专升本英语词汇课件ppt-Unit 11(初识词汇&应用拓展).pdf

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1、 Unit Unit 1111A. A. 单单词词识识记记govern govern : : 【vtvt. .】统统治治;管管理理;支支配配; 控控制制;影影响响 形形近近词词government (n.)government (n.)政政府府governancegovernance(n.n.)统统治治方方式式,管管理理方方法法government-fundedgovernment-funded(adj.adj.)政政府府拨拨款款的的self-governingself-governing(adj.adj.)自自我我管管理理的的同同义义词词 administrateadministrate(v

2、.v.)管管理理词词组组 be governed bybe governed by:受受约约束束,被被控控制制近近义义词词 conductconduct (v v. .) 引引领领,引引导导 interpretinterpret【v.v.】解解释释,了了解解,认认为为形形近近词词interpretationinterpretation(n.n.)翻翻译译;解解释释misinterpretmisinterpret(v.v.)曲曲解解补补充充词词汇汇definedefine(v.v.)使使明明确确,解解释释misinterpretmisinterpret(v.v.)指指定定,详详述述 provep

3、rove: : 【v.v.】证证明明,证证实实;结结果果是是;证证明明是是;检检验验;考考验验;鉴鉴定定 形形近近词词improveimprove (v.v.)提提高高;提提升升;改改善善;增增进进proverbproverb (n.n.)谚谚语语补补充充词词汇汇showshow(v.v.)说说明明,表表明明,表表现现出出 (n.n.)(电电视视或或广广播播)节节目目;秀秀近近义义词词confirmconfirm(v.v.)证证实实,证证明明,确确认认 returnreturn: : 【v.v.】返返回回;回回来来;归归来来;回回答答 【n.n.】回回报报;利利润润;收收益益常常用用 pl.

4、pl.形形近近词词returningreturning(adj.adj.)回回头头的的overturnoverturn(v.v.)( ( 使使 ) ) 翻翻转转;推推翻翻;撤撤销销 ( ( 判判决决 ) );颠颠覆覆(n.n.)翻翻转转;打打翻翻;颠颠覆覆;废废除除词词组组in return forin return for:作作为为.的的回回报报industrial industrial 【adjadj】 工工业业的的;产产业业的的形形近近词词industryindustry(n.n.)产产业业;工工业业,行行业业;勤勤勉勉industrializedindustrialized(adj.a

5、dj.)工工业业化化的的industrializationindustrialization(n.n.)工工业业化化 measuremeasure: :【v.v.】量量,测测量量;估估量量;衡衡量量 【n.n.】衡衡量量;估估量量;尺尺寸寸;大大小小; 常常pl.pl.措措施施,办办法法 opposeoppose: :【v.v.】反反对对;反反抗抗形形近近词词opponentopponent(n.n.) 对对手手,敌敌手手;反反对对者者 (adj.adj.) 对对立立的的;敌敌对对的的词词组组be opposed tobe opposed to:反反对对.;.;背背道道而而驰驰同同义义词词re

6、pelrepel ( (v v.).)排排斥斥;击击退退denydeny ( (v v.) .) 否否认认;否否认认与与.有有关关系系;不不承承认认;抛抛弃弃countercounter( (v v.).)反反击击;反反驳驳imagineimagine【v.v.】想想象象;设设想想;料料想想形形近近词词imageimage(n.n.)形形象象;化化身身imagingimaging(n.n.)成成像像imaginaryimaginary(adj.adj.)虚虚构构的的;想想象象中中的的unimaginableunimaginable(adj.adj.)难难以以想想象象的的imaginativei

7、maginative(adj.adj.)创创造造性性的的;爱爱想想象象的的近近义义词词 dreamdream (v v. .)梦梦想想;想想到到;梦梦到到picturepicture(v.v.)想想象象,描描写写 dropdrop: : 【v v. .】落落下下;下下降降;失失落落;放放弃弃;终终止止 【n.n.】滴滴,落落下下,微微量量词词组组drop bydrop by:顺顺道道拜拜访访drop outdrop out:退退学学;退退出出 engageengage: : 【v v. .】( ( 使使 ) ) 从从事事于于;( ( 使使 ) ) 参参加加;( ( 使使 ) ) 订订婚婚;引引

8、起起;吸吸引引;聘聘用用 形形近近词词engagementengagement(n.n.)订订婚婚,婚婚约约;约约会会;约约定定;雇雇佣佣;参参与与词词组组engage in engage in :从从事事于于;参参加加engage withengage with:交交战战;与与.接接洽洽 propertyproperty: : 【n n. .】财财产产;资资产产,所所有有物物;性性质质;特特性性 近近义义词词assetasset(n.n.)有有用用的的物物(或或人人);财财富富;资资产产;财财产产 unemploymentunemployment: : 【n n. .】失失业业,失失业业人人

9、数数形形近近词词employemploy(v.v.)雇雇用用;使使从从事事于于;使使用用employeremployer(n.n.)雇雇主主;老老板板employeeemployee(n.n.)雇雇员员;员员工工employmentemployment(n.n.)雇雇用用;工工作作;职职业业词词组组unemployment rateunemployment rate:失失业业率率 demonstratedemonstrate: : 【v v. .】论论证证;证证明明;显显示示;表表明明;示示威威游游行行 respondrespond: : 【v v. .】回回答答;答答复复;响响应应;应应对对

10、形形近近词词responsibleresponsible(adj.adj.)负负责责的的;有有责责任任的的;可可靠靠的的responsibilityresponsibility(n.n.)责责任任;职职责责correspondingcorresponding(adj.adj.)相相当当的的,相相应应的的;一一致致的的;通通信信的的correspendentcorrespendent(n.n.)(尤尤指指专专门门报报道道某某一一类类新新闻闻的的)记记者者;通通讯讯员员 词词组组in respond toin respond to: 作作为为回回应应in response toin respons

11、e to: 对对做做出出反反应应 affordafford: : 【v.v.】负负担担得得起起;买买得得起起;供供给给;给给予予;经经得得起起;承承受受得得起起形形近近词词unaffordableunaffordable(adj.adj.) 负负担担不不起起的的词词组组afford toafford to: 负负担担得得起起;承承受受得得起起 complexcomplex: :【adj.adj.】复复杂杂的的;合合成成的的;综综合合的的 【n n. .】复复合合体体;综综合合建建筑筑群群形形近近词词 complexitycomplexity(n n. .)复复杂杂;复复杂杂性性;复复杂杂的的事

12、事物物同同义义词词 perplexingperplexing(adj.adj.)复复杂杂的的;令令人人不不解解的的intricateintricate (adj.adj.) 错错综综复复杂杂的的;难难以以理理解解的的sophisticated sophisticated (adj.adj.)复复杂杂的的;深深奥奥微微妙妙的的 ensureensure: : 【v.v.】确确保保;保保证证形形近近词词assureassure (v v. .) 向向.保保证证;使使.确确信信 favorfavor: : 【v.v.】赞赞成成;支支持持;偏偏爱爱;偏偏袒袒 【n.n.】恩恩惠惠;帮帮助助;同同意意;

13、赞赞成成;支支持持;偏偏爱爱;宠宠爱爱形形近近词词favoritefavorite(adjadj. .)最最喜喜爱爱的的;中中移移动动;宠宠爱爱的的 (n.n.)幸幸运运儿儿;喜喜欢欢的的事事物物;热热别别喜喜欢欢的的人人favorable favorable (adj.adj.) 有有利利的的;良良好好的的;赞赞成成的的;赞赞许许的的;讨讨人人喜喜欢欢的的unfavorableunfavorable(adj.adj.)不不宜宜的的;令令人人不不快快的的;不不喜喜欢欢的的;不不顺顺利利的的词词组组in favor ofin favor of:有有利利于于;支支持持,赞赞同同 novelnove

14、l: : 【n n. .】长长篇篇小小说说 【adj.adj.】新新奇奇的的;新新颖颖的的形形近近词词noveltynovelty(n n. .)新新奇奇性性;新新颖颖;新新奇奇的的事事物物 requirementrequirement: : 【n n. .】需需求求;要要求求;必必要要条条件件形形近近词词requirerequire(v v. .)需需求求;要要求求;命命令令 Unit Unit 1111C. C. 单单词词应应用用government-funded government-funded adjadj 政政府府拨拨款款的的2008 2008 年年阅阅读读 Text 2 Text

15、 2The Internet and pressure from funding The Internet and pressure from funding agencies, who are questioning why commercial agencies, who are questioning why commercial publishers are making money from publishers are making money from government-government-fundedfunded research by restricting acces

16、s to it research by restricting access to it is making access to scientific results a is making access to scientific results a reality. reality. interpretation n interpretation n 解解释释 2007 2007 年年翻翻译译While the quality of legal journalism varies While the quality of legal journalism varies greatly, t

17、here is an undue reliance amongst greatly, there is an undue reliance amongst many journalists on many journalists on interpretations interpretations supplied supplied to them by lawyers.to them by lawyers.proverb proverb nn谚谚语语2007 2007 年年阅阅读读 Text 1 Text 1Which of the following Which of the follow

18、ing proverbsproverbs is closest is closest to the message the text tries to convey?to the message the text tries to convey?A “Faith will move mountains.”A “Faith will move mountains.”B “One reaps what one sows.”B “One reaps what one sows.”C “Practice makes perfect.”C “Practice makes perfect.”D “Like

19、 father, like son.”D “Like father, like son.”overturned adj overturned adj 被被撤撤销销的的20201313年年阅阅读读 Text 4 Text 4On the On the overturnedoverturned provisions the majority provisions the majority held the congress had deliberately held the congress had deliberately “occupied“occupied the field” and Ar

20、izona had the field” and Arizona had thus intruded on thethus intruded on the federals privileged federals privileged powers.powers.industryindustry n n 行行业业20201313年年阅阅读读 Text 2 Text 2Bob Liodice, the chief executive of the Bob Liodice, the chief executive of the Association of National Advertisers

21、, says Association of National Advertisers, says consumers will be worse off if the consumers will be worse off if the industryindustry cannot collect information about cannot collect information about their preferences.their preferences.opponent opponent n n 反反对对者者 2012014 4 年年阅阅读读 Text 2Text 2Ther

22、e is pressure for change from withinThere is pressure for change from within the profession, but the profession, but opponents opponents of change of change amongamong the regulators insist that keeping the regulators insist that keeping outsidersoutsiders out of a law firm isolates out of a law fir

23、m isolates lawyers from thelawyers from the pressure to make money pressure to make money rather than serverather than serve clients ethically.clients ethically.imageimagen n 形形象象 20200808 年年阅阅读读 Text 4Text 4Thats a far different Thats a far different image image from thefrom the cherry-tree-choppin

24、g George most peoplecherry-tree-chopping George most people remember from their history books.remember from their history books.engage engage v v ( ( 使使 ) ) 从从事事于于;( ( 使使 ) ) 参参加加 20200606新新题题型型Nevertheless, Williamss suit charges Nevertheless, Williamss suit charges that the casino, knowing he was

25、that the casino, knowing he was “helplessly addicted to gambling,” “helplessly addicted to gambling,” intentionally worked to “lure” him intentionally worked to “lure” him to “to “engage inengage in conduct against his conduct against his will.”will.”engage withengage with: 交交战战;与与接接洽洽;与与接接洽洽 2011 2

26、011 年年阅阅读读 Text 3 Text 3Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated some Toyota Motor, for example, alleviated some of the damage from its recall crisis of the damage from its recall crisis earlier this year with a relatively quick earlier this year with a relatively quick and well-orchestrated social-med

27、ia response and well-orchestrated social-media response campaign, which included efforts to campaign, which included efforts to engage engage withwith consumers directly on sites such as consumers directly on sites such as Twitter and the social-news site Digg.Twitter and the social-news site Digg.r

28、espond v respond v 应应对对2013 2013 年年阅阅读读 Text 2 Text 2In February the FTC and the Digital In February the FTC and the Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the Advertising Alliance (DAA) agreed that the industry would get cracking on industry would get cracking on responding responding toto

29、DNT requests. DNT requests.afford toafford to: 负负担担得得起起;承承受受得得起起2008 2008 年年阅阅读读 Text 4 Text 4 For one thing, the South could not For one thing, the South could not afford afford toto part with its slaves. part with its slaves.favorable adj favorable adj 赞赞成成的的 2011 2011 年年阅阅读读 Text 1 Text 1For the

30、most part, the response has been For the most part, the response has been favorablefavorable, to say the least. “Hooray! At , to say the least. “Hooray! At last!”wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-last!”wrote Anthony Tommasini, a sober-sided classical-music critic.sided classical-music critic.in favor

31、 ofin favor of: 赞赞同同2009 2009 年年阅阅读读新新题题型型But a number of anthropologists in the But a number of anthropologists in the early 1900s also rejected the particularist early 1900s also rejected the particularist theory of culture theory of culture in favor ofin favor of diffusionism. diffusionism.novel adj novel adj 新新奇奇的的2012 2012 年年阅阅读读 Text 3 Text 3Sometimes years are required for truly Sometimes years are required for truly novel novel discovery claims to be accepted and discovery claims to be accepted and appreciated.appreciated.


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