1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date英语写作复习资料英语写作复习资料英语写作复习资料1选择(略)2句子翻译(汉译英)练习1:一、 1. There has been _an_ ever greater interest in this subject. 2. The power rating is the maximum power the resistor can safely dissipate w
2、ithout too great _a_ rise in temperature. 3. Its primary disadvantage is _an_ increase in noise. 4. _The_ successful design of the equipment requires _a_ detailed knowledge of the performance specifications. 5. In _the_ Bohr model of the hydrogen atom, _a_ single electron revolves around _a_ single
3、proton in a circle of radius R.二、1、这是一个h参数(parameter)。1、This is an h parameter.2、现在我们转向(turn to)讨论一下局域网(local area networks)。2、Now lets turn to a discussion of local area networks.3、Bainbridge 质谱仪(mass spectrometer)是与光谱仪(optical spectrometer)一样重要的仪器。3、The Bainbridge mass spectrometer is as important
4、 an instrument as the optical spectrometer. 4、必需求出为使一个电子通过(travel)这一段导线(length of the wire)需要多长的时间。4、It is necessary to find out how long a time it needs to ravel the length of the wire for an electron.5、物质(substance)的密度(density)是其每单位体积的质量(mass)。5、The density of a substance is its mass per unit volu
5、me.练习2:一、1、普通的变压器(transformer)并不是理想的,所以(therefore)在其中会发生功率损耗(power loss)。1、Commen transformers are not ideal; therfore, power loss acurre in them.2、这物质能吸引铁质物体(iron object),甚至能使它们磁化(magnetize)。2、This matieral 改为:materialcan abstract改为:attract iron object and even can magnetize them.3、这电路(circuit)由一个电
6、池、一个电感器(inductor)、一个电容器(capacitor)组成。3、The circuit consists of a battary改为:battery, a inductor and a capacitor.4、试计算在a,b,c三点处的电场(electric field)。4、Compute the electric fields at points a, b, and c. 5、这颗卫星用于美国与英、法、意之间的通讯。5、 This satellite is used for communications between the United States and Great
7、 Britain, France and Italy.二、1、该电路中的电流为电源(source)的短路电流(short-circuit current)的一半。1、The current in the circuit is one half the short-circuit current of the source.2、这种蓄电池(storage battery)的内阻(internal resistance)仅为零点零零几欧姆(ohm)。2、The internal resistance of this kind of storage battery is only a few tho
8、usandths of an ohm.3、其误差(error)为1012分之六。3、Its error is six parts in 1012.4、这台计算机所储存的信息比那台多三倍。(要求把“计算机”用作为主语的“主谓宾”结构的句型)4、This computer stores four times more information than that one (does).5、月球的质量为地球的1/ 80.5、The mass of the moon is 1/80 that of the earth.练习3: 一、1、 这类计算机与那类相比有许多优点。1、 This type of c
9、omputer has many advantages over that type.2、我们必须解这个方程把回路电流(loop current)求出来。2、We must solve this equation for the loop current.3、在这新的五章中,第一章论述负反馈(negative feedback)的基本原理。3、Of these five new chapters, the first one deals with the basic principles of negative feedback.4、本节介绍力的概念。4、This section introd
10、uces presents the concept of force.5、这个参数(parameter)是随温度而变化的。5、 This parameter varies changes with temperature.二、1、 若x1,则该方程无解。1、For x1, there is no solution to this equation this equation has no solution.2、在把这些数值代入该方程后,人们发现v等于光速。2、Upon On substituting substitution of these values into to the equati
11、on, it was found that v is equal to the velocity of light.3、 在研究电学(electricity)时,物理学家们定义了该参数。3、 In their study of electricity, physicists defined the parameter.4、 这个电路的工作情况类似于图110的电路。4、 This circuit is similar in operation to that of Fig. 1-10.5、在我们讨论这一课题时,我们将把注意力限于其基本原理上。5、In our discussion of this
12、 subject, we shall restrict our attention to its basic principles.练习4:一、1、这个题的答案看起来是正确的。1、The answer (key) to this problem looks (appears) correct.2、 这个系数(coefficient)有待于确定。2、 This coefficient remains to be determined.3、 下面两个式子在后面几章将会经常用到。3、 The two equations below will be often (frequently) used in
13、 later chapters.4、 这里我们使用相距10厘米的两个金属球。4、 Here we use two metal balls 10 cm apart.5、 这篇论文没有什么新内容。5、This paper contains (has) nothing new. There is nothing new in this paper.练习5:一、1、 这检测过程(detection process)可以用以下两种方法(way)的任何一种来进行(perform)。1、 The detection process can be performed in either of the foll
14、owing two ways.2、 在该结(junction)上有一个电容(capacitance)。它的存在在高频时会引起问题的。2、 There is a capacitance across the junction. Its presence existence will cause problems at high frequencies.3、 这个棒球(baseball)不久会停了下来(come to rest),是因为它与地面相互作用的缘故。3、 This baseball will soon come to rest because of its interaction wit
15、h the ground.4、 我们把这个系数选为1是正确的。4、Our choice of this coefficient as 1 is correct.5、这是由于(due to)它使用了继电器(relay)而不是电子器件(electronic device)的缘故。5、This is due to its use of relays rather than electronic devices.二、1、不久我们将会制造出手表那么大小的计算机。1、Soon Before long we shall have computers the size of a watch.2、 这辆警车装备
16、了像火柴盒(matchbox)那么大小的接收机。2、 This police car is equipped with a receiver the size of a matchbox. 3、 人们使用一根丝线(silk thread)的百分子一那么粗细(diameter)的导线(wire)来连接这些部件(component)。3、 Wires one hundredth the diameter of a silk thread are used to connect these components.4、 我们必须对这些工具进行热处理(treat)。4、 We must heat tre
17、at these tools.5、 在过去,电话是靠接线员(operator)来连接的。5、 In the past, telephone calls were operator connected.三、1、 在上面的几个式子中,所有的h都是混合参数(hybrid parameter)。1、 In the equations above, all hs are the hybrid parameters.2、 在时间t2和t3之间,该二极管(diode)似乎是导通(on)的。2、 Between times t2 and t3 the diode appears to be on.3、 在这个
18、电路(circuit)中有三个电动势(emf)。3、 In this circuit, there are three emfs.4、 标准磅(standard pound)的质量(mass)等于0.4535924277 千克。4、 The mass of the standard pound is equal to 0.4535924277 kilograms.5、 式51中的所有a和b都与阻抗(impedance)Ro有关。5、All as and bs in Eq. (5-1) are related to the impedance Ro.3、 段落翻译练习1:化学是基于需要测量像长度
19、、体积、质量和温度这样一些量的概念之上的。这些测量是定量的(quantitative);也就是,它们具有与其相关的(associated with)数字。在这一节,我们将考虑用在定量测量中的一些简单仪器。我们还将考察(look at)用来表示这些被测的量的单位。译:Chemistry is based upon concepts that require the measurement of such quantities as length, volume, mass, and temperature. These measurements are quantitative; that is
20、, they have numbers associated with them. In this section, we will consider some of the simple instruments used in quantitative measurements. We will also look at the units used to express these measured quantities.练习2:温度这一概念对我们大家来说都是熟悉的。这是因为我们的身体对温差是非常灵敏的。当我们拾起(pick up)一块冰时,我们感到冷,因为其温度低于我们手的温度。在喝了一
21、杯咖啡后,我们可能把它说成(refer to as )“热的”,“温的”(lukewarm)或“很糟的”(atrocious)。在头两种情况下,至少我们在描述其温度超过(exceed)我们的(温度的)程度。译:The concept of temperature is familiar to all of us. This is because our bodies are so sensitive to temperature differences. When we pick up a piece of ice, we feel cold because its temperature i
22、s lower than that of our hand. After drinking a cup of coffee, we may refer to it as “hot,” “lukewarm,” or “atrocious.” In the first two cases, at least, we are describing the extent to which its temperature exceeds ours.练习3: 用在手电(flashlight)中的普通干电池(dry cell)被构作(construct)成图238所示那样。正电极(electrode)是一根
23、碳棒(carbon rod),负电极是一个锌壳(zinc can)。这电池被称为“干的”是因为其电解液(electrolyte)是一种潮湿的糊剂(moist paste)。如果它真的(actually)是干的话,电解液中的离子(ion)就不能动来动去(move about),电流就产生不了了。在电池工作(operation)时,锌原子通过失去电子而变成了锌离子。译:The common dry cell used in flashlights is constructed as shown in Fig. 23-8. The positive electrode is a carbon rod
24、 and the negative one is a zinc can. The cell is called “dry” because its electrolyte is a moist paste. If it were actually dry, ions in the electrolyte could not move about and no current could be produced. In the operation of the cell, zinc atoms become zinc ions by losing electrons.练习4: 物质(substa
25、nce)的密度(density)为其质量(mass)与其体积之比(ratio)。液体和固体的密度最通常是用克每立方厘米来表示的。它们的密度可以通过独立地测出一个样品(sample)的质量和体积求得。对于固体来说,密度确定起来要困难一点。一种通常的方法(approach)示于图1.4中。首先利用天平(balance)测出该固体样品的质量。通过确定由该固体所排开(diaplace)的液体的体积来间接地求出其体积。译:The density of a substance is the ratio of its mass to its volume. Densities of liquids and
26、solids are most often expressed in grams per cubic centimeter. Their densities can be found by measuring, independently, the mass and volume of a sample. For With solids, density is a bit more difficult to determine. A common approach is shown in Fig. 1.4. The mass of the sample is first measured (b
27、y) using with a balance. Its volume is found indirectly by determining the volume of liquid displaced by the solid.练习5: 能量可以被认为(be thought of as)是做功(do work)的能力。当我们说某东西具有能量时,我们的意思是说(mean)它能够(be capable of)对某个其它东西施加(exert)一个力并且对它做功。另一方面,当我们对某东西做功时,我们给它添加(add)了等于所做功的那么多的能量(an amount of energy)。能量的单位与功
28、的单位是相同的。我们将在这一章考虑两大(broad, major, general, 或main)类(category)机械(mechanical)能,动(kinetic)能和势(potential)能。译:Energy may be thought of as the ability to do work. When we say that something has energy, we mean that it is capable of exerting a force on something else and doing work on it. On the other hand, when we do work on something, we have added to it an amount of energy equal to the work done. The units of energy are the same as those of work. We shall consider in this chapter two broad categories of mechanical energy, kinetic energy and potential energy.4、 作文(略)-