1、精品资料flac3d 5.0常用命令集锦.建 模1、调用文件:文件与工程在同一个文件夹,只写文件名即可:If the called file is located in the same folder as the FLAC3D project file, then only the file name needbe entered with the CALL command. 不在同一个文件夹,全路径:Otherwise, the file may be called by specifying its complete path (e.g., c:myfolderfile.dat).Und
2、o ;撤销上一条命令2、创建 旋转 缩放视图3、建模命令model mech mohr ;莫尔库伦模型model mech elastic ;弹性模型set grav 0, 0, -9.81 ; 重力加速度 negative z-direction. (垂直向下!常用的)下面这代码,是沿着-y方向的重力加速度,注意区别!gen zone brick size 6,8,8 p0 -10, -10, -20 . ;省略号表示写不下后面继续p1 10, -10, -20 .p2 -10, 10, -20 .p3 -10, -10, 0 plot zonegen zone brick size 6,8
3、,8 p0 -10, -10, -20 . ;不规则六面体p1 10, -10, -20 p2 -10, 10, -20 .p3 -10, -10, 0 p4 10, 10, -20 .p5 -10, 10, 10 p6 10, -10, 0 .p7 10, 10, 10plot current plot Plot01plot clear plot zoneUndo ;撤销命令set logfile 127X1001.txtset log on truncateset log offlist zone prin range x 0 1 y 0 1 z 0 1 ;显示指定范围内各单元的主应力,结
4、果如下Hist命令: 命令编号按顺序从1开始:each history is numbered sequentially from 1 as it is entered via the HISTORY command.查找显示所有的his命令:Return to the Flac3D prompt and type list hist for a listing of the histories and their corresponding numbers.hist nstep 5 ;每5步记录1次。默认是10步记录1次hist add ratio ; 记录maximum unbalance
5、d force ratiohist add gp zdisp 4 4 8 ;记录节点的位移 model null range x=2,4 y=2,6 z=5,10 ;To excavate the trench,enterThe dimensions of the excavation region (i.e., the null material) are defined by the x-, y- and z-coordinate range.set large ; 设置大变形large-strain logic is specifiedini xdis 0 ydis 0 zdis 0 ;
6、位移归零solvesave trench ; 保持计算结果的文件 “TRENCH.F3SAV” 不需要后缀 4、group命令(注意新版本的区别 ,group zone)gen zone brick size 6 6 6group zone Tunnel range x 1 6 y 0 6 z 1 5 ;设置groupmodel mech mohr ; 莫尔库伦模型model mech null range group Tunnel ;group zone Tunnel range cylinder end1 100 105 100 end2 100 95 100 radius 3group
7、zone Matrix range group Tunnel not; naming RANGES that are fixed in space and unrelated; to the model geometry - represents stratigraphy.range name Layer1 plane dip 0 dd 0 ori 0 0 0 aboverange name Layer2 plane dip 0 dd 0 ori 0 0 0 belowprop bulk 1e8 shear 0.5e8 coh 0 tens 0 fric 35 range nrange Lay
8、er1prop bulk 1e7 shear 0.3e7 coh 1e7 tens 0 fric 0 range nrange Layer2pl zone colorby group4、Interface命令以下是切割模型法生成interface:寺河模拟用的pl zone gen zone brick p0 0 0 0 p1 200 0 0 p2 0 40 0 p3 0 0 4 size 100 20 2 group 1 ; gen zone brick p0 0 0 4 p1 200 0 4 p2 0 40 4 p3 0 0 8 size 100 20 2 group 2 ; gen se
9、parate group 1interface 1 wrap first group 1 second group 2interface 1 maxedge 0.5显示interface:plot create plot Plot01plot add surface;显示表面plot add interface red;显示交互面为红色plot show用导来导去法,已经在5.0上运行过,很好,值得借鉴pl zone colorby groupgen zone brick size 3 3 3 &p0 (0,0,0) p1 (3,0,0) p2 (0,3,0) p3 (0,0,1.5) &p4
10、 (3,3,0) p5 (0,3,1.5) p6 (3,0,4.5) p7 (3,3,4.5)group zone Basegen zone brick size 3 3 3 &p0 (0,0,2.5) p1 (3,0,5.5) p2 (0,3,2.5) p3 (0,0,7) &p4 (3,3,5.5) p5 (0,3,7) p6 (3,0,7) p7 (3,3,7)group zone Top range group Base notinterface 1 face range plane norm (-1,0,1) origin (1.5,1.5,3) dist 0.1pl add int
11、erfacepauseini zpos add -1.0 range group Top4、hist命令(5.0版本需要加add!)hist nstep=5 /设置采用间隔为5 等效于set hist_rep=5hist add id =2 zone szz 0,0,-1 hist unbal /最大非平衡力hist add gp zdisp 4 4 8 print histhist add gp zdis 0,0,0hist add gp zvel 0,0,0hist add gp ydisp 0,0,0;监测网格点(0,0,0)点的y 方向上的位移hist add zone syy 0,1
12、,0;监测单元(0,1,0)点的y 方向上的应力hist add zone syy 1,1,0;监测单元(1,1,0)点的y 方向上的应力hist add zone szz 0,0,-1List historyset largehistory nstep 2history add fish tthistory add fish thetahistory add zone sxx (1,1,1)history add zone syy (1,1,1)history add zone szz (1,1,1)plot add his 3 4 5 vs 1HISTORY add fish var ;
13、fish var变量的监测5、solve命令 ?什么意思5、plot命令通过图形操作界面的方式:pl zone colorby gr ;查看各个分组通过命令流的方式:plot create plot Plot01plot clearplot add history 1 linestyle color blackplot post plot Plot01 file 127F1002.ps manualplot create plot Plot02plot clearplot add history 2 linestyle color blackplot post plot Plot02 file
14、 127F1003.ps manualplot create plot GravVplot cut add plane dip 90 dd 0 origin 3,4.1,0 ;截面plot set center 3 3 3plot set eye 12 18 12plot add zone plane behindplane on onplane off ;addlabel Zone whiteplot add bcont szz ramp greyplot add axesplot post plot GravV file 127F1004.ps manualres kw50plot cre
15、ate plot szz_contourplot cut add plane dip 90 dd 180 origin 0,18.9,0plot set orient 120 220 0plot set center 45 45 0plot add zone plane behindplane on onplane off ; plot add bcont szz ramp rainbowpl set mag 1.0plot add axesplot showplot create GravVplot set plane dip=90 dd=0 origin=3,4,0plot set rot
16、 15 0 20 ;this would be achieved interactivelyplot set center 2.5 4.2 4.0 ;and is show here simply to illustrateplot add bound behind plot add bcont szz plane plot add axes plot show这样我们就建立了一个叫“Grav V”的图形,将它设为当前图层,对此图形设置一个倾角为90的面,(在x-y面上,约定z的负方向为下),倾向为0。(在x-y面上,从y的正方向开始沿顺时针方向计量),过x-y面上一点(x=3,y=4,z=0
17、),在平面后加一个网格,垂直方向的应力Qzz,最后给模型加轴线,整体图形轮廓与添加图形相反,显示每个区域中心的应力计算值,每个区域的颜色直接对应基本区域的应力,当键入show,我们建立的图形被显示 Plot create DispcontPl add cont disp plane behindPl add axesPl show plot sketch;绘出轮廓线plot add vel;添加矢量plot add his 1 2 vs 3;绘出历史记录n,actLoad , p_solcyc 15000plot Create TrenchAdd surface yellowAdd axes
18、blackShowplot create szz_contour;创建文件名为szz_contour(z 方向的应力云图)plot set cent 4 4 5;视图的中心坐标为(4,4,5)plot set rot 20 0 30;视图的旋转角度为(20,0,30)plot set mag 1.0;视图的放大倍数为1.0plot add cont szz out on shade on;打开szz 的等值线图plot add axes;打开坐标轴线plot show;显示窗口;不同的区域,材料赋值不同pl zone colorby modelpl zone colorby group求解前对
19、模型进行检查网格检查(如前所述)边界条件检查速度约束条件 plot gpfix 荷载条件 plot fap 模型检查模型赋值 plo block model参数赋值 plo block prop *初始应力检查(如后所述)经常检查模型的响应plo zcon szz (syy, sxx)应力场plo con zdis (ydis, xdis)位移场plo (add) zone colorby state屈服状态plo gpfix 速度约束条件plo fap 体力plo hist (unbal) 1不平衡力 (必需的)pl set movieactive onpl set movieextensi
20、on jpgpl set movieinterval 20pl set movieprefix sihekuangkaiwapl set moviesize ix iypl set name sihedacaigaopl bitmap view 1 file myplot.png pl bitmap view 1 size 1024 768pl create pl current pl cut add plane dd xxx dip xxx pl cut add plane name xxx normal xxx origin xxx pl dxf pl excel pl svg pl se
21、t background white ;设置背景色plot add his 3 4 5 vs 15、网格的连接、对称不同尺寸的zone,网格用attach连接,粘起来!6、plane命令6、range命令list rangerange name trench x=-1,1 y=0,4 z=-2,2 ;定义rangemodel mech null range nrange trench ; ; 开挖excavate the trench7、gp命令list gp position ; 查看节点编号、位置坐标print gp disp range id 105hist add gp zdis 0,
22、0,0hist add gp zvel 0,0,0message(1)=string(gp_xpos(pnt) message(1)=message(1)+,+string(gp_zpos(pnt) message(1)=message(1)+,+string(abs(gp_zdisp(pnt)GP PNT find gp(INT)GP PNT gp find(INT)GP PNT gp headii = ngp total number of gridpoints更多节点变量函数,详见fish reference8、zone命令list zoneprint zone stress range
23、 id 2381 any id 2361 any 2341 any ;输出网格单元的应力hist zone szz 0,0,-1Z PNT find zone(INT)INT z find(INT)Z PNT zone headii = nzone total number of zones更多zone变量函数,详见fish reference9、config 9、边界条件 Boundary and Initial ConditionsBoundary conditions are normally specified with the APPLY and FIX/FREE commands,
24、 and initial conditions are assigned with the INITIAL commandExample: a constant, compressive xx-stress component of 10 MPa can be applied to a boundary located at x = 10 with the commandapply sxx -10e6 range x 10 ; x=10的面上 10MPaapply syy = -20e6 grad 0,0,20e5 range y -20 z 0,10在斜面上施加法向力10 杂项(材料力学性质
25、)11.M-C本构模型的选取 在进行模拟时,采用摩尔-库仑(Mohr-Coulomb)强度准则来判断矿体与顶底板的破坏机理。该准则基本的内涵为:岩石的剪切破坏是由岩石破裂面产生的破坏剪应力受到岩石材料的内聚力和内摩擦力的抵抗,当破裂面上的破坏剪应力大于岩石的内聚力和内摩擦力时,即 Fs0 时,材料发生剪切破坏4:有限差分法(FDM)Fish函数1、 if条件从句2、 loop条件从句 newdef derives_mod = y_mod / (2.0 * (1.0 + p_ratio)b_mod = y_mod / (3.0 * (1.0 - 2.0 * p_ratio)endset y_mo
26、d=5e8 p_ratio=0.25derivelist b_mod s_modgen zone brick size (2,2,2)model mech elasticprop bulk=b_mod shear=s_modlist zone prop bulklist zone prop shearnewdef xxxsum = 0prod = 1loop n (1,10)sum = sum + nprod = prod * nend_loopendxxxlist sum prodnewdef abcif xx 0 thenabc = 33elseabc = 11end_ifendset x
27、x=1list abcset xx=-1list abcnewgen zone brick size 10 3 5def place_cablesloop n (1,5)z_d = float(n) - 0.5commandsel cable beg (0.0,1.5,z_d) end (7.0,1.5,z_d) nseg 7end_commandend_loopendplace_cablesplot add zone trans 75 plot add sel geomnewgen zone brick size 10 3 5model mech mohrprop bulk 1e8 shea
28、r 0.3e8 fric 35prop coh 1e3 tens 1e3ini dens 1000set grav (0,0,-10) ; ; 重力加速度 fix x y z range z 0.0fix y range y 0.0fix y range y 3.0fix x range x 0.0fix x range x 10.0set largehist add unbalsolvesave cab_strini xdis 0 ydis 0 zdis 0hist add gp xdisp (0,1,5)def place_cablesloop n (1,5)z_d = 5.5 - flo
29、at(n)z_t = z_d + 0.5z_b = z_d - 0.5commandfree x range x 0.0 z z_b,z_tsolvesel cable beg (0.0,0.5,z_d) end (7.0,0.5,z_d) nseg 7sel cable beg (0.0,1.5,z_d) end (7.0,1.5,z_d) nseg 7sel cable beg (0.0,2.5,z_d) end (7.0,2.5,z_d) nseg 7sel cable prop emod 2e10 ytension 1e8 xcarea 1.0 .gr_k 2e10 gr_coh 1e
30、10 gr_per 1.0end_commandend_loopendplace_cablessave cab_endplot zone trans 75 sel cabblock force line width 4newgen zone brick size 1 2 1model mech mohrprop shear=1e8 bulk=2e8 .cohes=1e5 tens=1e10fix x y z range y 0.0apply yvel -1e-5 range y 2.0def get_adad1 = gp_near(0,2,0)ad2 = gp_near(1,2,0)ad3 =
31、 gp_near(0,2,1)ad4 = gp_near(1,2,1)endget_addef loadload=gp_yfunbal(ad1)+gp_yfunbal(ad2)+gp_yfunbal(ad3)+gp_yfunbal(ad4)endhist add fish loadhist add gp ydis (0,6,0)step 1000plot his 1 vs -2newgen zone brick size 10 3 5model mech mohrprop bulk 1e8 shear 0.3e8 fric 35prop coh 1e3 tens 1e3ini dens 100
32、0set grav (0,0,-10) ; ; 重力加速度fix x y z range z 0.0fix y range y 0.0fix y range y 3.0fix x range x 0.0fix x range x 10.0set large ; ;大变形hist add unbalsolvesave cab_str ; ;保持计算结果文件,不用加后缀名.Savini xdis 0 ydis 0 zdis 0 ; ; 位移归零hist add gp xdisp (0,1,5)def place_cablesloop n (1,5)z_d = 5.5 - float(n)z_t =
33、 z_d + 0.5z_b = z_d - 0.5commandfree x range x 0.0 z z_b,z_tsolvesel cable beg (0.0,0.5,z_d) end (7.0,0.5,z_d) nseg 7sel cable beg (0.0,1.5,z_d) end (7.0,1.5,z_d) nseg 7sel cable beg (0.0,2.5,z_d) end (7.0,2.5,z_d) nseg 7sel cable prop emod 2e10 ytension 1e8 xcarea 1.0 .gr_k 2e10 gr_coh 1e10 gr_per
34、1.0end_commandend_loopendplace_cablessave cab_endplot zone trans 75 sel cabblock force line width 4def parmglobal rad=4.0 ; radius of spherical cavityglobal len=10.0 ; length of outer box edgeglobal in_size=6 ; number of zones along outer cube edgeglobal rad_size=10 ; number of zones in radial direc
35、tionendparmgen zone radbrick edge len size in_size in_size in_size rad_size &rat 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 dim rad rad raddef mountainlocal gp = gp_headloop while gp # nulllocal zz = sqrt(gp_xpos(gp)2 + gp_ypos(gp)2)local dz = 0.06 * sin(0.2 * zz + 100.0) ; Sum Fourier terms fordz = dz + 0.06 * sin(0.22 * zz
36、- 20.3) ; quasi-random surfacedz = dz - 0.04 * sin(0.33 * zz + 33.3) ; topology.gp_zpos(gp) = 0.5 * gp_zpos(gp) * (1.0 + dz)gp = gp_next(gp)end_loopendmountainfix x range x -.1 .1fix x range x 99.9 100.1fix y range y -.1 .1fix y range y 99.9 100.1fix z range z -.1 .1set grav 0,0,-10ini density=2000i
37、ni szz=-2.0e6 (grad 0,0,2.0e4) ini sxx=-4.0e6 (grad 0,0,4.0e4) syy=-4.0e6 (grad 0,0,4.0e4)solvedefine afill ; fill matrix with random numbersarray var(4,3)local mloop m (1,4)local nloop n (1,3)var(m,n) = urandend_loopend_loopendnewdefine h_var_1local zi = z_near(1,1,1)h_var_1 = z_sxx(zi)h_var_2 = z_syy(zi)h_var_3 = z_szz(zi)endThe FLAC3D commands to request histories might behist add fish h var 1hist add fish h var 2hist add fish h var 3degrade