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1、毕业设计(论文)外文翻译题 目 城市道路沥青混凝土路面的施工技术专 业 工程管理 班 级 eb2010级2班 学 生 指导教师 重庆交通大学 城市道路沥青混凝土路面的施工技术1前言 沥青路面是用沥青材料作为结合料辅筑面层的路面的总称,它适用于各种交通量的道路,由于用沥青为结合料修成的路面呈黑色 ,故又称为黑色路面 沥青路面由于使用了粘结力较强的沥青材料,使矿料之间的粘结力大大加强 ,从而提高了混合料的强度和稳定性,使路面的 质量和耐久性都得到提高。城市道路的质量主要涉及道路的平整度、强度和刚度。影响道路质量的因素很多,有设计方面的因素,有建材的品质因素,有施工的因素,而施工质量又与施工人员的责

2、任心、技术素质 ,以及机械操作、施工工艺等有关。总之,道路最终的质量是一个综合性的问题,质量的好坏是各种因素的综合反映。 2准备阶段 沥青混凝土路面施工的准备阶段内的主要工作有:熟悉设计图纸,人员配置,混凝土配合比设计,拌和场设置,材料准备等。熟悉设计图纸,招标文件及合同规定。熟悉设计图纸,招标文件及合同规定是准备阶段的一首要任务,通常由技术人员及项目经理部主要负责人去做。水泥混凝土路面摊铺前的准备工作很多 ,基准线的设置、洒水和卸料工作、熟悉设计纸、招标文件及合同规定是准备阶段的首要任务。这项工作通常由技术人员及项 目经理部主要负责人去做,通过详细的分析和研究 ,可以掌握项 目规模并准确的计

3、算 出沥青混凝土的数量。沥青混凝土配合比设汁。就是由工地试验室准备原材料,送到业主指定的专业试验室去做,尽量提前做好,最好能在贮备材料前完成。拌合场设置需要充分考虑场地位置在运输上的经济合理性,场地要宽大 、平整,并对环境及周围居民无影响,且不受洪水侵扰。要尽量使生产区和生活区分开,且生活区在 E风处。场内运输道路要平整、方便进出的各种机械车辆要方便掉头,减少相互之间的干扰,同时要将油料及沥青等易燃物品与电源及各种加热设置隔开。动力用电是 自供还是接人电力部门电网也要考虑。材料的准备。做好沥青混凝土路面所需各种材料的采购非常重要,材料的质冒是沥青混凝士路面质最好坏的重要因素。设备的安装调试。沥

4、青混凝土混合料的拌和质量及产萤,与所选沥青混凝土拌和设备有重要关系,拌和设备要能满足工期的要求及工作的连续性要求。总之,设备在选型 E要以故障率低且性能优越为宜。工作面的提供。沥青混凝土面层是铺筑在刚性的基层之上,基层的强度 、平整度 、弯沉的大小,对沥青混凝土两层有至关霞要的影响 所以,提供一个整齐、干净、有足够强度的工作面是必须的 基层上面要洒布一定数量的透层油,沥青混凝土各面层之间要洒布粘层油。 3铺筑阶段技术 31沥青混凝土的运输 沥青混凝土运输时官用 15t以上的自卸汽车,装料前在汽车翻斗内抹一层柴油与水的混和物,以防止粘料 另外,装好料的汽车要用保温布覆盖,然后可以出场。运输时间一

5、般不得大于05h。32沥青混合料的压实及成型沥青混合料压实以试铺段确定的碾压组合和速度 ,紧接摊铺后进行 ,分为初压、复压、终压三个阶段进行 ,一般高速公路沥青混凝土路面采用钢轮压路机和轮眙压路机联合作业完成压实工作。碾压分段进行,分段长度控制在 3O50m,即一段初压,一段复压,一段终压,段与段之间应设标志,并指定专人负责移动,便于司机辨认。初压采用 2台双轮轻型钢轮压路机(8t)在 混合料摊铺后进行稳压,每台压路机至少碾压一遍,碾压速度2-3 km/h。复压采用 3台重型轮胎压路机碾压,每台压路机至少碾压二遍,碾压速度 4555km/h。终压采用l台轻刭双钢轮压路机和1台晕璎双钢轮压路机静

6、压。每台压路机至少碾一遍,碾压速度5-7krn/h。压路机起动、停止必须减速缓慢进行 ,不得急刹 。压路机加水时,应行驶到已复撮的沥青混凝土路面边缘停放 ,加水后应就地来回碾平整后再离开原位。相邻碾压应重叠 L3一L2轮宽,压路机转向角度不得大于35。初压后的沥青混凝士面层不得产生推移、开裂现象 ;复压后的沥青混凝土面层表面要求无明显轮迹;终压后要求表面平整,光洁 ,颜色均匀一致 ,无明显轮迹。对压路机无法压实的边缘及构造物接头处应采用小型压路机或振动夯压实。当天碾压的沥青混合料砸i层应封闭交通。不得停放任何机械设备或车辆 ,不得散落矿料、油料等杂物。 33接缝处理 采用整幅摊铺时基本上无纵向

7、接缝,有路面加宽的情况时按照半幅摊铺的施工方法设置 纵向接缝。采用半幅摊铺的施工方法时,其纵向接缝应在前部已摊铺混合料部分留1020cm宽暂不碾压,作为后面摊铺的高程基准面,并有 510cm左右的摊铺层蚕叠,以热接缝形式在最后做跨接缝碾压以消除缝迹有多层路面结构的上卜层纵缝应错开 15cm以上。横向施工缝采用平接缝 ,在摊铺段端部的3m直尺呈恳臂状,以摊铺层与直尺脱离接触处定出接缝位置,用切缝机切齐铲除;继续摊铺时,应将接缝锯切时留下的灰浆擦洗干净,涂上少最粘层沥青,摊铺熨平板从接缝处起步摊铺。接缝处碾压时用钢轮压路机进行横向压实,从先铺路面上跨缝逐渐移向新铺面层,碾压后用 3111直尺检查平

8、整度是否达到要求。 上下面层的横向接缝必须错位1m以上,横向施工缝应远离桥梁毛勒缝20m以外,不得设在毛勒缝处,以确保毛勒缝两边路面的平顺。 4检测及缺陷处理 检测贯穿于沥青混凝土路面施工的全过程,碾压成型后的路面必须满足设计要求。检测内容包括 :测定平整度、厚度 、宽度、高程及钻芯取样等工作。平整度的测定有两种办法,一种是用 6m长铝合金尺杆 (规范要求是 3m直尺),另一种办法是车载连续平整度仪。两种办法都要用到,对局部可采用 6m直尺,对比较长的范围 可采用车载连续平整度仪。两种办法综合使用,可以准确的测定路面的平整度。 常见沥青混凝土路面缺陷是多种多样的, 从使用效果来看,主要表现在路

9、面波浪、横缝跳车、密实度不够 、局部推移 、松散、隆起等,这些 缺陷都是施工过程中造成的。路面波浪在施工过程中主要是由于摊铺机造成的,沥青混合料软弱或混合料温度组成的变化导致混合劲度的不均匀也是其中因素之一。 资料的收集整理。沥青混凝土路面施工过 程中各种材料的自检资料 ,质量评定资料都是非常重要的 要真实准确的记录每一个工作环节的详细数据,资料要归档存放,资料的种类包括各种检测试验表、照片、声像及原始记录。做好资料是竣工验收的关键依据。 5结语 沥青路面平整度涉及的面很广,影响因素多。沥青混凝士路面施工的关键是人员、材料、设备的合理配置。在施工过程中要善于总结,克服不良人为因素,注重引进新技

10、术、新材料、新工艺、新设备。对整个施工过程实施有效的动态管理,严格控制各种试验及检测。施工当中发现问题及时处理,只有加强管理,精心组织施工,才能铺筑出高质量、高水平的沥青混凝土路面, 创造优良工程。 摘自:Urban Roads Construction Asphalt Concrete Pavement Technology 1 Introduction Asphalt pavement with asphalt binder material as Des surface of the road to build a general term, which applies to all k

11、inds of road traffic, as the use of asphalt for road binder Xiucheng black, it is also known as the black surface of asphalt pavement as a result of the use of strong cohesive force of the asphalt material, so that the bonding between the mineral aggregate greatly enhanced, thus enhancing the mixtur

12、e of strength and stability, so that road Quality and durability are improved. The quality of major urban roads involved in the formation of roads, the strength and stiffness. Factors that affect the quality of many roads, there are design factors, quality factors are building materials, and constru

13、ction factors, and construction quality construction personnel with a sense of responsibility, technical quality, as well as machinery, construction techniques and so on. In short, the road quality is the ultimate issue of a comprehensive, quality is good or bad is a comprehensive reflection of vari

14、ous factors. 2 preparatory phase Asphalt pavement construction in the preparation phase of the main tasks are: familiar with the design drawings, staffing, concrete mix design, mixing field settings, and other material prepared. Familiar with the design drawings, tender documents and the terms of th

15、e contract. Familiar with the design drawings, tender documents and contract preparation phase is a primary task, usually by the technical staff and project manager who is mainly responsible for the Department to do. Cement Concrete Pavement in front of a lot of preparatory work, baseline setting, t

16、he work of watering and discharge, and is familiar with the design of paper, the tender documents and the terms of the contract is the primary task of the preparatory phase. This is normally by the technical staff and project manager who is mainly responsible for the Department to do so through a de

17、tailed analysis and research, you can grasp the scale of the project and calculate an accurate number of asphalt concrete. Asphalt concrete mix for juice. Laboratory is prepared by the site of raw materials, to the owners of the professional laboratory designated to do ahead of time to do a good job

18、 as far as possible, preferably before the completion of reserve materials. Mixing field settings need to be fully considered in the transport site on the location of economic rationality, the venue should be large, flat, and the surrounding environment and residents of no effect, and not subject to

19、 flooding intrusive. To minimize the production area and living area separated from the living area and the wind in the E Department. Road transport to site formation, convenient access to vehicles of all kinds of machinery to facilitate the U-turn, reduce mutual interference, at the same time to fu

20、el and asphalt, such as flammable liquids and a variety of heating and power settings separated. Power consumption is self-or grid access must also consider the power sector. Materials preparation. Required to do a good job in all kinds of asphalt pavement materials procurement is very important to

21、take the quality of materials is the quality of asphalt Concrete pavement of the most important factor in good or bad. Equipment installation and debugging. Mixture of asphalt concrete mixing and production quality of the firefly, and the selected asphalt mixing plant has an important relationship b

22、etween the mixing equipment to be able to meet the project requirements and the continuity of the work requirements. In short, the equipment in the selection of E to the low failure rate and superior performance is better. The provision of face. Asphalt concrete pavement surface is rigid on the gras

23、s-roots, grass-roots strength, roughness, deflection of the size of two layers of asphalt concrete are related to the impact of so-xia to provide a neat, clean and have sufficient strength face is necessary to sprinkle the grass-roots level above a certain amount of prime coat cloth oil, asphalt con

24、crete between the surface layer of oil onto sticky cloth. 3 paving technology 3.1 Asphalt Concrete transport Asphalt concrete transportation officer with more than 15t Dump Truck, dump in the car before loading with a layer of clean diesel and water mixture to prevent the viscous material. In additi

25、on, the installed thermal insulation material to use cloth car cover, and then can be played. Transport time normally should be no larger than 0.5h. 3.2 asphalt mixture compaction and molding asphalt mixture compaction Shop paragraph to try to determine the composition and the rolling speed, immedia

26、tely after the paver into the early pressure, complex pressure, final pressure in three phases, Asphalt Concrete Pavement general use of steel wheels and wheel roller Yi compaction roller to complete the work of the joint operation. Sub-RCC, and the length of control sub-3O 50m, that is, the early p

27、eriod of pressure, a complex pressure, the end of a period of pressure, between the paragraph and the paragraph should be marked and designated person responsible for mobile, easy to identify the driver. The beginning of the use of 2 sets of double pressure of light steel wheel roller ( 8t) paver in

28、 the mixture after the regulator, at least each roller rolling again, rolling speed of 2-3 km / h. Repressing the use of 3 pieces of heavy rolling tire roller, each roller rolling at least 2 times the speed of roller compacted 4.5-5.5km / h. L final pressure of Taiwan using light steel wheel roller

29、and cut the throat dual halo 1 HIP-ying Double-drum roller. Mill at least once each roller, roller speed of 5-7km / h. Roller adding water should be moving into rehabilitation summarized the edge of the asphalt concrete pavement parking, add water, grind back and forth should be formed in situ and t

30、hen left in situ. RCC should be overlap of adjacent L / 3 of a L / 2 round wide roller steering angle should be no larger than 35. After the early pressure with disabilities tarcrete over shall not give rise to the surface, cracking phenomenon; repressing the asphalt concrete surface after the surfa

31、ce layer request no obvious tracks; final pressure after the requirements of surface roughness, smooth, uniform color, no obvious trace round. Roller compaction on the edge and can not be joint structures should be used in small tamping roller compaction or vibration. RCC day hit the asphalt mixture

32、 should be closed to traffic i layer. Shall not park any vehicle or mechanical equipment shall not be scattered mineral aggregate, oil and other debris. 3.3 seams to deal with When using whole paver are basically non-vertical joints, and the case of road widening half paver in accordance with the me

33、thod set of vertical joints. Spreading the use of half of the construction method, the vertical joints should be the first paving mixture has to remain part of 10-20cm width not RCC, as a base-level elevation behind the paver, and about 5 10cm share Silkworm layer stack to heat the joints in the fin

34、al form of cross-seam roller to eliminate multiple stitch structure of the Pu surface layer should be staggered longitudinal joints for more than 15cm. Horizontal construction joints using flat seams, in the end paragraph of paver 3m Ken arm was like a ruler to ruler paver layer and seam location fo

35、r disengagement Department with the eradication of all machine cut Qi; continue paver When sawing joints should be left clean of mortar scrubbed, painted the most less viscous layer of asphalt, paving Screed Paver start from the seams. When rolled seams horizontal drum roller compaction, paving the

36、way from the first cross-linking and gradually moved towards the surface of the new pavement layer, rolling ruler after 3111 to check whether the requirements of flatness. Layer below the horizontal seams must be wrong more than 1m, horizontal construction joints should be away from the 20m bridge o

37、utside seam Maurer, Maurer shall not be located in the seam to ensure Maurer smooth joints on both sides of the road. 4 Testing and Defects Detection of cross-cutting of asphalt pavement construction in the whole process of forming roller surface after the design requirements must be met. Testing in

38、clude: Determination of flatness, thickness, width, height and core sampling work. Determination of roughness, there are two approaches, one is aluminum alloy feet long rod 6m (3m straightedge specification requirements), and the other is for the formation of car tester. Should be used in two ways,

39、using the local ruler 6m, compared to a longer range can be formed for Instrument car. The integrated use of both approaches can be an accurate determination of the flatness of the road. Common asphalt concrete pavement is a wide range of defects, Effects from the use of point of view, mainly in the

40、 surface waves, jumping joints, not enough density, local time, a loose, uplift, etc., these defects are caused by the construction process. Surface waves in the construction process are mainly caused as a result of paver, asphalt mixture mixture of weakness or changes in temperature lead to the mix

41、ed composition of the non-uniform stiffness is also one of the factors. Data collection. Asphalt pavement materials in the construction process of self-information, data quality assessment is very important to be true and accurate record of every aspect of the work of detailed data, data to archive

42、storage, data types, including testing a variety of forms, photos, audio and the original records. Good information is the key basis for final acceptance. 5 Conclusion Asphalt Pavement involved a wide range of impact factors. Asphalt Concrete Pavement Construction of key personnel, materials, equipm

43、ent, a reasonable configuration. During the construction process to be good at summing up, to overcome the adverse human factors, focus on the introduction of new technologies, new materials, new techniques, new equipment. Throughout the construction process on the dynamics of the implementation of

44、effective management, strictly control the variety of testing and detection. Construction issues were found in time, only to strengthen the management, construction of well-organized in order to lay out high-quality, high level of asphalt concrete road surface, creating fine works.五分钟搞定5000字毕业论文外文翻译

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