1、附件1:外文资料翻译译文海洋枢纽规划 海洋枢纽和辐射网络应用于发送集装箱船已经有二十多年了,但很少有人注意到这些网络上。海运网络问题作为一个解决中心位置的问题,所涉及的包括最优区位的辐射和在运输网络中的分配,当然分配也可以在辐射路线之间。在本文中提出了令人满意的解决方法。二次整数模型由两阶段组成:一个中心选址模型,一个辐分配模型。我们就应用一个基于最短路径规则和试验性路径的基础上的启发式方案,验证了该模型的正确性和提出解决问题的方法。结果表明,所建立的模型是一个凹函数,这是利用开发方面的中心数利润总额的规模经济得出的。这样辐射分配可能变化为一个枢纽的最佳选择位置。最近进行了对枢纽和辐射的网络设
7、也有三点不同: 1)在过去的枢纽定位问题中,枢纽是完全的相互联系的,但是在实际的海洋问题中,枢纽并没有得到充分的网络,他们更像是穿梭的部分,枢纽的连接是按顺序直接连接的。 2)在过去的枢纽定位问题中,交通是通过建立枢纽运行的,每个辐射线必须连接到一个枢纽,在海洋问题中,某些辐射线可能绕过其他的辐射线连接到枢纽,按照这样的分配海洋网络问题可以说是不严密的枢纽分法。 3)在过去的枢纽定位问题中,中间枢纽的成本只是根据中心环节计算,但是在海洋问题中,中间枢纽的成本包括中间枢纽之间的连接的费用之和,他放映了枢纽的层次结构。因此,在本文中添加了这些特征作为问题的一部分,也就是不严密的枢纽定位问题。这些问
8、题先前的文献中尚未研究过。由于交通枢纽港口的增加,海洋运输经营者可受益于枢纽港口船舶形成的规模经济。为了充分的利用这个优势,海洋运输经营者必须解决海洋运输的不严密的枢纽定位问题。然而这些问题只是在某些文献中得到了有限的重视。罗能回顾过去十年的文献发现了路线和调度的问题,并且只有少数涉及到发送集装箱运输船。拉娜和维克森提出了混合整数非线性规划的分解来解决最佳路径问题。哈拉米略和帕拉卡斯以及鲍威尔开发了线性规划来描述航线集装箱船和部署方案。克里斯提森和纳格林提出了一种基于最优解分支定界和容量限制来解决船舶航线问题。 弗格霍斯特通过为每个船舶类型编号以及相关的班轮航运线路问题来确定最佳船舶类型。陆提
10、的海洋枢纽定位问题,该模型比谢和王的成本最小化模型更大更复杂,这是因为: (1)成本最小化模型只考虑运输成本,而这个模型同时考虑收入之间的权衡及相关费用(固定成本,航行成本,港口成本,营运成本,燃油成本) (2)在成本最小化模型,没有船的分类是考虑在内。在这种模式中,不同大小的船分成两个层次的系统,引进了更多的限制条件(负载能力,当运载货物时船舶出发和返回,计划时限) (3)在此模型中,服务的频率和船的数量只被视为决策变数。有了这些考虑,该模型可以更充分地代表在现实中存在的问题。以我们最好的知识,这是第一次提出在枢纽定位问题中收入和成本如何权衡,即使我们看到有许多相似的应用。我们的方法是从跨越
11、太平洋航线上得到数据。部分的交通流从各个资源中估计,这是因为真实的数据并不是都是可用的。 Marine hub location problemsMarine hub-and-spoke networks have been applied to routing containerships for over two decades, but few papers have devoted their attention to these networks. The marine network problems are known as single assignment nonstrict
12、 hub location problems (SNHLPs),which deal with the optimal location of hubs and allocation of spokes to hubs in a network, allowing direct routes between some spokes. In this paper we present a satisfactory approach for solving SHNLPs.The quadratic integer profit programming consists of two-stage c
13、omputational algorithms: a hub location model and a spoke allocation model. We apply a heuristic scheme based on the shortest distance rule and an experimental case based on the Trans-Pacific Routes is presented to illustrate the models formulation and solution methods.The results indicate that the
14、model is a concave function, exploiting the economies of scale for total profit with respect to the number of hubs. The spoke allocation may change an optimal choice of hub locations.A number of studies have recently been done on the network design problem for hub-and-spoke patterns.Although marine
15、hub-and-spoke networks have been applied to routing containerships for over two decades,few papers have so far devoted their attention to these networks. Some papers formulated mathematical programming models for routing containerships, but these models neglect the characteristics of containerships
16、routes. Different systems require different models to adequately portray scenario patterns based upon their characteristic features (OKelly, 1998; Bryan and OKelly, 1999). The aim of this paper is to develop a more adequate model for capturing the particular characteristics of marine networks, while
17、 maximizing the total transportation profit of the network.Transportation networks, in which traffic moves from its origin node to its destination node, are often configured as hub-and-spoke systems. In such systems, hubs are special nodes that serve as consolidation and switching points that connec
18、t many origins and destinations. The concept of these interacting hubs arises frequently in many applications, such as air passenger travel, telecommunication network, postal delivery systems, and containerships. The major incentive for employing a hub-and-spoke systems is that hubs enjoy economies
19、of scale achieved by larger consolidating traffic into smaller number of hub-to-hub links, thus generating lower unit transportation cost on those links. Hub-and-spoke networks usually consist of at least a two-level system: hub level and spoke level. The hubto- hub portion is usually discounted by
20、a factor (0 1) to account for the concept of hubbing economies。 The hub location problems (HLPs) are to determine an optimal number and location of hubs, and allocation of spokes (non-hubs) to these hubs in a network such that, typically, the total transportation cost is minimized. Since OKelly (198
21、6a, 1986b, 1987) first proposed a quadratic integer programming and two heuristic algorithms for solving the HLPs, an increasing number of studies have been done on this prototype of he problems, such as Campbell (1994) and OKelly and Miller (1994). Campbell (1994) presented the HLPs into four diffe
22、rent basic categories: the p-hub median problem, the uncapacitated hub location problem, phub center problems, and hub covering problems. Most of work on HLPs has focused on the former two problems. If the number of hubs is not given in a network, the phub median problem is usually the HLP. In uncap
23、acitated HLPs, there is a fixed cost for establishing a hub, but no constraint on the number of hubs (Campbell, 1994; Klincewicz, 1996; Ebery et al., 2000). Different assumptions may result in different problem structures and network patterns. For example, a single assignment is structured so that e
24、ach spoke is assigned to only one hub (OKelly, 1987, 1992; Klincewicz, 1991, 1992;Campbell, 1994, 1996; Skorin-Kapov and Skorin-Kapov, 1994; Skorin-Kapov et al., 1996; Aykin, 1990, 1995; Ernst and Krishnamoorthy, 1996; Kara, et al. 2003). A multiple assignment allows spokes to interact with more tha
25、n one hub (Campbell, 1994; OKelly and Lao, 1991; Klincewicz, 1996; Skorin-Kapov et al., 1996; Krishnamoorthy et al., 1998, 2000). Occasionally, there is also a fixed cost to establish a hub (OKelly, 1992; Campbell, 1994; Aykin, 1995; OKelly et al., 1996; Sohn and Park, 1998). In some cases, it is po
26、ssible to allow direct routes between some spokes, resulting in a problem called “Nonstrict Hubbing Policy” (Aykin,1994, 1995).Despite its widespread use, designing efficient hub-and-spoke systems remains a challenging task. A primary difficulty lies in model formulations and solution algorithms for
27、 the characteristic of a particular system. As a result of the computational needs in solving HLPs, previous studies primarily focused on heuristic algorithms rather than exact solutions for models. OKelly (1987) was first to develop two enumeration- based heuristics using distance rule for solving
28、the single assignment p-hub median problem, in which every spoke is allocated to exactly one hub and all hub linkages are fully interconnected (i.e., a pure hub-and-spoke network). Klincewicz (1991) proposed two sets of heuristics for larger problems based on a multi-criteria distance and flow rule
29、rather than on distance alone. Klincewiczs exchange heuristics first determine the hub locations, and then assignment of spokes to hubs, with changes the solution made by the assignment of hubs to spokes. The other clustering heuristics divide the nodes into several groups and assign a hub for each
30、group. In later work, Klincewicz (1992) considered tabu search and greedy search procedures to explore solutions beyond local optima. Skorin- Kapov and Skorin-Kapov (1994) developed other tabu search heuristic, assigning equal importance to the location and allocation portions of the problem. Aykin
31、(1994) was first to consider the Langrangian relaxation for the p-hub median problem with hub capacity. Aykin (1995) provided a branch-and-bound algorithm and a simulated annealing based on greedy interchange heuristic for investigating the effects of strict and nonstrict on the HLPs. In strict hubb
32、ing, all traffic must ship via a set of hubs; nonstrict hubbing allows some direct trips between some spokes. Klincewicz (1996) proposed a dual ascent procedure for a sequence of uncapacitated HLPs. OKelly et al. (1995) presented algorithm to determine two lower bounds on the optimal solution. Skori
33、n-Kapov et al. (1996) developed effective mixed integer formulations with tight linear programming relaxations laxations for the HLPs. Campbell (1996) was first one to formulate a greedy exchange heuristic to solve uncapacitated, multiple assignment HLPs. The MAXFLO heuristic assigns spoke to hub by
34、 maximum flow rule, whereas the ALLFLOs purpose is to minimize the total network cost. By modifying Campbells model (Campbell, 1996), Skorin-Kapov et al. (1996) were first to propose mixed integer formulations for finding exact solutions for the single and multiple assignment problems. Ernst and Kri
35、shnamoorthy (1996) also developed a two-stage approach to produce exact solutions. Sohn and Park (1998) provided a reduced size formulation model for uncapacitated single and multiple p-hub location problems. Ernst and presented exact and heuristic algorithms for the uncapacitated multiple assignmen
36、t HLPs, while Ebery et al. (2000) presented mixed integer formulations using branchand- bound algorithm, based on the shortest path rule, for the capacitated multiple assignment problem. Boland et al. (2004) considered pre-processing procedures and tightening constraints with existing mixed integer
37、linear programming model for multiple assignment problem.Marine containership routes are hub-and-spoke structures, in which containerships carry cargo from their origin ports, through hub ports in the network, to their destination ports. In this paper, the problem is the HLP as previously studied, b
38、ut for different applications. There are three fundamental differences: (1) In past HLPs, hubs are fully interconnected, whereas in marine problems, hubs are not fully networks; rather they are more like shuttle patterns. The hub connections are sequential and in the same directional order (Hsieh an
39、d Chang, 2001). (2) In past HLPs, traffic is shipped via set of hubs, and each spoke connects to a hub. In marine problems, however, some spokes may bypass others to connect to a hub (see Gilman, 1981; Pearson and Fossey, 1983). In such an allocation, marine network problems can be classified as non
40、strict hubbing policy, as defined by Aykin (1995). (3) In past HLPs, the interhub cost counts by only cost with hub link. In marine problems, the interhub cost has to accumulate all cost on each interhub link, reflecting the hub level structure. Consequently, the definition of our problem having suc
41、h features to be discussed in this paper is referred to as single assignment, nonstrict hub location problems (SNHLPs). These problems have not yet been studied in previous literature.Due to the increased traffic at hub ports, marineliner operators can benefit from the scale economies of ship capaci
42、ty utilized at hub ports (Chadwin et al.,1990). In order to take full advantage of this, however, it is critical for liner operators to solve marine SNHLPs. Yet these problems have received limited attention in the literature. Ronen (1993) reviewed literature from the last decade regarding routing a
43、nd scheduling problems and identified only a few that pertained to routing containerships. Rana and Vickson (1998, 1991) proposed a mixed integer nonlinear programming combined with decomposition to solve the optimal routing problem. Jaramillo and Perakis (1991), Cho and Perakis (1996), and Powell a
44、nd Perakis (1997) developed linear programming to describe the routing containerships and deployment scenario. Christiansen and Nygreen (1998) presented an optimal solution based on branch-andbound search with inventory constraints for ship routing problems.Fagerholt (1999) identified optimal ship t
45、ypes, the number for each type, and coherent routes for the liner shipping problem. Lu (2002) proposed a branch-andbound algorithm with cycle time and vessel constraints for an optimal ship routing. Chu et al. (2003) proposed a mixed integer model to determine an optimal sequence of port calls and c
46、ontainer flow between demand ports with cycle time constraints. Azaron and Kianfar (2003) applied a stochastic dynamic programming based on semi-Markov decision processes and network flow theory to find the dynamic shortest path for ship routing problem. These studies neglected the reality of marine
47、 routing problem, resulting in models that were complicated and possibly generated unrealistic solutions to marine SNHLPs. Recently, Mourao et al. (2002) developed an integer programming model to solve ship fleet assignment with defined voyages based on hub-andspoke networks. Hsieh and Chang (2001)
48、proposed an integer linear programming, which modified OKellys model (OKelly, 1987), to solve marine SNHLPs. In later work, Hsieh and Wong (2003) proposed a quadratic integer cost minimization model with heuristic algorithms based on distance rule for the same problem. In this paper we propose an ex
49、tensive approach for marine SNHLPs. The model is larger and more complicated than the cost minimization model of Hsieh and Wong (2003) because: (1) the cost minimization model considered only transportation cost, whereas this model considers simultaneously the tradeoffs between revenue and related costs (e.g., fixed cost, sailing cost, port cost, operational cost, and bunker cost). (2) In cost minimization model, no ship