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1、本科生毕业设计(论文)外文文献翻译题目我国葡萄酒进口现状、 发展问题及建议 姓名 学号 学 院 经济学院 专业 国际经济与贸易 指导教师 2015年12月29日The international wine trade: Recent trends and critical issuesAngela Mariania, Eugenio Pomaricib, Vasco BoattocAbstractThis paper aims to contribute to the understanding of international wine trade complexities, focusin

2、g on the period 20002011. Since 2000 the wine trade has grown significantly and its structure has experienced major changes. Such changes are shaping the current competitive scenario of the wine market and are the base elements for its future development. The paper analyses the growth of world wine

3、imports, considering all wines together and the single categories recognized by global statistics (bottled, bulk and sparkling wine). It then describes the changes in the geography of importers with the emergence of new markets and the competitive performance of the main suppliers. The bulk wine tra

4、de, the re-export of wine and the exposure of trade flows to trade barriers are also analyzed in detail. Finally, on the basis of the dominant trend in wine consumption and changes in the supply chain, the critical issues arising from analysis are examined, with the need for further research being u

5、nderlined.IntroductionWine has traditionally been a traded good but only in the past two decades, the international wine trade has experienced considerable growth: in the 1960s the exported share of global wine production was 10% and in 1990 this share had reached only 15%. However, by the year 2000

6、 the exported production had reached 25% of global production and more than 30% in 2010.The growth of the international wine trade is just one of the aspects of the complex evolution of the world wine sector: there have been profound changes in the geography of production and consumption and in the

7、direction of export flows (Anderson and Nelgen, 2011a,Banks and Overton, 2010andMariani et al., 2011). Indeed, the growth of the wine trade was caused during the 1990s by the wine consumption increase in Northern Europe and North America, compensating for the decrease in consumption in Mediterranean

8、 countries, and by the growth of exports from so-called New World Wine Producers. Recently, the international trade in wine has been boosted by increasing demand mainly in Asian countries which until recently were only marginally involved in wine imports, and production is increasing in some importi

9、ng countries (China, India, Brazil) and in those with considerable potential (Ukraine). Undoubtedly, the growth of the international wine trade makes the wine industry “an intriguing case of globalisation at work” A major consequence of the increasing importance of the international wine trade is th

10、e strong export orientation of the worlds large producing countries and the dependence of the profitability of the wine industry on expansion of international trade. The study of the international wine trade is therefore a very important issue but also not easy to tackle. As observed by Hugh Johnson

11、, introducing Pierre Spahnis book on international wine trade: “Can there be a more complex trade than commerce in wine? What other commodity is offered in such infinite variety, at prices from inconsiderable to fabulous. Its markets are as almost various as itself, ranging from regions where it is

12、as everyday as bread to milieus where it is elevated (if that is the word) to a fashion item. Governments vary so widely in their attitude to it that in one country it is covered in health warnings, in others used as a tax cow, while in another the only official injunction is not to throw the empty

13、bottle into the nearest ditch” Given both the importance and complexity of such issues, an exhaustive analysis lies beyond the scope of our paper. The objective is simply to show, with statistics to hand, the overlying importance of some traits of the evolution of the international wine trade as ele

14、ments of change and hence stress their importance as critical issues for the business community and policy makers and as a specific research field for academics.Our analysis of the international wine trade over the period 20002011 highlighted both its growth and the way its structure has evolved. Ha

15、ving outlined the main trends, we now briefly discuss what appear to be the most critical issues in order to highlight the main aspects requiring specific and extensive research. Such issues comprise: (i) changes in the composition of flows; (ii) new trade routes; (iii) the peculiar progression of t

16、he competitive performance of suppliers; (iv) the increased complexity of the markets regulatory framework.The changes in flow composition, with the increased share of bulk wine and sparkling wine, appear the result of two drivers: evolution of consumer demand and, for bulk wine, the search for a mo

17、re efficient organisation to supply foreign markets. On the consumption side, the dominant trends in wine consumption highlighted by the most recent studies on drivers of customer preferences provide explanations for the increase in the international trade in sparkling wine as well as wine for consu

18、mption in bag-in-box (BiB) packaging recorded as bulk wine by statistics. According to the most relevant studies, in making choices about what they eat and drink modern consumers appear influenced by three mega-trends: health, convenience and indulgence/premiumisation. Moreover are identified eight

19、inter-related sub-trends: wellness, speeding up, demographics, authenticity, ethics, sophistication, exclusivity and value (AWBC, 2007).The trend towards indulgence and the natural tendency to differentiate the type of wine chosen when enhancing the experience appears consistent with the growth of s

20、parkling wine consumption (Hannin et al., 2010). Such growth, as seen inSection 2, has been facilitated by the availability of affordable sparkling wine with an individual image which has become trendy in some countries. For example, the London-based research agency Wine Intelligence claims that the

21、 current decade is becoming the Prosecco Decade in the UK. The trend toward convenience, in synergy with the sub-trend ethics, seems consistent with the growth of the consumption of wine in BiB: such packaging increases customer productivity, it is simple to use, convenient, usually visually attract

22、ive and easy to dispose of and recycle (Hannin et al., 2010andSantini et al., 2007). That said, interest in BiB is not contradictory with the trend toward premiumisation as consumers are becoming more rational and eclectic, able to choose a wine with good value for money and service content for dail

23、y or relaxed occasions and high price superpremium wines for special occasions. At the same time, the reshaping of the supply chain reinforces the problem of the power distribution along the chain and of the competitive advantage of (different) producers. In the new scenario large multinationals wit

24、h production and bottling/packing facilities scattered over many countries could have specific advantages over other producers, and the spatial division of production and bottling could give more power to supermarket chains and give more space to their own-store labels. Such elements of change in th

25、e relationship among the actors could apply quite strong pressure toward a structural change in the production stage of the wine industry.The changes in trade routes, which affect the final destination and the path of flows, stem from the larger presence of wine in consumption habits in a growing nu

26、mber of markets. This leads to significant opportunities for exporters, albeit in the context of a competitive landscape which is complex, dynamic and selective.国际葡萄酒贸易:近期趋势和关键问题Angela Mariania, Eugenio Pomaricib, Vasco Boattoc摘要本文旨在通过分析2000年至2011年期间的数据,以更好的理解国际葡萄酒贸易的复杂性。自从2000年起,葡萄酒贸易量取得了显著增长,其贸易结构



29、国,印度,巴西)和具有巨大市场潜力的国家(乌克兰)的葡萄酒产量增加,国际葡萄酒贸易受到了良好刺激。毫无疑问的是,国际葡萄酒贸易的增长使得葡萄酒行业成为了全球化影响的一个经典案例。随着国际葡萄酒贸易的重要性不断增加,它造成的一个主要结果就是这些葡萄酒生产国都有巨大的出口能力,而葡萄酒行业的盈利能力的只能依赖国际贸易的扩张。因此国际葡萄酒贸易的研究成为了一个非常重要而又不容易解决的课题。正如Hugh Johnson所引用的Pierre Spahni关于国际葡萄酒贸易方面的书中的话:“还有什么比葡萄酒贸易更复杂的商业贸易吗?它的供应是如此多种多样,价格更是从廉价到奢华,有无数种可能。它的市场也如它本





34、译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文献的机会比较多,慢慢地就发现了外文文献翻译过程中的三大利器:Google“翻译”频道、金山词霸(完整版本)和CNKI“翻译助手。具体操作过程如下: 1.先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献; 2.遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给Google处理,处理后的结果猛一看,不堪入目,可是经过大脑的再处理后句子的意思基本就明了了; 3.如果通过Google仍然无法理解,感觉就是不同,那肯定是对其中某个“常用单词”理解有误,因为某些单词看似很简单,但是在文献中有特殊的意思,这

35、时就可以通过CNKI的“翻译助手”来查询相关单词的意思,由于CNKI的单词意思都是来源与大量的文献,所以它的吻合率很高。 另外,在翻译过程中最好以“段落”或者“长句”作为翻译的基本单位,这样才不会造成“只见树木,不见森林”的误导。四大工具: 1、Google翻译: google,众所周知,谷歌里面的英文文献和资料还算是比较详实的。我利用它是这样的。一方面可以用它查询英文论文,当然这方面的帖子很多,大家可以搜索,在此不赘述。回到我自己说的翻译上来。下面给大家举个例子来说明如何用吧比如说“电磁感应透明效应”这个词汇你不知道他怎么翻译,首先你可以在CNKI里查中文的,根据它们的关键词中英文对照来做,

36、一般比较准确。 在此主要是说在google里怎么知道这个翻译意思。大家应该都有词典吧,按中国人的办法,把一个一个词分着查出来,敲到google里,你的这种翻译一般不太准,当然你需要验证是否准确了,这下看着吧,把你的那支离破碎的翻译在google里搜索,你能看到许多相关的文献或资料,大家都不是笨蛋,看看,也就能找到最精确的翻译了,纯西式的!我就是这么用的。 2、CNKI翻译: CNKI翻译助手,这个网站不需要介绍太多,可能有些人也知道的。主要说说它的有点,你进去看看就能发现:搜索的肯定是专业词汇,而且它翻译结果下面有文章与之对应(因为它是CNKI检索提供的,它的翻译是从文献里抽出来的),很实用的

37、一个网站。估计别的写文章的人不是傻子吧,它们的东西我们可以直接拿来用,当然省事了。网址告诉大家,有兴趣的进去看看,你们就会发现其乐无穷!还是很值得用的。 3、网路版金山词霸(不到1M):4、有道在线翻译:翻译时的速度:这里我谈的是电子版和打印版的翻译速度,按个人翻译速度看,打印版的快些,因为看电子版本一是费眼睛,二是如果我们用电脑,可能还经常时不时玩点游戏,或者整点别的,导致最终SPPEED变慢,再之电脑上一些词典(金山词霸等)在专业翻译方面也不是特别好,所以翻译效果不佳。在此本人建议大家购买清华大学编写的好像是国防工业出版社的那本英汉科学技术词典,基本上挺好用。再加上网站如:google C

38、NKI翻译助手,这样我们的翻译速度会提高不少。具体翻译时的一些技巧(主要是写论文和看论文方面) 大家大概都应预先清楚明白自己专业方向的国内牛人,在这里我强烈建议大家仔细看完这些头上长角的人物的中英文文章,这对你在专业方向的英文和中文互译水平提高有很大帮助。 我们大家最蹩脚的实质上是写英文论文,而非看英文论文,但话说回来我们最终提高还是要从下大工夫看英文论文开始。提到会看,我想它是有窍门的,个人总结如下: 1、把不同方面的论文分夹存放,在看论文时,对论文必须做到看完后完全明白(你重视的论文);懂得其某部分讲了什么(你需要参考的部分论文),在看明白这些论文的情况下,我们大家还得紧接着做的工作就是把

39、论文中你觉得非常巧妙的表达写下来,或者是你论文或许能用到的表达摘记成本。这个本将是你以后的财富。你写论文时再也不会为了一些表达不符合西方表达模式而烦恼。你的论文也降低了被SCI或大牛刊物退稿的几率。不信,你可以试一试 2、把摘记的内容自己编写成检索,这个过程是我们对文章再回顾,而且是对你摘抄的经典妙笔进行梳理的重要阶段。你有了这个过程。写英文论文时,将会有一种信手拈来的感觉。许多文笔我们不需要自己再翻译了。当然前提是你梳理的非常细,而且中英文对照写的比较详细。 3、最后一点就是我们往大成修炼的阶段了,万事不是说成的,它是做出来的。写英文论文也就像我们小学时开始学写作文一样,你不练笔是肯定写不出好作品来的。所以在此我鼓励大家有时尝试着把自己的论文强迫自己写成英文的,一遍不行,可以再修改。最起码到最后你会很满意。呵呵,我想我是这么觉得的。


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