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1、银行招聘考试考试题库精选9卷银行招聘考试考试题库精选9卷 第1卷Thomas Jefferson, _ a director of accounting department, became a vice president of our firm last month.A.pastB.previousC.once D. now答案:C解析:通常情况下,一国的利率水平提高,会导致( )。 A.本币汇率上升,外币汇率上升B.本币汇率上升,外币汇率下降C.本币汇率下降,外币汇率上升D.本币汇率下降,外币汇率下降答案:B解析:当利率上升时,信用紧缩,贷款减少,投资和消费减少,物价下降,在一定程度上抑

2、制进口,促进出口,减少外汇需求,增加外汇供给,促使外币汇率下降,本币汇率上升。为了明确企业计划的外部条件,其关键是 A.定量预测 B.定性预测 C.环境预测 D.销售预测答案:C解析:我国狭义的货币量包括( )。A.流通中的现金 B.定期存款C.储蓄存款 D.银行活期存款答案:A,D解析:流通中的现金和银行活期存款为流通的货币,是我国狭义的货币供应量。财务管理的各项制度中,需要建立健全企业内部控制制度和会计控制制度,其中对不相容的岗位实行相互分离、相互制约的制度称为( )。A.岗位分离制度B.回避制度C.内部牵制制度D.货币资金控制制度答案:A解析:建立不相容岗位分离制度就是在合理设置业务流程

3、、明确岗位职责权限的基础上,对不相容职位实行岗位分离,形成相互协作、相互制衡、相互监督的机制,从而避免在经营管理过程中可能出现的差错和舞弊行为。#( )对于褴褛相当于行为对于( )A.干净地板 B.衣衫浪荡C.灿烂星光 D.愉快沉重答案:B解析:题干是一种描述关系。即褴褛是对衣衫的描述。A、C项与题干顺序不符。符合 题干描述关系和顺序的只有B项。故选B。数学运算。在这部分试题中每道试题呈现一段表述数字关系的文字,要求你迅速、准确地计算出答案。零售商店运来两桶酒大桶有酒120千克,小桶有酒90千克。两桶酒卖出同样数量后,大桶剩的酒刚好是小桶剩的酒的4倍,两桶共剩多少千克酒?()A.50B.40C

4、.30D.10答案:A解析:设倒出x千克酒,由题意列方程:120-x=4x(90-x),解得x=80,则两桶共剩120+90-802=50千克。资料:With 55% of consumers customer service interactions starting online and 63% of adults using their smartphone several times a month to seek customer service, your mobile customer service tactics are more important than ever.A

5、strong mobile customer service strategy will not only help you avoid losing customers, it can help you gain new ones and impact the bottom line.Think fast or drop the ballWhen it comes to customer service, speed is key. If my credit card stops working. or if I am trying to find the gate to my flight

6、, or if I just lost cell reception, I needed the response five minutes ago. When customers do get in touch, its important to act fast to get them the information they need. Forty-two percent of American shoppers complaining on social channels expect a brand to respond within the hour, and 57% expect

7、 the same level of timely customer service via social media at night and on the weekends as during business hours.Customers, however, are not just looking for speedy responses. Were accustomed to having all the information we need at our fingertips. According to Forrester. SS% of shoppers are likely

8、 to abandon their online purchase if they cant quickly find an answer to their question and 30% of users considering abandoning a purchase if a site is not mobile optimized, whether thats on your website or via your social media platforms.Make sure that doesnt happen to you by thinking through poten

9、tial questions your customers may have, and identifying any missing or incorrect information before customers need to reach out. Additionally, ensure your customer service contact info(whether thats a contact form, email address or social media handle) are readily available on all mobile website pag

10、es. The fewer chicks we have to make to get the information we seek, the better!Why is a strong mobile customer service strategy critical?A.It forbids customers to go.B.It helps you gain new customers.C.Because of customers are using their smartphone to seek customer service.D.It prevent losing cust

11、omers entirety.答案:B解析:本题问的是“为什么强大的移动客户服务策略至关重要?”A选项“阻止顾客流失”;B选项“它可以帮助您获得新客户”;C选项“因为55的客户正在使用智能手机寻求客户服务”;D选项“它可以防止失去客户”。根据主题句可知,能够帮助增加新的客户,B选项正确。在以下关于互换交易中利率互换功能的表述中,主要目的一般不包括( )。A.降低融资成本B.规避外币管制C.资产负债管理D.对利率风险保值答案:B解析:根据题干考查的是互换。B选项属于货币互换的功能,题目选不包括的,故B项正确;互换交易包括利率互换和货币互换,其中利率互换的功能包括:降低融资成本,资产负债管理,对利

12、率风险保值,ACD均属于利率互换功能,故ACD错误。所以答案选B。银行招聘考试考试题库精选9卷 第2卷被后世称为华夏族的“人文初祖”的是( )。A.黄帝B.炎帝C.舜帝D.尧帝答案:A解析:四千多年前,以黄帝为首领的部落,住在中国西北部的姬水附近。黄帝死后葬于今陕西黄陵县桥山,被誉为中华民族的“人文初祖”。故本题答案选A。三位男士甲、乙、丙,和三位女士A、B、C,他们是三对夫妻,现在知道,甲的妻子是B 的好友,并且在三个女子中最年长;而C 的年龄比丙的妻子年龄小,请问以下对三对夫妻关系推断正确的是( )。A.甲-A,乙-B,丙-C B.甲-B,乙-A丙-CC.甲-C,乙-B,丙-A D.甲-A

13、,乙-C,丙-B答案:D解析:由甲的妻子是B 的好友,可知B 不是甲的妻子,排除B 项,且甲的妻子年纪最长;由C 的年龄比丙的妻子年龄小,可知C 不是丙或甲的妻子,排除A、C 项,则C 是乙的妻子,所以选D。要想创造独具特色的技术和别具一格的服务,企业必须实施( B )战略。A.成本领先B.差别化C.专一化D.收缩答案:B解析:社会上的各种传言和议论,有的是无中生有,有的是空穴来风,我们要善于思索和分辨。“空穴来风”的意思是( )。A有洞穴没有风进来,比喻无原由的事B有洞穴就有风进来,比喻事情不是完全没有缘由的C好像洞穴中的风一样飘忽不定,一会儿这样一会儿那样D好像洞穴中的一股风,它是朝着某个

14、方向吹去的答案:B解析:一道典型的词语理解题,不过也有些特殊,及考察了考生对常见成语的掌握能力,又考查了考生对于成语在具体语境中的使用情况。一方面如果考生明确知道“空穴来风”的准确含义,也可以选出正确答案,另一方面考生也可以根据具体语境的前后制约关系来进行推理判断,通过“我们要善于思索和分辨”可知。“有的有的”引导的两句内容“无中生有”和“空穴来风”表示的是相反相对的并列关系,因此可以通过了解“无中生有”的反面来了解认识“空穴来风”,即事情还是有有一定缘由的,恰好B项含义与之吻合。 表外业务具有灵活性大、规模庞大、交易集中、盈亏巨大、透明度低的特点。() 答案:对解析:消费信用方式不包括()。

15、A.赊销B.分期付款C.现金支付D.消费信贷答案:C解析:消费信用方式具体包括以下三种方式:(1)赊销。工商企业对消费者以延期付款方式提供的短期信用。(2)分期付款。购买消费品或取得劳务时,消费者只支付一部分货款,然后按合同分期加息支付其余部分。多用于购买高档耐用消费品或房屋、汽车等,属中长期消费融资。(3)消费贷款。银行及其他金融机构采用信用放款或抵押放款方式,对消费者发放贷款,按规定期限偿还本息。答案选C柜员制营业网点下列关于印章使用和管理错误的是( )A、记帐凭证作为对柜员业务交易及处理结果的书面记录,一律加盖业务用章和经办柜员名章(能在记帐凭证上打印授权主管姓名的可不签章)B、柜员业务

16、印章由县级联社统一刻制C、柜员使用的业务受理章、业务讫、储蓄专用章按柜台设置,编码控制,不得随意更换,不得交换使用D、柜员休班时,必须办理印章的交接手续,并登记交接登记簿答案:D解析:刘老师带了41名同学去北海公园划船,共租了10条船。每条大船坐6人,每条小船坐4人,问大船、小船各租几条?( )。A1,9B3,7C4,6D2,8答案:A解析:本题适用于代入法:首先明确题意,即刘老师带领41名同学,所以有42人坐船,把A项代入61=6(大船),94=36(小船),6+36=42(人),正好是坐船人数总和,所以选择A项。We have launched a campaign called Toge

17、ther Science Can,which brings together people from absolutely around the world to_for those things that we care about。A.stand byB.stand upC.stand onD.stand against答案:B解析:本题考查词组辨析。题目意为“我们发起了一个名为“共同科学能”的运动,它将全世界的人们聚集在一起,支持我们关心的那些事物。”四个选项都是stand的词组。A选项“袖手旁观,在场”,B选项“站起来,坚持”,C选项“坚持,依靠”,D选项“反对,反抗”。句中考察的是词

18、组stand up for,支持,坚持,拥护。B选项正确。银行招聘考试考试题库精选9卷 第3卷下列组织可以作为一个会计主体进行会计核算的有( )。A.企业集团 B.民间非营利组织C.分公司 D.子公司答案:A,B,C,D解析:会计主体,是指会计所核算和监督的特定单位或者组织,它界定了从 亊会计工作和提供会计信息的空间范围。会计主体可以是独立法人,也可以是非独立法人;可 以是一个企业,也可以是企业内部的某一个单位或企业中的一个特定的部分;可以是一个企 业,也可以是由几个独立的企业组成的企业集团。题中选项都正确。自20世纪以来,随着世界范围内经济研究的不断深入和经济活动的不断拓展,人们在使用资本这


20、群体和民族伟大精神力量的 。文化认同如果缺失,社会语境便趋于焦虑,人们的价值取向便会 ,因为文化认同相对于政治认同和社会认同,具有更深远的 。依次填入横线部分最恰当的一项是( )。A.基础 丧失 意义 B.根本 丢失 价值C.根基 迷失 内涵 D.基础 失落 涵义答案:C解析:第二空,由“价值取向”所包含的方向性可知。此处填“迷失”最贴切,且与前句的“焦虑”构成语义上的呼应。故答案选C。以下关于我国科技史,不正确的是()。A.1965年,我国首次人工合成了结晶牛胰岛素B.世界上首次作出哈雷彗星的确切记录的是春秋C.我国古代最初采用的计算工具是算筹D.“月光生于日之所照,魄生于日之所蔽,当日则光

21、盈,就日则光尽。”是元朝天文学家郭守敬对日食现象作出的科学解释答案:D解析: “月光生于日之所照,魄生于日之所蔽,当日则光盈,就日则光尽。”是张衡对月食作出的科学解释。资料:(一)Insurance is the sharing of risks, Nearly everyone is exposed to risk of some sort. The house owner, for example, knows that his property can be damaged by fire, the ship owner knows that his vessel may be lost

22、 at sea;the breadwinner knows that he may die at an early age and leave his family the poorer. On the other hand, not every house is damaged by fire nor every vessel lost at sea. If these persons each put a small sum of money into a pool, there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suff

23、er loss, In other words, the losses of the few are met from the contributions of the money. This is the basis of insurance, Those who pay the contribution are known as “insured”and those who administer the pool of contributions as ”insurers”.Not all risks can be covered by insurance. Broadly speakin

24、g, the ordinary risks of business and speculation cannot be covered. The risk that buyers will not buy goods at the prices offered is not of a kind that can be statistically estimated, and risks can only be insured against if they can be so estimated.The legal basis of all insurance is the “policy”.

25、 This is a printed form of contract. It states that in return for the regular payment by the insured of a certain sum of money, called the “premium”, which is usually paid every year, the insurer will pay a sum of money or compensation for loss, if the risk actually happens. The wording of policies,

26、 particularly in marine insurance, often seems very old-fashioned, but there is a sound reason of this. Over a large number of years, many law cases have been brought to clear up the meanings of doubtful phrases in policies. The law courts have given these phrases a definite and indisputable meaning

27、, and to avoid future disputes the phrases have continued to be used in polices even when they have passed out of normal use in speech.The phrase “the pool of contributions”in the first paragraph means_.A.the money paid by the insurersB.the cost of administering insuranceC.the money paid by the insu

28、redD.the amount of each premium答案:C解析:本题考查的是细节理解及词义替换。 the pool of contribution”; in the first paragraph第1自然段 If these persons each put a small sum of money into a pool, there will be enough to meet the needs of the few who do suffer loss. In other words, the losses of the few are met from the contr

29、ibutions of the money. This is the basis of insurance. Those who pay the contribution are known as insured and those who administer the pool of contributions as insurers.如果这些人每人拿出一小笔钱来汇聚成一片汪洋,就会有足够的钱来满足少数的确遭受损失的人的需求。换言之,少数人的损失是由缴纳的钱来支付的,这是保险的基础。缴纳摊款的人被称为“被保险人”,而管理款项总额的人被称为“保险公司”。本题的问题是“第1自然段中,短语 “th

30、e pool of contribution”(款项总额)的意思是_”。 A选项“保险公司支付的款项”;B选项“管理保险的费用”;C选项“被保险人支付的款项”;D选项“每笔保险费的金额”。根据题目中关键词找到主题句,主题句中,短语the pool of contribution”是使用了修辞手法,其实质就是保险费的总和,即被保险人支付的款项。故C选项正确。10,24,52,78,(),164。A.106B.109C.124D.126答案:D解析:第1代电子计算机使用的电子元件是( )。A.晶体管 B.电子管C.中、小规模集成电路 D.大规模和超大规模集成电路答案:B解析:第1代计算机主要元件是

31、电子管,第2代计算机主要元件是晶体管,第3 代计算机主要元件是小规模集成电路和中规模集成电路,第4代计算机主要元件是大规模集 成电路和超大规模集成电路。2022年第一季度,违反产品质量法规案件减少量是违反商标法规案件减少量的几倍?()A.125B.1.56C.177D.222答案:D解析:由“从违法法规看,违反产品质量法规案件6760件,同比下降2751%;违反商标法规案件4119件,同比下降2193%”可知,违反产品质量法规案件减少量与违反商标法规案件减少量的2022年2月18日,国务院办公厅关于印发国民旅游休闲纲要(20222022年)的通知发布,纲要明确提出到( )年职工带薪休假制度基本

32、得到落实的目标。A.2022B.2022C.2022D.2022答案:D解析:银行招聘考试考试题库精选9卷 第4卷所有形式的金融深化,本质上讲,其内容都是某种意义上有关()的交易。A.产品B.信息C.技术D.资本答案:B解析:所有形式的金融深化,本质上讲,其内容都是某种意义上有关信息的交易。 下列对利率变动的影响最为直接与明显的经济政策是()。A.货币政策B.财政政策C.收入政策D.汇率政策 答案:A解析: 中央银行利用三大货币政策工具来影响市场利率达到扩张或收缩银根的目的。纵观货币理化发展史,关于货币需求和需求量决定的论述概括起来主要有两大派系,即( ).A货币数量论需求说B.西方传统数量论

33、需求说C.现金余额货币需求说D.现金交易方程式论E.价值论需求说答案:A,B解析:货币需求两大派系:西方传统数量论需求说( 包括现金余额说、现金交易说)和货币数量论需求说。故AB项正确。0答案:HTTP,FTP,解析:在市场经济制度下,货币均衡主要取决于A.稳定的物价水平B.大量的国际储备C.健全的利率机制D.发达的金融市场E.有效的中央银行调控机制答案:C,D,E解析:市场经济条件下货币均衡的实现有赖于三个条件,即健全的利率机制、发达的金融市场以及有效的中央银行调控机制。.某位注册会计师在编写审计报告时,在意见段中使用了“除上述问题待定以外”的术语,这 种审计报告是( )。A.无保留意见审计

34、报告 B.保留意见审计报告C.否定意见审计报告 D.无法表示意见审计报告答案:B解析:注册会计师如果认为财务报表整体是公允的,但还存在下列情形之一,应 当出具保留意见的审计报告:(1)会计政策的选用、会计估计的作出或财务报表的披露不符合 适用的会计准则和相关会计制度的规定,虽影响重大,但不至于出具否定意见的审计报告; (2)因审计范围受到限制,不能获取充分、适当的审计证据,虽影响重大,但不至于出具无法表 示意见的审计报告。当出具保留意见的审计报告时,注册会计师应当在审计意见段中适用 “除的影响外”等术语。1/3,1/2,3/5, ( ) ,5/7,3/4A.2/5 B.1/3 C.2/3 D.

35、3/4答案:C解析:数列可以写出 1/3,2/4,3/5, ( ) ,5/7,6/8;分子为 1,2,3, ( ) ,5,6;分母为 3,4,5, ( ) ,7,8;显然( )中的分数为 4/6,即答案为选项 C2/3。The personal computer was a revolution in information technology that spawned a $50 billion hardware business with another $30 billion in software and peripherals (e.g. mouse keyboard printe

36、r etc. ) by 199. During its short 15 years the industry evolved through three successive periods. During its first 5 to 6 years it was characterized by explosive growth and multiple small competitors vying for a piece of the market. From 1981 to 1985 the industry became a battle for standards and re

37、tail shelf space. The third eras was one of increasing fragmentation. From 1986 through 1991-1992 new manufacturers from around the world granted from the industry leaders as new channels of distribution emerged and product innovation as well as revenue growth slowedDuring the early years of the ind

38、ustry venture capital in the U.S. encouraged the entry of new firms that offered products in every conceivable shape and size. By 1980 new entrants flooded the market prompting distinct standards and unique technical features. Almost every firm had a different configuration of hardware and software.

39、 The first PC had relatively little speed or memory. However even these earl computers allowed managers to perform tasks that were very time consuming.What happened in the third era?A. The small companies experienced a harsh lifeB. People preferred PCs of big brandsC. The big companies didnt earn as

40、 much as they did the past two periodsD. The companies made standard on the configuration答案:C解析:细节题。根据文段提到的“The third eras was one of increasing fragmentation”。A项提到小公司正在经历这一个艰难的时刻,这应该是第二阶段在这个行业的主要特征。B项在文段中并没有完全提及。D项提到的标准问题也是在第二阶段的主要特征。因此答案选C。我国批准设立的第一家外资银行代表处是()。A.东亚银行B.日本输出人银行C.花旗银行D.汇丰银行答案:B解析:银行招

41、聘考试考试题库精选9卷 第5卷 我国刑法对完全刑事责任年龄的规定是()。A.14周岁B.16周岁C.18周岁D.20周岁 答案:B解析:B 绝对无刑事责任年龄,即不满14周岁的,对任何犯罪都不负刑事责任;相对刑事责任年龄,即已满14周岁不满1 6周岁的人,犯故意杀人、故意伤害致人重伤或者死亡、强奸、抢劫、贩卖毒品、放火、爆炸、投毒罪的,应当负刑事责任。除上述罪名外,因不满16周岁不予刑事处罚的,要责令其家长或者监护人加以管教,在必要的时候,也可以由政府收容教养;减轻刑事责任年龄,即已满14周岁不满18周岁的人犯罪,应当从轻或者减轻处罚;完全负刑事责任年龄,即已满16周岁的,犯任何罪,都必须负刑

42、事责任。但犯罪时未满18周岁不适用死刑。2022年,全国公路水路交通固定资产投资l4512亿元,占全社会固定资产投资的39。分地区看,西部地区交通固定资产投资5400亿元,所占比重为372,比上年提高12个百分点;东、中部地区交通固定资产投资分别为5479亿元、3633亿元,所占比重分别为378和25O。 2022年,公路建设投资l2714亿元,其中,高速公路建设投资7238亿元,下降25;国省道改造投资2575亿元,增长59;农村公路建设投资2145亿元,增长67,新改建农村公路195万公里。全国完成公路水路交通固定资产投资增速按年份排序正确的是( )。A.202220222022 B.20

43、222022201lC.202220222022 D.202220(3192022答案:C解析:根据表1,2022-2022年的增长率分别为72、337、l86、93、03,正确的只有C。To: All Griffin Corporation Employees From: Sally Kleinman, Director, Employee Relations Re: Employee Fitness Center Sent: Thursday, November 1, 9:46 A.M. Dear Colleagues: As you know, Griffin Corporation r

44、ecognizes the importance of having an excellent exercise facility on the premises. Over the past three years, we have worked hard to improve the employee fitness center: we have purchased new exercise equipment, renovated the locker rooms, and begun offering Welcome Aboard! , a safety training cours

45、e. Two months ago, you responded enthusiastically to a survey about this fitness facility. Based on our recommendations, changes are planning for the fitness center. They will take effort on December 1. First of all, as requested, the fitness center will stay open three extra hours Monday through Th

46、ursday. Also, a new series of classes-most of them suggested by you-will begin. Finally,those of you who have been using the center will be pleased to hear that popular personal trainer Joseph Santiago will be promoted to manager of the fitness center. We encourage more employees to take advantage o

47、f all the fitness center has to offer. Membership will continue to be subsidized and will remain at $15 per month. In addition, and for a limited time only, we are now offering a special rate for new members, members who sign up before December 1 will only be charged $10 per month for the next six m

48、onths. Please contact Joseph Santiago to sign up at this new reduced rate. Best Regards, Sally Kleinman GRIFFIN EMPLOYEE FITNESS CENTER:NEW SCHEDULE (as of December 1) Hours of Operation Group Classes Monday6:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M.MondayWeight lifting12:00-1:00 P.M. Tuesday6:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M. TuesdayAerobic workout 6:00-7:00 P.M. Wednesday 6:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M.Wednesday Kickboxing 12:00-1:00 P.M. Thursday 6:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M. ThursdayStep aerobics6:00-7:00 P.M. Friday 6:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M.Friday Yoga7:00-$:30 A.M. Saturday 6:00 A.M.-9:00 P.M.SaturdayCross training9:00-1:30 A.M. Sunda


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