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1、Digital vs. Traditional Media ConsumptionAnalyzing time devoted to on line and traditional forms of mediaataglobal level, aswell as byage and across countriesINSIGHT REPORT SUMMARY | QI 2017More from GlobalWeblndexREPORTSTo see all of our available reports(click here)FLAGSHIP REPORTSOurflagship repo

2、rts present insights and statistics on social networking, device usage, online purchasing and entertainment.MARKET & REGION REPORTSTracking key digital behaviors and engagement rates at a national or regional level, providing the very latest headline figures as well as looking at trends overtime and

3、 across demographics.AUDIENCE REPORTSIndepth examinations of particular groups, assessing their most important behaviors and motivations as well as what sets them apart from the wider online population.INSIGHT REPORTSDeepdives into some of the most pressing topics for marketers, from traditional vs

4、digital media consumption to audience measurement issues.TREND REPORTSTracking the stories of the moment, from ad- blocking and live streaming to VPNs and multi- networking.INFOGRAPHICSOnepage visual summaries of key services, behaviors & audiences.PRO PLATFORMGWI)GWI CUSTOMGlobalWeblndex Can also o

5、ffer a variety of custom solutions to suit all your data and insight needs. All projects are conducted in close consultation with clients and resulting data is available for analysis in our PRO Platform.BRAND SOLUTIONSBrand Health Brand TrackerBrand ProfilingCAMPAIGN & AUDIENCE SOLUTIONSSegmentation

6、Campaign MeasurementAudience ProfilingAudience TargetingThe questions and datapoints featured in this report are available to explore on PRO Platform. They can be analyzed by any audience, date range or selection of countries/regions, with users able to build bespoke audiences based on ourwide range

7、 ofdemographic, attitudinal and behavioral variables.Each chart is accompanied by a hyperlink which willtakeyoutotheappropriate section on PRO Pldtform; simply click on the relevdnt link to Stdrt exploring the data further.( CLICK HERE) To start a PRO Pla(f + free trialGWIQ offers clients the abilit

8、y to create bespoke audiences onthe platform by connecting the GWI panel and passively monitored visitation to their own websites/campaigns. Segment your visitors by the actions taken on your site then profile them utilizing the 00% declared data you already find inthe PRO platform. Validate digital

9、 campaigns dgainst rich targetsfarbeyonddemographics. Understand the impact of digital campaigns on brand perceptions by sending bespoke advertising effectiveness surveys to panelists using d control vs exposed methodology.CLICK HERE) !* f “ndout more about G WII)Our Custom offerings include:PRODUCT

10、 SOLUTIONSUsage and AttitudesPrice PointPlatform TestingConcept Testing(CLICK HERE) To f nd out more obout GIV/ CustomJason ManderChief Research OfficerE * thejasonmanderKatie YoungSenior Trends Analyst T + 44 207 731 1614 / E III A 3 Dorset Rise, London, EC4Y 8EN, UKCopyright Trendstream Limited 20

11、17All rights, including copyright, in the content ofClobalWeblndex(CWI)webpagesandpublications(induding, but not limited to, CWI reportsandblogposts)areownedandcontrolledbyTrendstreamLimited.lnaccessingsuchcontent,youagreethatyoumayonlyusethecontentforyourownpersonalnon-commercialuseandthatyouwillno

12、tusethecontentforanyotherpurposewhatsoeverwithoutanappropriatelicencefrom.orthepriorwrittenpermissionof,Trendstream Limited. Trendstream Limited uses its reasonable endeavourstoensure the accuracyof alldatain CWI webpagesand publications at the timeof publication. However, inaccessing the content of

13、GWI webpagesand publications, you agree thatyou are responsible foryouruseof such dataandTrendstream Limited shall have no liabilityto you for any loss, damage, cost or expense whether direct, indirect consequential or otherwise, incurred by, or arising by reason of, your use of the data and whether

14、 caused by reason of any error, omission or misrepresentation in the data or otherwise.TRODUCTIONThe shiftfrom traditional to digital media is much工discussedbutrarelyquantified.lnthisreport,-GlobalWeblndex offers a unique perspective on day-to-day media consumption behaviors by age and across 34 mar

15、kets - analyzing how much time people are spending online, tracking the types of mediatheyare consuming and assessing the share of time spent on digital vs traditional forms of television, radio and print press.In this summary version, we highlight key insights and figures from our research. Toread

16、the full version of this report, start a free trial withCONTENTDefinitionsNotes on MethodologyNational Differences in MedidConsumptionIwebindexMedia Consumption by AgeGlobal Trends in Media ConsumptionSample Size by MarketTraditional vs Digital: TV, Radio and PressJlknMARY I QI 2017DEFINITIONSInthis

17、 report, we drawon our cross-media consumption questions which ask internet users to estimate how much daily time they typicallydevote to the following activities:INTERNET USAGEVia PC/laptop/tabletVia MobileTELEVISIONLinearOnlineRADIOTraditional/BroadcastOnlinePRESSTraditional Print Press/NewsOnline

18、 Press/NewsSOCIAL NETWORKS / SERVICESGAMES CONSOLESWe use this data to create average amounts oftimespenton each activity per day in 2012,201 3,2014,201 5 and 2016.Todo this, we assign a numberof minutes to each period oftime(as shown below), multiply thisbytherelevantuniversefigureand then calculat

19、e the average. This generates easilycomparable data which enables us to estimate total time spent across markets or consumer segments.Lessthan 30 minutes0.25 hours30minstol hour0.75 hours1 to 2 hours1.5 hours2 to 3 hours2.5 hours3 to 4 hours3.5 hours4 to 6 hours5 hours6 to 10 hours8 hoursMore than 1

20、0 hours10 hoursDo not use0 hoursAs a result, all figures referring to time spent on these activities is based upon self-reported estimates and the following definitions:LINEAR TVTelevision that is traditionally broadcast and watched in real-time.ONLINE TVTelevision that is streamed online orwatched

21、on-demand. This includes usage of catch-up services like BBCiPlayerand TV streaming services like Netflix.BROADCAST RADIORadio channels that are traditionally aired and listened to in real-time.ONLINE RADIORadio channels that are listened to online, typically via streaming.TRADITIONAL PRINT PRESSPhy

22、sical, printed forms of press e.g. newspapers and magazines.ONLINE PRESSPressornewsstoriesthatare read online e.g. via news websites or apps.NOTES ON METHODOLOGYINTERNET PENETRATION RATES(ITU Internet Penetration Metric 2015)Each year, GWI interviews over 350,000 internet users,Because internet pene

23、tration ratescan varysignificantlyjapan93Russia73asking awide range of questions abouttheir lives,between countries (from a high of 爽 + in parts oflifestylesand digital behaviors.Europeand NorthAmericatolowsofc.2% in partsNetherlands93Malaysia71ofAPAC), the natureofour samples is impactedUnited King

24、dom92Saudi Arabia70To ensure that our research is reflective of internetaccordingly. Where a market has a high internetusers,wesetappropriatequotasonage,genderandpenetrationratejtsonlinepopulationwill be relativelyUAE91Argentina69education - meaning that we interview representativesimilarto its tota

25、l population and hence we will see goodSweden91Portugal69numbers of men vs women, of 16-24s, 25-34s, 35-representationacrossallage.genderand educationni ith KcrraanPc la nd44s, 45-54s and 55-64s,and of people with secondarybreaks. Wherea market has a medium to lowinternetDJU 111 IWI CdVOvs tertiary

26、education.penetration, its online population can be very differentCanada88Italy66to its total population; broadly speaking, the lower theGermany88Brazil59Todo this, we conduct research across a range ofcountrys overall internet penetration rate, the moreinternationaland national sources, indudingthe

27、 Worldlikely it isthatits internet users will be young, urban,Belgium85Mexico57Bank.thelTU.the International Labourorganization, theaffluent and educated.Hong Kong85Turkey54CIA Factbook, Eurostat, the US Bureau of Labor Statisticsas well as a range of national statistics sources,Please keep in mind

28、thatallfiguresgiveninthisreportFrance85Vietnam53governmentdepartmentsand othercredibleand robustrelate to the countrys internet users, not to its totalAustralia85South Africa52third-party sources.population.Singapore82China50Taiwan82Philippines41Ireland80Thailand39Spain79India26United States75Indone

29、sia22SAMPLE SIZE BY MARKETThis report draws insights from GlobalWeblndex QI, Q2 & Q3 2016 waves of research across 34countries, which had a total global sample size of 1 53,501. It also uses data from GWIs waves of research in 2012,201 3,2014 and 201 5. The sample by market breaks down as follows:20

30、16201520142013201220162015201420132012Argentina22663047305830651519Philippines23043165301530251542Australia22573124301030241559Poland22663048309632871558Belgium*23783024n/an/an/aPortugal*22732309n/an/an/aBrazil30104051402240232042Russia38585118549754912588Canada45084538400340492214Saudi Arabia226031

31、12304130121507China1528113892808280504119Singapore22503102300230941526France60078060402440882018South Africa22733095300530531613Germany60658119403441102006South Korea22703057303131501658Hong Kong22623145310630281517Spain60308092416540812015India38055290501250132730Sweden22663107303531691511Indonesia


33、7514351Netherlands23103045302230361534Vietnam22963074303630561530*GlobalWeblndex began research in Portugal and Belgium in 2015* *GlobalWeblndex began research in Ireland in 2013Global Trends in Media ConsumptionKEY FIGURES Onatypicalday,internetusersnowestimatethattheyspendalmost 61hoursonline.Smar

34、tphonesare becoming ever more prominent within this: since 2012, daily time spent online on mobiles hasjumped from 1 hour 17 minutesto2 hours 30 minutes. Significantly,the shareof internettimecapturedbysmartphoneshasrisenfrom3 t(39. Overthe same period, PCs/laptops have seen small declines butthey c

35、ontinueto retainan important roleevenas mobiles continuetoclimb. Itsdearthat smartphones are simply encouraging us to spend longer periods oftime online each day, rather than do so at the direct expense oftraditional devices. Online TV has seen small and consistent increases and is now capturing alm

36、ost an hour of time each day. Consumers are still spending overtwice as long watching broadcast TV (2 hours 5 minutes) though, highlightingthattraditionalformatsarestill holding theirown. Social networks/services capture the largest share of online media time(32%), Over2 hours perdayis being spenton

37、 social networks/ services-34 minutes morethanwas being spent back in 2012. Simultaneous multi-media consumption is now the norm: over 器 are using another deviceas they watch television. Mobiles arethe chosen device forthis, with social networking and chatting to friends the top activities.ONLINE ME

38、DIA CONSUMPTION BEHAVIORS: 2012 vs 2016Number of hours and minutes per day typically devoted to the following ?O12 2016(EXPLORE THE DATA )Question: Roughly how many hours doyou spend on/doing the following each day? Source: ClobalWeblndex 2012&2016 (averages across allwavesofresearch conducted ineac

39、h year)Base: Internet Users aged 16-64PRO Platform:Media Consumption Time Spent Watching Online TVOFFLINE MEDIA CONSUMPTIONS BEHAVIORS: 2012 vs 2016Number of hours and minutes per day typically devoted to the followingHRS 00.511.522.5 2012 2016Media Consumption by AgeKEY FIGURES 16-24sareclockingupt

40、hemosttimeonlineeach day, spending 2 /hours longeronline than their 55-64-year-oldcounterparts.Thisislargelydownto this age group spending the most time online on their mobiles-aconsiderable 3 hoursand 1 5minuteseach day. Mobilesnowrepresent46%ofallonlinetimeforthe youngest age group, whereas they c

41、apturejust a fifth forthe oldest bracket.g ForTV,its 16-24s who are at the forefront of the shift online; watching more than an hour per day,onlineTV/streaminghas become a key part of their daily TV consumption. In contrast, 16-24s are spending the smallest amount oftime on both linear TV and broadc

42、ast radio-with engagement with both increasing in line with age. All online media activities have seen consistent cross-age increases, with particularly substantial rises seen for social networks/services. 55-64shaveseen the smallest increases, butevenforthisgroup,they*re still spending around 20 mi

43、nutes longeronthese services than theywere back in 2012.MEDIA CONSUMPTION BEHAVIORS BY AGENumber of hours and minutes per day typically devoted to the following16-2425-3435-4445-5455-64Online6460575449LinearTV1416212631Games Consoles109753Print Press66655Broadcast Radio6791111Share of Total Media Ti

44、me(EXPLORE THE DATA )12 HrsW* Broadcast Radio 画 Print Press B Games Consoles O Broadcast TV n Online15-2425-3435-4445-5455-64Question: Roughly how many hoursdoyou spend on/doing the following each day?Source:ClobalWeblndex QI -Q3 2016Base: Internet Users aged 16-6411LPRO Platform:Media Consumption T

45、ime Online on MobileNational Differences in Media ConsumptionDIGITAL vs TRADITIONAL MEDIA BY MARKETNumber of hours and minutes per day typically devoted to the following Digita Traditional10 HRC8gEXPLORE THE DATA )Question: Roughly how many hours doyou spend on/doing the following each day?Source: ClobalWeblndex 2012-2016 (averages across all waves of research conducted in each year) Base: Internet Users aged 16-64PRO Platform:Media Consumption Time Spent Watching Linear


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