1、如何写幽默故事写作任务你校英语俱乐部将要举办主题为“Humorous stories”的分享活动,请你写一则幽默故事参与此次活动。写作指导一、审题定调本写作任务要求写一则幽默故事。幽默故事是记叙文的一种,但是它又不同于普通的记叙文。幽默故事一般都比较简短,所描述的往往是一个片段的情景,一些有关前因后果的说明常常被省去。其语言简洁、幽默、具有推理性,让人读后不禁开怀大笑。二、谋篇布局幽默故事一般分三部分来写:第一部分:介绍故事发生的背景;第二部分:描述事情发生的经过;第三部分:给出令人意外的结尾。三、技巧点拨幽默故事对事情本身的描述通常符合人们的常规思维习惯,但故事的结尾则用奇特的逻辑思维或幽默
2、的语言出其不意地点出其违背常理的地方,从而达到幽默效果。在写幽默故事时,除了设置一个出人意料的结局外,双关语也是创作幽默故事常用的手段,它可以使语言幽默含蓄、辛辣讽刺、耐人寻味。根据其不同特点,双关主要分为:语音双关、语义双关、延伸双关等。1. 语音双关。如:“Youre not eating your fish,” the waitress asked the customer. “Anything wrong材料 with it?”“Long time no see (sea),” the customer replied.“Long time no see”与“Long time no
3、sea”同音异义,是双关语中的“谐音”。解读 “Long time no sea”是在巧妙地暗示鱼久不见海,所以不新鲜了,也难怪这位顾客久久不肯开吃,幽默诙谐的效果跃然纸上。2. 语义双关。如:Mary really hated her husband smoking cigarettes (香烟), so she said to him one材料day, “I hope that all the cigarette factories will catch fire someday.”“Dont worry, dear. All the cigarettes will be on fire
4、 sooner or later.” The husbandsaid with a smile.解读这则幽默故事运用了“偷换概念”的方法,即把烟厂的着火(catch fire)偷换成香烟的着火(on fire)。答非所问,歪打正着,并巧妙地化解了尴尬。3. 延伸双关。如:材料 Im worried about my daughter. She keeps being chased by the doctor. Has she tried an apple?延伸双关语指巧妙运用某些语言现象(构词法、谚语等)展开联想,从而达到某种幽默风趣的效果。要理解双关语的精妙之处,需要有一定的英语文化背景解读
5、 知识。本句就巧妙地利用了英语中的一句谚语 An apple a day keeps the doctoraway。说话人运用字面短语 keeps the doctor away(摆脱医生的追求)来给人出主意,这正是一种幽默技巧。范文展示范文一Robert went to his lawyer and said, “I would like to make a will but I dont know exactlyhow to go about it.” The lawyer smiled at Robert and replied, “Not a problem, leave it all
6、 to me.”Robert looked somewhat upset and said, “Well, I know you are going to take a big portion (部分),but I would like to leave a little to my family too!”范文二Two lawyers arrived at the pub and ordered a couple of drinks. They then took sandwichesfrom their briefcases ( 公 文 包 ) and began to eat. Seeing this, the waiter came over and said,“Excuse me, but you cannot eat your own sandwiches in here!” The two looked at each other,shrugged (耸肩) and exchanged sandwiches.