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1、 2010-11-25Supernova 超新星超新星是某些恒星在演化接近末期时经历的一种剧烈爆炸 2010-11-26Coconut 椰子椰子是海南特产,含丰富维生素B、C、氨基酸和复合多糖物质 2010-11-27Vitamin 维生素人为维持正常的生理功能而必需从食物中获得的一类微量有机物质 2010-11-28Oasis 绿洲舒适的地方,令人宽慰的事物或处所 2010-11-29Pilgrimage 朝圣朝圣是宗教或灵性生活中寻觅灵性意义的过程。 2010-11-30Stamp Duty 印花税以经济活动中签立的各种合同、产权转移书据、营业帐簿、权利许可证照等应税凭证文件为对象所征的税

2、 2010-12-01CET (College English Test) 国家英语等级考试是教育部主管的一项全国性的教学考试,分四级与六级两种 2010-12-02So, there is that kind of a boundary as well, and that is a place where trouble is likely to emerge.因此,也有那种边界,而边境线上恰恰是最容易发生争端的地方 2010-12-03Lunar calendar 阴历在天文学中主要指按月亮的月相周期来安排的历法 2010-12-04Its the interest rate that c

3、lears the market for loans and that interest rate determines the market interest rate. 这个利率决定了借贷市场的出清,并决定市场利率的大小 2010-12-05Chimerica 中美共同体中国和美国由于经济关系形成的利益共同体 2010-12-06Now if you expand that to sicence and to practice and whatever. Its your pursuit of life. 如果你将之延展到科学或者实践或者其他什么,你那是你自己的生活追求。 2010-12-

4、07CPI (Consumer Price Index) 消费者物价指数根据与居民生活有关的产品及劳务价格统计出来的物价变动指标 2010-12-08And scientists have been working on this for years and theres been progress, but its still a very difficult challenge. 科学家们对此已经研究很久了,并取得了进展,但仍有很大挑战 2010-12-09box office 票房;售票处原意是指公开出售电影门票的地方,现特指电影的商业销售情况 2010-12-10And Hobbes

5、draws from this startling conclusion, in many ways the infamous conclusion that the sovereign can never act unjustly.霍布斯从他自己的,这一声名狼藉的结论中得出另一观点,即君主不可能永远做到公正。 2010-12-11Moonlight Group 月光族每月赚的钱都用光、花光的人 2010-12-12Well assume that were in a plurality election here, so the winner is the person who gets a

6、 plurality. 假设我们在进行一个多数制选举,所以当选者是获得票数最多的人 2010-12-14The polis makes, a good polis, following good laws, makes its citizens better. 一个良好的城邦,必会建立完善的法律,并施惠于民。 2010-12-15graduation reserve room 毕业储备房指家长为未毕业的大学生所购买的楼房 2010-12-16A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs, includes pain

7、and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again. 生活,令人满意的生活,丰富的生活包括了起起落落,包括了痛苦和再次振作,包括了失败和再次奋斗。 2010-12-17stable job seeker 考碗族把所有精力放在考公务员之类的“铁饭碗”的一群人 2010-12-18Anyway, philosophers are not purely thinking machines but they are also human beings composed of reason, spiritedness, and appe

8、tite. 无论如何,哲学家并非只是思考机器,他们也是人类,拥有理性,意志与欲望。 2010-12-19Interest Rates 利率指一定时期内利息额同借贷资本总额的比率 2010-12-21Exclusive 独家新闻由一家新闻媒体发出的具有较高新闻价值的新闻 2010-12-22And eventually, well turn to some other value questions about if death really is the end, should we be afraid of death? 最终,我们会转向其他的关于价值的问题,比如如果死亡真的是终结,我们应该

9、害怕吗? 2010-12-23A Dream of Red Mansions 红楼梦红楼梦是中国最具文学成就的古典小说,作者是清代的曹雪芹 2010-12-24Christmas eve 圣诞节前夕(12月24日)圣诞前夜,圣诞节前夕(指圣诞节前一天或前一晚) 2010-12-25Im inclined to think theres more to the best kind of life than just having pleasure and avoiding pain. 我倾向于认为人生有比享受快乐、避免痛苦更好的东西。 2010-12-26year-end bonus 年终奖金,

10、年终额外补贴年终奖就是老板给予员工一年来的工作业绩奖励。 2010-12-28In the course of traveling, cultures encounter other culture and they often encounter cultures that are very different from their own. 在旅行过程中,文化与文化相互碰撞,人们常常会遇到,与其自身所处文化截然不同的另一些文化。 2010-12-29Capricornus 摩羯星座;摩羯宫摩羯座是出现在秋天夜空西南方的星座,其象征符号是魔羯的头部与尾部 2010-12-30The soul

11、 has a very intimate connection with the body, but the person is not the soul and the body. 灵魂和肉体有着非常亲密的联系,但是人并不是灵魂加肉体。 2010-12-31New Years Day 元旦元旦,也被称为“新年”或“新历年”,是指现行阳历的1月1日。 2011-01-01Happy New Year 新年快乐!有道词典祝每一位支持我们的用户新年快乐2011年万事如意 2011-01-02Mr. Oscar 小金人指奥斯卡金像奖的奖杯,为一座高13.5英寸重3.9千克的镀金男像。 2011-01

12、-04puppy love 初恋第一次恋爱;刚开始恋爱 2011-01-05So its the work of biomedical engineers, really, to take these innovations make them so that everybody can take advantage of it. 生物医学工程师的工作就是将药物转化为所有人都能用得上的产品。 2011-01-06scandal 丑闻;流言蜚语关于丑事的传闻或指背后散布的诽谤性的坏话。 2011-01-07AFC Asian Cup 亚洲杯足球赛亚洲杯,是由亚洲足球联合会举办的每四年一届的国际性

13、男子足球锦标赛。 2011-01-08And obesity is a huge problem in the United States, especially in the African American community and other minority communities. 在美国, 肥胖是一个严重的问题,尤其在非裔美国人和其它少数民族群体中。 2011-01-09All the students of this university have freeA to the Internet via a broadband connection. A.access B.entr

14、anceC.permission D.passageway 2011-01-10A society based simply on the mutual calculation of interests could not be a real political society for Aristotle. 建构在互相算计利益上的社会对亚里士多德而言不是一个真正的政治社会。 2011-01-11Lullaby 摇篮曲;催眠曲摇篮曲原是母亲在摇篮旁为使婴儿入睡而唱的歌,后发展为一种音乐体裁 2011-01-12The only legitimate fighting is man against

15、 man, shield against shield, chest against chest, everybody else is a pussy. 唯一合法的战斗方式是人对人,盾对盾,胸对胸,其他的就是孬种 2011-01-13baby boom 婴儿潮指的是在某一时期及特定地区,出生率大幅度提升的现象C.impressedD.compressed题目解析:【看过飓风毁坏的地区之后,我对眼前所见的场面深感沉重、悲痛】A)紧张的B)悲痛的C)印象深刻的D)扁平的。 2011-01-14Moral hazard occurs when a risk management institutio

16、n incentivizes you to do bad behavior- to show bad behavior.道德风险产生于,风险管理机构怂恿人们,采用有悖于道德与人性手段。 2011-01-15When I visited the area after the hurricane, I becameB by what I saw. A.stressedB.distressed 2011-01-16A hedge between keeps friendship green 君子之交淡如水贤者之间的交情,平淡如水,不尚虚华题目解析:access,计算机专业词汇:访问。 2011-01

17、-17Science, or what Hobbes simply calls by the name “reason”,is simply the fullest expression of human artfulness. 科学,或是霍布斯把它称作的“理性”,正是人类艺术性的完整表达 2011-01-18man of the year 年度人物年度人物评选不是荣誉,也不是认可,而是对改变世界的个人或力量的承认 2011-01-19The spirit to whom Milton is praying was the actual vehicle through which God cr

18、eated the universe.正是弥尔顿所祈祷的这个圣灵,指导上帝创造了宇宙。 2011-01-20Ice Skating 滑冰亦称“冰嬉”,是盛行于中国北方的传统体育活动。 2011-01-21In the country of China,the most widely recognized corporate logo, other than from Chinese companies, is KFC. 在中国,最为人们熟知的公司标识不是来自于中国的公司,而是肯德基。 2011-01-22To shut your eyes to the facts, Amany of you

19、often do, is foolish. A.asB.whatC.whichD.that 2011-01-23Snow Sculpture 冰雕冰雕是以冰为主要材料来雕刻的艺术形式,分圆雕、浮雕和透雕三种。 2011-01-24But when you asked them why they didnt try it the answers tended to be I would look silly. 但当你问他们为什么不尝试时,他们的答案往往是“这样做会很傻”。 2011-01-25Figure Skating 花样滑冰技巧与艺术性相结合的一个冰上运动项目,既是竞技运动又是艺术表演。

20、2011-01-26So its not just merely the case that in fact we are all going to die; its a necessary truth that were all going to die. 我们都会死去,这不仅是一个事实,还是必然的真理. 2011-01-27Transport during the Spring Festival 春运“春运”有两个含义,一是指春节前后的运输现象,二是“春运期间”的简称。 2011-01-28If youre just spending your life floating in the s

21、cientists lab, youre not actually accomplishing anything. 如果你只是在科学实验室里做些浅显的事,你实际上没有完成任何事情。 2011-01-29Mary isA.She is a bit too strong. A.on a dietB.at a dietC.on a dietingD.going for dieting 2011-01-30Skiing 滑雪滑雪是把滑雪板装在靴底上在雪地上进行速度、跳跃和滑降的体育运动。题目解析:【正如你们中的多数人经常所做的一样,不敢面对现实,这是愚蠢的行为。】as,正如。 2011-01-31Yo

22、u can be passive if it isnt any good but if you are more active, you may find things. 如果没什么好处你确实可以被动点,但如果你主动些,也许会发现意外的惊喜。 2011-02-01Rabbit 兔兔是中国的十二生肖之一,排名第四,对应地支中的卯。 2011-02-02Again, when you traveling around Europe, if youre lucky to do that, youll see these big fortified towns. 如果你有幸能周游欧洲的话,你会见到那些

23、大型的要塞城镇。 2011-02-03Prince Charming 白马王子“白马王子”是女孩子青春期唯美主义的浪漫情结,即理想中的情侣。 2011-02-04The sounds of sense are all part of language in use, which people are using to do things with. 理性的声音蕴含在所有在运用的语言中,人们利用它来处理事情。 2011-02-05Make greater efforts, and you are sure to reach your goalA. A.eventuallyB.especially

24、C.effectivelyD.endlessly 2011-02-06bunker surcharge 燃油附加税就是将现有的养路费转换成燃油税,实行捆绑收费。题目解析:【玛丽有点微胖,她最近正在减肥】on a diet减肥塑身、节食。 2011-02-07Celebrate your gifts, enjoy them, but don t take pride in them, take pride in your decision and hardwork. 庆幸你的天赋并好好利用吧,但不要因为天赋而沾沾自喜,应该为自己的勤奋和决断而自豪。 2011-02-08conscience mo

25、ney 赎罪金为求得心安而付的钱,也称心安钱。 2011-02-09Its one of the things about God: he knows good and evil and has chosen the good. 这就是上帝的一个特别之处:他能够分辨善恶并且择善而从。 2011-02-10whipping boy 代罪羔羊一般用以比喻代人受过或受害的人。 2011-02-11Is Milton powerful for the very straightforward reason that hes in possession of this tremendous litera

26、ry strength, this unimaginable talent? 弥尔顿如此强大的直接原因,是否因为他拥有无穷的文学力量这一难以想象的天赋? 2011-02-12He is easilyDso I do not like to talk with him. A.defended B.affordedC.createdD.offended 2011-02-13Positive emotions not only contribute to our success, they dont just contribute to our feeling good, they also con

27、tribute to our wellbeing. 积极情绪不仅有助我们成功,让我们感觉良好,还能让我们获得幸福。题目解析:【只要作出更大的努力,你一定会达到你的目标】eventually,最后、终于。 2011-02-14valentines day 情人节又名圣瓦伦丁节,即每年的2月14日,是西方的传统节日之一。 2011-02-15How do we get people to flourish, intellectually, emotionally, psychologically, interpersonally, intra-personally?我们如何让人们从智力,情感,心理

28、,人际关系,人格上全面发展? 2011-02-16oil spill 漏油,原油泄露事件2010年的墨西哥湾原油泄漏事件给全球环境都造成了很大影响 2011-02-17festival of lanterns 元宵节有道词典祝大家元宵节快乐!万事如意,身体健康 2011-02-18The man with a new idea is a crankAthe idea succeeds. A.untilB.becauseC.atD.then 2011-02-19Rain Water 雨水二十四节气之第二节气,在2月19日或20日;表示天渐回暖,雨量增多。 2011-02-20Then this

29、moving this around here, and it will give us a sense of the difference in style between pop music and classical music. 两种音乐萦绕在四周,让我们感受到古典音乐与流行音乐的差异。题目解析:【他很容易就被惹毛了,所以我不大喜欢和他交流】offend,进攻、冒犯;offended,不舒服、生气。 2011-02-21term begins 开学有道词典祝同学们在新的学期里学业进步,万事如意! 2011-02-22The final exam: you should do well

30、if you read, and if you come to lecture and if you attend section. 如果你好好读书、积极听课、参与讨论,期末考试就轻而易举。 2011-02-23American beauty 月月红(美国产四季开花的红蔷薇)花中皇后月季又称“月月红”,自然花期5至11月,开花连续不断。 2011-02-24The sounds of sense are all part of language in use, which people are using to do things with. 理性的声音蕴含在所有的正在运用的语言中,人们也正利

31、用此来处理事情。 2011-02-25Writing brush 毛笔现在用的毛笔,相传是秦朝监督修筑万里长城的将军蒙恬首创。 2011-02-26And happier people are more successful, because they have more energy and work harder.越快乐的人越成功,因为他们有更多精力,工作更努力。 2011-02-27Miracles sometimesC, but one has to work terribly for them. A.disappearB.changeC.occurD.leave题目解析:【具有新想法

32、的人在其想法实现之前会被认为是个怪人】-马克吐温.until,直到。 2011-02-28chopsticks 筷子中国使用筷子历史可追溯到商代,至少有三千多年的用筷历史 2011-03-01excellent 卓越的;极好的;杰出的 有道词典祝同学们都能收获满意的成绩! 2011-03-02state visit 国事访问国家元首至其他国的官方式访问 2011-03-03They make the markets work because if you didnt have this there would be all kinds of crooks and bad actors.监管使得

33、市场有序运行,如果缺乏监管,市场就会充斥着不法商人。 2011-03-04Once you get to know your mistakes, you shouldAthem as soon as possible. A.rectifyB.reclaimC.refrainD.reckon 2011-03-05paternity test 亲权认定;亲子鉴定利用现代理论和技术判断父母与子女之间是否是亲生关系 2011-03-06Lets try to have some cooperation, so we build, so we become constructive.让我们试着合作,从而

34、筑造未来,让我们变得具有建设性。题目解析:【奇迹时有发生,但你必须付出超凡的努力】 2011-03-07People somehow got the idea that Los Angeles is just this wonderful city and so they started bidding up real estate prices.不知道为什么,人们总认为洛杉矶是一个美好的城市,他们开始竞相抬升房地产价格 2011-03-08Womens Day 妇女节又称联合国妇女权益和国际和平日,联合国从1975年开始庆祝 2011-03-09And its actually critic

35、ally important to get used to things because its a useful adaptive mechanism to keep track on new events and objects. 习惯化实际上也是至关重要的,因为这是一种非常有用的适应机制,可以让你注意到新鲜事物。 2011-03-10bookkeeper 簿记员;会计员;铁路的司旗员 “bookkeeper”是唯一的有连续三对字母排列的单词 2011-03-11You have to have the courage to examine who you really are, to c

36、ome to terms with the dark corner of your own soul. 你必须有审视自己的勇气,面对并接受你灵魂中的黑暗角落。 2011-03-12Blessing 祝福;祈福生命可贵,祝福灾难中的人民平安 2011-03-13Peking Pound 北京镑“北京镑”是由英国媒体创造,指代中国人在海外的强大购买力。题目解析:【一旦你知道你的错误,你应该尽快纠正他们】A)rectify,改正、调整;B)reclaim,开拓、改造;C)refrain,克制、禁止;D)reckon估算、计算。Mistake、错误,相对应的是改正错误。 2011-03-14Theyr

37、e a couple whose marital blessing had been granted by none other than God himself. 一对步入了婚姻殿堂的新人,得到了上帝的祝福。 2011-03-15International Day for Protecting Consumers Rights 国际消费者权益日每年的3月15日是“国际消费者权益日”,用于扩大消费者权益保护的宣传,在国际范围内更好地保护消费者权益。 2011-03-16A life, a fulfilling life, a rich life includes ups and downs,

38、includes pain and getting up again, includes failure and getting up again.生活,令人满意的生活,丰富的生活包括了起起落落,包括了痛苦和再次振作,包括了失败和再次奋斗。 2011-03-17low-carbon life 低碳生活所谓“低碳生活”,就是把生活作息时间所耗用的能量要尽量减少,从而减低二氧化碳的排放量。 2011-03-18The one real objective of education is to leave a man in the condition of continually asking qu

39、estions.教育的真正目的,是让一个人可以连续发问。 2011-03-19A man of words and not ofCis like a garden full of weeds. A.feedsB.heedsC.deedsD.seeds 2011-03-20A clear conscience is usually the sign of a badB. A.wordsB.memoryC.habbitD.pattern 2011-03-21vernal equinox 春分春分古时又称为“日中”、“日夜分”,在每年的3月19日22日 2011-03-22all-out donat

40、ion 裸捐裸捐,指把特定范围的个人资产全部捐出,如比尔盖茨捐出名下全部财产的行为。 2011-03-23Mike actually holds the world record for downhill speed skiing for blind person, which is 60 miles an hour. 实际上,迈克是盲人高山滑雪的记录保持者,速度达到了每小时60英里。 2011-03-24the rich second generation 富二代富二代,是指80年代出生、继承丰富家产的富家子女。他们生活条件优越,接受过良好的教育,拥有丰富的社会资源。 2011-03-25T

41、here is a lot of research showing how difficult it is to change happiness based on external factors. 很多研究表明,靠基于外在的因素改变幸福感很难。 2011-03-26panic buying 抢购“panic buying”就是指“抢购”,即恐慌性购买。 2011-03-27I dont think you can persuade him; he alwaysC to what he believes. A.adaptsB.devotesC.adheresD.dedicates题目解析:【

42、问心无愧也许是坏记性的表现】英文谚语,固定用法。题目解析:【光说空话不做事,犹如花园光长刺。】英文谚语,固定用法。Deed,行动。 2011-03-28Its important to take responsibilities, because no one else is going to do it for you.重点是,你要自己承担责任,因为没人会来帮你。 2011-03-29imported inflation 输入型通胀是指由于国外商品或生产要素价格的上涨,引起国内物价的持续上涨现象。 2011-03-30Its all the fish that you caught, so

43、theres nothing to be proud of if you had one big success. 关键在于你总共捕到过多少条鱼,而一次巨大的成功,没什么值得骄傲的。 2011-03-31gray skills 灰色技能灰色技能指的是某些企业要求毕业生具备的诸如喝酒、唱歌、搓麻、打牌等技能。 2011-04-01April Fools Day 愚人节愚人节也称万愚节,节期在每年4月1日,在这一天里,不分男女老幼,可以互开玩笑、互相愚弄欺骗以换得娱乐。 2011-04-02green car 新能源汽车“新能源汽车”,一般指使用非常规车用能源作为动力的汽车。 2011-04-03

44、As your instructor advised, you ought to spend your time on something B researching into. A.precious B.worthC.worthyD.valuable题目解析:【我认为你说不了他。他总是对自己相信的事物很坚定,不容易动摇】adhere,坚持、固守。 2011-04-04As we know, knowledge is the D condition for expansion of the mind. A.incompatibleB.incredible C.indefiniteD.indis

45、pensable 2011-04-05Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节清明,是一个祭祀祖先的节日,主要形式是扫墓。 2011-04-06The concept of individual freedom has had no importance in these great majorities of cultures in human history. 在人类历史的大多数文化中,个人自由这个理念显得无足轻重。 2011-04-07rural inn 农家乐农家乐是农民向城市现代人提供的一种回归自然从而获得身心放松的休闲旅游方式。 2011-04-08If you believe in liberty, youd better understand there are multiple ways to achieve liberty. 如果你崇尚自由,最好要明白有很多方法可以获得自由。 2011-04-09spring outing 踏青踏青,又叫春游;于花草返青的春季,结伴到郊外原野远足踏青,并进行各种游戏的活动。 2011-04-10Its the guerdon, the reward, the prize of fame that were continually anticipating


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