1、六年级下册古诗英语诗歌包含了丰富社会生活内容和艺术内涵具有无穷的魅力。wtt精心收集了六年级下册英语小诗供大家欣赏学习!六年级下册英语小诗篇1 桃花庵歌唐寅桃花坞里桃花庵桃花庵里桃花仙;桃花仙人种桃树又摘桃花换酒钱。酒醒只在花前坐酒醉还来花下眠;半醒半醉日复日花落花开年复年。但愿老死花酒间不愿鞠躬车马前;车尘马足富者趣酒盏花枝贫者缘。若将富贵比贫者一在平地一在天;若将贫贱比车马你得驱驰我得闲。别人笑我忒疯癫我笑他人看不穿;不见五陵豪杰墓无花无酒锄作田!Song of Peach Blossom CottageTang YinIn the Peach Blossom Land there is
2、a peach blossom plot;A peach blossom lover lives in Peach Blossom Cot.The peach blossom lover plants peach trees in days fine;He sells his peach blossoms for money to buy wine.When he is not drunk, he would sit before the flowers;He would lie beneath them to spend his drunken hours.From day to day h
3、alf-drunk, half-sober hed appear;The peach flowers blossom and fall from year to year.I would grow old and die among flowers and wine.Rather than bow before the steed and carriage fine.The rich may love their dust-raising carriages and bowers;The poor only enjoy their cups of wine and flowers.If you
4、 pare the poor with the rich low and high,Youll find the one on earth, the other in the sky.If you pare the poor with the carriage and steed,The poor have leisure while the rich gallop with speed.Others may pity me so foolish and so mad;I laugh at them for those who cant see through are sad.Can you
5、find where the tombs of gallant heroes stand?Without flowers or wine they turn into ploughland.六年级下册英语小诗篇2 秣陵怀古纳兰性德山色江声共寂寥十三陵树晚萧萧。中原事业如江左芳草何须怨六朝。On the Capital of YoreNalan _indeBoth mountain hue and river song are sad and drear;Showers of leaves on Thirteen Tombs ruffle the ear.The Northern Kings s
6、ought pleasure on the Southern shore;The bygone dynasties need no grass to deplore.六年级下册英语小诗篇3 秋夕杜牧紅烛秋光冷画屏轻罗小扇扑流萤。天阶夜色凉如水坐看牵牛织女星。An Autumn NightDu MuThe painted screen is chilled in silver candlelight,She uses silken fan to catch passing fireflies.The steps seem steeped in water when cold grows the night,She lies watching heart-broken stars shed tears in the skies.看了“六年级下册英语小诗”【end】第 5 页 共 5 页