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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date标书翻译注意标书翻译注意试谈招投标文件的语言特点(中国翻译2001年第2期)-日期:2006-07-20来源: 作者:字体:大中小试谈招投标文件的语言特点(中国翻译2001年第2期)- -摘要: 本文通过大量的实例从语法、词汇、修辞、章法、术语、逻辑和风格等不同角度系统地分析招投标文件资料汉英互译的语言特点,剖析国内权威出版社在招投标文件编写和翻译中存在的误区,探讨理

2、解和翻译招投标文件应注意的事项及应遵循的原则,提出了作者自己的一些见解。关键词:理解与翻译;招投标;合同文件中图分类号:H059 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1000-873X(2001)02-0056-05A Study of the Linguistic Characteristics of Bidding & Tender DocumentsLiu Zuo-yong(Shougang Construction Corporation, Beijing 100043, China)Abstract: This paper studies the linguistic characterist

3、ics of bidding & tender documents in translation, from Chinese to English and vice versa, by focusing on a number of topics grammar, vocabulary, rhetoric, structure, terminology, logic and style. Then, through a comprehensive and systematic analysis of examples of misinterpretation and of translatio

4、n errors evident in tender and bidding documents and other similar contractual material published in authoritative mainland publications, the author highlights the problems and pitfalls encountered by professional translators in the fields of international trade and industrial project contracting, a

5、nd lays down some general principles for dealing with these problems.Key words: comprehension and translation; bidding and tendering; contract documents随着全球经济贸易一体化进程的不断推进,越来越多的中国企业参与国际商业竞争,一种新型的贸易方式 招投标 逐渐为国人所知,并得到采用和推广。按照国际惯例,采用招标方式采购货物、工程和服务时,与招标采购活动有关的一切文件资料,包括招标文件、投标文件、合同文本、买卖双方往来信函等,均须用英文编制,即使允

6、许用非英文的语言编制,也须随附一份英文译本备案,当发生意义解释分歧时以英文版本为准。因此招投标文件相关资料的理解和翻译就成了竞标的基础工作,贯穿着整个竞标过程,必须予以足够的重视。招标是买方发出的询盘,而投标则是卖方报出的实盘。无论是招标文件还是投标文件实质上是一种商业合同,一旦为对方接受就具有法律的约束力,要不折不扣地执行。这一实质就要求招投标文件措词要精当、结构要严谨、术语要专业、思维要缜密、文体要正规、语意要明确、排除一切歧义的可能,以防今后在执行时对方钻空子,逃避应承担的责任和义务。所以招投标文件不同于一般的文件,具有自己的特点:1. 大量使用专业术语。这些专业术语近似于行话,尽管具有

7、国际通用性,有明确的特定含义,但一般辞书中往往查不到,不了解招投标业务的人很难准确地理解和翻译。如:Procurement:采购,并非一般辞书上释义:获得;Pre-qualification:对投标人进行的投标资格预审;Pre-qualification documents是投标资格预审文件;Pose-qualify:对投标人进行的投标资格后审。Pre-bid meeting:标前会,是招标人在投标人提交投标书以前组织投标人参加的项目介绍调研会议,旨在向投标人交待清楚诸如工程范围、技术经济要求等内容,澄清招标文件中可能存在的疑义,解答投标人提出的与招投标有关的问题。有时标前会与现场考察活动同时

8、进行。国内有些出版物将之译为“预标会”属措词不当,容易产生误导,使人理解为在正式投标前预先模拟投标,类似于体育中的预赛。Bidding Documents:应译为“招标文件”,是由买方(项目业主或其招标代理)发售给投标人的,包含采购内容和技术商务条件等内容的一套资料,必须与“投标文件”(常说的“标书”)明确区分开来。国内出版物常有将之误译成“标书”者。而汉语中的“标书”实为投标人提交的对招标文件作出实质性反应的投标资料。International Competitive Bidding:尽管国内出版物已约定俗成将之译为“国际竞争性招标”,但按实定名,更准确的译法应为“国际竞争性投标”,因为相互

9、竞争的是投标人而不是招标人。Invitation For Bids:按实定名,应译为“投标邀请函”,而不是国内常说的“招标邀请公告”或“招标通告”。Force Account:自营工程,是指借款人因项目要求,先自行完成经批准的土木工程,然后再由贷款银行对该工程费用进行归垫。一般辞书很少出现。Negotiating Bids:尽管国内出版物常将其译为“议标”,实质上不属于招投标范畴,因为此种采购不具备招投标活动的最基本特征。应按实定名,改译为“谈判采购”。我国招投标法中就将此种“议标”排除在招投标范围之外。Joint Venture:并非常说的“合资企业”,而应该指多个投标人为了满足相应资格要求

10、而暂时结成联营体,作为单一投标人参加投标和履行合同,合同履行完毕即解散,这种联合仅是暂时的,多个投标人所拥有的资产也不合并。因此译作“联营体”更为合适2. 由于招标内容不同,同一个单词在不同的技术领域具有的含义也会相差很大,而且都有习惯用法,这是招标文件难解难译的又一个原因。例如:Key这个单词,在日常用语中指“钥匙”,而在计算机普及资料中则可指键盘上的“键”,在机械零件制造中则可指“销子”,而在建筑行业中则又可指“楔形砖”。因此,在阅读和翻译招投标文件时必须对相关的技术领域有较深的了解,不可生搬硬套,要根据专业确定词义,切忌望文生义。3. 如同所有的法规性文件一样,招投标文件在情态动词的选用


12、 Shall state the guaranteed performance or efficiency in response to the technical specification.例子:The Purchaser, by written notice sent to the Supplier, may terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, at any time for its convenience.4. 在日常英语中,句子“Tom hit Bob”可以自由地转换成“Bob was hit by Tom.”,陈述的基本事实不变

13、。但在招投标文件的合同条款中,此类主动语态和被动语态句式转换却受到限制,尤其在涉及招投标双方的义务和权利方面,不宜随便选用被动语态句式,因为法律总是坚持义务人要主动自觉履行其义务,权利人要自然主动地享有其权利。若采用被动语态句式易引起语气弱化,意义含糊,甚至责任、权利来源不明。国内一些汉译英出版物对此常常未予以充分的关注。例子:原英文:The inspections and tests may be conducted at point of delivery, and/or at the Goods final destination. If conducted on the premise

14、s of the Supplier or its Subcontractors, all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and production data, shall be furnished to the inspectors at no charge to the Purchaser.原英文由于If前面有个句号就变成了两个句子。从语法角度分析,第二个句子是错误的。因为在第二个句子中,conducted在本句子内既无逻辑主语,又无句法主语,也不能理解为省略了主语,使人无法知道谁要检验

15、,检验什么(尽管含义可以从前句中推知),成了悬垂结构,这在正式文体中是不允许的。更重要的是第二个句子的内容涉及到买卖双方的责任和义务,即提供全部合理的设施和协助是谁的责任和义务,第二个句子的主句不宜采用被动句式表达,如果一定要采用被动句式也必须用by短语结构引出施事者,将责任和义务的来源交待清楚。故上述第二个句子可改为:If such inspections and tests are conducted on the premises of the Supplier or its Subcontractors, the Supplier or its Subcontractors shall

16、, at no charge to the Purchaser, furnish to the inspectors all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and production data.5. 招投标文件文体属正规文体,倾向于使用一些书面用词,甚至不惜使用一些冷僻古旧用词,以体现其庄重严肃。随便翻开一本招投标文件就会发现这一特点。(1) 繁复短语代替简单介、连词in the nature of likealong the lines of likefor the purpose of

17、 forin the case of ifin the event that/of ifin accordance with by/underin favor of for/toon the grounds that since/becausewith reference to aboutwith regard to about例子:In the case of an ex-works Contract, insurance is to be effected by the Purchaser after lading.例子:In the event of any discrepancy be

18、tween them, the Original shall govern.(2) 笨重动词代替轻灵动词encourage urgecontinue keep on/go onsupplement add toacquire get/gaingrant giveincapacitate cantjeopardize harmrequire need(3) 冷僻用词代替日常用词prior to beforeexpiry endcertify provesolicit seek例子:Prior to the detailed evaluation, pursuant to ITB Clause 2

19、6, the Purchase will determine the substantial responsiveness of each bid to the bidding documents.例子:In the case of fixed price contracts, if the award is delayed by a period exceeding fifty-six days beyond the expiry of the initial bid validity, the contract price will be adjusted by a factor spec

20、ified in the request for extension.(4) 大量使用(here-, there-)复合词hereinafter, hereby, hereto, hereoftherefrom, therein, thereafter, thereinafter, thereby, thereof例子:The supplier shall not, without the Purchasers prior written consent, disclose the Contract or any provision thereof, or any specification,

21、 plan, drawing, pattern, sample, or information furnished by or on behalf of the Purchaser in connection therewith, to any person other than a person employed by the Supplier in the performance of the Contract.例子:In consideration of the payments to be made by the Purchaser to the Supplier as hereina

22、fter mentioned, the Supplier hereby covenants with the Purchaser to provide the goods and services and to remedy defects therein in conformity in all respects with the provisions of the Contracts.(5)有意识地有系统地使用抽象名词代替动词用his inaction代替he didnt take action,用his signature in my presence代替He wrote down hi

23、s name before me.(6) 口语体用字比较罕见表“将来”一般不用be going to do或be about to do,而要用shall或will;表“批准”不用allow,而用approve或permit。6. 句子结构复杂冗长。法律最忌轻易立论,总是在把重要和普遍的事情说出来的同时,不忘把例外的和次要的事情一并捎上。科技注重逻辑联系,不允许有联系上的缺环,有什么后果必须探究产生此后果的原因和条件。招投标文件既属法律文件,又是科技文件,思维缜密,结构严谨,相应地,复杂冗长的句子充斥其中,理解和翻译起来很费力。在处理这些冗长句子时最好的解决办法就是将这些冗长复杂的句子在适当关

24、节处切开,分解为意念完整的组件,让每个意念单独成句,然后按照从普遍到特殊,从主要到次要的顺序对各个组件重新排列组合,先叙述要点,再补充细节,最后提示可能发生的误解。例子:原英文:If any dispute arises between the Employer and the Contractor in connection with, or arising out of, the Contract or the execution of the works, whether during the execution of the works or after their completio

25、n and whether before or after the repudiation or other termination of the Contract, including any disagreement by either party with any action, inaction, opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the Engineer, the matter in dispute shall, in the first place, be referred to the

26、 Disputes Review Board.本句核心含义是If any dispute arises, it shall be referred to the Disputes Review Board。原英文句子难解难译的关键在于从句中的中心成分dispute后有一个较长的定语成分in connection with, or arising out of, the contract or the execution of the works,同时又有一个很长的同位语成分including any disagreement by either party with any action, i

27、naction, opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the Engineer。这个和中心成分关系密切的定语成分却被arises between the Employer and the Contractor强行与中心成分隔开。而同位语离中心成分更远,两者严重脱节,当读到此同位语时,读者不得不再掉头回去寻找与其相关的中心成分。两个whether短语都修饰arises,本应按照靠近原则紧贴arises,但由于whether结构太长被迫后移,插入到同时与dispute有关的长定语和长同位语之间,使得各个成

28、分之间的相互关系更加繁杂。在主句中,in the first place插入到复合谓语shall和be referred to之间,显然是作谓语的状语,谈的是争端解决的先后步骤,意思是将争端首先提交给the Disputes Review Board以寻求解决途径,而不是越过the Disputes Review Board直接去找仲裁机构要求仲裁,只有当对the Disputes Review Board的决定不服时才可再找仲裁机构仲裁(下文也正是接着这个思路说下去的,本处未引出来)。如果将之理解为作整个主句的句子状语,则意思就变为首先要将争端提交给the Disputes Review B

29、oard,然后还如何如何,这样就使人想到除了寻求解决方法外,还需要采取诸如停工、罚款等其它措施,这和下文内容不符。由于各个组件安排不合理导致意义的含糊。在修辞上,从主从句整体布局来考虑,由于从句太长,主句太短,有头重脚轻的失衡感,不能达到尾重的语言效果。另外,在章法上,从句中主要信息(any dispute arises)和主句相离,衔接不紧。The matter实质是对从句中any dispute(争端)的复指,虽然可以增加主从句的粘接力,但由于中间夹杂了太多的次要枝节,阻断了行文的流畅和思路的连贯。在措辞方面也不太妥当,从句中的dispute和主句中的dispute同形不同意,一个是作为事

30、物名词使用(争执的内容,即争端),一个作为表动作的抽象名词(争论的过程,即争执)使用,在正式文体中这种同形不同意的用法应尽可能避免,最简洁的办法是干脆省去in dispute。像这样的句子我们可以在保留原意不变的基础上将各个成分进行适当的调整,分流信息,布设均匀,以减轻读者的心理压力。修改后英文:If, whether during the execution of the works or after their completion and whether before or after the repudiation or other termination of the contrac

31、t, between the Employer and the Contractor arises any dispute in connection with, or arising out of, the Contract or the execution of the works, including any disagreement by either party with any action, inaction, opinion, instruction, determination, certificate or valuation of the Engineer, the ma

32、tter shall, in the first place, be referred to the Disputes Review Board.修改后译文:无论是在工程执行过程中,还是在工程完成以后,也无论是在放弃合同或其它终止合同之前或者之后,如果业主与承包商之间出现任何与合同或工程执行有关的或因合同或工程执行而引发的争端,包括任何一方对工程师的任何行动,不行动,意见,指示,决定,证书或评价所产生的异议,那么该争端应首先提交争端审核委员会。7. 细微的失误可引起意义上的重大变化,为今后的纠纷埋下隐患,不可小视。最常见的情况表现在逗号的使用,or、and和etc.的区分上(1) 滥用逗号常常

33、会使限定性修饰成分变成非限定性修饰成分,从而部分或完全地改变句子意思。反之亦然。例子:原英文:Bidders shall update any information submitted with their applications for prequalification, which has changed, and update in any case the information indicated in the Bidding Data Sheet, and continue to meet the minimum threshold criteria set out in th

34、e Prequalification Documents.上述英文是错误的,原因就在于which前的逗号使用不当。显然招标方要求投标人更新的对象是那些已经发生变更的信息资料,而不是所有的信息资料,对于原先递交的但是投标时未发生变更的信息资料当然不存在更新的问题。因此which has changed应作为限制性定语从句来限制information,缩小需要更新的information的范围。但由于原英文中which前有了一个逗号,使得which has changed就只能是非限制性定语从句了,英文原文的含义也就变成了投标人原先提交的所有信息资料全部都发生变更,全部需要更新,这显然是不合情理的

35、。作者在原英文中滥用逗号,大概是考虑到information后有两个定语成分,一个是which has changed,另一个是submitted with their applications for prequalification,不好安排,只好用逗号将两个定语成分隔开。改正的办法就是删除which前多余的逗号,两个定语成分都变为限制性定语从句,用“and”并列。修改后英文:Bidders shall update any information which has changed and which was submitted with their applications for p

36、requalification, and update in any case the information indicated in the Bidding Data Sheet, and continue to meet the minimum threshold criteria set out in the Prequalification Documents.(2) or表示两项或多项要件中只须符合其一即为有效,而and和etc.均表示两项或多项要件须同时具备才算有效。例子:原中文:能提供先进制造技术和制造工艺,生产新产品及促进本市新能源开发和利用的项目可享受优惠待遇。可享受优惠待

37、遇的项目是指只须满足三个条件(提供技术和工艺,生产新产品,促进能源开发和利用)中的任一个或任一个以上即可,并非是说须同时满足三个条件。汉语中虽然使用了“及”字,表面上似乎和英语中的“and”相对应,实质上译为英语中的“or”也许更合适。修改后译文:Those projects capable of providing advanced manufacture technique and production technology, manufacturing new products or promoting the development and utilization of new ene

38、rgy for Shanghai are entitled to preferential treatments.例子:原中文:专有技术许可合同是指提供或传授未公开过,未取得工业产权法律保护的,制造某种产品或者应用某项工艺以及产品设计,工艺流程,配方,质量控制和管理等方面的技术知识的合同。原中文是说构成专业技术许可合同的要素有三个(未公开,未取得产权保护,能制造或应用),必须三者同时兼备,少一不可,故为兼备关系,应相当于英语中的“and”。至于“产品设计,工艺流程,配方,质量控制,管理等”则并不要求诸个事项同时兼备,而只要诸事项中有一个或一个以上出现即可,故为选项关系,应相当于英语中的“or”

39、。此外,汉语的“等”字有两种含义,一种用法表示列举选项的省略,有实义,相当于英语中的“so on”或“others”,另一种用法是对前面列举的选项的总括复指,无实义(如小田、小刘和小赵等三人去开会了),仅表强调,“等”字有无均可,在本例子的原汉语中,此“等”字显然是采用了前一种的用法,代替省略的选项,相当于英语中的“and so on”或“others”。原对应英译文:A contract for the licensing of proprietary technology . This type of contract refers to a contract which involves

40、 providing or imparting technical knowledge on the manufacturing of a certain product or the use of a certain area of knowledge, as well as information on product design, technological processes, formulas, quality control, management skills, etc., which has yet to be made public or has yet to receiv

41、e the protection of industrial property laws上述英译文将has yet to be made public和has yet to receive the protection of industrial property laws用or连接,这等于是说两者只须满足其一即可,显然和原中文不符,应改为and。而“产品设计,工艺流程,”却被译为“product design, technological processes, formulas, quality control, management skills, etc.”。朗文当代英语词典(Longm

42、an Dictionary of Contemporary English)对“etc.”的释义为“and so on”。这说明etc.的用法实质上应和and的用法相同:表多项内容同时兼备。使用了etc.,就等于是说information为同时包括有关所有选项的信息,这也和原中文不符,应改为or others。修改后英文:This type of contract refers to a contract which involves providing or imparting technical knowledge on the manufacturing of a certain pro

43、duct or the use of a certain area of knowledge, as well as information on product design, technological processes, formulas, quality control, management skills, or others, and which has yet to be made public and has yet to receive the protection of industrial property laws.(3) 为了避免可能产生的歧义,宁可采用同词重复而不

44、用代词指代,宁可使用繁复的短语结构而不使用单一的单词。在日常英语中,free常表示“免费的”的意思,但它也可表示“自由,任意的”的意思,故为了避免歧义,合同文件中,宁可不用单个free,而改用free of cost to sb.或at no charge to sb.。例子:原英文:If such inspections and tests are conducted on the premises of the Supplier or its Subcontractors, the Supplier or its Subcontractors shall, at no charge to

45、the Purchaser, furnish to the inspectors all reasonable facilities and assistance, including access to drawings and production data.(4) 修饰限制成分放置的位置以及其修饰限制力延伸范围也应予以特殊关注。例子:原英文:Should any inspected Goods fail to conform to the specifications, the Purchaser may reject the Goods, and the Supplier shall

46、either replace the rejected Goods or make alterations necessary to meet specification requirements free of cost to the Purchaser.原对应译文:如果任何被检验或测试的货物不能满足规格的要求,买方可以拒绝接受该货物。卖方应更换被拒绝的货物,或者免费进行必要的修改以满足规格的要求。原对应译文显然和原英文在含义上有出入。原英文中free of cost to the Purchaser不仅修饰make alterations necessary,而且也修饰replace th

47、e rejected Goods,其修饰限制力范围应当一直向前延伸到replace the rejected Goods,而不是仅仅只达到make alterations necessary。也就是说不仅要免费修改,而且更换也要免费。当然,原英文中free of cost to the Purchaser放置的位置也不是最佳位置,易于引起误解,为了使其延伸力范围能更明确地体现出来,可以将其插入到shall和either之间,前后使用逗号分开,即将原英文改写成为:修改后英文:Should any inspected Goods fail to conform to the specificati

48、ons, the Purchaser may reject the Goods, and the Supplier shall, free of cost to the Purchaser, either replace the rejected Goods or make alterations necessary to meet specification requirements.修改后译文:如果任何被检验或测试的货物不能满足规格的要求,买方可以拒绝接受该货物。卖方应免费更换被拒绝的货物,或者免费进行必要的修改以满足规格的要求。8. 单复数使用混乱也是招投标文件中应注意的问题。例子:原英文:All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with the Contract shall be settled through amicable consultation by both parties. In case no settlement can be reached within twenty-eight (28) days after commencement of such Consultation, the parties to the Contract shall refer


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