who hold that we should travel with friends.71. 他们相信他们所看到的暴力是正常的和可接受的。They believe the violence they see is normal and acceptable.72. 我们生活在人们享有合法权利的国家。We live in a country where people enjoy their legal rights.73. 我之所以持有这个观点是有很多原因的。There are numerous rea
9、sons why I hold this opinion.74. 我看到一篇文章,其中写道,一些人认为中学生应该每天都穿校服。I hit upon an article in which some people hole that students should wear uniforms every day.75. 幼儿园有很多教育设施,孩子们可以从中受益。In kindergartens, there are many educational facilities from which children can benefit.76. 批评家们认为这种做法与目前高度尊崇自由和个性的文明社会
10、不一致。The critics argue that the practice does not coincide with the present-day civilized world in which liberty and individuality are highly worshiped.77. 他们想要模仿他们所看到的东西,这在有时是危险的。They want to imitate what they see, which is sometimes dangerous.78. 母亲们可以集中与她们的工作,发展她们的事业,这对社会发展也是有利的。Mothers can concen
11、trate on their work and advance their careers, which is also helpful to the social development.79. 这是一个有争议的问题,它引起了人们的热烈讨论It is a controversial question, which has aroused heated discussion among people.80. 现在,越来越来多的人同意吸烟是一个不健康的爱好,它等于自杀。Nowadays, a growing number of people agree that smoking is an un
12、wholesome hobby, one that is equivalent to committing suicide.81. 老年人可以照看他们的孙辈,这也会在一定成都上减轻年轻人的压力。The old people can look after their grandchildren, which may, to some degree, relieve the pressure from the younger generation.82. 一些学生在玩计算机游戏上花费了太多的时间,这对他们的身体有害,也会影响他们的学习。Some students spend too much ti
13、me playing computer games, which is harmful to their health and has a negative influence on their studies.83. 我还是喜欢和朋友一起旅行,因为我认为在旅行中最重要的是得到快乐和休息。I still like to travel with friends because I think the most important thing during a trip is to get pleasure and relaxation.84. 我认为饲养宠物是明智的,因为这在很多方面都有好处。I
14、 think it is sagacious to raise pets because it is beneficial in many ways.85. 一些人认为我们不应该帮助探险者,因为任何形式的帮会组都会破坏她们探险的乐趣。Some people suggest that we should not help the adventurers, because any kind of help would ruin their pleasure of exploring.86. 现在,人们面临激烈的竞争,承受巨大的压力,所以几乎没有时间和家人在一起。People, nowadays,
15、face fierce competition and suffer from great life pressure, so they spend little time with their families.87. 大多数人结婚并且有孩子,所以他们为了家庭责任需要稳定可靠的收入。Most people marry and have children, so they need a steady reliable income because of their family responsibilities.88. 当一个人完成留学时,他将会有更多的机会开拓未来的事业。When one f
16、inishes his study abroad, he will have more opportunities for his future career.89. 电话是非常方便,尤其当我们有紧急的事情时。Telephones are very convenient especially when we have an urgent situation.90. 虽然它对人类必不可少,它也会我们带来了很多的不便。Although it is indispensable to human beings, it has also brought a lot of inconvenience.91
17、. 虽然小家庭有独特的优点,但它在很多方面不能和大家庭竞争。While the small family has a unique advantage, it cannot compete with the large family in many fronts.92. 这个观点虽然看起来有道理和吸引人,但是它经不起推敲。Reasonable and attractive as the opinion seems, it does not hold water.93. 如果吸烟被全面禁止,更严重的问题就会产生,如失业。If smoking is totally banned, more ser
18、ious problems such as unemployment will arise.94. 如果我们推倒老建筑,我们就破坏了文化遗产和传统价值。If we tear down the old buildings, we are ruining the cultural heritage and the traditional value as well.95. 如果他们继续以他们的健康允许的方式工作,老年人仍然会为社会做很大的贡献。If they continue to work in a way their health permits, old people can still m
19、ake a great contribution to the society.96. 为了赶走孤独和消磨时光,他们可以培养其他的爱好,比如养花、集邮和学习绘画。To dispel loneliness and kill time, they can cultivate some other hobbies such as growing flowers, collecting stamps and learning to paint.97. 只有用这种方式,这个问题才能成功地解决。Only in this way, can the problem be solved successfully.98. 只有当一个人有足够的自控能力时,他才能从玩游戏中获益。Only if one has enough self-control, can he benefit from playing games.