1、-伊索寓言格言合集u DAY ONE1. Dont be proud of your natural abilities: be proud of what you do with them.不要因为自己的天赋而骄傲,要为你发挥天赋所做的事而自豪。2. Bravery in taking care of others is often well rewarded.勇于照顾他人的人总能得到好报。3. Do not judge by appearances.人不可貌相。u DAY TWO1. Prepare today for the needs of tomorrow.未雨绸缪(预先做好准备)。
2、2. We should never look so high that we miss seeing the things around us.我们仰望星空的时候,也不能忘记脚踏实地。(我们不能看得太高以至于忽略了身边的事物。)3. Dont hurt yourself to get revenge on another.不要为了复仇而伤害自己。4. By hurting others, we often hurt ourselves.害人终害己。5. People often blame their misfortunes on their friends, rather than the
3、ir enemies.人们总是把自己的不幸怪罪于朋友身上,而从不怪罪敌人。6. It takes all kinds of people to make human society work社会的发展需要每一个人的努力。u DAY THREE1. Sometimes its good to be unimportant.有时微不足道也是一种优势。2. If you need something done properly, do it yourself.如果想尽善尽美,必须身体力行。3. Evil signs are shown early in life.人的劣根性在很小的时候就显现出来了。
4、4. Stop a boaster by putting his words to the test.真金不怕火炼。5. Whatever you do, do with all your strength.无论做什么都要全力以赴。6. Do not attempt too much at once.人心不足蛇吞象。u DAY FOUR1. A liar will not be believed even when telling the truth.骗子说真话,也不会被相信。2. Help is more useful than advice.帮助比建议来得更有用。3. What we do
5、 for fun often makes great trouble for others.不要把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦上。4. We think about how others hurt us, but we dont think about how we hurt them.我们总是想到他人对自己的伤害,不曾想自己是怎样伤害别人的。5. Unity is strength.团结就是力量。6. If you do no useful work,you will not be missed.毫无用处的工作是不会被人们记住的。u DAY FIVE1. Dont be tricked twi
6、ce by the same person.不要掉进同一个坑里两次。2. Try as you may, it is impossible to deny your nature.江山易改,本性难移。3. Better the evil you know than the one you dont know.明枪易躲,暗箭难防。4. Its better to teach than simply to tell.身教重于言传。5. Necessity is the mother of invention.需求是创新之母。u DAY SIX1. You cant hide your true n
7、ature forever.江山易改,本性难移。2. The ungrateful will not be helped a second time.人们不会帮助忘恩负义的人。3. Those whom you cannot always trust are not your friends.无法一直信任的朋友不是真朋友。4. It is not wise to be too greedy.贪婪是愚昧的。5. We should not prevent others from enjoying what we cant enjoy ourselves.不要阻止别人享受我们所不能享受的。6. H
8、e who lay traps for others is often caught by them himself.给别人设圈套的人经常自己被圈套套住(害人终害己)。u DAY SEVEN1. If youre not important, no-one will listen to you, even if you are right.人微言轻。2. Be satisfied with what you have.知足常乐。3. Only fools try to take the credit which others deserve.无功不受禄。4. Dont take your pr
9、etending too far, or youll be found out.伪装终会被拆穿(纸包不住火)5. Cheaters must expect to be cheated.恶人终有恶报6. False confidence often leads to danger.盲目自信常把人引入险境u DAY EIGHT1. Thankful people will always find a way to show their thanks. 心存感激之人终能寻得报恩之路。2. To enjoy what we have, we must have freedom. 拥有自由,方能享受生活
10、。3. If you want to be happy, dont compare yourself with others. 活在比较之中的人是不会幸福的。4. Sometimes ambition can lead us beyond the limits of our power. 有时候野心让我们自不量力。5. Hard work is the key to prosperity. 勤能致富。u DAY NINE1. Learn from the misfortunes of others, not just from your own. 除自己外,也要从别人的不幸中汲取教训。2. T
11、he poor may not fear a change of masters in the way that the rich do. 光脚的不怕穿鞋的。3. Revenge is a two-edged sword. 复仇是一把双刃剑。4. They who ignore their old friends for new ones deserve to lose both. 喜新厌旧的人最后终将两手空空。u DAY TEN1. If you love someone, set them free.爱他(她)就给他(她)自由。2. It is very hard to forgive t
12、hose whom we see every day.我们很难原谅近在眼前的仇人。3. Be careful - you will be judged by the company you keep.近朱者赤,近墨者黑。4. Being too greedy for pleasure often leads to pain.耽于享乐常将人引入痛苦。u DAY ELEVEN1. Those who help others often cannot help themselves.能帮助他人的人往往帮不了自己。2. Dont listen to flattery.别听信阿谀奉承的话(忠言逆耳)。3
13、. We all like to criticize what we cannot have.吃不到葡萄说葡萄酸。4. What we see every day,we no longer fear.怕的东西,看久了就不怕了。5. Those who trick others will be tricked in their turn.聪明反被聪明误。6. If it sounds too good to be true,it probably is.听起来太美好的,往往都不是真的。u DAY TWELVE1. Dont trust selfish advice.不要相信意在谋取利益的建议。2
14、. Vanity may lead to disaster.虚荣可能引向灾难。3. Those who say they can help others should first help themselves.欲助他人者必先助己。4. Think ahead.未雨绸缪。5. Dont be too quick to change your rulers.不要太急于更换你的统治者。u DAY THIRTEEN1. The gods help those who help themselves.天神们只会帮助那些会帮助自己的人(自助者,天助之)。2. We often imagine that
15、others are thinking about us more than they really are.别人没有你以为的那么的在乎你(自作多情)。3. Dont let your successes make you over-confident.不要因为自己的成功而过度自信。4. Stick to what you do best.坚持做你擅长的事。u DAY FOURTEEN1. Want too much and lose it all.贪心不足蛇吞象。2. Accept and enjoy what you are.知足常乐。3. We blame others careless
16、ness, but never notice our own.我们总是责怪他人粗心大意,却不会反省自己。4. Listeners never hear good of themselves.自己往往听不到别人说自己的好话。u DAY FIFTEEN1. Honesty is the best policy.诚信乃上策。2. The greater the need, the greater the effort.需求越大,努力越多。3. Slow and steady wins the race.靠稳重来赢得比赛。4. We are encouraged by seeing others wh
17、o are worse off than ourselves.我们总是能从比我们更糟糕的人那获得安慰。u DAY SIXTEEN1. What is valuable to one person may not be valuable to another.你视如珍珠,我视如粪土。2. Be careful what you wish for.谨慎许愿。3. Be consistent in your actions.行为要始终如一。4. Laziness often prepares a weight for its own back.我们总是要为自己的懒惰而付出代价。5. Those wh
18、om you try to use, will use you in return.那些你想利用的人也会反过来利用你。6. It is easy for the coward to be a hero at a distance.远离危险时,懦夫也能逞英雄。u DAY SEVENTEEN1. Flattery is a dangerous weapon in the hands of an enemy.口蜜腹剑。2. Some people are not even worth fighting with.不与傻瓜论短长。3. Dont bite off more than you can c
19、hew.有多大碗,吃多少饭。4. Todays good deeds are the seeds of tomorrows blessings.善有善报。5. The quarrels of friends are the opportunities of their enemies.亲者痛,仇者快。u DAY EIGHTEEN1. If you no longer have a good reason for fighting, stop.不做无谓的斗争。2. Quality matters more than quantity.质量比数量重要。3. Better scare a thief
20、 than actually catch him.吓走一个贼比真的抓住他要强。4. Love can blind even the wildest.再强大都会被爱蒙蔽双眼。5. You may share the work of the great, but you will not share the rewards.也许你承担了伟大的工作,但你不会分享其成果。u DAY NINETEEN1. If you must fight for something, make sure you keep your eyes on the prize.如果你必须要争夺什么的话,那就一定要专注于值得去争
21、夺的事物身上。2. Better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own.从别人的错误中吸取教训总好过从自己身上悔过。3. There is always a better liar than you.人外有人。(贬义)4. Dont hurt those who try to help you.不要伤害想帮助你的人。u DAY TWENTY1. Professionals will always do a better job of anything.术业有专攻。2. We dont see our own faults
22、, but our neighbors do.当局者迷,旁观者清。3. Dont try to please two people at once.鱼和熊掌不可兼得。4. Each of us is the hero of our own story.人都是自己故事里的英雄。5. It is one thing to think of a good plan, and another to put it into practice.说起来容易,做起来难。u DAY TWENTY ONE1. Greatness carries its own danger.伟大自有危险(树大招风)。2. You
23、 cant please everybody, and its foolish to try.你不能取悦每一个人,连尝试也是愚蠢的。3. Those who get a bad reputation often mistake it for fame.那些名声不好的人常把它(坏名声)误认为荣耀u DAY TWENTY TWO1. The value of money depends not on how much you have, but how you use it.金钱的价值不在于你拥有多少,而在于你如何利用它们。2. It is foolish to imitate those who
24、 are better than us.东施效颦是愚不可及的。3. Dont make a big fuss about nothing.不要为了无足轻重的事情大惊小怪。4. Those who cry the loudest are not always the ones who are hurt the most.真正忍辱负重的人往往保持沉默。5. Dont rely on your enemies to keep their promises.不要指望你的敌人信守承诺。6. Be flexible to survive.处世须变通。7. Be careful not to be too
25、useful to the wrong people.不要让错误的人发现你的利用价值。u DAY TWENTY THREE1. Those who try too hard to be clever often create bigger problems for themselves.聪明反被聪明误。2. Danger sometimes comes from a place we dont expect.危险有的时候来自不可预料的地方。3. We travel furthest and highest when we let go of our pride.放下骄傲的我们能到更高更远的地方
26、。4. Dont choose your rulers for their attractiveness.不要选华而不实的领导。5. We have great powers that come to us only in an emergency.关键时刻往往有无穷爆发力。u DAY TWENTY FOUR1. With time, one can get used to anything.久入芝兰之室而不闻其香,久入鲍鱼之肆而不闻其臭。2. The same plan will not suit all situations.同样的计划不会适用于所有的情况。3. Dont expect p
27、eople to change.本性难移。4. When people make you good offers, think about their reasons.事出无常必有妖。u DAY TWENTY FIVE1. A wise person learns from the misfortunes of others.智者从别人的不幸中吸取教训。2. Sometimes those who claim to be helping you are actually using you.有时那自称帮忙的人实际是想利用你。3. If you neglect someone now, dont
28、 depend on them helping you later.现在你忽视的人,将来也别指望能帮助你。4. What is most truly valuable is often undervalued.真正有价值的事物往往会被低估。u DAY TWENTY SIX1. It is in bad times that you find out who your real friends are.患难见真情。2. Nip evil in the bud.防患于未然。3. Dont sacrifice your principles because of a gift.不要因为小利舍弃原则。
29、4. Dont expect everyone to appreciate your virtues.不要期望每个人都是你的伯乐。5. Stay with what you know.不要不自量力。u DAY TWENTY SEVEN1. East, West, Homes best.金窝银窝,不如自己的狗窝。2. The lazy often blame delay on their more active friend.懒人总是把自己的拖延责备在别人身上。3. If you dont let others share the prize, you cannot expect them to
30、 share the danger.如果不同甘,就别指望别人跟你共苦。4. People are not grateful for things that are free.白白得来的东西反而不会珍惜。5. Words may be actions.言语能激励行动。u DAY TWENTY EIGHT1. Let go of your hatred, at least before you die.至少在死之前,学着放下仇恨。2. Dont be too lazy to change when change is needed.当需要改变的时候,不要犯懒。3. Sometimes its be
31、st to keep quiet about your success.有时候,闷声才能发大财。4. Make your preparations early.未雨绸缪。5. Persuasion works better than force.劝说比武力管用.6. When helping evil people, expect no reward, and be thankful if you dont get hurt.帮助坏人时就别想着有回报了,没受伤就谢天谢地吧。u DAY TWENTY NINE1. There is no joy in life without freedom.没
32、有自由,没有快乐。2. An evil person will always find an excuse for his evil actions.恶人总会为自己的恶行找到理由。3. Those who take by force will be robbed by force in their turn.天道好轮回。4. Men easily criticize things they practice themselves.只许州官放火,不许百姓点灯。5. He who lives anothers life may die anothers death.以他人方式生存,以他人方式毁灭。u DAY THIRTY1. Dont change friends for enemies.不要以敌换友。2. Dont lose your present in dreams of your future.活在当下。3. Speech and reason are our most precious gifts.语言和理性是我们最珍贵的礼物。4. Seen through the eyes of love, everyone is beautiful.眼里有爱,万物皆美。-第 15 页-