1、如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流英国文学期末考试题目【精品文档】第 4 页Part:ChoosetherelevantmatchfromcolumnBforeachitem incolumnA.(10%) SectionA columnA columnB (1)CharlesDickens A.Oliver Twist (2)D.H Lawrence B.TheForsyteSaga (3)JonathanSwift C.TheJewofMalta (4)JohnGalsworthy D. Sons and Lovers (5)ChristopherMarlowe E.AModestP
2、roposal SectionB columnA columnB (1) DoctorFaustus A.Darcy (2) TheMerchantofVenice B.JosephSurface (3) TheSchoolforScandal C.Portia (4) PrideandPrejudice D.Friday(5) RobinsonCrusoe E.Mephistophilis Part:Completeeachofthefollowingstatementswithaproperwordsoraphrase.(10%) 1.The Canterbury Tales first
3、time to use“ ”2.ItisSpensersidealism,hisloveofbeauty,andhisexquisitemelodythatmadehimknownas“_”.3. is a playwright & poet who is considered above all writers in the past and in the present time 4.Pope is one of the first to introduce to England, for him the supreme value was order. 5. The Pilgrims P
4、rogress is a religious , its purpose is to urge people to abide by Christian doctrines and seek salvation(拯救) through constant struggles with their own weaknesses and all kinds of social evils. Its predominant metaphor life as a journey.6. ThetwomajornovelistsoftheRomanticperiodareJaneAustenand_. 7.
5、William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge & Robert Southey are “ ”.8.JamesJoycesnovelsandshortstoriesareregardedashisgreatworks,allofwhichhavethesamesetting:_. 9. Love and are the major themes in Jane Austins novels.10. is the most outstanding stream-of-consciousness novelist in 20th century Engli
6、sh literaturePart:Eachofthefollowingstatementsbelowisfollowedbyfouralternativeanswers.Choosetheonethatwouldbestcompletethestatement.(40%) 1. which of the following is regarded as the most successful religious allegory in the English language.?A. The Pilgrims Progress B. Grace Abounding to the Chief
7、of SinnersC. The Life and Death of Mr. Badman D. The Holy War 2.Shakespearesfourgreattragediesare:Hamlet,Othello,_and_. A.KingLearRomeoandJuliet B.KingLearMacbeth C.KingJohnJuliusCaesar D.KingJohnTheMerchantofVenice 3.it is generally regarded that keatss most important and mature poems are in the fo
8、rm Of_.A. elegy B. ode C. epic D. sonnet 4.Francis bacon is best known for his_which greatly influenced the development of this literary form.A. essays B. poems C. works D plays 5.who is not the major figure of modernist movement?A. Eliot B. Joyce C. Charles dickens D. Pound6.who is considered to be
9、 the best known English dramatist since Shakespeare?A . Oscar Wilde B. john Galsworthy C. W.B. Yeats D. George Bernard Shaw 7.Of the following poets, which is not regarded as lake poets?A. Samuel Taylor Coleridge B. Robert Southy C .William words worth D. William Shakespeare 8.Which of the following
10、 cannot describe Byronic hero?A. proud B. mysterious C. noble origin D. progressive 9.who is regarded as a worshipper of nature. A. john Keats B. William Blake C. William Wordsworth D. Jane Austen 10.ThomasGrays“ElegyWritteninaCountryChurchyard” onceandforallestablishedhisfameasthe leaderofthe_poetr
11、y. A.Romantic B.Pastoral C.Neoclassical D.Sentimental 11.“IfWintercomes,canSpringbefarbehind?”is quotedfromShelleys_. A.TheCloud B.OdetoLiberty C.OdetotheWestWind D.ToaSkylark 12.Accordingtothesubjects,Wordsworthsshortpoems canbeclassifiedintotwogroups:poemsabout _andpoemsabout_. A.naturelove&friend
12、ship B.naturehumanlife C.Scotlandlove&friendship D.Scotlandhumanlife 13.WhichofthefollowingisNOTJamesJoycesworks? A.ThePortraitofaLady B.Dubliners C.Ulysses D.FinnegansWake 14.AsaleadingRomanticist,Byronschiefcontribution ishiscreationofthe“Byronichero”,a_. A.proud,strong-mindedrebelunderpressure B.
13、proud,mysteriousrebelofnoblebirth C.proud,selfishpersonwithevilheart D.aproud,vindictivepersonwithoutmercy 15.Inhisworks,_setoutafullmapandalarge-scale criticismof19thcenturyEngland,particularly London. A.Dickens B.Hardy C.GeorgeEliot D.WalterPeter 16.ThenameofRobertBrowningisoftenassociated withthe
14、term_. A.dramaticmonologue B.transferredepitet C.blankverse D.freeverse 17.InLawrencesopinion,the_isresponsiblefortheunhealthydevelopmentofhumanpersonalities,theperversionofloveandthefailureofhumanfulfillmentinmaritalrelationships. A.theFirstWorldWar B.originalsin C.VictorianconventionsD.mechanicalc
15、ivilization 18._isthepseudonymofMarryAnnEvans. A.JaneAustenB.GeorgeEliot C.T.S.EliotD.AnneBronte 19._isregardedasthemostprominentstream- of-consciousnessnovelist. A.JamesJoyceB.VirginiaWoolf C.D.H.LawrenceD.E.M.Forster 20._,acollectionof15shortstories,isthefirst importantworkofJamesJoyceslifelong pr
16、eoccupationwithDublinlife. A.APortraitoftheArtistasaYoungMan B.Dubliners C.Ulysses D.FinnegansWake Part:Answer the following questions(40%) 1.What are the reasons for Chaucers being honored as “the father of English poetry”?(10 points )2. Whatisdramaticmonologue? (5 points)3.Daniel Defoes novel Robi
17、nson Crusoe was a great success partly because the protagonist was a real middle-class hero. Discuss Crusoe, the protagonist of the novel, as an embodiment of the rising middle-class virtues in the mid-eighteenth century England. (15points)4.Discuss briefly the character of Elizabeth, the heroine in Jane Austens Pride and Prejudice. (10 points )