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1、A1.1模拟风力发电、太阳能发电供电系统Masafumi Terawaki and Isamu Suzuki山崎工程有限公司1742-7,simoturuma,完工市,神奈川,242-0001,日本摘要太阳能和风能是可再生能源, 他们是所提供的任何地方取之不尽的能源. 太阳能发电和风力发电是取之不尽的能源系统,是清洁安全的, 因为他们没有二氧化碳排放(主要根源之一全球变暖) 脱硫、氮氧化物(主要大气污染物). 在大厦能源供应体系设计中,这是其中一个最有效的发电装置.每年的模拟程序已对关于风力发电和太阳能发电的自然能量混合发电系统计划评估分析进行研究.引言大厦每年大约有计划在每次每月典型的1天引

2、进模拟混合太阳能发电系统和风力发电的电力预算需求. 它模拟太阳能发电、风力发电、商业电力购买量、和电力销售数量. 大厦应用选自洋房、房产集团、办公楼、旅馆、医院、大型商店. 在模拟被用于气象资料气象厅公布年报的风速、太阳辐射数据.两个应用分析案例研究太阳能发电和风力发电列出. 一个大厦申请洋房和其他的大店. 分析与评价第3E(节能、环境、经济效益)在进行中.模拟仿真模拟仿真进行下列程序. (1)输入气象数据,(2)建立假设,(3)设置太阳能发电 (4)设置风力发电 (5)年度模拟、分析(6) 3E评价.(1)输入气象数据气象数据、太阳总辐射和风速的气象台数据都是在该附近的地区模拟输入,来自气象

3、厅公布年报光盘. 全球太阳辐射分为直接太阳辐射和水平表面弥漫的正常的太阳辐射.(2)设想一座大厦模拟建设中的大厦应用是可选择的,建筑面积要输入.大厦应用选自洋房,房产集团、办公楼、旅馆、医院、大型商店.例如洋房,制定每年的家庭收入是必要的. 通过小学算法,每年电力需求预计使用量小部分例在表1上,其中包括大厦面积和大厦应用.用于每月装载率及每月工作天数和负荷率按时间赋值于在每次24小时每月典型的1天电力建设需求数量上. (3)设置太阳能发电在设置太阳能发电出没,方位角和倾角,太阳能发电能力,发电效率、发电校正因子、经纬度模拟地区的投入下.发电认为温度校正系数校正因子,污垢修正系数,修正系数直流线

4、路损失,校正因子和产量.基于太阳总辐射,其中分为正常直接辐射和横向弥漫辐射、程序算出太阳照射的倾斜地面,太阳能发电、太阳能发电板, 这对太阳能电池板是易变的.(4) 设置风力发电在确定设置风力发电的风力发电的风车身高、 风力发电容量,降低风速,降低了风速,额定风速投入. 基于近似曲线风力发电特性曲线和气象资料的正确与高度正确系数,风力发电电能便可计算. (5)年度模拟太阳能发电和风力发电电能电能按每365天、24小时平均的时间计算.这一数据是当晚的发电量24个小时,平均每1天每月.供求关系是在每月太阳能发电及风力发电的时间下模拟电力需求相比数量和建设产生的.它假定太阳能发电电能来自风力发电是事

5、先提供电能.逆潮流而产生的超越电力系统的电力、当发电量大于电力需求数量.不止是卖给电力系统电力.逆向,电力不足是购买电力系统、当发电量低于电力需求数量. (6) 3E分析程序进行了分析,分析评价节能、环境漏洞、经济效益后,供求关系产生电力,电力系统被交净化了. 节能是与传统体制,没有天然能源发电装置,能源质量第一.环境是相对于传统体制的二氧化碳排放减少率.经济效率与传统的回收系统,年运行成本划分初始成本的降低.第一能量转换因子,二氧化碳排放率、设备成本单价、电价单价列在表-2.区域个案研究个案研究是在东京.用于1997年度报告气象厅的气象资料.太阳能小组设置0度方位角,30度倾角、这是摆在12

6、%的发电效率.是要削减的风车-风力3m/sec,去掉风速20m/sec、额定风速8m/sec.每个季节的产出率的产生电力额定功率为太阳能发电和风力发电确良.如图1. 发电数据显示春天是三月,八月夏季,秋季十一月,冬天二月.冬天太阳能发电量增长速度最,达到55%的高峰.大约是40%的高峰季节,以及秋天是最小.风力发电可以在24小时内产生,产出率超过30%,主要是最繁忙的冬季.按平均每赛季,产值率达10%以上为止.如果是平等的发电能力,这实际上是全年发电的风力发电比太阳能发电的.(1) 洋房洋房建筑面积120m、4名家属,10万元年度产量.电力需求3564千瓦时/年节能考核,每年一次能源发电量与容

7、量的数字显示,随着发电量的增加,每年一次能源量直线下降两太阳能发电和风力发电.在一次能源量每年3kW可成为否定的,因为逆潮流量超过消耗量电力系统. 而每年的发电量首次成为能源量是2.60kw太阳能发电 在2.73kw风力发电.这是平等的价值 其中分年度电力需求每年相当于小时满负荷.它可以弥补电力需求/年这里的洋房面积30平方米的太阳能电池板(12%发电效益,发电修正系数0.75)或设施的风车直径上风(0.47输出系数).环境评价是依赖二氧化碳排放量只购买了电力系统电力.环境与发展趋势(二氧化碳排放)是完全平等的,节能(每年一次能源统计)由于太阳能发电和风力发电是清洁设施完全不产生二氧化碳. 此

8、时则变成二氧化碳排放2.73kw太阳能发电、风力发电2.60kw. 当经济效益评价的复苏年,风力发电成为10.6,年太阳能发电36.8年.电力供需图1典型一天是在夏天放映花样四日关于此案的混合发电装置是引进洋房.假设1.25kw太阳能发电、风力发电摆出1.25kw.电力需求逐步增加,从早晨8点, 它成了最高点为21日晚,并逐步淡出.有任何电力消耗量在午夜4点-6点.太阳能发电具有类似正弦曲线,这是一个开始作13时 下午6时开始,并于18时结束. 风力发电产生的24小时,最大的18时开始.太阳能发电量大于电力需求的白天(8时至14时),它产生的电力过剩.电力过剩已产生7点16开始,太阳能发电是因

9、为事先假定供应、虽然风力发电低于电力需求大部分时间. (2) 大商店建筑面积摆出1楼的大型商场2000平方米.屋顶面积2,000平方米.电力需求/每年45.2万千瓦时/年,全年电力需求数量可以涵盖只有346kw329kw太阳能发电或风力发电在电力需求数量/年除以全年满负荷当量小时这里的混合太阳能发电系统和风力发电.发电量总和,是在改200kW太阳能发电和风力发电,由于限制安装面积太阳能发电.环境(二氧化碳削减率)和经济效率(复苏)约混合制太阳能发电和风力发电.二氧化碳削减率提高,缩短复苏年,由于风力发电的比例较大. 虽然只有太阳能发电是减少二氧化碳率57.8%和35.2年,年回收200kW案仅

10、风力发电是减少二氧化碳率82.7%,年回收7.8年. 也就是说,它的环境很好,而且经济上的风力发电出色.它变成一种混合设施太阳能发电100kW(安装面积1000米)和风力发电100kW( 转子直径约三十米的风车) 当一半的屋顶被视为有效空间安装太阳能小组播出.那时二氧化碳减少63.6%,年回收20.5年.电力供需图1典型天夏本杂交载发电装置花样6.电力需求是方正近9时至18时, 很少有夜间电力需求.总和太阳能发电和风力发电复盖40%的电力需求疲弱- 60%弱点在白天,而发电量风力发电成为电力富余的夜空.简易模拟模拟程序原本评审混合天然能源发电装置腔内感应图太阳能发电和风力 发电应用建设独立、发

11、展. 这一计划以下特点.1. 混合太阳能发电装置发电和风力发电是模拟.2. 气象数据公布使用. 3. 该法规定,基层部队建设的电力需求.4. 供求模拟电力进行了典型每次每一天/月,电力系统购买电力,电力销售的电力可以预言扭转潮流.5. 有可能进行分析评价第3E(节能、环境、经济效益). 案例一洋房一大店在东京进行. 在洋房、 它证明,每年可涵盖电力需求的发电容量在3kW分虚弱. 在大型百货它证明天然能源设施优良杂交节能和环保, 虽然只有不住发电装置每年因需求限制安装面积当作屋顶安装点. 参考1)研究设计选取供热协会、 空调工程师、卫生(1994)日本2)市容评价技术研究室内环境的室内环境 论坛

12、(1998.3) 译自SHANXIARCHITECTUREA1.2 THE SIMULATION OF PHOTOVOLTAIC POWER GENERATION ANDWIND POWER GENERATION ON THE HYDRID ELECTRICITY SUPPLYSYSTEM OF A BUILDINGMasafumi Terawaki and Isamu SuzukiSanki Engineering Co.,Ltd.1742-7,Simoturuma,Yamato-City,Kanagawa,242-0001,JapanABSTRACTSolar energy and win

13、d energy are one of renewable energies, and they are inexhaustible energy source which are available anywhere. Photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation are inexhaustible energy system, and they are cleanly safe, because of their no discharge of CO2(one of the major causes of global wa

14、rming), NOx and SOx (the major atmosphere pollutants).In designing of the energy supply system of a building, these are one of the efficient power generating installations. For assessment analysis of the hybrid natural energy power generating system plan on photovoltaic power generation and wind pow

15、er generation, an annual simulation program was developed.INTRODUCTIONThe annual simulation program about a hybrid system on photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation estimates the electric power demand of a building in every time for 24 hours in typical 1-day in each month. It simulat

16、es electric power generation of photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation, power purchase quantity of commercial electric power, and electric power selling quantity.A building application is chosen from detached house , group houses, office building, hotel, hospital, and large store. I

17、n simulation, data of solar radiation and wind velocity is used within meteorological data of Meteorological Agency annual report announced.Two application analysis case studies of photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation are shown. The ones building application is detached house and

18、the others is large store. Analysis and evaluation on 3E (energy saving, environment, economical efficiency) are carried out.SIMULATIONThe simulation is carried out by the following procedure. (1) Input of meteorological data, (2) Assuming the building, (3) Setting of photovoltaic power generation,

19、(4) Setting of the wind power generation, (5) Annual simulation, and (6) 3Eanalysis evaluation.(1) Input of meteorological data Meteorological data, the data of global solar radiation and wind velocity of the meteorological station in the region vicinity simulated are input from CDROM of the Meteoro

20、logical Agency annual report announced. The global solar radiation is divided into the direct normal solar radiation and the horizontal surface diffuse solar radiation.(2) Assuming a buildingA building application of a simulating building is chosen, and the architectural area is input. A building ap

21、plication is chosen from detached house, group houses, office building, hotel, hospital, and large store. On a detached house, setting of annual income and family make-up is necessary. By the Primary Unit Method, the annual electric power demand quantity is estimated using primary unit/year shown at

22、 Table-1, with the building application and the architectural area.Using monthly loading rate and monthly number of workdays and loading rate according to the time, the electric power demand/year of the building are assigned to electric power demand quantity in the every time for 24 hours of typical

23、 1-day in each month.(3) Setting photovoltaic power generationIn setting of photovoltaic power generation, azimuth angle and tilt angle, photovoltaic power generation capacity, generating efficiency, power generation correction factor, and latitude and longitude of simulating region are input. Power

24、 generation correction factor considers temperature correction coefficient, fouling correction factor, direct current circuit loss correction factor, and output correction factor.Based on global solar radiation, which separated into normal direct radiation and horizontal diffuse radiation, the progr

25、am calculates solar irradiation on inclined surface of the solar panel and photovoltaic power generation, which are incident on the solar panel.(4) Setting wind power generation In setting of the wind power generation, height of the windmill, wind power generation capacity, cut-in wind speed, cut-ou

26、t wind speed, rated wind speed is input. Based on approximate curve of wind power generation characteristic curve and meteorologicaldata correct with height correct coefficient, wind power generation electric energy is calculated.(5) Annual simulationPhotovoltaic power generation electric energy and

27、 wind power generation electric energy are calculated in every 365th and 24 hours. By averaging on the time, this data is arranged at the generated energy in every time for 24 hours in average 1-day in each month.Supply-demand relationship of electric power is simulated in comparison with electric p

28、ower demand quantity of the building and the generated energy of photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation on the time with each month .The surpassed electric power generates reverse tide to the system electric power, when the generated energy is bigger than the electric power demand q

29、uantity. Surpassed electric power is sold to the system electric power. In reverse, the insufficient electric power is purchased from system electric power, when generated energy is smaller than the electric power demand quantity. It is assumed that photovoltaic power generation electric energy is p

30、rior supplied from wind power generation electric energy.(6) 3E analysisThe program carries out the analysis evaluation on energy saving, environ-ment, economical efficiency, after supply-demand relationship of generated electric power and system electric power are clarified. The energy saving is co

31、mpared with conventional system, having no natural energy power generating installation, on first energy amount. The environment is compared with the conventional system on the CO2 emission reduction rate. The economical efficiency is compared with the conventional system on recovery years, which di

32、vides initial cost by reduced running cost. First energy conversion factor, CO2 discharge rate, cost of equipment unit price, and electricity rate unit price are shown at Table-2.CASE STUDYRegion for case study is made to be Tokyo. Meteorological data of the Meteorological Agency annual report are u

33、sed in 1997. The solar panel is installed at 0 degree azimuth angle, 30 degree tilt angle, and it is assumed with the 12% generating efficiency. The windmill is made to be cut-in wind speed 3m/sec, cut-out wind speed 20m/sec, rated wind speed 8m/sec. The output rate of the generated electric power f

34、or rated power of photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation of each season is shown in Figure-1. Power generation data in spring is shown on May, summer on August, autumn on November, winter on February. On winter output rate of photovoltaic power generation increases most, and it reac

35、hes 55% at the peak. The peak is around 40% on the other season, and on autumn it is the smallest. The wind power generation can be generated throughout 24 hours, and output rate is the most largely exceeds 30% at the peak on winter. By averaging with each season, the output rate over 10% is obtaine

36、d. In this fact, the annual generated energy of the wind power generation is bigger than that of the photovoltaic power generation, if it is the equal generation capacity.(1) Detached houseArchitectural area of detached house is 120m, and families 4 persons, 10 million-yen annual yields are assumed.

37、 The electric power demand/year is 3564 kWh/year.For evaluating the energy saving, annual first energy amount concerned with the generation capacity is shown at Figure-3. With the increase of generation capacity, annual first energy amount decreases rectilinearly on both photovoltaic power generatio

38、n and wind power generation. In 3kW annual first energy amount becomes the negativity, because reverse tide quantity to system electric power exceeds the consumption.The generation capacity in which annual first energy amount becomes 0 is in 2.60kW by photovoltaic power generation, in 2.73kW by wind

39、 power generation. This is equal to the value, which is divided the annual electric power demand by the annual full load equivalent hour. It can cover electric power demand/year of the detached house here in solar panel area of 30 m (12% generating efficiency, power generation correction factor of 0

40、.75) or facility of windmill diameter 4.7m (0.47 output coefficients).In evaluating the environment the CO2 discharge is dependent only on power purchase quantity of the system electric power. And the tendency of the environment (CO2 discharge) is completely equal to that of the energy saving (the a

41、nnual first energy amount), because the photovoltaic power generation and the wind power generation are the clean facilities which completely do not generate CO2. Then the CO2 discharge becomes 0 at photovoltaic power generation 2.73kW, wind power generation 2.60kW.Wind power generation becomes in 1

42、0.6 years, photovoltaic power generation in 36.8 years, when economical efficiency is evaluated at the recovery years.Electric power supply and demand graph in typical 1-day in the summer is shown at Figure-4, on the case hybrid power generating installation is introduced into the detached house. Ph

43、otovoltaic power generation assumed 1.25kW, and the wind power generation assumed 1.25kW.The electric power demand gradually increases from morning of 8 oclock, and it becomes a maximum at 21 oclock in the night, and it gradually decreases afterwards. There is the consumption of any electric power i

44、n midnight of 4 oclock - 6 oclock.Photovoltaic power generation has similar sine curve, which made 13 oclock to be a peak, and it begins at 6 oclock and ends at 18 oclock. The wind power generation is generated for 24 hours, and 18 oclock are largest.Photovoltaic power generation quantity surpasses

45、the electric power demand in the daytime (8 oclock 14 oclock) and it has generated the surplus power. The surplus power has been generated in 7 oclock 16 oclock, because that photovoltaic power generation is prior supplied is assumed, though the wind power generation falls below electric power deman

46、d in most time.(2) Large storeArchitectural area assumed 1-floor on the large store in 2,000 m . The roof area is 2,000 m . The electric power demand/year is 452,000 kWh/year. The annual electric power demand quantity can be covered in 346kW only in photovoltaic power generation or 329kW only in win

47、d power generation, when the electric power demand quantity/year is divided by the annual full load equivalent hour.Here, the hybrid system of photovoltaic power total of photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation because of the restriction of installation area of photovoltaic power gen

48、eration. The graph of the environment (the CO2 reduction rate) and the economical efficiency (the recovery years) about hybrid system of photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation are shown in Figure-5.The CO2 reduction rate is improved and the recovery years shorten, as the proportion

49、of the wind power generation is bigger. Though only photovoltaic power generation is CO2 reduction rate 57.8% and recovery years of 35.2 years on 200kW case, only wind power generation is CO2 reduction rate 82.7% and recovery years of 7.8 years. That is to say, it is environmental excellent, moreover economically excellent of the wind power generation.It becomes


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