1、基于应急理论基础下的内部控制因素及其后果的形成Determinants and consequences of internal controlin firms: a contingency theory based analysis作者:Annukka Jokipi起始页码:1-12出版日期(期刊号):March 2009,Vol. 1, No. 3(Serial No. 10)出版单位: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. 2009外文翻译译文:摘要:为了保证企业需求内部控制活动的有效性和信息的可靠性以及遵守法律的适用性,每个组织要选择最适合
2、的控制系统。因此,就必须考虑到意外事故的风险是否切合权变理论。本文研究的是检视这些风险特点的选择是否适应他们公司内部控制结构和它是否会导致一些更加优惠的有效性的评估控制管理。虽然内部控制的组成部分已进行单独控制,本文尝试阐明内部控制的关键点并将其放到更加广阔的背景中。结果证明,基于对741家芬兰公司的调查研究,表明公司用内部控制结构来应对环境的不确定性,并观测控制的有效性的战略对其内部控制结构有着显著的效果。关键词:内部控制、成效、权变理论、结构方块建模1. 绪论人们普遍认为,一个内部控制系统可以帮助企业降低风险,并且使财务报表的可靠性得以保证。因此,越来越多的企业在他们具体的操作环境下更多的
3、关注自己的内部控制。在巨大的管理压力下,如何提高内部控制的有效性以及董事会和股东之间的沟通效果,是目前企业亟待解决的重要问题。由于内部控制可能会影响长期的报告,因此审计人员、供应商、客户都对内部控制关注相当。Kinney在2000年指出,尽管内部控制对公司影响很大,但在组织环境中内部控制结构却无法实现。虽然关于内部控制的文献在国际研究上已取得进展,但迄今为止,内部控制的研究数量有限。在2004年Selte and Widener出版的专业文章中提出,在管理控制中研究较少的内部控制有着很强的实用性。本文的研究结论有助于了解内部控制结构及其在公司环境中观察到对公司的效果。即使内部控制结构框架中提出
6、果。因此,本文主要论证了,如何将SEM技术应用到内部控制的研究。在内部控制结构有效替代的情况下了解内部控制替代前后差异的共同性,这项研究将会对内部控制讨论做出很大的贡献,不仅如此,这项研究还提供了一种方法来识别不同组织对内部控制的特殊需求。接下来的部分介绍了研究框架和部分定义的介绍,研究结构的相关问题文献。随后本文详细阐述了在SEM方法从741家芬兰公司搜集数据为基础对实例论证。最后是对结果的讨论以及对研究限制阐述。2 研究框架在2003年Chenhall运用控制系统设计可以协助管理人员实现其公司的目标和期望的结果。内部系统控制增强了企业的检测报告程序,也确保遵守法律法规。通过这种有效的内部控
7、制对公司成功方面有着关键的作用。但是,正如我们观察到的,内部控制在真空下是不存在的。在1994年COCO(加拿大控制基准委员会框架)中指出,两个组织不存在类似的控制系统,除非该组织的中心组织机构系统是相同的。内部控制系统根据不同的细节需要会产生在不同的组织环境下。在1994年COSO(美国控制基准委员会)在内部控制框架中提出内部控制系统是由控制环境、风险评估、内控活动、信息与沟通、监督五要素组成,它们取决于管理层经营企业的方式,并融入管理过程本身,其相互关系可以用其模型表示。此声明类似于权变理论对每一个组织的特点采取适当的控制系统一样。(参考Chapman 1997; Chenhall 200
8、3;Fisher1995; Luft and Shields 2003)因此,以应急理论为基础的方法提供了在实践当中对内部控制因素不同的解释。同时,以应急理论为基础的权变理论构成了一种新的方法来重新演绎有内部控制的理论和基础特点。图1因此管理控制作为在组织制度中的一个重要控制子集一直是权变理论的研究主体。研究主要集中在上下变量对管理控制系统设计的影响,本文,是对文献回顾的研究基础上分析的。其目的是利用了解内部控制结构的特点和影响来观察成效以作为制定权变理论的基础。内部控制和权变理论共享某些元素,但是共同点和不同点的广度取决于所用的定义。在2003年Chenhall指出,以前的以应变研究为基础的
9、管理控制研究遵循传统的协助管理人员决策,是一种被动工具。其目的是为了利用管理控制系统包含了一个会计系统这一特性,更好的管理包括个人或家族控制的控制因素,这样的控制理论如:图1说明了研究框架和理论基础上的内部控制框架。变量之间的关系有三组,在应变特点,内部控制结构和观察成效是本文研究的终点。前四个研究问题(RQ1-RQ4)旨在测试(战略,规模,组织应变特征结构和环境的不确定性)等因素对内部控制结构的影响。这些因素前人都有所研究(例如Chenhall 2003;Donaldson 2001;Hoque and James 2000; Macintosh 1994;Simons 1987;Drazi
10、nand Van de Ven 1985;Otley 1980)指出,指出这些因素对控制结构和企业的绩效产生一定的影响。第五个研究因素(RQ5)集中于内部控制结构与内部控制有效性的关系上。变量之间的理论关系是基于COSO(美国控制基础委员会)1994年提出的。指出根据特定的情况对内部控制的需求不尽相同,但是内部控制组成的部分功能可以引导有效地内部控制系统。Fisher 1998年指出,成功的剪裁控制系统以适应企业的特点等类似的权变理论对公司的业绩有着突出的贡献。然而企业可能有着传统性能的其他目标。因此根据Fisher1995年的建议,在模型中所设想的一个非财务目标对内部控制的有效性产生理想的效
12、COCO(加拿大控制基础委员会)框架中提到的内部控制状态可以在董事会和管理层的理解程度上,该实体的目标在于实现公布财务报表以及保证遵守法律法规。因此,在这中间的内部控制的研究应进行有效的界定,如何控制好这三个目标在管理的观念上实现,是企业所要重点关注的问题。因此,我认为可以在一个适当的内部控制框架结构中描述五个不同组成部分的条款,其可以确定为:1 控制环境的界定是一个组织得以运作的精神支柱。这个组件可以给人们创造一个他们可以进行他们的活动和执行它们的责任氛围。他创建了这家公司整体控制文化。2 风险评估部分是指,处理风险如何威胁公司实现目标的过程。他设计到对风险的识别、分析和相应的评估。3 控制
13、活动的组成部分,是指对政策、程序和做法对分先环节战略的实施是的管理目标得以实现的过程。4 信息和通信组建是指确保有关信息在形式和时限上的识别,是工作人员履行其职责和责任的有效沟通过程。5 监测组件是指评估内部控制的质量过程,谈涵盖了有管理人员进程外的其他各方面进行内部控制的外部监督和定期评估。 在本文中这五个组成部分定义了内部控制的架构。根据1994年COCO架构,为了有足够的内部控制系统使其组件部分正常运行。大部分的研究将这一部分作为重点研究领域设定控制元件(Aquila 1998; Hooks etal. 1994; Milles 1997)。在2002年Stringer and Care
15、有一定的影响(比如Chenhall 2003; Donaldson 2001; Hoque and James 2000; Macintosh 1994; Simons 1987; Drazin and Van de Ven 1985; Otley 1980)然而,特征选择不是唯一的,并且对内部控制结构有着相关的影响。4战略Otley (1980) 和 Dermer (1977) 分别指出,企业战略应当属于会计控制系统设计的主要特征之一。公司的战略不同将采用不同的控制系统,正如Miles and Snow (1978)和 Porter (1980)等指出的。Simons在1990年发现,公司会
17、寻找到的机会,将各种不同的信息通过通信组件提供对未来预测有用的信息。Simons在1987年的结论,在正式的控制系统的属性差异的捍卫下,得到这些属性对公司的业绩有着深远的影响。根据之前的管理研究控制(Langfield Smith 1997; Chenhall 2003)表明,某些类型的控制系统将适用特定策略。监测通过灵活的控制来应对不确定性的环境,减少不确定性的发生和公司效率最大化。相对于公司,监测型公司根据用户的不同在不断地改变他们的管理系统。Determinants and consequences of internal controlin firms: a contingency t
18、heory based analysis作者:Annukka Jokipii起始页码:1-12出版日期(期刊号):March 2009,Vol. 2, No. 4(Serial No. 11)出版单位: Springer Science and Business Media, LLC. 2009Abstract :In order to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of activities, reliability of information and compliance with applicable laws, firms deman
19、d adequate internal control. However, several frameworks assume that the need for internal control varies according to a firms characteristics. This concurs with contingency theory, which claims that each organization has to choose the most suitable control system by taking into account contingency
20、characteristics. This study examines which contingency characteristics firms choose to adapt their internal control structure and whether it results in a more favorable assessment of the effectiveness of control by the management. While the components of internal control have been examined individua
21、lly in the control literature.this paper attempts to shed light on internal control and place it in a broader context. The results, derived from a web-based survey of 741 Finnish firms, indicate that firms adapt their internal control structure to deal with environmental uncertainty and to achieve o
22、bserved control effectiveness. Also the strategy has statistically significant effects on internal control structure.Keywords : Internal control Effectiveness Contingency theory Structural equation modeling1 Introduction It is generally believed that an internal control system reduces risks and help
23、s firms ensure the reliability of financial statements and compliance with laws and regulations (Spira and Page 2003). So, an increasing number of business failures and some widely publicized frauds have encouraged firms to put more emphasis on their internal control systems, which are specific to t
24、heir particular operating environment. Management is under increased pressure to enhance the effectiveness of internal control and to effectively communicate this to the board of directors and shareholders (Sutton 2006). Reference groups like auditors, suppliers and customers are also interested in
25、internal controls since they may affect long-term confidence in reporting, accountability and in the corporate form of organization (Rittenberg and Schwieger 2001). Despite the fact that internal control is an essential factor affecting the firm, the evidence of the actual performance of an internal
26、 control structure within the organizational environment is almost non-existent, and the topic relatively unexplored by researchers, as noted by Kinney (2000). The professional literature on internal control has made progress toward developing international control frameworks, but so far the amount
27、of internal control research is limited. Selto and Widener (2004) analyze published research and professional articles and find that there were fewer internal control topics in the management control research literature than in practical literature. Increasing emphasis on the role played by internal
28、 control in business (Maijoor 2000), and the lack of existing research, creates new research needs and opportunities. This study contributes to the understanding of the internal control structure and its observed effectiveness in company contexts. Even though the internal control frameworks (COSO, C
29、OCO etc.) present a standardized structure and objectives for internal control, they still advise that the need for effective internal control varies according to a firms characteristics. However, neither frameworks nor prior literature provide an adequate picture of the relationships between a firm
30、s characteristics and its control system. Therefore, this study utilizes a contingency approach to examine the design of the internal control structure and its observed effectiveness in different contexts. The study examines relationships using structural equation modeling (SEM) and presents empiric
31、al results from 741 firms in Finland. The results of this study add to the limited internal control research knowledge in several important respects. First, the study presents empirical findings using measurement models for internal control and its effectiveness in practice. There are organizations
32、worldwide which have used internal control frameworks as a foundation for conducting activities. At any rate, there is little evidence about frameworks outside practice, and thus the models deserve more intensive research attention (COSO 1994; Selto and Widener 2004). With a few exceptions (e.g.,Str
33、inger and Carey 2002) earlier studies have usually concentrated on particular control elements, such as the control environment (Aquila 1998), communication (Hooks et al. 1994) or risk assessment (Mills 1997). In this study the internal control concept is examined as a whole in different contexts. S
34、econd, the action of contingency theory on internal control has not been examined sufficiently within the prior literature even though that relationship plays a critical role in better understanding internal control within organizations. Third, there is a lack of knowledge about internal control fro
35、m the point of view of management. The literature has so far concentrated on the external partiesview (Felix 1998), although organizing internal control in the organization is in fact the responsibility of management. Therefore, in this study the perceptions of the management of the surveyed firms a
36、re the focus. Fourth, this study examines important contingency characteristics that should be taken into account when focusing on the internal control in an organization. The aim is to determine which characteristics are helpful in explaining variations in an internal control system and its observe
37、d effectiveness. However, the model examined, yields different results when examined in a bivariate or in a multivariate setting. Therefore, this paper demonstrates how a contingency approach and SEM technique may be applied to internal control research. Understanding commonalities and differences i
38、n internal control structures and observed effectiveness in alternative contexts makes a significant contribution to the internal control discussion. Thus, the study provides a means to identify the special needs of different organizations. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. The next sec
39、tion presents a research framework and the following section presents definitions of constructs and the literature related to the research questions. The fourth section explains the survey design and measurement of variables. Following that, the paper elaborates on the empirical analysis using the S
40、EM method based on data collected from 741 Finnish firms. The sixth section includes a discussion of the results. The last section ends with the conclusions and limitations of the study.2 Research framework Control systems are designed to assist managers to achieve their firms goals and desired outc
41、omes (Chenhall 2003). An internal control system potentially enhances a firms monitoring and reporting processes, as well as ensuring compliance with laws and regulations. In this way effective internal control has a critical role to play in a firms success. But, as we can see from the practical fin
42、dings, internal control does not exist in vacuum. The COSO framework (1994, p. 18) states that two organizations should not have similar internal control system unless the organizations are identical. The need for, and the specifics of, internal control systems may vary in organizational contexts. T
43、his statement presented in the internal control framework (COSO 1994) is analogous to contingency theory that claims that each organization has to choose the most suitable control system by taking into account contingency characteristics (see reviews in Chapman 1997; Chenhall 2003; Fisher 1995; Luft
44、 and Shields 2003). The contingency approach therefore offers an explanation for the variety of internal control systems found in practice. However, contingency theory constitutes a novel approach to studying internal control and thus, theoretical fundamentals and chosen characteristics are derived
45、from the contingency-based control literature. Consequently, management control is a major control sub-system in organizations which have been the subject of contingency theory research (Collier 2004). The research has mainly focused on the influence of contextual variables on management control sys
46、tem design (for example Langfield Smith 1997; Chenhall 2003) and in this paper, the literature is reviewed along with an analysis of the research based on these studies. The aim is to use contingency theory to understand characteristics affecting internal control structures and its observed effectiv
47、eness rather than to elaborate on contingency theory as such.Figure 1 illustrates the research framework based on contingency theory and internal control frameworks. The relationships between three sets of variablesthe contingency characteristics, the internal control structure and the observed effe
48、ctivenessare the focus of this research. The first four research questions (RQ1RQ4) aim to test if contingency characteristics (strategy, size, organizational structure and environmental uncertainty) affect the internal control structure. Thereis evidence in earlier management control studies (for e
49、xample Chenhall 2003; Donaldson 2001; Hoque and James 2000; Macintosh 1994; Simons 1987; Drazin and Van de Ven 1985; Otley 1980) that these characteristics may have some impact on the design of control structures and on firm performance. The fifth research question (RQ5) concentrates on the relationship between an internal control structure and observed internal control e