1、The Meridian-Collateral System LESSON 10刮痧刮痧 scraping therapy 气功气功 Qi gong tui na针刺针刺 acupuncture therapyGeneral Description The foundation for acupuncture,moxibustion,tuina and qigong. Focus on human body as a whole.人人体运输之通路体运输之通路经络经络The theory of meridians-collaterals The meridians-collaterals fam
2、ily The physiological function The pathological changes Meridians and CollateralsThese pathways connect the viscera with limbs and joints, link the upper part of the body with the lower part and associate the interior with the exterior. The meridian-collaterals is a general term for the meridians (J
3、ing Mai) and the collaterals (Luo Mai).Meridians and CollateralsJing means “ go through ” or “ a path ”. They are the main trunks of the system, thick and large.They run longitudinally and are deep-level distributed within the body. Meridians and Collaterals Luo means “ something that connects ” or
4、“ a net ”. They are branches of the meridians, thin and small. They usually run transversely and are distributed superficially, and crisscross and net the whole body. 经络系统组成:v经络系统经脉十五络脉孙络浮络十二经脉奇经八脉十二经别十二经筋十二皮部络脉手三阴手三阳足三阴足三阳冲脉任脉督脉带脉阴阳跷脉阴阳维脉遍布全身The meridians-collaterals familyv Meridiansv ColleteralsT
5、welve regular meridians Eight extraordinary meridiandivergent collateral superficial collateral fine(Minute)collateral 15 Other family members The twelve divergent meridians( (十二经别十二经别) ) The twelve skin divisions(十二皮部十二皮部) The twelve musculature zones.(十二经筋)十二经筋)BELONG TO Meridians System(Meridians
6、 & Collaterals ( Exterior )Zang-Futhe twelve muscles regionsthe twelve cutaneous regionsthe minute and superficial collateralsthe twelve regular meridiansthe eight extra meridiansthe twelve divergent meridiansthe fifteen collateralsInterior )Relation PhotoThey link together to unify all the viscera,
7、 organs, orifices, muscles, skin and bones in the human body into an organic whole. Physiologically the meridians serve as the pathways for Qi and blood to flow and circulate in the body. Pathologically the meridians transmit pathogenic factors into the body. WHAT OCCASION?When meridian Qi becomes w
8、eak or fails to protect the body due to certain factors, exogenous pathogenic factors may invade the body and pathogenic factors will be transmitted into the viscera through the meridians. They start and terminate at certain sites, run along the fixed routes, link in accordance with certain order, d
9、istribute along the limbs with certain rules and are directly connected with certain viscera. Diagnose according to changes of the meridians.How can we know what happened? 肺部胀满,膨膨气喘、咳嗽,锁骨上窝“缺盆”内(包括喉咙部分)疼痛;严重的则交捧着两手,感到胸部烦闷,视觉模糊。还可发生前臂部的气血阻逆如厥冷、麻木、疼痛等症。 CASE lung distention chest pain pain in the supr
10、aclavicular fossa 缺盆中痛缺盆中痛 .ETC十二经病证十二经病证 (一)手太阴肺经病证: 【临床表现】肺胀、咳喘、胸部满闷;缺盒中痛;肩背痛,或肩背寒,少气,洒淅寒热,自汗出,濡或臂内前廉痛,常中热,小便频数或色变等。(二)手阳明大肠经病证【临床表现】齿痛、颈肿;咽喉肿痛,鼻衄,目黄口干;肩臂前侧疼痛;拇、食指疼痛、活动障碍。(三)足阳明胃经【临床表现】壮热、汗出、头痛、颈肿、咽喉肿痛、齿痛,或口角歪斜,鼻流浊涕;或鼻衄;惊惕狂躁;或消谷善饥,脘腹胀满;或膝腹肿痛,胸乳部、腹股部、下肢外侧、足背、足中趾等多处疼痛,足中肢活动受限。 (四)足太阴脾经病证 【临床表现】舌本强、食
11、则呕、胃脘痛、腹胀善噫,得后与气则快然如衰,身体皆重。舌本痛,体不能动摇,食不下,烦心,心下急痛、溏泻、症瘕、泄、水团、黄疸,不能卧,股膝内肿厥,足大趾不用。 (五)手少阴心经病证【临床表现】心胸烦闷疼痛、咽干、渴而欲饮、目黄、胁痛、挠臂内侧后缘痛厥,掌中热。 (六)手太阳小肠经病证【临床表现】耳聋、目黄、咽痛;肩似拔、挠似折。颈项肩挠肘臂外后廉痛。 (七)足太阳膀胱经病证 【临床表现】发热,恶风寒,鼻寒流涕,头痛,项背强痛;目似脱项如拔,腰似折,(月国)如结,踹如裂;癫痫、狂证、疟疾、痔疮;腰脊、(月国)窝,腓肠肌、足跟和小趾等处疼痛,活动障碍。(八)足少阴肾经病证 【临床表现】面黑如漆柴,
12、头晕目眩;气短喘促,咳嗽咯血;饥不欲食,心胸痛,腰脊下肢无力或痿厥,足下热痛;心烦、易惊、善恐、口热舌干,咽肿。(九)手厥阴心包经病证【临床表现】手心热,臂肘挛急,腋肿,甚则胸胁支满,心烦、心悸、心痛、喜笑不休面赤目黄等。(十)手少阳三焦经病证【临床表现】耳聋、心胁痛,目锐眦痛,颊部耳后疼痛,咽喉肿痛,汗出,肩肘、前臂痛,小指、食指活动障碍。(十一)足少阳胆经病证 【临床表现】口苦、善太息,心胁痛不能转侧,甚则面微有尘,体无膏泽,足外反热。头痛颔痛,缺盆中肿痛,腋下肿,马刀侠瘿,汗出振寒为疟,胸、胁、肋髀、膝外至胫,绝骨外踝前及诸节皆痛,足小趾、次趾不用。(十二)足厥阴肝经病证【临床表现】腰痛不可俯仰,面色晦暗,咽干,胸满、腹泻、呕吐、遗尿或癃闭,疝气或妇女少腹痛。 The eight extraordinary meridians governor vessel conception vessel thoroughware vessel belt vessel yin heel vessel yang heel vessel yin link vessel yang link vessel