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1、县十大杰出青年候选人事迹简介县十大杰出青年候选人事迹简介 县十大杰出青年候选人事迹简介 县十大杰出青青年候选人事迹简介 01、杨胜炎 杨胜炎,男,19985年5月生,中国共产党党党员,龙里县发改革局循环环经济发展办公室副主任。 20XX年参加工作以来,率先垂范,默默无闻,无私私奉献,为发改工作贡献了智智慧和力量。研究编写完成112篇龙里县国民经济和社社会发展运行情况分析龙龙里县固定资产投资分析等等理论调研文章,独自撰写完完成龙里县产业现状及发展展对策建议龙里县调整优优化产业结构,推动经济社会会可持续发展2篇调研报告告和借鉴瑞士经验 推动贵贵州循环经济加快发展1篇篇课题论文,为龙里县发改局局和龙

2、里县委县政府推动龙里里经济发展提供了有效参考。 荣获龙里县20XX年“优秀科教人才奖”;荣获龙龙里县20XX年“服务型优优秀共产党员”;入选贵州省省首批“甲秀之光”访问学者者。 02、蒋叶鹏 蒋叶鹏鹏,男,1981年3月生,中国共产党党员,龙里县公公安局交通警察大队冠山中队队队长。 16年如一日,每每天天没亮就已经在工作的第第一线,工作到深夜是常有的的事,对于他来说,工作就是是第一,时刻牢记作为一名交交警的神圣职责。为了不影响响工作,他24小时开机,装装备从不离身,为了工作零失失误,他宁愿自己苦一点累一一点,始终坚守。在危机关头头救人,他毫不保留,危险留留给自己,只为挽救他人性命命。 20XX

3、年荣获全省道道路交通秩序整治先进个人;荣获“全国九运会交通安全全保卫先进个人”;20XX5年荣获“三争型”优秀共产产党员及“全省第二次项目观观摩会”先进个个人;20XX6年在城区交通整治工作中中荣获个人三等功。 03、周倩倩 周倩倩,女,19990年8月生,龙里县洗马马镇洗马河村“农村淘宝”服服务站站长。 面对良好的电电商发展态势,她看准商机,参与了龙里县农村淘宝服务务站的合伙人项目,将空间上上的万水千山变为网络上的近在咫尺,将龙里县的土特产产放入自己的特色小店,真正正实现了让“农产品进城、网网货下乡”。小小年纪,就带带动当地农民发家致富,淘全全国、卖全国。想方法,找路路子,拓宽思维,她的农村

4、淘淘宝店开业十多天,小店营业业额就达到29万多元,在淘淘宝系统后台的排行榜上稳居居龙里县第一。 20XX年年荣获全县农村淘宝项目开业业奖励表彰大会上荣获交易额额度第二名;交易单量第二名名;农资专家奖等多项殊荣。 04、陈伟 陈伟,男,1987年11月生,龙里里在线科技传媒有限公司负责责人。 作为回乡创业的青年年代表,陈伟于20XX年112月1日创办龙里在线传媒媒科技有限公司,并建立龙里里县第一综合性门户网站龙里在线官网。该网站作为为龙里首个网络信息传媒平台台,满足了龙里县人民对民生生信息的需求,为龙里县网络络信息服务长期稳定的发展做做出了贡献。 陈伟同志始终终保持对事业的满腔热情,创创办了一系

5、列推广宣传龙里好好形象活动,并受到了广大的的好评。除此之外,陈伟同志志还热心公益,关注社会孤寡寡老人,留守儿童,招募志愿愿者传承爱心。为弱势群体搭搭建起平台,让更多的人去关关心,爱护他们。 05、罗罗小峰 罗小峰,男,19887年11月生,贵州科之杰杰新材料有限公司办公室主任任。 罗小峰作为一名难能可可贵的科技型人才,进入公司司短短的5年时间里,几乎跑跑遍了贵州各地的大型工地,通过多方面的观察学习和研研究实验,他完成了对TS-2聚羧酸减水剂的产品性能能的提升,成功开发出新产品品TS-8A、TS-3等聚聚羧酸高性能减水剂,并成功功配置出了使C60泵送到2200米以上高度的外加剂等等科研成果,成功

6、申报2项发发明专利。他始终认为,只有有通过不断的努力探索和学习习,才能真正推动我国在新型型材料技术领域的发展,他愿愿为此而奋斗终生。 20XX3年获得龙里县“推动科技技进步先进个人”奖;20XX4年获得龙里县20XX年年度“优秀青年突击手”称号号。 06、陈堰 陈堰,女女,1988年7月生,中国国共产党党员,龙里县人民医医院内二科护士长。 她一直直都是患者们眼中的“爱心白白大褂”。自20XX年到龙龙里县医院工作以来,她护理理病重患者5000余人,病病危患者1000余人,参与与抢救380余人。她始终坚坚持着自己的信念:“用心做做好每一次护理,认真对待每每一位病人。”她从不怕病人人要求高、难伺候,

7、总是用一一张笑脸送给病人真真切切的的关怀。在医患关系日益恶化化的今天,陈堰说,她想成为为能够改变病人对医生误解的的践行者,以一己之力,哪怕怕只能为这个理想贡献稀释大大海的一滴淡水,她也义无反反顾。 07、李小琴 李小小琴,女,1982年10月月生,浙江人,世纪华联超市市总经理。 20XX年,李李小琴来到龙里经营了一家属属于自己的超市,在超市营业业成型后,李小琴开始思考自自己作为一个民营企业的经营营者接下来要走的路。她倡导导并组建了世纪华联爱心服务务队,长期资助帮扶草原三个个学生。并在自己经营的超市市开辟了免费爱心专柜,供留留守儿童展销他们的精美手工工艺品。而今,李小琴的爱心心团队足迹已经走遍了

8、大半个个龙里,哪里有人需要帮助,哪里就有世纪华联爱心团队队的身影。社会需要这样的正正能量,需要这种愿意用爱回回馈社会的企业经营者,李小小琴和她的志愿服务团队永远远在路上。 08、刘和祥 刘和祥,男,1979年33月生,中国共产党党员,谷谷脚镇高新村新坪种养殖专业业合作社理事。 刘和祥曾任任原新坪村文书,通过自己的的探索,发现了发展富硒红粳粳米的致富之路,他组织成立立了龙里县新坪种养殖专业合合作社,以发展富硒红粳米加加工产业为主,衍生打造富硒硒系列产品,带动了当地一大大批老百姓成功走上了致富的的道路。如今,富硒红粳米在在龙里已是家喻户晓。20XX5年,他带领种植户种植红红粳米350亩,粳米20X

9、X0亩,据估算,届时合作社社利润可达100万余元,百百姓直接增加经济收入40万万余元。20XX年,他继续续在新坪打造“五彩粮仓”富富硒梗米种植1500亩。 09、冯小勇 冯小勇,男男,1985年12月生,冯冯小勇盲人按摩店负责人。 20XX年,冯小勇盲人按摩摩店在县城大磨石人社局旁挂挂牌营业,身残志坚的他迈入入了人生的另一个篇章。通过过几年的努力,按摩店的经营营已逐渐规模,冯小勇便开始始以残疾人为招收员工对象,数年来为近30名残疾人解解决了就业问题,为盲人朋友友开辟了一条谋生之路。他还还成功帮助患脑部肿瘤的员工工李秀落实了手术费,挽救了了她的生命。冯小勇说,我是是个残疾人,我比谁知道残疾疾人的

10、痛苦,能帮助到他们,我很安心。 20XX年黔黔南州残疾人联合会授予冯小小勇盲人按摩店州级残疾人创创业示范点称号,并给予3万万元资金扶持。 10、陈恩恩熙 陈恩熙,男,19799年2月生,中国共产党党员员,龙里县哪嗙小学校长。 哪嗙的乡亲们都知道,现在在的哪嗙小学已不再是两年前前的模样了。20XX年9月月,陈恩熙任哪嗙小学校长,在他的努力下,原来的乡村村小学已然成为现在的“先进进学校”。他一直强调:“再再穷不能穷教育,再苦不能苦苦孩子。”作为一名山区的教教育工作者,他丝毫没有懈怠怠,也不敢懈怠,他深知后面面的路还很长。他创造性的率率先在全校范围内实行“四餐餐”模式,即一日四餐。学生生只需少量生活

11、费就能吃上可可口的饭菜。为使贫困学生能能有一个更好的学习环境,他他利用网络及各种渠道,帮助助了哪嗙小学百余名贫困学生生,争取各种社会捐资对贫困困学生资助达500余人次,物资和资金折合人民币超过过30万元。 11、李萍 李萍,女,1983年2月生生,中国共产党党员,20XX4年小康驻村任巴江村“第第一书记”(现任龙里县科学学技术和知识产权局办公室主主任)。 龙里县湾滩河镇凯凯卡村属于省级一类贫困村,刚到村里,李萍就知道,这这里要发展除了突破交通条件件的限制,更要改变村民的思思想,转变观念才能拔掉穷根根。她想办法,积极联系资金金成立了凯卡村花卉苗木专业业合作社,引进种植面积为770亩的花卉苗木种植

12、一期工工程;她有爱心,为贫困户、困难老人联系爱心企业进行行捐赠和资助;她心系群众,为民解忧,申请资金为巴解解决巴江村鼠场坡水池更换难难题。她时刻记着群众所需所所盼,兑现着一件件对群众的的承诺。 20XX年驻村工工作期间,由于成绩突出,被被评为“先进个人”,并入围围“德行龙里”20XX十大大年度人物评选前20名。 12、陈光豪 陈光豪,男,1978年9月生,中国共共产党党员,龙里县湾滩河镇镇羊场中学教师。 陈光豪是是一个平凡朴实的青年教师,十几年如一日无怨无悔的侍侍奉年逾70岁的父亲和生活活不能自理的妹妹,另外还要要照顾体弱多病的母亲和他的的侄儿侄女以及自己年幼的女女儿。生活的重担沉甸甸的压压在

13、了这个38岁的年青人身身上。然而,面对这样的家庭庭境况陈光豪没有退缩和逃避避,仍毅然决然的扛起了养家家的重任,把爱全给了亲人把把汗水和劳累留给了自己。他他是父亲的好儿子,侄子、侄侄女的好叔叔,女儿的好爸爸爸,妹妹的好哥哥。他始终坚坚信只要爱心无涯、孝心永驻驻就能让孝老爱亲成为不灭的的长明灯。 20XX年3月月获龙里县“德行龙里?孝美美家庭”称号。 13、杨序序成 杨序成,男,19877年2月生,龙里县广播电视视台专题文艺部主任。 自参参加工作起,先后从事后期制制作、记者、编辑、播音主持持、栏目制片等工作,逐渐成成为单位的骨干人才。20XX3年,他主动要求到一线从从事采访工作,磨练了一身能能吃苦

14、耐劳的坚韧毅力。20XX5年他带领着仅有3人的的团队创办了小康龙里栏栏目,在全县干部都投身到提提前创建小康社会的工作氛围围中,他不掉队,不落后,紧紧紧抓住龙里提前实现小康的的使命努力做好宣传工作,取取得良好的社会影响,为龙里里提前实现小康做出了不可磨磨灭的贡献。 20XX年、20XX年连续获得单位考考核优秀等次;获新闻宣传业业内奖项10余次。 14、黄天鹏 黄天鹏,男,19982年6月生,中国共产党党党员,龙里县纪委监察局科科员。 30出头的黄天鹏是是个敢于创新工作的年青人。他通过结合自身工作的特殊殊性,找到了助推扶贫攻坚的的新思路。他将严肃查处损害害群众利益的违纪行为作为护护航脱贫攻坚的一项

15、重要举措措,保护了困难群众的合法利利益,那不就是另一个意义上上的扶贫吗?他创造性地提炼炼总结民生监督“四查”核查查法,针对城乡低保领域老年年保、关系保、冒名保等易诱诱发违法违纪行为的问题进行行严厉查处,增强了低保资金金的使用效率,维护了政策保保障对象的切身利益,为我县县打赢扶贫攻坚战贡献了属于于自己的那一份力量。 荣获获20XX年全县民生监督工工作“先进个人”荣誉称号。 15、周晓波 周晓波,男,1978年9月生,中中国共产党党员,龙里县醒狮狮镇高吏目村党总支书记。 他早些年在贵阳打拼,成绩斐斐然,受乡党委召唤,毅然放放弃当老板发财的机会,回乡乡带领村民一道求发展,近几几年帮助村民做了许多实事

16、,解决了许多难题。他不仅带带领村民建成了高吏目千亩杨杨梅果园项目,还引进了欣港港湾集团到高吏目建立蔬菜基基地,为村民致富创收谋出了了新路子。此外,他还积极协协调贵州省经济促进会到高吏吏目村举办书画拍卖扶贫活动动,引进书画家们来高吏目村村利用自家老屋建立书画家创创作基地,并取得了圆满成功功,这在贵州可是首创。 at various levels to guide the work of the office and communication, to ensure the situation, reported lower levels of strength, and strive to th

17、e grassroots, inspired by the basic spirit of innovation, the formation of good ability of the league office work.Three, pay close attention to the quality of official documents, efforts to improve the ability to deal with textAdhere to high standards, strict requirements, careful attention to the d

18、rafting of the draft work, strict document drafting, audit clearance, proof reading and quality control, and strive to improve the ability to deal with the text, and the overall work of the service center.(a) earnestly. To further establish the draft document presentation system research, adhere to

19、the practice, especially the drafting of important days and months multiplying, concentrating on the presentation of the research, understand the situation the situation, fully understand the intention of the leadership, to ensure the output, quality, and constantly improve the quality of manuscript

20、. A manuscript quality appraisal system, the implementation of quantitative assessment, each quarter the comparison of office draft manuscript quality. Establish a reward system to reward the outstanding manuscript selection out, the wrong investigated persons responsible for the major errors.(two)

21、strict master document quality. Strengthening document quality awareness, efforts in the drafting of documents, audit checks, printed all aspects of efforts, strict policy documents audit, content, format and procedures, adhere to the upper and lower check, and check before and after the check, ensu

22、re the document style format in the understanding of leadership intentions in place, ideas in the language in place, and strive to improve the quality of various documents.(three) a comprehensive specification document operation. To further standardize the document transfer procedures, emphasizing t

23、he precision in document processing, in strict accordance with the operating procedures document sign, registration, approval, distribution, handling, repaying, filing, ensure the document processing standard, accurate, and efficient. Especially to strict dispatch, strict audit document content. Str

24、ictly implement the document procedures step by step Shenqian, strict and unified file format, to ensure the normative document. Further the implementation of electronic document processing mode, the full implementation of OA office system, efforts to improve the work efficiency.Four, pay close atte

25、ntion to the work of supervision, efforts to improve the executive abilityThe citys major issues and focus on the overall work of the Communist Youth League to carry out supervision and inspection, insist on the idea, the handling of the key, efforts to promote the implementation of decisions, to en

26、sure that government decrees.(a) on the center of focus on supervision. In accordance with the grasp the overall situation, focused, practical, quantitative refinement principle, conscientiously fulfill the supervision function, focusing on the important deployment, major decisions of the party will

27、, secretarys office, department heads meeting agreed matters assigned by the leadership group, the book down and do the important matters and the regiment the key work to focus on supervision, to ensure that the inspection item piece is an echo, everything in the bag, to promote the work carried out

28、 smoothly.(two) grasp the key special supervision. According to different periods of work needs, focus on leadership, social concern, hot and difficult problem of youth reflects the implementation of regular and dynamic supervision of special work assigned by the leadership of the special work of tr

29、acking supervision, regularly held the Department responsible for the regular inspection work carried out inspection stage. Check or the implementation of the work, to the work of the special supervision and implementation.(three) innovative ways to promote the supervision. To further improve the ef

30、fectiveness of supervision and inspection work, really play a role in promoting the implementation work. To further improve and perfect the supervision report system, inspection notification system, regularly carry out random checks of the supervision matters, to highlight the effectiveness of the i

31、nspection work, to effectively promote the work carried out.Five, pay close attention to daily management, efforts to improve logistical support capacityAccording to do great things, do small things, start from the details; General requirements from the overall situation, pay close attention to dail

32、y management, enhance the foresight and initiative work, do the work of early preparation, program cost fine plan, artful arrangement, high quality services.(a) further strengthen the authority of hardware construction. Combined with the three hit work, to further promote the party organ culture con

33、struction, and actively carry out party building advanced units, units of civilization, to create the homes of the workers, further standardize internal office conditions, perfect decoration authorities canteen, strengthening the Office building management, further improve the authority office envir

34、onment.(two) to further strengthen the organization system construction. The implementation of the municipal Party committee of various rules and regulations, in accordance with the norms of management, efficient principle, perfect all kinds of meetings, document processing, logistics system, perfec

35、t a set of scientific and reasonable comprehensive coverage, the rules of the system. To strengthen the day-to-day management work, continuously enhance the rigor and the scientific management, according to the requirements of task decomposition, refinement of quantitative indicators, realize the wo

36、rk determination, work process standardization, work system, to promote the daily work efficient and orderly operation.(three) to further strengthen the fine financial management authority. Hold on to open source, to further increase funding for efforts, multi-channel for funding, strengthen the ove

37、rall financial institutions. The authorities adhere to grasp the throttle, vehicle maintenance, major conference activities, network maintenance and other major expenditure to implement the budget control at the beginning of the year, authorities to strictly implement the financial management system

38、, do a good job the pre final accounts, financial institutions, financial analysis and financial statements related. Adhere to the financial reporting system, improve the efficiency in the use of assets, and the Communist Youth League work continued to develop.(four) to further strengthen security w

39、ork earnestly. Confidentiality of confidential confidential documents, strict implementation of the management system, security system, focus on the secret of the computer and network security management, strict management measures. Actively carry out regular security education, provided security aw

40、areness high cadres of workers, to prevent the loss occurred leak phenomenon. To strengthen the archives management work, conscientiously implement the archives, seal management system, actively carry out the relevant documents, materials, letters and pictures materials collection, registration and

41、filing. The strict safety responsibility system, strictly holidays and night security duty system, strengthen the major work Moving safety work, to ensure safe and orderly.(five) to further strengthen the daily service work. To firmly establish the rules as standard point of view, whether do the tex

42、t, do, act, or on duty, reception, security in strict accordance with the rules, according to the procedures, to ensure standardized operation. Take care of cadres of workers life, seriously deal with the party to do things for the project for the masses and actively improve the cadres of workers we

43、lfare. Strict management of vehicles, official vehicles. To ensure the implementation of office smile service system and first asked the first joint service system, the implementation of service complaints system, ensure the quality of service continues to increase.Six, pay close attention to team b

44、uilding, focus on improving the ability to open up innovationIn accordance with the build a first-class team, with first-class team, a first-class performance, tree class image, the overall requirements, and vigorously strengthen the construction of cadres and workers, and promote the healthy growth

45、 of cadres and workers and all-round development.(a) establish the right work ethic. Firmly at various levels to guide the work of the office and communication, to ensure the situation, reported lower levels of strength, and strive to the grassroots, inspired by the basic spirit of innovation, the f

46、ormation of good ability of the league office work.Three, pay close attention to the quality of official documents, efforts to improve the ability to deal with textAdhere to high standards, strict requirements, careful attention to the drafting of the draft work, strict document drafting, audit clea

47、rance, proof reading and quality control, and strive to improve the ability to deal with the text, and the overall work of the service center.(a) earnestly. To further establish the draft document presentation system research, adhere to the practice, especially the drafting of important days and mon

48、ths multiplying, concentrating on the presentation of the research, understand the situation the situation, fully understand the intention of the leadership, to ensure the output, quality, and constantly improve the quality of manuscript. A manuscript quality appraisal system, the implementation of quantitative assessment, each quarter the comparison of office draft manuscript quality. Establ


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