3、功鼓励各个部门在虚拟空间里合作配合考虑在线和离线竞争者的活动建立网络文化,培训员工熟练地使用网络允许顾客发表观点,以推动网站设计Haier Groups E-Business Program vIn the global survey by Euromonitor, Haier was ranked as the worlds No. 1 refrigerator brand, and also the worlds fifth largest white appliance producer. Haier has achieved a high growth for 17 consevuti
4、ve years with an annual average growth rate of 78%. Background of Haiers e-Business vThe strategic intent of Haiers e-business: the overall long-term strategic intent or vision of Haier is to be one of the worlds top 500 companies with a global brand. Haier views e-business as the most effective mea
5、ns to achieve its strategic intent of joining the Global 500 Club. Haier set three key e-business objectives: (1) zero distance between customers and suppliers, (2)zero inventory, and (3)zero working capital. Haiers readiness for businessvFirst, Haier had the strong commitment from its top managemen
6、t team, who has led the company in its e-business effort, awaring the imperatives of e-business and implications of the new economy. Mr. Zhang Ruimin, the CEO of Haier, points out: “Do e-business or die”. Mr. Zhang saw e-business as an effective tool to offer more value-added services through custom
7、ization, shortened cycle time and innovation, to reach out to the worldwide market, and to minimize overall cost. Haiers readiness for businessvThe second one is Haiers ERP for building the technical infrastructure for information collecting and processing. Haier realized that digital information on
8、 various business functions should be integrated fro sharing by all parties, so as for a firm adapt to the volatile market and survive in the new economy.vThe third one is Haiers BPR. Haier implemented e-business program together with its BPR programs because it realized that e-business was not simp
9、ly about seting up a website or an information system. Rather, it was about redesigning the ways firms used to conduct its business. Haiers e-business mode vThe strategic mode of Haiers e-business was clearly reflected by its e-business platform consisted of four elements. The first was Haiers SCM p
10、roject, including its distributor management , supplier management and other corporate partnership management. The second was Haiers CRM project, including the programs for both institutional and individual consumers. The third was Haiers ERP project. The last and the most important was Haiers BPR p
11、roject. The first two projects were closely tied with Haiers B2B and B2C external networks, while the last two projects were closely tied to Haiers internal networks. The Effect of Haiers e-Business strategyvThe overall effect of Haiers e-business strategy was generally positive, judged by three set
12、s of measures. The first set was the measures of reduced cycle time and enhanced customization according to the objectives of zero distance and fast speed. The second set was the measures of cost saving and cooperative value creation according to the objectives of zero inventory and zero working capital. The third set was the measure of overseas sale, profit and brand recognition according to the objective of internationalization. 谢 谢!25 结束语结束语