1、在网上看到的:在WIN7 SW2014下现在不能用,看看改了能用不?烦请懂的人指点下,并将文件上传到群里来:SolidWorks 生成工程图纸程序下面代码是工程图助手中的“生成工程图”模块内容。它按照我们的图纸存储规范,把一个产品的每个装配体都生成一个solidworks的工程图文件。面对一个问题,我们在试图使用VBA来改善工作的时候,可以参考下面的思路来进行,当然,这也只是个人的一些经验之说,并不是最好的工作方式:首先我们需要了解实际工作情况,发现问题所在:工艺人员在试图提高solidworks工作效率的时候提到了使用SolidWorks Task Scheduler来自动出图纸的方法(具体
2、方法就不讨论了)。大家经过一段时间的使用后发现,使用SolidWorks Task Scheduler有一定的局限性,需要问题在于,它将每个solidworks文件包括零件、装配体都生成了一个工程图文件。然而这样得到的结果便是一个零部件稍多的产品,将会自动生成很多的工程图文件,不便于管理。我们的习惯是,按照装配体来出图纸,将一个装配体中的零部件在一个工程图文件中表示。这样表达清楚而且便于管理。恩,这就是现实的问题所在。然后,我们要考虑可行性:思考了SolidWorks Task Scheduler的实现,发现使用VBA在技术方面可以实现此类功能,并且有一定的规律可以遵守而不需要太多的人为判断就
3、可以达到要求。这里插一句,在使用SolidWorks Task Scheduler时我发现了一个选项:备份任务文件,而这个任务文件上所记录的正式一段使用VBA写的宏代码。接下来,需要现场调研确定需求目标:在了解了solidworks使用相应的规范和工艺员在实际工作中的要求后我们对问题目标有了一个比较明确的概念。我们要做的项目需要完成这样的工作:它针对一个产品中的每个装配体生成一个工作图文件,每本工程图文件中需要一张装配体的三视图和其每个子零件的三视图图纸。并将它们存储在和“图纸”文件夹(存放solidworks模型)同级的目录下的“工程图”文件夹里。做好了准备工作,即可开始写程序。将需求的内容
4、转化成软件问题描述,并描述其大致方法:1、得到产品文件的每个装配体:我们可以通过文件夹中文件的遍历,按照后缀名“.sldasm”来得到一个目录下所有的装配体;也可以通过遍历一个产品总装配体的组件来得到每一个子装配体模型。实际的编码中我们选择了后者,因为它虽然给编写代码结构带来了复杂度,但是正确性和稳定性都要好过前者。装配体的组件是一个树型结构,使用递归式是比较灵活的方法,前面章节也已经介绍过。2、生成工程图并插入零件的模型三视图:SolidWorks Task Scheduler使用预定义的模型视图来完成自动生成的功能,但是,一旦需要在原有的图纸上插入新图纸时,就不能够继承图纸模版的预定义试图
5、了。所以需要使用CreateDrawViewFromModelView2和CreateUnfoldedViewAt3来替代。一切准备完毕后就可以设计程序框架进行编码了:这里定义了三个过程,main、traverseasm、createdraw。它们的定义和完成的作用如下:Main():模块主函数没有参数和返回值,它得到当前打开装配体的路径、设置“工程图文件夹路径”、运行traverseasm过程。Traverseasm(filepath as string):此过程接受一个装配体的存储路径字符串参数,完成装配体的递归遍历工作,得到每一个装配体,并让每一个装配体都作为参数运行createdraw
6、过程。Createdraw(filepath as string): 此过程接受一个装配体的存储路径字符串参数,生成此装配体的工程图。/*drawcreator : 根据装配体生成工程图main: get opened asm model infomation: filepathname drawpathname make dir path is drawpathname call traverseasm with argument filepathnametraverseasm: for itself call createdraw with argument itself traverse
7、 the asm model component for each sub asm model: call traverseasmcreatedraw: create a drawdoc with given DrawTemplate insert each sub part model component a sheet*/Option Explicit定义部分: Dim SwApp As SldWorks.SldWorks Dim DrawPathName As String Dim File As String Dim nErrors As Long Dim nWarnings As L
8、ong Dim StatofanNo As Boolean Dim Pos As Integer /* sub main goes here: *Sub Main() On Error Resume Next Dim ActModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Dim YesOrNo As VbMsgBoxResult Set SwApp = CreateObject(SldWorks.Application) Set ActModel = SwApp.ActiveDoc If ActModel Is Nothing Then MsgBox 请先打开装配体 End If 得到
9、装配体文件路径 File = ActModel.GetPathName 得到工程图保存路径 DrawPathName = Left(File, InStrRev(File, ) - 1) DrawPathName = Left(DrawPathName, InStrRev(DrawPathName, ) DrawPathName = DrawPathName + 工程图 创建文件夹 MkDir (DrawPathName) 调试信息 : Debug.Print DrawPathName Debug.Print File should i set all object nothing ? Set
10、 ActModel = Nothing Set SwApp = Nothing YesOrNo = MsgBox(需要自动在零件工程图中插入模型项目么?, vbOKCancel, 提示) If YesOrNo = vbOK Then StatofanNo = True Else StatofanNo = False End If SwApp.Visible = False 调用函数遍历装配体组件 TraverseAsm File SwApp.Visible = TrueEnd Sub/*sub traverseasm goes here :*Sub TraverseAsm(FilePath A
11、s String) Traverse Asm 遍历ASM文件 Dim SwModel2 As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Dim SwConf2 As SldWorks.Configuration Dim SwRootComp2 As SldWorks.Component2 Dim SwChildComp2 As SldWorks.Component2 Dim vChildComp2 As Variant Dim FileType2 As String Dim n As Long Set SwApp = CreateObject(SldWorks.Application) If Sw
12、App Is Nothing Then MsgBox 创建SW对象失败 Exit Sub End If Set SwModel2 = SwApp.OpenDoc6(FilePath, 2, 0, , nErrors, nWarnings) file open good If SwModel2 Is Nothing Then MsgBox 加载装配体失败 Exit Sub End If Set SwConf2 = SwModel2.GetActiveConfiguration need to change SwModel to traverse Set SwRootComp2 = SwConf2
13、.GetRootComponent vChildComp2 = SwRootComp2.GetChildren For n = 0 To UBound(vChildComp2) Set SwChildComp2 = vChildComp2(n) FileType2 = UCase(Right(SwChildComp2.GetPathName, 6) If FileType2 = SLDASM Then TraverseAsm SwChildComp2.GetPathName End If Next Debug.Print SwModel2.GetPathName If Not Mid(SwMo
14、del2.GetTitle, 1, 2) = 镜向 Then CreateDraw SwModel2.GetPathName End IfEnd Sub/*sub createdraw goes here :*/Sub CreateDraw(FilePath As String) Dim SwModel As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Dim SwSave As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 Dim SwDraw As SldWorks.DrawingDoc Dim SwChildComp As SldWorks.Component2 Dim SwChildCmp2 As
15、SldWorks.Component2 Dim SwConf As SldWorks.Configuration Dim SwRootComp As SldWorks.Component2 Dim CurSheet As SldWorks.Sheet Dim SwView As SldWorks.View Dim vChildComp As Variant Dim SheetArr As String Dim SpadStr As String Dim AsmFile As String Dim DrawFiel As String Dim DrawDir As String Dim Draw
16、Temp As String Dim DeString As String Dim tmpString As String Dim sTmpStr As String Dim FileType As String Dim SheetName As String Dim ViewName As String Dim sFileName As String Dim File As String Dim i As Long Dim isOk As Boolean Dim wGood As Integer AsmFile = FilePath DrawDir = DrawPathName for ea
17、sy to use i specified a template file DrawTemp = SwApp.GetExecutablePath & langchinese-simplifiedTutorialauto.DRWDOT SheetArr = ardenmakeastupidwaybutrunsok Set SwApp = CreateObject(SldWorks.Application) If SwApp Is Nothing Then MsgBox 创建SW对象失败 Exit Sub End If Set SwModel = SwApp.OpenDoc6(AsmFile, 2
18、, 0, , nErrors, nWarnings) If SwModel Is Nothing Then MsgBox 打开装配体失败 Exit Sub End If SwModel.EditRebuild3 创建drawdoc文档 Debug.Print DrawTemp Set SwDraw = SwApp.NewDocument(DrawTemp, 2, 0.2, 0.4) If SwDraw Is Nothing Then MsgBox 创建工程图失败 Exit Sub End If Set CurSheet = SwDraw.GetCurrentSheet 插入模型到预定义视图 i
19、sOk = SwDraw.InsertModelInPredefinedView(AsmFile) If isOk = False Then MsgBox 插入装配体三视图失败 End If DeString = SwModel.GetTitle tmpString = Left(DeString, InStrRev(DeString, .) - 1) If InStrRev(tmpString, , -1, vbTextCompare) 怎样才能不覆盖保存? then traverse all part file next level insert sheet on this draw 已经
20、将装配体的三视图插入draw文件了 要遍历装配体:part部分 SwApp.ActivateDoc2 SwModel.GetPathName, True, nErrors Set SwConf = SwModel.GetActiveConfiguration need to change SwModel to traverse debug.print activeconfiguration is : & SwConf.Name Set SwRootComp = SwConf.GetRootComponent debug.print rootcompoent is : & SwRootComp.
21、Name vChildComp = SwRootComp.GetChildren 开始对装配体下一层组建进行遍历,忽略子装配体,只将本身和子零件出图- begin loop- For i = 0 To UBound(vChildComp) debug.print enter loop 0 to & UBound(vChildComp) Set SwChildComp = vChildComp(i) - If i UBound(vChildComp) Then Set SwChildCmp2 = vChildComp(i + 1) Else Set SwChildCmp2 = vChildCom
22、p(0) End If debug.print sub comp & i & name is : & SwChildComp.Name FileType = UCase(Right(SwChildComp.GetPathName, 6) If FileType = SLDPRT Then 如果是零件,插入图纸 If SwDraw Is Nothing Then debug.print SwDraw is nothing Else debug.print SwDraw has : & SwDraw.GetSheetCount & sheets End If / 得到图纸名称 sTmpStr =
23、SwChildComp.GetPathName debug.print 1: & stmpstr sTmpStr = Left(sTmpStr, InStrRev(sTmpStr, .) - 1) debug.print 2: & stmpstr sTmpStr = Right(sTmpStr, Len(sTmpStr) - InStrRev(sTmpStr, ) debug.print 3: & stmpstr If InStr(sTmpStr, ) = 0 Then SheetName = LTrim(sTmpStr) Else SheetName = LTrim(Replace(sTmp
24、Str, Left(sTmpStr, InStrRev(sTmpStr, ) - 1), ) End If 得到图纸名称/ Debug.Print sheetname: & SheetName Debug.Print SheetArr & SheetArr 忽略镜像零部件 If Not Mid(SheetName, 1, 2) = 镜向 Then /-如果重复跳过If Not SwChildComp.GetPathName = SwChildCmp2.GetPathName Then /-也是判断有没有这个表 If InStr(1, SheetArr, SheetName, vbTextCom
25、pare) = 0 Then If Not InStrRev(1, SheetArr, sheetname, vbTextCompare) = 0 Then SwDraw.NewSheet3 SheetName, 12, 12, 1#, 10#, True, 美克A4横.slddrt, 2, 2, SheetArr = SheetArr & SheetName Debug.Print add & SheetArr SwDraw.ActivateSheet SheetName Set CurSheet = SwDraw.GetCurrentSheet CurSheet.SheetFormatVi
26、sible = TrueCurSheet.SetTemplateName DrawTempdebug.print part fullname is : & SwChildComp.GetPathNameSwDraw.InsertModelInPredefinedView SwChildComp.GetPathName/- 创建三视图- Set SwView = SwDraw.CreateDrawViewFromModelView2(SwChildComp.GetPathName, *前视, 0.07954434782609, 0.09376565217391, 0)debug.print vi
27、ewname is : & SwView.Name ViewName = SwView.Namedebug.print SwView name is : & viewname SwDraw.Extension.SelectByID2 ViewName, DRAWINGVIEW, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0 SwDraw.ActivateView ViewName Set SwView = SwDraw.CreateUnfoldedViewAt3(0.2224917391304, 0.09376565217391, 0, 0) 上视 SwDraw.ClearSel
28、ection2 True SwDraw.Extension.SelectByID2 ViewName, DRAWINGVIEW, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0 Set SwView = SwDraw.CreateUnfoldedViewAt3(0.07954434782609, 0.1534239130435, 0, 0) 右视 SwDraw.ClearSelection2 True SwDraw.Extension.SelectByID2 ViewName, DRAWINGVIEW, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0 Set SwVie
29、w = SwDraw.CreateUnfoldedViewAt3(0.1636082608696, 0.1778295652174, 0, 0) 斜视 SwDraw.ClearSelection2 TrueSwDraw.ActivateView viewnameSwDraw.Extension.SelectByID2 SwView.GetName2, DRAWINGVIEW, 0, 0, 0, False, 0, Nothing, 0 If Not SwView Is Nothing Thendebug.print SwView name : & SwView.GetName2 SwView.
30、SetDisplayMode3 False, 3, False, True 隐藏线可见debug.print scale : & SwView.ScaleRatio(1) Elsedebug.print SwView is nothing End If If StatofanNo = True Theninsert annotation SwDraw.InsertModelAnnotations3 0, 1605656, True, True, False, False 斜视图为带边线上色 Elsedonothing End If 创建三视图/ End If/-也是判断有没有这个表 End I
31、f/如果重复跳过- End If End If SwDraw.ForceRebuild3 FalseNext i -end loop SwDraw.ForceRebuild3 False Set SwSave = SwDrawisok = SwSave.SaveAs4(SwSave.GetTitle, 0, 0, nErrors, nWarnings) sFileName = DrawDir + tmpString + .SLDDRW isOk = SwSave.SaveAs2(sFileName, 0, False, True)debug.print save & sfilename & s
32、tate : & isok If isOk = False Thendebug.print 保存 & sfilename & 失败 End If SwApp.CloseDoc SwSave.GetTitle Set SwDraw = NothingEnd Sub10 . 败失& &保 . & & & 0 ( 0, ( = . 过复重 个这没是 /三 上边带斜 0, ( : 可藏 , 0 ,00 , . . 斜 ), ., 00 .( . , 0, ,0 , 右0, , .( = , , 0 上 0 0.0 . . = 0 ,0, &: . . . 0 ,0 0,视 图三创 . &: = . = . & = , .克 #, , . , ( 个有有也/ . 复如/ = , 部部镜 /名图 )- ( , ( = ), : . ) - (, ( = : ( = &: . . 名纸 & . . 图图零如 ) = & & . 0( ( 败败视 & : 0 . ( . 图三 : . . 例纸设 . 视 ( 视+)物(型则设称 , , ( . 败图体入 . 视义型模 = 败败建 0,0 . 文 建 . 败体配 , = 败象 . & = = . * * . ), . . ) ( ( 0 = = 败失载 , , ( . 败象