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1、 马可波罗产品开发部文件20140519#01马可波罗文案大全(中英文版)2016年3月1日更新(温馨提示:为了方便您查找产品信息,目录已经添加索引,您只要按着Ctral键,在目录点击您想要查找的产品名称,即可到达产品页面。)CONTENTS - 目 录第一部分 品牌基础部分2一,马可波罗瓷砖2二,【马可波罗人物介绍】2三,品牌简介2第二部分 产品分类部分14一按照现有产品规划和终端展示排序,如下表(更新重制)14二、马可波罗品类说明15一,仿古砖15二,亚光砖19三,抛釉砖22四,抛光砖26五,内墙砖29六,文化陶瓷31七,微晶石35第三部分 产品文案部分38一1295(休闲仿古砖)返璞归真

2、的瓷砖38二马可波罗真石系列开创瓷砖材质新革命70三E石代(亚光砖,含波光砖)简约新风尚80四. 地理石(抛釉砖,含地心岩I、II代)石尚中国86五微晶石石代巨作 至尊奢华100六抛晶砖顶级奢华,触手可得106七抛光砖(含一石多面产品)卓越品质 创新典范111八中国印象一品一味,时尚中国118十内墙砖(含3D喷墨350x750, 400x800,300x450,300x600,200x500)133第一部分 品牌基础部分一,马可波罗瓷砖Marco Polo tiles,Masterpiece in the Ceramic World 700多年以来马可波罗的名字一直为世人所熟知现在马可波罗作为

3、一个著名品牌走进千家万户 走进我们的生活马可波罗瓷砖磨砺知品质,探索见精神Marco Polo-a name familiar to the world Since over 700 years ago.Now it is a supreme brand,entering thousands of households, affecting our life.the Marcopolo ceramicIt is a masterpiece in the ceramic world二,【马可波罗人物介绍】马可波罗于1271年沿着丝绸之路来到中国,直至1295年才返回意大利威尼斯。随后马可波罗游记

4、诞生。书中记录了马可波罗在东方的所见所闻,他是世界历史上第一个将地大物博的中国向欧洲人作出报道的人,在他的游记中以100多章的篇幅,记载了我国40多处的城市及地方,对当时中国的自然和社会情况作出了详细描述。因此,马可波罗被誉为“中世纪的伟大旅行家”,中西文化交流与融合的友好使者。Marco Polo travelled all the way along the Silk Road to China 1271 and didnt get back to Venice, Italy until 1295. Soon afterwards, “The Travels of Marco Polo”

5、came into being. It recorded what he heard and saw in the Orient and he was the first man in history to report China with a vast territory and abundant resources to Europeans. He devoted more than 100 chapters to the description of more than 40 cities and areas in China, particularly giving a detail

6、ed description to the then natural and social conditions in China. Therefore, Marco Polo is highly reputed as “the greatest medieval traveler” and a goodwill messenger of the Sino-Western Cultural Exchanges and Fusion.三,品牌简介1.【中西融汇 文化陶瓷】1. Sino-western Cultural Fusion, Cultural Ceramic品牌简介2016版Brand

7、 Profile 2016 version马可波罗”品牌诞生于1996年,作为国内最早品牌化的建陶品牌之一,以“文化陶瓷”占领市场。目前产品涵盖亚光砖、抛光砖、抛釉砖、内墙瓷片、微晶石、手工雕刻砖等所有品类。企业拥有380多项专利,其自主研发的原创设计“中国印象”系列产品,将中国传统文化之精髓展现在瓷砖上,引导设计之风回归东方禅韵,受到国内外消费者和专家的广泛关注。马可波罗先后在国内外建有3000多家专卖店,同时拥有工装、家装、超市和电子商务等立体营销网络,产品远销东南亚、欧美等国家和地区,是多家设计院战略合作品牌,奥运会、世博会主要建材供应品牌。企业全面通过国家3C体系认证,欧盟Intert

8、ek CE认证,英国BSI公司ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证,ISO14001环境管理体系认证和OHSAS18001职业安全管理体系认证,为广东省高新技术企业和省民营科技企业。马可波罗品牌先后荣获“广东省品牌产品”、“中国建筑陶瓷知名品牌”等称号。2007年,中国建筑陶瓷博物馆正式落户于马可波罗瓷砖企业总部。习近平、李克强等领导先后考察企业总部,对马可波罗瓷砖的技术创新和文化创新给予了高度评价。2011年开始,成立马可波罗慈善爱心基金,每年以500万投入专注贫困地区儿童成长环境的改善。同时助力中国体育事业,冠名CBA深圳马可波罗队,冠名WCBA广东马可波罗女篮,拥有NBL湖北马可

9、波罗队。2015年世界品牌实验室评定“马可波罗”品牌价值高达156.36亿。2.【体育文化 营销典范】2. Sports culture, marketing model 马可波罗中国唯一冠名CBA、WCBA球队的建陶品牌Marcopolothe only building ceramic brand title-sponsoring a CBA team CBA深圳马可波罗队作为一支年轻的球队,在国内职业篮球联赛上叱咤风云,马可波罗队每年向国家队输送专业球员,深圳马可波罗队背后凸显的是新世纪俱乐部和唯美集团合作双赢的战略眼光,这种战略双赢为中国体育的职业化进程开拓了新的发展思路和模式。201

10、5年,马可波罗瓷砖与新世纪篮球俱乐部再度携手,冠名WCBA广东女篮。广东马可波罗女篮作为WCBA的劲旅,是一支年轻、朝气蓬勃的球队,连续多年名列联赛前茅。自2007年赞助冠名CBA深圳马可波罗队以来,不断深入体育营销,由2014年投资组建的NBL湖北马可波罗男篮,到赞助冠名WCBA广东马可波罗女篮,一系列的果断出击表明了马可波罗瓷砖体育营销聚焦在篮球赛事上,中国篮球三大联赛均有马可波罗队奋战的身影。马可波罗瓷砖不断对体育营销的方式进行探索,通过学习和引进成熟行业的先进营销经验,由浅到深,完成中国篮球体育营销的全面覆盖。 球迷风采 一路同行Enthusiastic fans give full

11、support CBA马可波罗队在全国范围内拥有最热情的球迷,球迷与俱乐部一路同行,球场上,我们共同分享精彩,球场之外,我们共同走过512抗震救灾,为灾区捐款80万,筹款426万;我们一同为残疾人、孤儿院捐赠款项与物资,关爱他们的生活与健康;我们一同参与终端活动,共享开业盛事CBA Marcopolo Team has a lot of enthusiastic fans nationwide who keep pace with the club to support the team players. In the playing courts we share every moment

12、of the match excitement and we do something else together out of the courts, doing whatever we can to help the disaster-struck areas in 512 Earthquake Relief by donating RMB 0.8 million yuan and raising funds up to RMB 4.26 million yuan from other channels; We pull together to donate money and mater

13、ials to the handicapped and orphans, take care of them in daily life and health care; We participate in the terminal activities and celebrate business inaugural events together 3.【辉煌历程 共同见证】3.Brilliant growth experiences, ushering in a brighter future1988年,广东唯美陶瓷有限公司前身东莞市建筑装饰材料厂成立In 1988, Dongguan C

14、ity Building and Decoration Material Plant, the predecessor of Guangdong Wonderful Ceramics Co. Ltd, was set up1992年,“东莞市建筑装饰材料厂”变更为“东莞市唯美陶瓷工业公司”In 1992, “Dongguan City Building and Decoration Material Plant” was renamed as “Dongguan Wonderful Ceramics Industrial Co., Ltd”1996年,“马可波罗”瓷砖诞生,是国内建陶行业中最早

15、品牌化的瓷砖品牌代表之一In 1996, “Marcopolo” tile came into being as one of the earliest representatives of the ceramic brands in the domestic building ceramic industry1996年,马可波罗第一片防滑砖上市后,被业界誉为“中国防滑砖大王”In 1996, After the first Marcopolo slip-resistant tile was put into the market, it was reputed by the industry

16、 as “King of Slip-resistant tile in China”1997年,第一片马可波罗仿古砖诞生In 1997, the first Marcopolo antique tile rolled out of the product line 1998年,建陶行业第一家品牌专卖店马可波罗专卖店在太原开业In 1998, the first brand franchised store in the building ceramic industryMarcopolo Franchised Store in Taiyuan officially opened for bus

17、iness 1998年,成立“东莞市唯美装饰材料有限公司”In 1998, “Dongguan Wonderful Construction Decorative Material Co., Ltd” was set up1999年,东莞市唯美陶瓷工业公司改制为民营企业,成立“东莞市唯美陶瓷有限公司”In 1999, Dongguan Wonderful Construction Decorative Material Co., Ltd was reorganized into a privately owned enterprise“Dongguan Wonderful Ceramics C

18、o., Ltd”1999年,马可波罗提出“小市场,大份额”的经营理念,逐渐建立马可波罗作为仿古至尊的地位In 1999, Marcopolo put forward the business philosophy “Small market yet larger market shares”, thus gradually establishing the retro supremacy of Marcopolo. 1999年,马可波罗凡尔赛宫经典二圆角系列产品面市In 1999, Marcopolo Versailles classic II rounded-corner product s

19、eries was put into the market2000年,马可波罗首创618*618系列新概念板材陶瓷推向市场,第一块200*300瓷片生产出窑In 2000, 618*618 series of new concept plate ceramics originally created by Marcopolo was put into the market and the first 200*300 ceramic tile rolled out of the kiln2000年,马可波罗提出“厂商一体化,合作长久化”的经营理念,开创厂商合作新局面In 2000, Marcop

20、olo proposed the business philosophy “Effectively integration the manufacturer with franchised distributors to facilitate the long-term cooperation”, thus creating a new situation for closer cooperation between the manufacturer and franchised distributors. 2000年,成立“东莞市家美瓷砖制造有限公司”In 2000, “Dongguan C

21、ity L&D Ceramics Co. Ltd” was set up2001年,东莞市唯美陶瓷有限公司被中国农业银行广东省分行被授予“黄金客户”称号In 2001, Dongguan Wonderful Ceramics Co., Ltd was awarded by Agricultural Bank of China, Guangdong Branch the title “Golden Client”. 2001年,“东莞市唯美陶瓷有限公司”改称“广东唯美陶瓷有限公司”,同年被广东省科协评为“省民营科技企业”,被广东省质量技术监督局授予马可波罗“采用国际标准产品标志证书”In 200

22、1, Dongguan Wonderful Ceramics Co., Ltd was renamed as “Guangdong Wonderful Ceramics Co., Ltd” and was identified by Guangdong Provincial Association for Science & Technology as “Excellent Private Technical Enterprise in Guangdong” and “Certificate of Using the International Standard Product Symbol”

23、 awarded to Marcopolo by Administration of Quality and Technology Supervision of Guangdong Province in the same year. 2001年,成立“东莞市唯美陶瓷工业园有限公司”In 2001, “Dongguan Wonderful Ceramics Industrial Park Co., Ltd” was set up 2001年,唯美公司用22.8万元购买瀚海行使用权,创下国内同类摄影作品的最高价In 2001, Wonderful Ceramics solely bought t

24、he copyright of “Travel on the Vast Ocean” at the cost of 228,000 RMB yuan, the highest offer for the similar photographic work in China 2002年,唯美公司通过英国BSI公司的ISO9001:2000国际质量管理体系认证,同年,中国环境标志产品认证委员会授予马可波罗产品“型环保标志”荣誉称号In 2002, Wonderful Ceramics passed ISO9001: 2000 international quality management sys

25、tem authentication accredited by British Standard Institution (BSI) and Marcopolo Products were awarded by CCCEL the honorary title “Ecolabel Type III ISO14025”. 2002年,马可波罗被评为“广东省名牌产品”、 “国家质量检测合格”、“国家权威检测达标产品”In 2002, Marcopolo was rated as “Famous Brand Product in Guangdong”, “National Quality Insp

26、ection Qualification Product” and “Standard Product of National Authoritative Inspection” 2002年,马可波罗“E石代”系列上市,掀开国内建陶产品的新革命In 2002, Marcopolo-“E-stone” series was put into the market, vigorously revolutionizing the domestic building ceramic products 2003年,马可波罗被评为“中国名牌”、“国家免检产品”,荣获行业十大“中国建筑陶瓷知名品牌”In 2

27、003, Marcopolo was honorably titled as “Chinese Famous Brand”, “National Quality-inspection-free Product” and one of “Top 10 Famous Brand Building Ceramic Product in China”2003年,“唯美”品牌被评为“广东省著名商标”和“国家免检产品”In 2003 “Wonderful” Brand was rated as “Famous Trademark in Guangdong” and “National Quality-in

28、spection-free Product”2003年,黄建平总经理被广东省人民政府授予“广东省优秀民营企业家”称号In 2003, General Manager Huang Jianping was awarded the title as “Excellent Private Entrepreneur in Guangdong”2003年,第一片马可波罗抛光砖诞生In 2003, the first Marcopolo Polishing Tile rolled out of the production line2004年,马可波罗提出“全面实践瓷砖时装化,合力打造品牌竞争力”的经营理

29、念,引爆国内瓷砖装饰新概念In 2004 Marcopolo advanced the business philosophy “making its tiles popularly fashionable and making concerted efforts to strengthen the brand competitive force” and also bringing forth the new concept in the domestic ceramic decoration industry. 2004年,唯美公司被东莞市人民政府评为“东莞市民营企业50强”In 2004

30、, Wonderful Ceramics was selected by the Peoples Government of Dongguan Municipality as “Top 50 Privately-run Enterprise in Dongguan” 2004年,瓷砖艺术化的代表唯美壁饰在唯美公司诞生,同期,唯美工业园开始投产In 2004, Wonderful Mural Decorationan artistic representative of ceramic tiles came into being in Wonderful Ceramics and at the

31、same time Wonderful Industrial Park went into production 2004年,唯美产品通过国家强制性3C认证;马可波罗被评为“广东省著名商标”;首次入选中国最具价值品牌500强,价值9.23亿元;In 2004 Wonderful Products passed China Compulsory Certification (CCC) and Marcopolo was honored as “Famous Trademark in Guangdong”; besides, it was awarded Top 500 Most Valuable

32、 Brands in China for the first time with its brand value up to RMB 923 million yuan.2004年,唯美公司荣获首届中国实战营销机构奖“金凤凰营销奖” ;马可波罗被中国探索协会授予“探索奖”;荣获“中国陶瓷市场产品质量用户满意首选第一品牌”称号In 2004, Wonderful Ceramics won “Golden Phoenix Marketing Award” in the 1st China Practical Marketing Institutional Prize; Marcopolo was a

33、warded “Exploration Award” by Chinese Exploration Association and also awarded the title “No. 1 Priority Choice Brand with Product Quality Satisfaction to Customers in the Chinese Ceramic Market”2005年,唯美公司被授予“2005年度十大建陶风云企业”、“广东省知识产权优势企业”、“广东省优秀中国特色社会主义建设者”、 “首届广东省和谐劳动关系先进企业”等一系列荣誉称号,唯美公司党支部被广东省委授予“

34、广东省先进基层党组织”称号In 2005, Wonderful Ceramics was awarded a series of honorable titles, such as, “2005 Top 10 Building Ceramic Leading Enterprises”, “IPR Advantageous Enterprise in Guangdong” , “Excellent Socialist Builder with the Chinese Characteristics in Guangdong” and “Excellent Enterprise of the Fi

35、rst Guangdong Harmonious Labor Relationship Award” and the CPC Party Branch Committee of Wonderful Ceramics was presented by Guangdong Provincial CPC Party Committee as “Excellent Grassroots Party Organization in Guangdong Province”. 2005年,马可波罗1295系列仿古系列上市,赢得“仿古砖至尊”称号In 2005 Marcopolo 1295 series Re

36、tro Series was put into the market, winning the title “the supreme of antique tile”2005年,马可波罗第二次入选中国最具价值品牌500强,价值10.46亿元,同年,马可波罗荣获“中国消费者(用户)十大满意品牌”称号In 2005 Marcopolo was selected into Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in China for a second time with its brand value up to RMB 1.046 billion, and in the sa

37、me year Marcopolo was honored the title “Top 10 Customer (User) Most Satisfactory Brands in China” 2006年,唯美公司清远生产基础正式投产In 2006 Qingyuan Production Base of Wonderful Ceramics was officially put into operation2006年,东莞市唯美陶瓷博物馆开业In 2006 Dongguan Wonderful Ceramics Museum was officially opened for busine

38、ss. 2006年,唯美公司荣获“中国工业企业500强”荣誉,黄建平总经理荣获“2006推动中国品牌国际化五十人”称号,马可波罗荣获由世界生产力大会颁发的2006世界市场中国(陶瓷)十大年度品牌称号In 2006, Wonderful Ceramics won the honorable title “Top 500 Industrial Enterprises in China” and General Manager Huang Jianping was honorably presented the title as “2006 Top 50 Contributors promoting

39、 the internationalization of Chinas Famous Brands”. Besides, Marcopolo won the title “2006 Top 10 Chinese (Ceramic) Brands in the World Market ” presented by the World Productivity Conference. 2006年,中国建筑陶瓷博物馆落户唯美In 2006 China Building Ceramics Museum was built in Wonderful Ceramics 2006年,马可波罗第三次入选中国

40、最具价值品牌500强,价值11.85亿元In 2006 Marcopolo was awarded Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in China for the third time with its brand value up to RMB 1.185 billion.2006年,马可波罗第一家至尊殿在成都开业,揭开建陶行业终端建设的新序幕In 2006 the first Palazzo Supreme Store was officially opened for business in Chengdu, thus unveiling the new pr

41、ologue of the terminal construction of the building ceramics industry 2007年1月,马可波罗“中国印象”系列产品上市,开创中国瓷砖创作“元年”In January 2007, Marcopolo “China Impression” series products were put into the market, thus “blazing a trail” for the ceramic tile creation in China 2007年6月,唯美公司江西丰城生产基地正式签约In June 2007, The c

42、ontract of Wonderful Ceramics Jiangxi Fengcheng Production Base was officially entered into 2007年6月,马可波罗签约东莞新世纪篮球俱乐部,CBA东莞马可波罗篮球队开启业内“体育营销”新篇章In June 2007, a contract was signed with Dongguan New Century Basketball Club for the promotion of Marcopolo and CBA Dongguan Marcopolo Basketball Team initia

43、ted “Sports Marketing” in the industry. 2007年6月,马可波罗第四次入选中国品牌500强,品牌价值达13.20亿元In June 2007 Marcopolo was awarded Top 500 Most Valuable Brands in China for the fourth time with its brand value up to RMB 1.32 billion.2007年8月,中共中央政治局委员、广东省委书记张德江,省长黄华华先后视察唯美公司,评价唯美自主创新是以实际行动落实十七大精神In August 2007, Zhang

44、Dejiang, a committee member of the CCP Central Politburo, and Secretary of the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee, and Huang Huahua, the governor, successively inspected Wonderful Ceramics and highly evaluated the ingenious innovation of Wonderful Ceramics as the implementation of the spirit of th

45、e 17th CPC National Congress with the actual actions. 2007年9月,马可波罗瓷砖荣获“中国驰名商标”,成为业内为数不多的“大满贯”品牌In September 2007, Marcopolo ceramic tile was awarded the title “Well-known Brand in China” which is the rare major titlist in building ceramic industry. 2007年9月,6000平米的马可波罗瓷砖北京闽龙至尊殿开业,引领行业终端迈向新征程In Septem

46、ber 2007, the 6000 square-meter Marcopolo Tile Beijing Minlong Supreme Store was opened for business, as a pacesetter steering the industrial terminal towards a new height. 2008年1月,马可波罗推出“唯美8大家”,在业内首推“风格一体化、产品套餐化”的导销方式In January 2008 Marcopolo launched “Wonderful 8 Masters Works”, originally creatin

47、g the sales guidance highly featuring “Style integration and product package”. 2008年5月,马可波罗上海至尊殿开业In May 2008 Li Dongsheng, deputy director general of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce inspected Wonderful Ceramics 2008年5月,汶川地震后,唯美人迅速展开行动,捐赠善款100余万,5月28日由马可波罗协办的中美男篮赈灾义赛筹集善款426万元In March 2008, after an earthquake struck Wenchuan, people from Wonderful Ceramics acted with dispatch and donated 1 million RMB yuan coupled with a total of RMB 4.26 million yuan raised from the Si


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