1、C# Programming for the BeginnerWelcome to C# and the world of Windows, Internet and World-Wide-Web programmingwith Visual Studio and the .NET platform! This book is the second in our new .NET Howto Program series, which presents various leading-edge computing technologies in the con-text of the .NET
2、 platform.C# is the next phase in the evolution of C and C+ and was developed expressly forMicrosofts .NET platform. C# provides the features that are most important to program-mers,suchasobject-orientedprogramming,strings,graphics,graphical-user-interface(GUI) components, exception handling, multit
3、hreading, multimedia (audio, images, ani-mation and video), file processing, prepackaged data structures, database processing,Internet and World-Wide-Web-based client/server networking and distributed computing.The language is appropriate for implementing Internet- and World-Wide-Web-based appli-cat
4、ions that seamlessly integrate with PC-based applications. The .NET platform offers powerful capabilities for software development and deploy-ment, including independence from a specific language or platform. Rather than requiringdevelopers to learn a new programming language, programmers can contri
5、bute to the samesoftware project, but write code using any (or several) of the .NET languages (such as C#,Visual Basic .NET, Visual C+ .NET and others) with which they are most competent. Inaddition to providing language independence, .NET extends program portability byenabling .NET applications to
6、reside on, and communicate across, multiple platformsthus facilitating the delivery of Web services over the Internet. The .NET platform enablesWeb-based applications to be distributed to consumer-electronic devices, such as cellPrefaceXXXIXphones and personal digital assistants, as well as to deskt
7、op computers. The capabilities thatMicrosoft has incorporated into the .NET platform create a new software-development par-adigm that will increase programmer productivity and decrease development time.New Features in C# How to ProgramThis edition contains many new features and enhancements, includi
8、ng:Full-Color Presentation. This book is now in full color. Full color enables readersto see sample outputs as they would appear on a color monitor. Also, we now syn-tax color the C# code, similar to the way Visual Studio .NET colors the code in itseditor window. Our syntax-coloring conventions are
9、as follows:comments appear in greenkeywords appear in dark blueliteral values appear in light bluetext, class, method and variable names appear in blackerrors and ASP .NET directives appear in red“Code Washing.” This is our term for the process we use to format the programsin the book so that they h
10、ave a carefully commented, open layout. The code ap-pears in full color and is grouped into small, well-documented pieces. This greatlyimproves code readabilityan especially important goal for us, considering thatthis book contains approximately 23,500 lines of code.Web Services and ASP .NET. Micros
11、ofts .NET strategy embraces the Internetand Web as integral to the software development and deployment processes. Webservicesa key technology in this strategyenables information sharing, com-merce and other interactions using standard Internet protocols and technologies,such as HypertextTransfer Pro
12、tocol (HTTP), Simple Objec tAccess Protocol(SOAP) and Extensible Markup Language (XML). Web services enable program-mers to package application functionality in a form that turns the Web into a li-brary of reusable software components. In Chapter 21, ASP .NET and WebServices, we present a Web servic
13、e that allows users to make airline seat reserva-tions. In this example, a user accesses a Web page, chooses a seating option andsubmits the page to the Web server. The page then calls a Web service that checksseat availability. We also present information related to Web services in AppendixP, Cryst
14、al Reports for Visual Studio .NET, which discusses popular reportingsoftware for database-intensive applications. Crystal Reports, which is integratedinto Visual Studio .NET, provides the ability to expose a report as a Web service.The appendix provides introductory information and directs readers t
15、o a walk-through of this process on the Crystal Decisions Web site Web Forms, Web Controls and ASP .NET. Application developers must be ableto create robust, scalable Web-based applications. The .NET platform architecturesupports such applications. Microsofts .NET server-side technology, ActiveServe
16、r Pages (ASP) .NET, allows programmers to build Web documents that re-spond to client requests. To enable interactive Web pages, server-side programsprocess information users input into HTML forms. ASP .NET is a significant de-XL Prefaceparture from previous versions of ASP, allowing developers to p
17、rogram Web-based applications using the powerful object-oriented languages of .NET. ASP.NET also provides enhanced visual programming capabilities, similar to thoseused inbuildingWindows forms for desktop programs. Programmers can createWeb pages visually, by dragging and dropping Web controls onto
18、Web forms.Chapter 20, ASP .NET, Web Forms and Web Controls, introduces these powerfultechnologies.Object-Oriented Programming. Object-oriented programming is the most widelyemployed technique for developing robust, reusable software, and C# offers en-hanced object-oriented programming features. This
19、 text offers a rich presentationof object-oriented programming. Chapter 8, Object-Based Programming, intro-duces how to create classes and objects. These concepts are extended in Chapter9, Object-Oriented Programming: Inheritance, which discusses how programmerscan create new classes that “absorb” t
20、he capabilities of existing classes. Chapter10, Object-Oriented Programming: Polymorphism, familiarizes the reader withthe crucial concepts of polymorphism, abstract classes, concrete classes and inter-faces, which facilitate powerful manipulations among objects belonging to an in-heritance hierarch
21、y.XML. Use of Extensible Markup Language (XML) is exploding in the software-development industry, the e-business and e-commerce communities, and is perva-sive throughout the .NET platform. Because XML is a platform-independent tech-nology for describing data and for creating markup languages, XMLs d
22、ataportability integrates well with C#s portable applications and services. Chapter18, Extensible Markup Language (XML), introduces XML. In this chapter, we in-troduce basic XML markup and discuss the technologies such as DTDs and Sche-ma, which are used to validate XML documents contents. We also e
23、xplain howto programmatically manipulate XML documents using the Document ObjectModel (DOM) and how to transform XML documents into other types of doc-uments via Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT).Multithreading. Computers enable us to perform many tasks in parallel (or con-curren
24、tly), such as printing documents, downloading files from a network andsurfing the Web. Multithreading is the technology through which programmerscan develop applications that perform concurrent tasks. Historically, a computerhas contained a single, expensive processor, which its operating system wou
25、ldshare among all applications. Today, processors are becoming so inexpensive thatit is possible to build affordable computers that contain many processors that workin parallelsuch computers are called multiprocessors. Multithreading is effec-tive on both single-processor and multiprocessor systems.
26、 C#s multithreading ca-pabilities make the platform and its related technologies better prepared to dealwit todays sophisticate multimedia-intensive,database-intensive,network-based, multiprocessor-based distributed applications. Chapter 14, Multithreading,provides a detailed discussion of multithre
27、ading. ADO .NET. Databases store vast amounts of information that individuals and or-ganizations must access to conduct business. As an evolution of Microsofts Ac-tiveX Data Objects (ADO), ADO .NET represents a new approach for buildingPrefaceXLIapplications that interact with databases. ADO .NET us
28、es XML and an enhancedobject model to provide developers with the tools they need to access and manip-ulate databases for large-scale, extensible, mission-critical multi-tier applications.Chapter 19, Database, SQL and ADO .NET, details the capabilities of ADO .NETand the Structured Query Language (S
29、QL) to manipulate databases. Visual Studio .NET Debugger. Debuggers are programs that help programmersfind and correct logic errors in program code. Visual Studio .NET contains a pow-erful debugging tool that allows programmers to analyze their programs line-by-line as those programs execute. In App
30、endix D, Visual Studio .NET Debugger, weexplain how to use key debugger features, such as setting breakpoints and “watch-es,” stepping into and out of procedures, and examining the procedure call stack.COM (Component Object Model) Integration. Prior to the introduction of .NET,many organizations spe
31、nt tremendous amounts of time and money creating reus-able software components called COM components, which include ActiveXcontrols and ActiveX DLLs (dynamic link libraries) for Windows applications. InAppendix H, COM Integration, we discuss some of the tools available in VisualStudio .NET for integ
32、rating these legacy components into .NET applications. Thisintegration allows programmers to use existing sets of COM-based controls with.NET components.XML Documentation. Documenting program code is crucial for software devel-opment, because different programmers often work on an application during
33、 thesoftwares lifecycle, which usually includes multiple versions and can span manyyears. If programmers document software code and methods, other programmersworking on the application can learn and understand the logic underlying the code,thus saving time and avoiding misunderstandings. To automate
34、 documenting pro-grams, Visual Studio .NET provides an XML tool for C# programmers. AppendixE, XML Documentation, explains how a programmer can insert comments in thecode, which produces a separate file providing the code documentation.Career Opportunities. Appendix C, Career Opportunities, introduc
35、es career ser-vices available on the Internet. We explore online career services from both theemployers and employees perspectives. We list many Web sites at which youcan submit applications, search for jobs and review applicants (if you are interest-ed in hiring someone). We also review services th
36、at build recruiting pages directlyinto e-businesses. One of our reviewers told us that he had used the Internet as aprimary tool in a recent job search, and that this appendix would have helped himexpand his search dramatically.Unicode. As computer systems evolved worldwide, computer vendors develop
37、ednumeric representations of character sets and special symbols for the local lan-guages spoken in different countries. In some cases, different representations weredeveloped for the same languages. Such disparate character sets hindered commu-nication among computer systems. C# supports the Unicode
38、 Standard (main-tained by a non-profit organizatio called the Unicode Consortium), whichmaintains a single character set that specifies unique numeric values for charactersand special symbols in most of the worlds languages. Appendix G, Unicode, dis-cusses the standard, overviews the Unicode Consort
39、ium Web site and presents a C# application that displays “Welcome to Unicode!”in several languages.XHTML. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has declared HTML to be alegacy technology that will undergo no further development. HTML is being re-placed by the Extensibl Hypertext Markup Language (XHTML
40、)an XML-based technology that is rapidly becoming the standard for describing Web con-tent. We use XHTML in Chapter 18, Extensible Markup Language (XML), andoffer an introduction to the technology in Appendix K, Introduction to XHTML:Part 1, and Appendix L, Introduction to XHTML: Part 2. These appen
41、dices over-view headers, images, lists, image maps and other features of this emerging mark-up language. (We also present a treatment of HTML in Appendices I and J,because ASP .NET, used in Chapters 20 and 21, generates HTML content). Accessibility. Although the World Wide Web has become an importan
42、t part ofmany peoples lives, the medium currently presents many challenges to peoplewith disabilities. Individuals with hearing and visual impairments, in particular,World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) launched the Web Accessibil-ity Initiative (WAI), whichprovides guidelines for making Web sites access
43、ibleto people with disabilities. Chapter 24, Accessibility, describes these guidelinesand highlightsvarious products and services designed to improve the Web-brows-ing experiences of individuals with disabilities. For example, the chapter introduc-es VoiceXML and CallXMLtwo XML-based technologies fo
44、r increasing theaccessibility of Web-based content for people with visual impairments.Bit Manipulation.Computers work with data in the form of binary digits, or bits,which can assume the values 1 or 0. Computer circuitry performs various simplebit manipulations, such as examining the value of a bit,
45、 setting the value of a bitand reversing a bit (from 1 to 0 or from 0 to 1). Operating systems, test-equipment,networking software and many other kinds of software require that programs com-municate “directly with the hardware” by using bit manipulation. Appendix O, BitManipulation, overviews the bi
46、t manipulation capabilities that the .NET Frame-work provides.中文译文初学者的C#编程欢迎C 和世界上的Windows ,互联网和万维网编程 与Visual Studio和.NET平台!本书将在.NET中介绍各种先进的计算技术的约束案文.NET平台。 C 中的下一阶段发展过程中的C和C + + ,并制定明确的微软的.NET平台C中提供的功能,最重要的是程序 市场汇率,如面向对象编程,字符串,图形,图形用户界面( GUI )的组成部分,例外处理,多线程,多媒体(音频,图像,动画, 形成和视频) 文件处理,预先数据结构,数据库处理, 因
47、特网和万维网为基础的客户机/服务器网络和分布式计算。 语言是恰当的执行因特网和万维网为基础的应用程序 阳离子的无缝集成的基于PC的应用,在.NET平台提供了强大的功能,软件开发和部署包括独立于特定的语言或平台。而不是要求 开发人员能够学习一门新的编程语言,程序员可以促进同 软件项目,但是写代码使用任何(或几个)的。 NET语言(如C , Visual Basic 。 NET中, Visual C + +中的。 NET和其他人) ,他们是最称职的。在 除了提供语言独立性, 。 NET的可携性的扩展计划 有利的.NET应用的居住权,并通报全国,多个平台, 从而有利于提供网络服务在互联网上。在.NE
48、T平台使 基于Web的应用程序将分发给消费者的电子设备, 手机和个人数字助理,以及台式电脑。的能力, 微软已经纳入了.NET平台创建一个新的软件开发标准杆 adigm ,提高编程效率和缩短开发时间。 新功能,在C 中如何计划 这个版本包含了许多新功能和增强功能,其中包括: 全彩色演示。这本书已全面颜色。全色彩使读者 看到样品产出,因为它们将出现在彩色监视器。此外,我们现在综合征 税务色彩的C 代码,类似于Visual Studio 。 NET中颜色的代码 编辑器窗口。我们的语法着色公约如下: 评论出现在绿色 关键字是否出现在深蓝色 常值出现在浅蓝色 文本,类,方法和变量名出现在黑色 错误和AS
49、P.NET的指令出现在红 在长期的过程中,我们使用格式化程序在这本书,使他们有一个认真的评论,开放布局。代码,并分成小的良好的记录片。这大大提高代码的可读性,一个特别重要的目标对我们来说,考虑到这本书载有大约23,500行代码。 Web服务和ASP .NET的。微软的.NET战略拥抱互联网 和网络作为整体的软件开发和部署过程。网络 服务的关键技术这一战略,使信息共享,沟通 商务及其他互动使用标准的互联网协议和技术, 如超文本传输协议( HTTP ) ,简单对象访问协议 和扩展标记语言( XML ) 。网络服务使节目 市场汇率来封装应用功能的形式,把网络变成理 图书馆的可重用软件组件。ASP .NET和网页服务方面,我们提出一个Web服务,用户可以使飞机座位预订- 筹措。在这个例子中用户访问一个网页选择座位选择,提交的网页到Web服务器。然后调用的网页的Web服务检查 座位可用性。我们还出席有关的信息网络服务于