1、全国教育科学“十一五”规划教育部重点课题中国基础英语素质教育的途径与方法典范英语(2a-L1)教学参考Monkey Tricks教学参考的目的在于为实验课提供一个基本的思路和框架,帮助实验教师更好地把握课题理念。课题组鼓励实验教师结合学生的实际情况适当做出调整,将实验课上出特色。一、教学目标1. 语言能力目标:学生能够听懂录音;能够惟妙惟肖地模仿录音;能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事;能够理解故事情节;能看图识别故事中的动物并用英语说出其名字;能用恰当的形容词来描述动物特征;初步掌握字母组合“oi”和“oy”的拼读规律;能够复述故事;能仿写句子。2. 非语言能力目标:让学生充分感受一家人逛动物园的乐
2、趣;通过观察动物特征培养学生的观察力和想象力;通过表演树立自信。二、课时安排要求每周不少于两课时,每课时至少完成一个故事。三、教师要求1. 教师课前须熟读故事,了解故事内容。2. 对于较难的单词,教师可板书,并配合动作和表情帮助学生理解。3. 全英文授课。四、教学用具多媒体设备、CD机、课件(课题组提供)、动物图片(giraffes, seals, crocodiles, parrots, elephants, monkeys)、单词卡(giraffes, seals, crocodiles, parrots, elephants, monkeys, tall, hungry, asleep,
3、 noisy, big, funny)、面具(猴子、老虎、狮子等)。五、课堂教学基本步骤1. 导入(Lead-in):认识动物园里的一些动物通过观看视频At the Zoo(见课件),让学生认识动物园里的一些动物,为进入故事情境做好铺垫。教师利用PPT播放视频,然后与学生互动:What animals can you see in the video? (BQ: Can you see?)I can see. Do you often go to the zoo?What animals can you see at the zoo?学生回答后,自然引出故事:One day, Wilmas D
4、ad took the children to the zoo. What animals did they see? Lets learn the new story Monkey Tricks.2. 看图讲故事(Storytelling):理解故事情节,观察动物园里各种动物的特征教师利用课件逐幅播放故事图片,并用丰富的表情、生动的英文和适当的肢体语言给学生绘声绘色地讲故事,让学生充分感受逛动物园的乐趣。 (Picture 1)It was Sunday. Wilmas Dad took the children to the zoo. “I like the zoo,” said Chip
5、.“I want to see the animals,” said Kipper.(Picture 2)They went into the zoo. What did they look at? (教师指向长颈鹿)They looked at the giraffes. The giraffes were tall. They had long necks. “Look at the giraffes. They are tall,” said Wilf.(Picture 3)Next, what did they look at? (BQ: Did they look at the se
6、als?)They looked at the seals.The zookeeper threw fish to the seals. The seals were hungry.“Look at the seals. They are hungry,” said Wilmas Dad.(Picture 4)Then they looked at the crocodiles. (教师指向图中的鳄鱼)What were the crocodiles doing? (BQ: Were they sleeping? 教师动作演示)The crocodiles were asleep.(Pictu
7、re 5)After that, what did they look at? (BQ: Did they look at the parrots?)They looked at the parrots.Chirp chirp here, chirp chirp there.The parrots were noisy. (Picture 6)Later, they looked at the elephants. (教师指向大象)The zookeeper was cleaning one of the elephants.Were the elephants big? Yes. They
8、had long trunks and big ears. (教师指向大象的鼻子和耳朵)Where did Kipper go?He went to a shop.(Picture 7)Last, they looked at the monkeys. (教师指向猴子)The monkeys were funny. They played on the tree. One monkey was eating a banana.“Look at the monkeys. They are funny,” said Chip.Look at Kipper. He came to the monke
9、y house with a bag.(Picture 8)Look at Dad, Wilma, Wilf, Chip and Biff. What did they do?They looked for Kipper.“Kipper, where are you?” called everyone. Could you see Kipper?(Picture 9)“Aha. Here I am,” Kipper jumped out. Kipper looked like a monkey in a monkey mask.(展示猴子面具)Kipper bought the monkey
10、mask in the shop. He played a monkey trick.教师要注意启发学生思考,每次提问之后稍作停顿,不要急于说出答案,先观察学生的反应,如学生仍回答困难,再进一步给出提示引导学生作答。3. 听录音模仿(Listening and Imitating):听懂录音并模仿出标准的语音语调听录音模仿时,录音是什么音什么调,就让学生模仿成什么音什么调,注意“giraffes”、“seals”、“crocodiles”、“parrots”、“elephants”等词的读音以及“Kipper looked like a monkey.”的语气和语调。(1)放录音,让学生完整地
11、听一遍故事,整体输入,不需停顿。(2)放录音,全班学生齐声模仿1-2遍。要求学生在理解故事内容的基础上,逐句跟录音指读。尤其要让学生注意模仿“giraffes”、“seals”、“crocodiles”、“parrots”、“elephants”的读音以及“Kipper looked like a monkey.”的语气语调。(3)放录音,让学生跟读接龙,看谁模仿得像。教师给予必要的示范和指导。4. 朗读故事(Reading Dramatically):读懂故事并学会绘声绘色地独立朗读故事通过多种形式的朗读,让学生能够绘声绘色地独立朗读故事,培养学生有感情朗读故事的习惯,练就语言基本功。朗读的
12、形式可以多样化:(1)全班集体朗读。教师组织全班同学齐声朗读一遍。(2)小组朗读比赛。将学生分成几个小组,每组读一幅图,看哪组读得好。(3)个人朗读。请几名学生朗读自己最喜欢的一幅图。教师根据学生读的情况给予表扬、鼓励和指导。5. 检查理解(Story Comprehension):梳理故事情节,加深学生对各种动物及其特征的认识(1)教师在黑板上画出结构图(见附录),将6张动物图片分别贴在每个方框一侧,并将动物单词卡贴在黑板一侧。(2)教师提问,请学生作答并将动物单词卡贴在相应的方框内。问题可参考:First, what did the children look at?Next, what
13、did they look at?Then, what did they look at?After that, what did they look at?Later, what did they look at?At last, what did they look at?(3)描述动物特征。教师逐一展示单词卡(tall, hungry, asleep, noisy, big, funny),请6名学生分别单词卡贴在相应的椭圆框里。然后引导全体学生进行描述,如:The giraffes were tall.。完整结构图见附录。6复述(Retelling):深化理解,学会自己组织语言概括故事
14、大意承接“检查理解”环节,教师和学生一起参考story map接龙复述故事,之后可请一两名学生以竞赛的形式独立复述整个故事。复述后,教师评出优胜者并给出获胜理由。复述过程中,教师引导学生使用first, next, then, after that等连词。教师可示范复述故事开头:Dad took the children to the zoo. First, they looked at the giraffes. The giraffes were tall. 7. 表演(Role-play):让学生在真实情境中描述不同动物的特征通过模拟在动物园看动物的场景,让学生用简单的英文描述动物特征。
15、(1)将学生分成若干7人小组,每位小组成员负责介绍一种动物的特征。小组内准备几分钟后,请1-2组上台表演。教师提供动物图片和猴子面具等道具。台词如下:Student 1: Look at the giraffes. The giraffes are tall.Student 2: Look at the seals. The seals are hungry.Student 3: Look at the crocodiles. The crocodiles are asleep.Student 4: Look at the parrots. The parrots are noisy.Stud
16、ent 5: Look at the elephants. The elephants are big.Student 6: Look at the monkeys. The monkeys are funny.Student 7: (戴上猴子面具)Look at me. Do I look like a monkey? (摘下面具)Aha, its a trick.(2)教师提供几种动物的面具,请学生戴上面具模仿动物的声音和动作,并与台下的学生互动:Look at me. What do I look like? (戴上面具)You look like a Aha, its a trick.
17、 (摘下面具)8. 拼读练习(Practising Phonics):培养拼读意识,掌握字母组合“oi”和“oy”的拼读规律(1)感知拼读规律教师在黑板上写出:noisy/boy,并在字母组合“oi”、“oy”下划线,让学生说出“oi”和“oy”的发音。(2)音、形、图结合,练习拼读含有字母组合“oi”和“oy”的单词。教师利用PPT展示下列图片及单词,引导学生认读。如:9. 家庭作业(Homework)(1)反复模仿录音,熟读故事。(2)回忆上一次去动物园看到了哪些动物,画一画,写一写。如:We looked at the . The were . 六、教师自我反思1. 教学理念是否体现了“
18、以意义为核心”、“整进整出”的教学理念;是否将整体教学、启发式教学、拼读教学等方法贯穿于课堂教学之中。2. 教学目标是否实现了本课所提出的语言能力目标和非语言能力目标,如:学生是否能读懂故事情节;是否能用标准的语音语调独立朗读故事;学生能否认识并看图说出故事中的动物及其特征;学生是否感受到了和家人一起逛动物园的乐趣。3. 课堂操作(1)提问教师设置的问题是否符合学生水平;能否引起学生的兴趣;学生能否通过教师提问的引导观察图片认识动物并了解动物特征。(2)听学生是否真正听懂了教师的问题和指令,并做出正确的反应;教师是否认真倾听了学生的反馈;是否发现了学生在朗读与表达过程中出现的问题(如:“giraffes”、“seals”、“crocodiles”、“parrots”、“elephants”的读音)。(3)说教师说得多还是学生说得多;教师是否给了学生表达的机会;能否根据story map简单复述故事;能否拼读含有字母组合“oi”和“oy”的单词。(4)思考课堂环节衔接是否流畅;教师语言是否易于理解;师生之间是否有良好、有效的互动;学生从这堂课上学到了什么;下一次课堂设计需要在哪些方面提高。附录:空白结构图ZOO完整结构图