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1、 四级考试阅读技巧四级考试阅读技巧 句子与段落匹配题作文(作文(30分钟)分钟) 翻译(翻译(30分钟)分钟)听力(听力(30分钟)分钟)选词填空(选词填空(7分钟)分钟)深度阅读(深度阅读(20分钟)分钟)长篇阅读(长篇阅读(13分钟)分钟)共共130分钟分钟40分钟分钟作文作文(15%) 翻译翻译15%听力听力(35%)选词填空选词填空5%深度阅读深度阅读20%35%长篇阅读长篇阅读10%共共710分分及格及格425分分篇章后附有10个句子,每句一题。每句所含的信息出自篇章的某一段落,要求找出与每句所含信息相匹配的段落。有的段落可能对应两题,有的段落可能不对应任何一题。 三个及三个以上的句

2、子对应一个段落的情况没有出现过。 长篇阅读的文章基本都是专业题材的文章,可能会觉得很陌生,不要求完全理解只要求能够通过略读或查读的方式找到题干的信息并根据原文内容相比做出正确选择。只是有题干和答案简单的同义词替换 。 选材来源1.New Scientist2.Newsweek3.The New York Times4.Time5.The Washington Post 体裁方面 题材方面1.议论文2.说明文3.新闻评述4.记叙文题型归纳l细节辨认题,文字上和原文一样。(最简单)l同义转述题,即文字上换了同义的表达。(简单)l细节推断题,即句子是从原文某个细节推断出来。(较难)l段意归纳题,即句

3、子是某段文字意思的归纳。 (较难) 匹配题阅读步骤:Step1(0.5-1min)第一步第一步:阅读:阅读文章标题和文章重要部位了解文章内容了解文章内容 (Skimming) 1 1、文章标题、文章标题 2 2、首段第一句话、首段第一句话 3 3、末段第一句话和最后一句话、末段第一句话和最后一句话 如果句子是非概括性的句子则不看。如果句子是非概括性的句子则不看。 主要目的是了解主要目的是了解topictopic和和attitudeattitude Example 简单浏览文章标题和文章重要部位,用时越短越好。大致了解文章内容。(Skimming)lTitle:TV Linked to Lowe

4、r MarkslFirst sentences in First Paragraph: The effect of television on children has been debated .Now three new studieslFirst Sentence in Last Paragraph: Lucas puts the responsibility for squarely on parents.第二步:第二步:分析分析题目题目+查读查读(s scanningcanning) 1 1)分析题目)分析题目 找出找出题目中的题目中的关键词关键词和和定位词。定位词。 关键词关键词是

5、指题目简化后的中心词,是指题目简化后的中心词,最能表示出句子的含义。最能表示出句子的含义。 定位词定位词是是题目中的专有信息或特殊题目中的专有信息或特殊信息信息( (数字、时间、地点、人物、特数字、时间、地点、人物、特殊字体和特殊符号等殊字体和特殊符号等),它能帮助定),它能帮助定位到具体的段落。位到具体的段落。 阅读步骤:Step2(12min)l 1.人名定位l2.地点定位l3.数字定位l4.事件定位l5.现象定位l6.动作引语定位l7.对象定位l8.专有名词定位l9.修饰语定位l10.主题定位 阅读步骤:Step2(12min) 标红为关键词,下划线为定位词 1. According t

6、o Borzekowski, children having chances to use a family computer are likely to acquire better results on the different tests. 2. The reports issued in the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescents Medicine find that watching too much TV leads to poor performance in school. Example 3. Watching more than th

7、ree hours of TV before age 3 has bad effect on kids. 4. According to the second report, the chance for one to acquire a college degree depends on the amount of his TV watching during his children. . Example阅读步骤:Step2(12mins) 2 2)查读查读(Scanning)(Scanning) 1、看题目,按题查找。看题目,按题查找。带着题目中的带着题目中的定位词定位词,到,到原文中去

8、查找定位,找到句子信息所在段落。有原文中去查找定位,找到句子信息所在段落。有时要用到句子中的时要用到句子中的多个定位词多个定位词到原文中定位查找。到原文中定位查找。查找时遵循先易后难的原则。(查找时遵循先易后难的原则。(ScanningScanning) 在查读时在查读时, ,一目十行地寻视一目十行地寻视与答题内容相关的词句与答题内容相关的词句, ,与此无与此无关的内容要很快关的内容要很快略过略过。在最短的时间内掠过尽可能多的内。在最短的时间内掠过尽可能多的内容容, ,找到所需要的信息。找到所需要的信息。 2 2、确定答案。、确定答案。定位后,在定位词附近找有无与题定位后,在定位词附近找有无与

9、题目目关键词关键词相关内容,有则直接选择该段,无则继相关内容,有则直接选择该段,无则继续往下找定位词(可在未确定位置标上定位词的续往下找定位词(可在未确定位置标上定位词的题号以便下次判断)。题号以便下次判断)。 阅读步骤:Step2(12mins) 先易后难原则先易后难原则+ +不重复原则不重复原则第一遍:第一遍: 第一题定位时第一题定位时scanscan每段的第一句话(随手每段的第一句话(随手用用/ /区分区分首句首句)。找到则在段落前)。找到则在段落前打打 表示已对应一题,表示已对应一题,然然后做下一题;没找到则放弃直接做下一题。后面后做下一题;没找到则放弃直接做下一题。后面同理。同理。最

10、后大概能完成最后大概能完成3-63-6题题第二遍:第二遍: 没完成的题目重新开始,题目定位时没完成的题目重新开始,题目定位时scanscan每段的每段的最后一句(随手最后一句(随手用用/ /区分末句区分末句)。找到则在段落前)。找到则在段落前打打 表示已对应一题,表示已对应一题,然后做下一题;没找到则放然后做下一题;没找到则放弃直接做下一题。后面同理。弃直接做下一题。后面同理。最后大概还剩最后大概还剩2-32-3题题 阅读步骤:Step2(12mins)第三遍:第三遍: 剩下的题目,定位时剩下的题目,定位时scanscan每段的中间每段的中间(先找没有标注(先找没有标注 的段落,打过两次的段落

11、,打过两次 的段落不用看)。的段落不用看)。最后大概还剩最后大概还剩0-10-1题题 三遍完成后剩下的题目算是比较难的三遍完成后剩下的题目算是比较难的题目,做起来得不偿失,可以选择放题目,做起来得不偿失,可以选择放弃,也可以根据题目句子含义猜测会弃,也可以根据题目句子含义猜测会处于文章的大致位置。处于文章的大致位置。阅读步骤:Step2(12mins) 查读可运用下列技巧查读可运用下列技巧: : 1 1、利用章节标题:利用章节标题:TitleTitle(标题)(标题)、SubtitleSubtitle(副标题)和(副标题)和Section Section headingheading(段落标题

12、)(段落标题) 2 2、在浏览每段首句时,如果有的话、在浏览每段首句时,如果有的话,可顺手将本段的,可顺手将本段的关键词用笔圈出关键词用笔圈出。这些起到小标题的作用。再阅读到该这些起到小标题的作用。再阅读到该段时可以辅助判断,减少阅读难度。段时可以辅助判断,减少阅读难度。 3 3、不断的查读过程中留意掌握文章、不断的查读过程中留意掌握文章的大致结构脉络的大致结构脉络 Follow me 2015年6月四级真题 Essay-Grading Software Offers Professors a Break AImagine taking a college exam, and, instead

13、 of handing in a blue book and getting a grade from a professor a few weeks later, clicking the send button when you are done and receiving a grade back instantly, your essay, scored by a software program. And then, instead of being done with that exam, imagine that, the system would immediately let

14、 you rewrite the test to try to improve your grade. B EdX, the nonprofit enterprise founded by Howard and the Masschusetts Institute of Technology(MIT) to offer courses on the Internet, has just introduced such a system and will make its automated software available free on the Web to any institutio

15、n that wants to use it. The software uses artificial intelligence to grade students essays and short written freeing professors for other tests. C The news service will bring the educational consortium(联盟)into a growing conflict over the role of automation in education. Although automated grading sy

16、stems for multiple-choice and true-false tests are now widespread, the use of artificial intelligence technology to grade essay answers has not yet received widespread acceptance by educators and has many critics. D Anant Agarwal, an electrical engineer who is the president of EdX, predicted that In

17、stant-grading software would be a useful teaching tool,enabling students to take tests and write as essays over and over and improve the quality of their answers, he said that the technology would offer distinct advantages over the traditional classroom system, where students often wait days or week

18、s for grades. There is a huge value in learning with instant feedback, Dr. Agarwal said. Students are telling us they learn much better with instant feedback. E But skeptics(怀疑者)say the automated system is no match for live teachers. One longtime critic, Les Perelman, has drawn national attention se

19、veral times for putting together nonsense essays that have fooled software grading programs into giving high marks. He has also been highly critical of studies claiming that the software compares well to human graders. F He is among a group of educators who last month began circulating a petition(呼吁

20、)opposing automated assessment software. The group, which calls itself Professionals Against Machine. Scoring of student Essays in High-Stake Assessment, has collected nearly 2, 000 signatures, including some from famous people like Noam Chomsky. G Lets face the realities automatic essay scoring, Th

21、e groups statement reads in part. Computer cannot read. They cannot measure the essentials of effective written communication: accuracy, reasoning, adequacy of evidence, good sense, ethical(伦理的)position, convincing argument, Meaningful organization and clarity among others. “ H But EdX expects its s

22、oftware to be adopted widely by schools and universities. It offers free online classes from Howard, MIT and the University of California-Berkeley; This fall, it will add classes from Wellesley, Georgetown and the University of Texas. In all, 12 universities participate in EdX, Which offers certific

23、ates for course Completion and has said that it plans to continue to expand next year, including adding international schools. I The EdX assessment tool requires human teachers, or graders, to first grade, 100essays or essay questions. The system then uses variety of machine-learning techniques to t

24、rain itself to be able to grade any number of essays or answers, or automatically and almost instantly. The software will assign a grade depending on the scoring system Created by the teacher, whether it is a letter grade or numerical(数字的) rank. J EdX is not the first to use the automated assessment

25、 and technology, which dates to early computer in the 1960s. There is now a range of companies offering commercial programs to grade written test answers, and four states-Louisiana, North Dakota, Utah and West VirginiaAre using some form of the technology in secondary schools, A fifth, Indiana, has

26、experitmented with it. In some cases the software is used as a secondary reader, to check the reliability of the human graders. K But the growing influence of the EdX consortium to set standards is likely to give the technology a boost. On Tuesday, Stanford announced that it would work with EdX to d

27、evelop a joint educational system that will make use of the automated assessment technology. L Two start-ups, Coursera and Udacity, recently founded by Stanford faculty members to create massive open online courses, or MOOCs, are also committed to automated assessment systems because of the value of

28、 instant feedback. It allows students to get immediate feedback on their work, so that learning turns into a game, with students naturally, gravitating(吸引)toward resubmitting the work until they get it right, said Daphne Koller, A computer scientist, and a founder of Coursera. M Last year the Hewlet

29、t Foundation, a grant-making organization set up by one of the Hewlett Packard founders and his wife, sponsored two $100, 000 prices aimed at improving software that grades essays and short answers. More than 150 teams entered each category. A winner of one of the Hewlett contests, Vik Paruchuri, wa

30、s hired by EdX to help design its assessment software. N One of our focuses is to help kids learn how to think critically, said Victor Vuchic, a program officer at the Hewlett Foundation. Its probably impossible to do that with multiple-choice tests. The challenge is that this requires human graders

31、, and so they cost a lot more and they take a lot more time. . O Mark. D. Shermis, a professor at the University of Akron in Ohio, supervised the Hewlett Foundations contest an automated essay scoring and wrote a paper about the experiment. In his view, the technologythough imperfecthas a place in e

32、ducational sightings. P With increasingly large classes, it is impossible for most teachers to give students meaningful feedback on writing assignments, he said. Plus, he noted, critics of the technology has tended to come from the nations best universities, where the level of teaching is much bette

33、r than at most schools. Q Often they come from very famous institutions where, in fact, they do a much better job of providing feedback than a machine ever could, Dr. Shermis said. “There seems to be a lack of appreciation of what is actually going on in the real world. l(46)Some professionals in ed

34、ucation are collecting signatures to voice their opposition to automated essay grading. l(47) Using software to grade students essays saves teachers time for other work. l(48) The Hewlett contests aim at improving essays grading software. l(49) Though the automated grading system is widely used in m

35、ultiple-choice tests, automated essays grading is still criticized by many educators. l(50) Some people dont believe the software grading system can do as good a job as human graders. l(51) Critics of automated essay scoring do not seem to know the true realities in less famous universities. l(52) C

36、ritics argue many important aspect of effective writing cannot be measured by computer rating programs. l(53) As the class size grows, most teachers are unable to give students valuable comments as to how to improve their writings. l(54) The automated assessment technology is sometimes used to doubl

37、e check the work of human graders. l(55) Students find instant feedback helps improve their learning considerably. 如何提高阅读技能如何快速有效的阅读如何快速有效的阅读1 1)阅读时)阅读时注意力要高度集中,不可走神注意力要高度集中,不可走神,要有良好的心,要有良好的心理素质,千万不能有畏难情绪。即看到生词不紧张不退理素质,千万不能有畏难情绪。即看到生词不紧张不退缩,因为一个句子中的缩,因为一个句子中的一两个生词一般不会影响你对这一两个生词一般不会影响你对这个句子的个句子的60%6

38、0%到到70%70%的理解的理解2 2)视域要宽)视域要宽 每一眼看的词要尽量的多每一眼看的词要尽量的多。我们阅读表面是。我们阅读表面是用眼睛看,实际是用脑子读,眼睛只是起了照相机镜头用眼睛看,实际是用脑子读,眼睛只是起了照相机镜头的作用。努力使自己的眼睛变成的作用。努力使自己的眼睛变成“广角镜广角镜”,把尽可能,把尽可能多的词能一眼多的词能一眼“尽收眼底尽收眼底”。 ( (一眼扫过去,看一行也一眼扫过去,看一行也就两秒,大概了解讲的是什么就过,不要纠结细节就两秒,大概了解讲的是什么就过,不要纠结细节) )3 3)意群要长)意群要长 在每个视幅中不是让你把很多的单词都收进在每个视幅中不是让你把

39、很多的单词都收进脑子,而是要善于从中脑子,而是要善于从中摄取有意义的词组摄取有意义的词组,这个有意义,这个有意义的词组就是意群。的词组就是意群。 快速阅读者是快速阅读者是半句或一句句地读半句或一句句地读。视幅大大加宽,停顿。视幅大大加宽,停顿的间隙少而短,获取的都是有意义的词组,因而理解全的间隙少而短,获取的都是有意义的词组,因而理解全句或全段就能做到水到渠成句或全段就能做到水到渠成 如何提高阅读技能如何提高阅读技能l以意群阅读举例:以意群阅读举例:lSuccessful improvement of your reading depends upon your eagerness to im

40、prove and your willingness to practice.l如果你一个一个词来读这句话如果你一个一个词来读这句话, , 你的视线就要在每个词你的视线就要在每个词上都要停留一次上都要停留一次, , 影响阅读速度影响阅读速度, , l单个词本身是不会产生任何意义的,只有与其他词联系单个词本身是不会产生任何意义的,只有与其他词联系起来,才能构成一定的意义起来,才能构成一定的意义,即将单个的词语按照自然即将单个的词语按照自然的语法和意义关系组织起来的语法和意义关系组织起来 构成一定意义的这一组词构成一定意义的这一组词,就是意群(,就是意群(idea units or meaning

41、ful unitsidea units or meaningful units) 。阅读时以意群为单位,而不是以词为单位来理解吸收。阅读时以意群为单位,而不是以词为单位来理解吸收。如何提高阅读技能l如果以意群为单位如果以意群为单位, , 即:即:lSuccessful improvementSuccessful improvementof your of your readingreadingdependsdepends uponyour uponyour eagernesseagernessto to improveand your improveand your willingnesswi

42、llingnessto practice.to practice.l这样这样, , 你的视线是在每个词组上停留你的视线是在每个词组上停留, , 停留次数减少停留次数减少, ,意义比较连贯意义比较连贯, ,即使即使你的视线在词组上停留的时间要比在一个单词上停留的时间稍微长一些你的视线在词组上停留的时间要比在一个单词上停留的时间稍微长一些, , 但因为意义容易理解但因为意义容易理解, , 总体时间还是要比前者短总体时间还是要比前者短, , 而且阅读质量提高了。而且阅读质量提高了。 其实,我扫读这段话时,我入其实,我扫读这段话时,我入心的只是红色部分心的只是红色部分&看这段话看这段话的时间只需要两秒

43、的时间只需要两秒如何提高阅读技能l词组越长词组越长, , 阅读速度越快:阅读速度越快:lSuccessful improvement of your readingdepends uponyour eagerness to improveand your willingness to practice.l这样阅读的效果是你感觉阅读时, 你的视线在跳跃, 你的脑子来不及将英语翻译成中文, 就已经理解了。l其实说太多技巧也没用,这些技巧适合我其实说太多技巧也没用,这些技巧适合我却不一定适合你,你需要理解总结!适合却不一定适合你,你需要理解总结!适合自己的才算好嘛自己的才算好嘛但一目十行真的是原但一

44、目十行真的是原则!则!附:意群的具体划分l现将句子划分意群的一般原则归纳如下: l1名词词组 l 1)冠词+名词,l例:a country l2)名词+名词,l例:coumrade Li l3)指示代词+名词,l例:this book l4)形容词+名词,例:natural science l5)作形容词用的名词或分词+名词,例: New Years Day the working class 这部分你看看就行,只能这部分你看看就行,只能算是参考算是参考做阅读没有那么多原则。做阅读没有那么多原则。自己读着习惯就好!自己读着习惯就好!附:意群的具体划分l6)数词+名词,l例:thirty-two

45、 note-booksl7)数词+数词,l例:223-two hundred and twenty-three l 8)不定代词+名词,l例:some ink 附:意群的具体划分l2介词短语,l例: from now on with an effort l3副词短语,l例: day and night first of all l4副词+介词短语,l例: early in the morning far into the night l 5副词+动词,或动词+副词,l例: quite understand study hard l6一些固定的动词词组,l例: to take a rest to

46、 have a meeting to get ready 附:意群的具体划分l7联系动词+表语,l例: be at school grow quite well l 8主语+谓语,这种句型用于简短语句时,一般划分为一个意群,l例: He stands up l They are very happy l 9主语+谓语+宾语,这种句型用于简短语句时,划分为一个意群l例: I can speak English He gave me a book 附:意群的具体划分l10简短的名词性从句,包括主语从句、表语从句和宾语从句,l例:That he will come hereis certain.(主

47、语从句) l This ishow he studies English(表语从句)l He told mewhere I could find my book(宾语从句) l 11简短的定语从句,l例: This is a factorythat makes cloth l 附:意群的具体划分l12简短的状语从句,可以放在句首或句末。放在句首时,从句后通常要用逗号;放在句末时,从句一般不用逗号,每个简短的状语从句分为一个意群,l例: I waitedtill he come back l He cant comebecause he is ill l We worked fastso that we finish our plan


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