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1、1.Introduction of subject2.Supporting details3.Conclusionauthors opinions/suggestionsintroduction of advertisementsexpository writingReading strategy:This text(1)(2-4)(5)Supporting details What an advertisement is.Not all the advertisements tell us the complete truth.Public service ads always tell u

2、s the truth. (2)(3)(4)Read the passage again and decide the main ideas for each paragraph of supporting details.1 Advertisements are found in many places.2 PSAs are only found in newspapers.3 All advertisements tell the complete truth.4 PSAs and commercial ads use some of the same methods.5 Commerci

3、al ads can give us valuable information about how to live our lives.6 An ad warning people against smoking is an example of a PSA.Decide whether they are true or falsenot onlyNot allPSAsTFFTFTWhat is an advertisement?Where are advertisements most commonly found?Why are some of the advertisements cle

4、ver according to the article? Why should we follow the advice in PSAs?Read the article again and finish the following questions1.What is an advertisement? 2.Where are advertisements most commonly found?An advertisements provides information and uses persuasive language and exciting images to encoura

5、ge people to buy a product or service or believe in an idea.It includes two types: CAs and PSAs.Billboards, newspapers, magazines, the internet, radio and television are the most common places to find advertisements.3.Why are some of the advertisement clever according to the article?4. Why should we

6、 follow the advice in PSAs?Because most advertisements dont tell you the complete truth even if they dont lie.Because all of the PSAs are meant to be helpful , and we can often learn a lot by following the advice they give. Fast reading:1. How many main types of advertisements are there?2. What does

7、 PSAs stand for?3. What are PSAs meant to do?Two.Public service advertisements.To teach us and help us lead better lives.CAs:PSAs:DefinitionThey are paid by someone to promote a product or serviceThey are placed for free, and are intended to educate people about health,safety,or any other issue whic

8、h affects public for the public benefits Types of adsSimilaritiesDifferencesExamplesPlaces foundMethods usedPurposeCostCAsPSAsBillboardsNewspapersmagazines, the internet, radio and televisionPersuasive language,exiting imagesTo promote a product or serviceTo educate people about health,s

9、afety or other issuesNeed to be paid forare often placed for free“Bright teeth fights bad health ”“yes to life ,no to drugs”The taste is great. Start ahead. Knowledge changes life.the choice of a new generation. Parents, Partners, Potentates. (当权者当权者)good to the last drop. Connecting people. Which d

10、o they belong to, CAs or PSAs?CAsPSAsCAsCAsCAsCAsPSAsA: 警惕高空坠物警惕高空坠物B: 小心地雷小心地雷C: 高处危险高处危险D: 战争空投,反战宣传战争空投,反战宣传A:prenatal and postnatal care优生优育优生优育B:the great power of union团结力量大团结力量大C: Laid-off下岗再就业下岗再就业D: universalization of compulsory education普及义务教育普及义务教育CompetitionA: Laid-off下岗再就业下岗再就业B: 少说多做少

11、说多做C: 团结协作团结协作D: 反对腐败反对腐败A: 诚信重要诚信重要B: 偷一罚十偷一罚十C: 贪污可耻贪污可耻D: 禁止帖小广告禁止帖小广告A: 拒绝迷信活动拒绝迷信活动B: 禁止拍照禁止拍照C: 保护水资源保护水资源D: 关爱动物关爱动物A: 茶叶故乡,茶文化茶叶故乡,茶文化B: 保护水资源保护水资源C: 绿化中国,防沙种树绿化中国,防沙种树D: 一个中国,祖国统一一个中国,祖国统一 Advertisements,which often use p_ language and e_ images, play an important p _ of our lives. There ar

12、e two main t_ of advertisements.One is called c _ advertisements, which are meant to p _ a product or s _ .But they dont tell c _ the c _ truth. Another one is called PSAs, which use a_ and o_ images and c_ language,are often placed for f_.They d_ with many social i_, which often affect public

13、suasivexcitingartypesommercialromoteerviceustomersompletettractiveriginalreativereeealssueselfareMake a summary about the passageCan you make an advertisement according to this picture?牙口好,胃口就好Homework1.Revise the text we studied today and try to retell the passage in your own words.2.Finish Part F with your partner together.3.Finish the gap-information exercise in Part E by yourself


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