3、率所掩盖),但潜在的支付困难因素日益增多;财务风险主要表现在国有商业银行资本金严重不足和经营利润虚盈实亏两方面;此外我国银行还存在着较为严重的利率汇率风险、市场风险、犯罪风险。我国银行风险具有集中性、隐蔽性和社会性的特点。 所谓集中性是指由于我国企业融资方式以间接融资为主,我国银行风险集中在国有银行;隐蔽性主要指我国银行经营不善一般不会导致其破产倒闭,往往表现为中央银行增加基础货币投放,引发高通货膨胀,由社会民众承担;社会性是指银行风险引发银行危机,有可能造成社会全面动荡,震撼乃至颠覆整个国家的政权。我国银行潜伏着很高的风险,那么为什么我国未爆发银行危机?我国银行风险又是如何生成和累积的呢?本
7、设立存款保险制度,以便规避较大经营风险;分业经营和分业管理制度的安排,发挥其防范金融风险的“防火墙”作用;建立宏观金融风险监控、预警系统,及时处置金融风险,防止风险大面积扩散而触发金融危机。Chinas Commercial Banks Accounting Risk Causes and CountermeasuresHistorical materials show : Led many countries to the 20th century, has erupted since the banking crisis is mainly due to failure to proper
8、ly resolve the banking risks. China has been puzzled by this problem all along, which becomes a great hidden danger threatening economy to develop healthily . Chinese government had taken a series of measures over the past several years: Legislation for the banking in 1994, strengthening financial s
9、crupulous supervision after 1996, supplementing capital of 270 billion yuan for four major state-owned banks in 1998, establishing assets management company and stripping non-performing assets of 14 thousand billion Yuan in 1999, etc. But all these measures have not touched the unreasonable system f
10、oundation of the banking system , therefore unable to control the risk increment fundamentally and improve performance .At present, the hidden risks have been exposed . In face of competition and challenge brought by foreign financial institutions after entering the WTO in 2006, Governments determin
11、ation to thoroughly reform the current system of state-owned banks, foreign exchange reserves to the central bank late last year, the Bank of China, China Construction Bank injected 45 billion U.S. dollars, enrich their capital, so as to achieve Basel Agreement under the 8% capital adequacy rate, to
12、 promote joint-stock reform of state-owned banks and the ultimate listing of a fundamental solution to the problem of incremental risk of state-owned banks. Therefore probing into the characteristic of bank risk, special systematic original cause, joint-stock reformation and administration structure
13、 which are regarded as primary mesures has important theoritical and realistic meaning. Chapter one expounds the forms of China bank risks at first. The credit risks ,especially assets credit quality of state-owned commercial banks, are the most outstanding financial risks at present; Although the l
14、iquidity risk of the state-owned commercial banks has not appeared ( concealed by high deposits rate of the residents temporarily), the potential difficulty in payment increases ; Financial crisis is mainly manifested in the state-owned commercial banks, a serious shortage of capital and operating p
15、rofit both virtual surplus real losses, in addition ,there are still serious exchange rate risk, interest rate risk, crime risk and so on. In this part, the characteristic of China bank risks is also put forward,which includes concentrating, hidden and social characteristic. Concentricity refers to
16、indirect financing mode is adopted in Chinese enterprises in the main and Chinese bank risk mainly lies in the state-owned bank; disguise mainly refers to improper operation of banks will not lead to bankruptcy of the bank itself but generally prompt the investment in monetary base in Central Bank o
17、f China and trigger high inflation, which will be assumed by the public; sociability refers to bank risk will trigger bank crisis and may lead to social turbulence and further shock and overthrow a state regime. Our bank risk of high lurk in China, so why not banking crisis erupted our bank risk? Ho
18、w is the generation and accumulation in the second chapter? Trying to answer these question. China is planned economy to market economy, the stages of transition to the implementation of the policy of economic regulation stable left a large space, five pillars of the Chinese banking system, namely h
19、igh savings, internal financing smes rapid growth, strong export to other financing channels, the strict control of state security and implicit in China. The paper points out that maintain banking crisis erupted without five policy pillar are faced with, so the impact of bank risk causes appears ver
20、y important.This article will locate the emphasis of the causes of bank risk on the factors in the system.And analyzed the generating factors that caused Chinas financial market system risk .mainly in thefollowing aspects:the socio-economic system has not step out of the shadow of the planned econom
21、ic system; state-owned property rights system could not adapt to the market needs of economic development; financial markets are underdeveloped , the low percentage of capital market financing; financial market laws and regulations of the building is very sound financial supervision and is not stron
22、g. Risk shows Bank of China mainly for system risk , origin depends on the bank corporate management structure does not improve and perfect , state property right main body vacancy place and agency by agreement chain are too long, therefore the main body of a book third chapter put forward need to r
23、esolve a bank having problem at present , must reform from property right starting, the stock system putting state banks into practice reforms, core is lain in being accelerated deepening the reform of the inside, building-up is fine govern structure , shift operation mechanism, scheme of effecting
24、a permanent cure is lain in governing structure. the article governs the architectural train of thought having brought forward reformation state banks: Make clear that state property right sends out the money people , form two stage corporation system , found the company-rization framework of organi
25、zation, separate owners authority to supervise and managers powers for operation and management , realize professionalization administration. And have brought forward state-owned commercial bank problem such as governing the architectural target and realizing way , the state-owned building-up commer
26、cial bank company governing architectural policy suggestion. Emphasize that the achievement effect centering on risk drawing the developed Western countries bank effectuation checks mechanism , controls in inside of sharpening bank at the same time , build , perfect credit assets risk administration
27、 mechanism.五分钟搞定5000字毕业论文外文翻译,你想要的工具都在这里!在科研过程中阅读翻译外文文献是一个非常重要的环节,许多领域高水平的文献都是外文文献,借鉴一些外文文献翻译的经验是非常必要的。由于特殊原因我翻译外文文献的机会比较多,慢慢地就发现了外文文献翻译过程中的三大利器:Google“翻译”频道、金山词霸(完整版本)和CNKI“翻译助手。具体操作过程如下: 1.先打开金山词霸自动取词功能,然后阅读文献; 2.遇到无法理解的长句时,可以交给Google处理,处理后的结果猛一看,不堪入目,可是经过大脑的再处理后句子的意思基本就明了了; 3.如果通过Google仍然无法理解,感觉就
28、是不同,那肯定是对其中某个“常用单词”理解有误,因为某些单词看似很简单,但是在文献中有特殊的意思,这时就可以通过CNKI的“翻译助手”来查询相关单词的意思,由于CNKI的单词意思都是来源与大量的文献,所以它的吻合率很高。 另外,在翻译过程中最好以“段落”或者“长句”作为翻译的基本单位,这样才不会造成“只见树木,不见森林”的误导。四大工具: 1、Google翻译: google,众所周知,谷歌里面的英文文献和资料还算是比较详实的。我利用它是这样的。一方面可以用它查询英文论文,当然这方面的帖子很多,大家可以搜索,在此不赘述。回到我自己说的翻译上来。下面给大家举个例子来说明如何用吧比如说“电磁感应透
29、明效应”这个词汇你不知道他怎么翻译,首先你可以在CNKI里查中文的,根据它们的关键词中英文对照来做,一般比较准确。 在此主要是说在google里怎么知道这个翻译意思。大家应该都有词典吧,按中国人的办法,把一个一个词分着查出来,敲到google里,你的这种翻译一般不太准,当然你需要验证是否准确了,这下看着吧,把你的那支离破碎的翻译在google里搜索,你能看到许多相关的文献或资料,大家都不是笨蛋,看看,也就能找到最精确的翻译了,纯西式的!我就是这么用的。 2、CNKI翻译: CNKI翻译助手,这个网站不需要介绍太多,可能有些人也知道的。主要说说它的有点,你进去看看就能发现:搜索的肯定是专业词汇,
30、而且它翻译结果下面有文章与之对应(因为它是CNKI检索提供的,它的翻译是从文献里抽出来的),很实用的一个网站。估计别的写文章的人不是傻子吧,它们的东西我们可以直接拿来用,当然省事了。网址告诉大家,有兴趣的进去看看,你们就会发现其乐无穷!还是很值得用的。 3、网路版金山词霸(不到1M): 4、有道在线翻译:翻译时的速度:这里我谈的是电子版和打印版的翻译速度,按个人翻译速度看,打印版的快些,因为看电子版本一是费眼睛,二是如果我们用电脑,可能还经常时不时玩点游戏,或者整点别的,导致最终SPPEED变慢,再之电脑上一些词典(金山词霸等)在专业翻译方面也不是特别好,所以翻译效果不佳。在此本人建议大家购买
31、清华大学编写的好像是国防工业出版社的那本英汉科学技术词典,基本上挺好用。再加上网站如:google CNKI翻译助手,这样我们的翻译速度会提高不少。具体翻译时的一些技巧(主要是写论文和看论文方面) 大家大概都应预先清楚明白自己专业方向的国内牛人,在这里我强烈建议大家仔细看完这些头上长角的人物的中英文文章,这对你在专业方向的英文和中文互译水平提高有很大帮助。 我们大家最蹩脚的实质上是写英文论文,而非看英文论文,但话说回来我们最终提高还是要从下大工夫看英文论文开始。提到会看,我想它是有窍门的,个人总结如下: 1、把不同方面的论文分夹存放,在看论文时,对论文必须做到看完后完全明白(你重视的论文);懂
32、得其某部分讲了什么(你需要参考的部分论文),在看明白这些论文的情况下,我们大家还得紧接着做的工作就是把论文中你觉得非常巧妙的表达写下来,或者是你论文或许能用到的表达摘记成本。这个本将是你以后的财富。你写论文时再也不会为了一些表达不符合西方表达模式而烦恼。你的论文也降低了被SCI或大牛刊物退稿的几率。不信,你可以试一试 2、把摘记的内容自己编写成检索,这个过程是我们对文章再回顾,而且是对你摘抄的经典妙笔进行梳理的重要阶段。你有了这个过程。写英文论文时,将会有一种信手拈来的感觉。许多文笔我们不需要自己再翻译了。当然前提是你梳理的非常细,而且中英文对照写的比较详细。 3、最后一点就是我们往大成修炼的阶段了,万事不是说成的,它是做出来的。写英文论文也就像我们小学时开始学写作文一样,你不练笔是肯定写不出好作品来的。所以在此我鼓励大家有时尝试着把自己的论文强迫自己写成英文的,一遍不行,可以再修改。最起码到最后你会很满意。呵呵,我想我是这么觉得的。