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1、Four short words sum up what has lifted most successful individuals above the crowd: a little bit more.-author-date英语专业四级12种便条模版英语专业四级12种便条模版便条的书写要求Notes must be precise, to the point(切题),the style is casual.格式:Date (1 point)v written in the top right-hand corner, in the line above salutationv Septe

2、mber 21(st), 2009或 Sept. 21(st), 2009或 21(st), September 2009Salutation(1 point)v written in the top left-hand corner, usually followed by a commav Sir,/ Gentleman,/Dear Madam,/Dear President Dear Mr. Wallash,v /Dear Dr. Williams, Dear Mama, /My dear Tom,Complimentary Close (谦语或结尾)位置:正文下句空一到两行右侧 写法

3、Yours sincerely,Tom Faithfully yours,John Sincerely yours,Tom Respectfully yours,Robert Yours truly,Johnv Body (正文) 正文是便条的主体,应占信纸的大部分空间。便条字数有限,50-60字,独立成段即可。 Style (文体): 非正式或口语化文体,多短句,简单句, 主动语态,且为日常用词或口语,内容中心突出,简单明了。1,Note of Invitation邀请型便条是邀请收信人参加某项活动的便条,一般包含三个方面的内容:1. 邀请对方参加活动的内容、时间和地点; 2. 与该活动有关

4、的注意事项; 3.期望对方接受邀请,并可表示感谢。 正式的邀请,如碰到大型会议、开派对、订婚、孩子满月、毕业等,你需要给你想邀请的人提前发出邀请信。Date Dear _, (1)_. (2)It would be pleasant/ an honor to have you here. (3)Will you join us/ give me the pleasure of your company? (4)I Know /believe that you will be very interested in _. (5)The _ will begin at _. Is it possib

5、le for us to meet at _? (6)We do hope you can come. Sincerely yours, Signature1. I would be very glad if you would come to dinner with me2. It gives me the greatest pleasure to invite you to visit this exhibition.3. Will you and Mrs. Green give the pleasure of dining with us at the Beijing Hotel on

6、Sunday, October 10th, at eight oclock p. m.? 4. I am writing to invite you to 5. I wonder if you could come 6. My family and I would feel honored if you could come.7. We would be looking forward to your participation in the party.8. I really hope you can make it.1. It would be a delight to us if you

7、 could come and spend the weekend with us.2. Would you like to go to .with me?3. I wonder if you can spare some time to have afternoon tea with us. 4. We would be delighted if you could It will finish around .p. m.5. Would you be able to join us for lunch?6. Its a long time since we had the pleasure

8、 of seeing you7. Would you be able to join us for?8. Would you like to join us?9. We would like to have you join us for10. Would it be possible for you to come to ?11. We would be very happy if you could join us.12. We should be very glad if you could join us.13. Would you like to participate in ?14

9、. We do hope you will come and share your ideas with us about15. Please let us know in advance if you come to 16. Please call me to let us know whether you will join us or not.2,Accepting an Invitation A note of accepting an invitation should state precisely:1) thank for the invitation (appreciation

10、 being invited)2) His certainty of having a good time3) His assurance of being punctual4) His offer of help (optional)5) His looking forward to the occasionDate Dear _, (1)Thank you very much for your kind invitation to _. (2) Id be very delighted to _. (3) Surely well be able to _. (4).You can coun

11、t on me _. (5) Looking forward to seeing you. Sincerely yours, Signature1. Thank you very much for asking me to come to 2. Thanks a lot for your kind invitation to .3. Please accept my hearty thanks for your kind invitation to .4. Surely I will enjoy . (your performance). 5. Id be very much delighte

12、d to attend the party.6. Id be greatly delighted to 7. Ill be prompt/punctual.8. You can count on me to be punctual /prompt.9. Im counting the days to see you all.10. Looking forward to seeing you.April 18, 2011 Dear Dick, Congratulations on your 20th birthday and thanks a lot for your kind invitati

13、on to your dinner party this weekend. Id be very delighted to attend the party. Surely Ill meet many old friends and well be able to chat over days long gone by. Ill be prompt. Im counting the days to see you all. Yours, Tom 3,Declining an InvitationA note of declining an invitation should state pre

14、cisely:1) thank for the invitation (appreciation for being invited)2) Reasons for not being able to attend3) Regret for missing such an occasion4) Extending your congratulation if required5) 对某事表示感谢6) 正式表示拒绝之意7) 解释拒绝原因8) 再次深表歉意,或希望对方谅解9) 表达对对方的美好祝愿Date Dear _, (1)Thank you very much for your kind in

15、vitation to _. (2) How I wish I could accept your invitation, but unfortunately, Im going to _ . (3) I am terribly sorry _. (4) Im quite grateful for your understanding. I do wish that _. Sincerely yours, Signature Date Dear _, (1)Thank you very much for your invitation. (2) However, I have decided

16、not to _. One reason contributes to my declining _. I have to _ . Im quite grateful for your understanding. I do wish that _. Sincerely yours, Signature1. How I wish I could accept your invitation, but unfortunately, I am going to2. Thank you very much for your kind invitation to3. Nothing would ple

17、ase me more than join you for lunch on Friday but unfortunately .4. I really regret to tell you that , because5. Please accept my sincere regrets for not being able to join you.6. I would like to accept ., but I cannot due to 7. I am writing to apologize for being unable to 8. Anyway I feel terribly

18、 sorry for disappointing you !9. I hope and am sure we will have opportunity to cooperate in the future.10. I am quite grateful for your understanding.4,Congratulation NoteDate Dear _, 1.(获悉值得祝贺的消息,说出祝贺事由) I have learned with delight that you_祝贺事由_. 2. (表达自己的祝贺)I would like to extend to you my utmos

19、t congratulations on _. 3. (指出对方对方取得成绩的原因) I know this is surely owing to _. 4. 说出被祝贺人的优点 It is a reward you really deserve for your _. 5. 表达自己真诚的祝福。 My best wishes for your further success. Sincerely yours, Mikev I am writing to you to express/offer my hearty/ heartfelt congratulations onv Can you

20、imagine what a delight I take in your ?v I wish to express my most ardent and earnest congratulations through this note.v Im not only happy for but also proud of you from the bottom of my heart.v Im extremely glad to hear that v Having you as a friend, I really feel both proud and lucky.v It is the

21、most joyful news I have heard for a long time.v I wish you all possible joy and happiness in the world.v I was pleasantly surprised to read in the newspaper that youv I am much delighted to hear/learn you have passed/ won As one of your friends I am very proud of you.v I am writing to express my hea

22、rtiest congratulations on your .v Accept my sincere congratulations from the bottom of my heart on your v I wish to congratulate you on your v Congratulations on your promotion/ graduation/ success/ progress/ achievements.Let me congratulate you on being awarded the prize.v My warmest congratulation

23、s to you on getting the scholarship of MITv It is a reward you really deserve for your .v I am delighted to see your efforts rewarded.v The recognition you have received is well deserved.v We hope you will have nothing but happiness in your life together in your career.v May the future bring you mor

24、e success.v Here is a word of cheer on your birthday from a warm friend. Congratulations and all good wishes to you.Sept. 21Dear Frank, I have learned with delight that you won the first prize in the English Speech Contest. I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on what you have don

25、e. I know this is surely owing to your diligence. It is a reward you really deserve for your long-term efforts. My best wishes for your further success. Sincerely yours, Lisa5,Note of Apology在你损坏别人的东西时,在你失约时,在你违背自己的诺言时你需要向别人道歉,真诚地表达你的歉意。书写道歉便条时要注意: 1.要言辞恳切,诚心诚意,指出自己并非故意伤害或开罪对方,切忌对自己的过失作过多辩解。 2. 要请对方

26、谅解自己的过失或给对方带来不便。 3. 需要使用Im sorry, I apologize等字眼明确表达自己的歉意。Date Dear _, 1.(直接表达自己不能实现先前的愿望或约定) I am terribly sorry to say / tell you that _ _. 2. (诚恳希望对方能接受道歉)Please accept my sincere apology with gratitude. 3. (引出失约的原因的原因) I hope you will understand me and excuse me for _. 4. 描述具体原因。 5. 提出建议,作为补偿。Na

27、turally, I want to suggest _. 6 .请求对方告知便宜时间和地点。I shall be obliged if you will kindly write and tell me when and where you _. 7. Again, please accept my apology for the inconvenience I have caused. Sincerely yours, Mikev I am terribly sorry that I had to cancel our appointment yesterday.v I am sorry

28、for not answering promptly.v I sincerely hope the postponement of our meeting do not bring you much inconvenience.v I am very sorry indeed to have to refuse your request as it is quite beyond my power to do so. v Im awfully sorry for all the trouble I may have caused you.v Im terribly sorry to have

29、put you to so much trouble.v I am sincerely sorry for my rude remarks to you.v I am terribly sorry for the embarrassment I caused.v My regrets.v So I wish you can forgive me.v Im terribly sorry that I wasnt present on time in your class yesterday morning. I have tried very hard but have had no succe

30、ss.v I write to apologize for my rude behavior at the party.v I really didnt mean to hurt/ offend/insult you.v I beg a thousand pardons for not having written to you sooner.v I shall not be so rude/late/careless again.v Again, I apologize forv Kindly excuse me for my long delaying inv I do apologize

31、 for not writing to you for so long.6,Note of Thank感谢便条一般应包含以下几个方面的内容: 1. 直接表达谢意 2. 表达出自己非常珍惜对方的付出、礼物 3. 介绍自己的近况或感受 4. 提出希望下次见面的愿望 5. 再次表达感谢Date Dear _, (1)I am now writing these lines to express my sincere thanks for _. (2) Id like you to know how much your _ meant to me. (3) I _. (4)How nice it wo

32、uld be to see you again and I am looking forward to seeing you next time! I repeat my thanks again for your_. Sincerely yours, Signature1. Thank you so much for .2. I warmly appreciate your hospitality.3. I dont know how to thank you for your kindness to me.4. We are indebted to you for your help. 5

33、. With deepest gratitude I write you here few lines.6. I am writing to thank you, on behalf of my wife and on my own behalf, for the lovely time we had at your party last night.7. I would like to convey in this letter my heartfelt thanks to you for.8. I must thank you again for your generous help.9.

34、 It is a great pleasure to extend my sincere gratitude to you for10. Im writing to tell you how grateful I am for11. I am writing to extend my thanks to you for12. My heartfelt thanks are beyond words.13. My thanks to you for your help with . Are beyond words.14. Please allow me to repay your kindne

35、ss.15. So I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude again.16. With warmest regards.7,Note of Comfort 安慰便条较常见,因为生活中处处有失意之处,如生病、考试失败、竞选没成功等,都能引起学生们的伤感和失望。书写安慰便条一般应包含三个方面的内容: 1. 点明要慰问的事情 2. 安慰对方 3. 表达良好的祝愿Date Dear _, (1)Ive just learned from_ that _. (2) Im very sorry to hear this news. (3) (Right

36、 now what concerns me most is _.) I just want you not to be so depressed and not to lose heart. Hope you will recover soon. I will see you as soon as I can. Sincerely yours, Signature1. I am very sorry to hear the news that2. I am very concerned about your health these days.3. If you take it easy, y

37、ou may soon get well.4. Everything has two sides. Think about the positive side. 5. Cheer up! Dont be so depressed.6. You will have another chance.7. You will soon be out and about again.8. May you a quick recovery. 9. Please accept our heartfelt condolences. Give my best regards to your family10. A

38、ll of us are waiting for your rapid recovery/return to health.11. We all miss you and hope you are back.12. I know well that you can bear it like a man.13. Please dont feel too much distressed for this frustration.14. With very good wish for your quick recovery, I just cant tell you how sorry I was

39、when I learned of your accident.8,Note of Announcement 告示类便条是非常实用的一类便条,它可以用来表达转让信息,也可以表达求购信息。该类便条在1995年考过。告示便条内容可包括: 1. 告示的内容 2. 具体的细节 3. 有关活动的具体地址 4. 鼓励有兴趣的人联系自己 5. 写明联系方式Date Dear _, (1) Im very happy to announce you that _. (2) _. (3) Those who are interested please go to _. If you need any furth

40、er information, please dont hesitate to call me up. My phone number is _. Sincerely yours, Signature1. I am very happy to inform you that2. I write to inform you that we have found your wallet.3. All the students are invited to attend the meeting to be held at 8 a. m. tomorrow. 4. All those who are interested are warmly welcome. 5. All the league members of the university are requested to atten


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