1、四年级班级欢迎词A “喜看稻菽千重浪,遍地英雄下夕烟”金秋九月,沉甸甸的行囊,沉甸甸的希望,快乐的起航,幸福的展望。C: September in golden autumn, we are getting together, we are full of hopes.B 感谢您,我敬爱的爷爷奶奶,我亲爱的爸爸妈妈,感谢您,可爱的叔叔阿姨,感谢你们为了我们的成长而相聚。D: Thanks for our grandparents, dear daddy, mummy, uncle and anti, thanks fou your coming. A B 一起共谋教育良策,共铸教育辉煌。CD:
2、 Lets seek a good way to education and create glorious education.A 回首往昔,我们在精彩中锐意成长。C: Think of the past times, we were grown happily.B 英语风采大赛中,我们初露锋芒!D: In the outlook English context, we have a great harvest. A 全国作文比赛中我们意气飞扬!C: In the national composition contest, we float in the skyB 奥数赛场上我们毫不怯场。D
3、: In the Mathematical olympiad competition, we had never feel nervous.A 我们在成长,我们在开创!脚步虽然稚嫩,但我们的斗志却昂扬!C: We are growing, although we are young, however, we are having a stong will.B 我们的力量虽然还很小,但爸爸妈妈,叔叔阿姨,请相信,跬步行千里,细流汇汪洋!D: Dear daddy, mummy, uncle and anti please believe in us, although we are not st
4、rong, however, we are full of energy.A 我们的生活丰富多彩。我们的快乐从活动中来!C: Our school life is colorful. We are happy in the activities.B 阳光体育,体育阳光,我们的活动课让我们更加的开朗!D: Sunshine PE let us more active. A 精彩纷呈的游戏,趣味横生的赛场。我们在游戏中学会团结,学会协作。懂得了集体的力量。C: Different kinds of games let us learn to unity. B 过去的一年,我们找到了XX最美丽的声音
5、。D: In the past year, we have fund the most beautiful voice in SFLPS.A 过去的一年,我们找到了XX最美丽的服装。C: In the past year, we have fund the wonderful clothes in SFLPS.B 我们学会了创新,我们学会了发现。D: We have learned how to create and find new things. A 我们在自己的无限创意中,拥有了最敏锐的发现美的眼光!C: In our infinite creativity, we have the m
6、ost keen eyes to find beauty.B 试看今朝,新学期,新梦想。我们将用我们的成长来汇报您的殷切关怀,我们将用更大的改变来汇报您无私的爱!D: Nowadays, new term, new dream. We will grow happily in your deeply concern. We will have great well changes to return your unselfish love.A 开学军训,让我们懂得了集体和严格要求自己,爸爸妈妈,请相信,我们已经成为勇敢的小孩!C: The school military training le
7、t us understand the collective and strict with themselves, dear parents, please believe us we will become brave children.B 让我们在这焕然一新的遂外开启新的航程,让我们在这生机勃勃的校园里,播种希望! D: Lets sow hopes in our new school.A 四载风雨同行。六载铺就华章,我们一定会继续将这成功的号角嘹亮吹响!C: After windy and rainy days, we will go on hard working.B 爸爸妈妈,叔叔
8、阿姨,爷爷奶奶,有了你们的关怀,我们一定能够在这片沃土放飞出最耀眼的希望!D: Respected grandparents, daddy, mummy, uncle and anti, with your deeply concern, we will learn hardly.A 有了你们的关怀,我们一定能够更坚定的前行!C: With your care, we will go ahead more confident.AB 谢谢你们!祝你们身体健康,国庆快乐!CD: Thanks to all of you, hope you keep healthy and happy Notional Day!