《科普版英语四上Lesson 5《What can you see》(第1课时)ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《科普版英语四上Lesson 5《What can you see》(第1课时)ppt课件.ppt(14页珍藏版)》请在taowenge.com淘文阁网|工程机械CAD图纸|机械工程制图|CAD装配图下载|SolidWorks_CaTia_CAD_UG_PROE_设计图分享下载上搜索。
1、科普版三年级上册科普版小学英语四年级上册科普版小学英语四年级上册Lesson 5第1课时Free talk Hello, !This is .Is he/she your ?Nice to meet you.schoolbagNew wordsbeesNew wordssheepNew words shipNew words pigNew wordsLets talk This is my room. Please come in. Thank you. Whats in your schoolbag, Eve? A book. Can I read it? Yes, you can.Lets
2、 talk What can you see in the book? I can see a green tree. Can you see any birds? No. I can see four bees. They are black and yellow.Lets talk Can you see a pig? Yes, I can. And I can see a ship, too. A ship? No, its not a ship. Its a sheep. Oh yes!Lets talkWhat can you see ?Can you see ?Important content本节课主要学习了:单词:room schoolbag read tree bee pig ship sheep句子:What can you see? Can you see ?Homework用a或an填空。(1)(易错题)I have _ apple.Its _ big apple(2)This is _ elephantIts fat(3)Thats _ green tree(4)Hes reading _ English book