1、第十三章第十三章 WTO进口许可进口许可(xk)程序规则程序规则WTO Rules of Import Licensing Procedures 一、概述 WTO进口许可程序协定(Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures)1确立了WTO进口许可程序规则。这些规则加强了对进口许可程序使用者的约束(yush),增强了进口许可程序的透明度和可预测性。但这些规则适用的广泛性也将越来越小。 1 There are only eight articles in this Agreement.第一页,共十二页。二、二、“进口许可进口许可(xk)”的含义的含义 Impo
2、rt licensing is defined as administrative procedures used for the operation of import licensing regimes requiring the submission of an application or other documentation (other than that required for customs purposes) to the relevant administrative body as a prior condition for importation into the
3、customs territory of the importing Member. “进口许可”被定义为进口许可制度的运作所使用的行政(xngzhng)程序。这种进口许可制度的运作以要求向有关的行政(xngzhng)管理机构提交申请表或其他文件(这些文件不是为海关管理所要求的)作为可将产品进口至进口成员关境内的先决条件。 第二页,共十二页。三、进口许可程序三、进口许可程序(chngx)透明度的基本要求透明度的基本要求WTO进口(jn ku)许可程序协定第1.4(a)条规定: The rules and all information concerning procedures for the
4、 submission of applications, including the eligibility of persons, firms and institutions to make such applications, the administrative body(ies) to be approached, and the lists of products subject to the licensing requirement shall be published in such a manner as to enable governments and traders
5、to become acquainted with them. Such publication shall take place, whenever practicable, 21 days prior to the effective date of the requirement but in all events not later than such effective date. 第三页,共十二页。 WTO成员(chngyun)应将与进口许可的申请提交程序有关的规则和全部信息,包括提出申请的个人、商号和机构的资格、受理申请的行政机构及有进口许可要求的产品清单都应以使政府和贸易商知悉
6、的方式公布。这种公布应在进口许可要求生效前21天内的任何可行时间进行,但无论如何不迟于生效日。第四页,共十二页。四、进口许可的分类及相应四、进口许可的分类及相应(xingyng)规则规则 (一一)自动进口许可自动进口许可(Automatic Import Licensing) Automatic import licensing is defined as import licensing where approval of the application is granted in all cases, and the administration of which shall not be
7、 in such a manner as to have restricting effects on imports subject to automatic licensing. “自动进口许可”被定义为在所有情况下均批准进口申请(shnqng),且自动许可程序的行政管理方式不应对受自动许可管理的进口产品产生限制作用。 第五页,共十二页。 Applications for licences when submitted in appropriate and complete form are approved immediately on receipt, to the extent ad
8、ministratively feasible, but within a maximum of 10 working days; 当许可(xk)申请以适当和完整的形式提交时,若在管理上可行,则要在收到后立即批准。但批准的最长期限不超过10个工作日。第六页,共十二页。(二二)非自动非自动(zdng)进口许可进口许可(Non-Automatic Import Licensing) 非自动进口许可是指不属上述自动进口许可程序定义范围的进口许可。WTO进口许可程序协定第3条确立的有关非自动进口许可的主要规则包括:(a) WTO Members administering quotas by mean
9、s of licensing shall publish the overall amount of quotas to be applied by quantity and/or value, the opening and closing dates of quotas, and any change thereof, within the time periods specified and in such a manner as to enable governments and traders to become acquainted with them;(1)通过许可程序管理配额的
10、成员(chngyun)应在规定的期限内,并以使政府和贸易商知悉的方式,公布按数量和(或)价值实施的配额总量、配额的发放和截止日期及其任何变更;第七页,共十二页。 (b) the period for processing applications shall not be longer than 30 days if applications are considered on a first-come first-served basis, and no longer than 60 days if all applications are considered simultaneously
11、. (2)若配额是以先来先领的方式考虑分配,则处理申请的期限不得(bu de)超过30天;如所有申请同时予以考虑,则处理申请的期限不得超过60天。 (c) in allocating licences, the Member should consider the import performance of the applicant. (3)分配许可证时,各成员应考虑申请人的进口实绩。 第八页,共十二页。五、有关进口许可程序五、有关进口许可程序(chngx)的通知与反向通知的通知与反向通知(Notification and Adverse Notification of Import Lic
12、ensing Procedures) Article 5 of Agreement on Import Licensing Procedures sets out that Members which institute licensing procedures or changes in these procedures shall notify the Committee on Import Licensing of such within 60 days of publication. 进口许可程序协定(xidng)第5条规定,设立许可程序或对这些程序作了改变的WTO成员应在其公布后的6
13、0天内通知进口许可委员会。第九页,共十二页。 Any interested Member which considers that another Member has not notified the institution of a licensing procedure or changes therein may bring the matter to the attention of such other Member. If notification is not made promptly thereafter, such Member may itself notify the
14、 licensing procedure or changes therein, including all relevant and available information. 任何WTO成员若认为另一成员没有将设立的许可(xk)程序或其任何改变通知进口许可(xk)委员会,则它可提请另一成员对些此加以注意。或此后仍末立即通知进口许可(xk)委员会,该成员可自行将许可(xk)程序及其变更(包括所有相关的及可获信息)通知进口许可委员会。第十页,共十二页。小结(xioji) WTO进口许可程序协定主旨在提高各成员进口许可程序的透明度,避免进口许可程序成为一种对贸易产生扭曲和限制的非关税壁垒。以巴
15、西诉欧盟家禽肉进口措施案( (1997年)1为例。1997年2月,巴西向WTO投诉欧盟在对家禽肉进口颁发许可证方面违反了WTO进口许可程序协定,这包括欧盟没有将免税配额通知WTO、经常修改颁发许可证的规则(guz)及缺少透明度等。专家组认为,欧盟未将配额内产品进口需要许可证这一措施通知WTO,这不符合WTO进口许可程序协定的透明度要求。WTO上诉机构对此维持专家组结论。可见,在进口许可程序协定下,WTO透明度原则也必须得到遵守。 1 WT/DS69,available at www.wto.org第十一页,共十二页。内容(nirng)总结第十三章 WTO进口许可程序规则WTO Rules of Import Licensing Procedures。非自动进口许可是指不属上述自动进口许可程序定义范围的进口许可。WTO进口许可程序协定第3条确立的有关非自动进口许可的主要(zhyo)规则包括:第十二页,共十二页。