1、本文为Word版本,下载可编辑操作一月到十二月的英语单词 词汇量对于英语是特别重要的,像(书信(作文)就常常用到月份,那么你知道这些月份的单词怎么写吗?今日我在这给大家整理了一月到十二月的(英语单词),接下来随着我一起来看看吧! 一月到十二月英语缩写 一月:Jan. 二月:Feb. 三月:Mar. 四月:Apr. 五月: May 六月:Jun. 七月: July 八月:Aug. 九月: Sept. 十月: Oct. 十一月: Nov. 十二月:Dec. 返回名目 一月到十二月的英语(句子) 1. January is the first month of the year. 2. The Sp
2、ring Festival often comes in Febrary. 3. A serious snowstorm happend in March this year. 4. Qingming Festival is in April,as well as April Fools Day. 5. We can get a one day holiday on May.1st. 6. Many children love June,because June.1st is Chilrens Day. 7. In July,many students begin to enjoy their
3、 summer holidays. 8. In August,some students may want to go to school. 9. New terms usually start in September. 10. National Day falls in October. 11. There is nothing special in November. 12. On December 25th,the western contries welcome their new year. 返回名目 拓展:周一到周日的英文及缩写 周一:Monday 周二:Tuesday 周三:Wednesday 周四:Thursday 周五:Friday 周六:Saturday 周日:Sunday 周一至周日:from Monday to Sunday 英文缩写为周一:Mon,周二:Tues,周三:Wed,周四:Thur,周五:Fri,周六:Sat,周日:Sun。 返回名目 第 3 页 共 3 页