1、-APA参考文献格式-最新版-第 4 页参考文献著录格式示例(APA格式,选题报告和论文以此为准)参考文献按先英文后中文排列,全部按首写字母排序A.1 专著例:龙文佩,(1988),外国当代剧作选。北京:中国戏剧出版社。Grice, H. P. (2002). Studies in the way of words. Beijing: Foreign Languages Teaching and Research Press. (出版年份加括号,中文书目用书名号,中文标点;英文专著只大写第一个字母,用斜体;)A.2 学位论文例: 张筑,(2010),学术摘要中的主位研究,硕士学位论文。北京:北
2、京大学。Cairns, R. B. (2012). Infared spectroscopic studies on solid oxygen, M.A. Thesis. Berkeley: University of California. (中文学位论文标明“硕士/博士学位论文”,英文对应用M.A. Thesis或 Ph.D. Dissertation,后加地点和学校,英文论文标题需斜体,第一个字母大写,格式同专著)A.3 文集中析出的文献例: 黄蕴慧,(2003),国际矿物学研究的动向,见程裕淇等编,世界地质科技发展动向。北京:地质出版社,38-39Rivers, S. (2010).
3、Bringing it all together: Applying metaphor analysis to online discussions in a doctorate study. In Cameron, L. & Maslen, R. (eds.). Metaphor analysis: Research practice in applied linguistics, social sciences and the humanities. London: Equinox, 230-247.(析出文章要注明页码范围,文集书名的格式同专著,注意中文“见”和英语In的使用)A.4 网
4、络文献例: Joyce, A. S. Research letter: Canadian Group Psychotherapy Association. Retrieved October 26, 2015, from . (网络文献,加入Retrieved后加日期,加网址)A.5 期刊文章例: 杨彦恒,(1997),论尤金奥尼尔的悲剧美学思想,中山大学学报(社会科学版),第6期,21-23。Corts, D. & Meyers, K. (2002). Conceptual clusters in figurative language production. Journal of Psyc
5、holinguistic Research, 32(4): 391-408.(期刊年份后的数字表示“卷”,括号中的数字表示“期”,英文期刊名称实词都得大写且斜体) 附录B参考文献标注法与参考文献表示例(参考件)B.1 著者出版年制正文与引文:Besides Halliday, GM has been studied by other scholars, such as Martin (1992) and Thompson (1996/2004), and they have done research on IM as well, but their researches are limite
6、d to types and identification. In China, the study of GM has made some progress since the 1980s. Chang (2001), Fan (1999, 2000, 2007), Hu (1996, 2000), Yan (2000, 2003) and Zu (1994, 2006) introduce and comment on GM, among which Fan (2000) elaborates how to identify metaphors of mood, Chang (2001)
7、summarizes and offers his opinions on the form and function of interpersonal metaphors and Zhu (2006) makes complementary opinion to the nominalization of modal terms. However, few of the above scholars have tried to research on IM in specific discourse or the function of IM, even though IM is espec
8、ially significant for a more comprehensive understanding of the discourse. In recent years, IM is widely applied to different genres of texts, such as advertisements (Ying, 2012), public speeches (Feng, 2010; Huang, 2010), business negotiation (Tan, 2009) and news reports (Yu, 2000), while only few
9、have researched on debate. Zhang (2006) does a functional analysis of IM exploiting the First Bush-Kerry Presidential Debate in 2004; Liu (2011) studies metaphors of modality in presidential debate but lacking of statistics and detailed analysis; Zhang (2011) researches on the evaluation function of modality metaphors in presidential debate.