1、Answers of quiz 1I. Translate the following words or phrases into Chinese or English.(210)1.materials engineering2.材料力学3.最适度利用4.sales appeal 5.Cylindrical Cam6.平面四连杆机构7.有限元分析puter aided design(CAD)9.应力反向10.bearing surface II. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words or phrases given below.(36+2)1.
2、 drafted2. sufficient3. auxiliary4. extremely5. internal configuration6. is parallel toIII. Translate the Chinese parts given in the brackets into English.(410)1. for the purpose of satisfying human needs2. who perform the various functions of mechanical design3. undergo certain modifications4. by u
3、tilizing laws of nature or properties of matter5. according to their basic shapes6. reduce design costs7. add confidence to the design progress8. you are working in the three dimensions9. for dimensioning and clarification purposes10. for moderately stressed machine partsIV. Translate the following paragraphs. (20)由于大多数制造业高度竞争的共性,找到降低成本的方法是永恒的主题。在产品设计中降低成本是一个好的开始。设计工程师在他的设计中应始终谨记他可能的选择。没有对产品的大致成本做细致的分析而能做出最好的选择是不可能的。功能、互换性、质量和经济性的设计都要求对公差、表面光洁度、工艺、材料和设备进行仔细研究。