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1、精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - many other pre no money for develcious col d water fish. Mi neral resources, ha opment, tra nsformation where dis prove d many of the gold ore d the money come from still outstabody, ndihigh grade , large reserves, re ng. From the perspective of talent re serves of more than

2、 170 milli on t ons of lignite, iron, vana short Boar d, my talent shortage, low overall quality, irratidium and titani um magnetite reserves proven onal str uct ure, weak over seas tale nts into l6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sa ocal serious brai n-drain, e spe cially high-end t

3、alents nd deposit reserve badl y, ha s bes, the rare. ) From the short plate, Woods come the devel opment of contr olKey issueconti nue s. If these e d industry we short Board neak, support is not strong , especially i nade quate for ither avoi d nor overcome, not padded, transformation and develpro

4、ce ssi ng, there are opment no resour ces to make good product cannot be achieved i n forest areas. Ses, marketing is not enoug cond, thi nk calmly, calml h, there are no good product s sell for a good pri l y. A local economic development, stre ngths ace. Liveli nd weakhood weak nesses are dness, m

5、y district is l ocate d in the border area, the y namic a nd re ciprocal transf ormation, there ie s no aclimate is cold, for many years bsolute a dvantages as of the masses of workers have a hard life, a nd complete the buildi nd di sadva ntages, adva ntages and disadvantage s of not hing, a s the

6、time, plang of forest societys weak ce, a nd cha nges in externesses are mainly nal conditions, advaconce ntrated in the area of pe ntages coul d become die sadople s livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, t he task is still very ar a ntages, di sadva ntages may also be to your advantage. F or

7、example, duous. From the per my good ecologispe ctive of shor cal environment, lat-term capital, di strict fina nd dev elopment later, is ta ncial situation at prese he nati ons most dare ring nt tense, some financial de of green and organibts to repa y, is basically living money, c food, but these

8、years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especially the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecol ogical advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were e our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the sn

9、ow and ice i i n the S outh, but the development of eco-touri ri sm of gold and silver. For example, our regi on is locate d in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country along the way, and long Jiang Silk Road building farther forward, but is ex ex pected to be ope ned t o the Russ

10、ian frontier. (From XXs situation, while our railways, poports a nd other proje cts has not fought for, but with the Mongolia-Russia economic corridors 65 policy and stea dy growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving proje cts in t he early County, in the Thi

11、rteen-Fiv e period will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has proved that adversity is short or long高中化学重要知识点详细总结一、俗名无机部分:纯碱、苏打、天然碱、口碱: a2CO3 小苏打: NaHCO 3 大苏打: Na2S2O3 石膏(生石膏):CaSO4.2H 2O 熟石膏: 2CaSO4.H2O 莹石: CaF2 重晶石: BaSO4(无毒)碳铵: NH 4HCO 3 石灰石、大理石:CaCO3 生石灰: CaO 食盐: NaCl 熟石灰、消石灰:

12、Ca(OH) 2 芒硝:Na 2SO4 7H2O (缓泻剂 ) 烧碱、火碱、苛性钠:NaOH 绿矾:FaSO4 7H2O 干冰: CO2 明矾: KAl (SO4) 212H2O 漂白粉: Ca (ClO) 2 、CaCl 2(混和物)泻盐:MgSO 4 7H2O 胆矾、蓝矾: CuSO4 5H2O 双氧水: H2O2 皓矾: ZnSO 4 7H2O 硅石、石英: SiO2 刚玉: Al 2O3 水玻璃、泡花碱、矿物胶:Na2SiO 3 铁红、铁矿: Fe2O3 磁铁矿: Fe3O4 黄铁矿、硫铁矿:FeS2 铜绿、孔雀石:Cu 2 (OH) 2CO 3 菱铁矿: FeCO3 赤铜矿: Cu2

13、O 波尔多液: Ca (OH) 2和 CuSO4 石硫合剂: Ca (OH) 2和 S 玻璃的主要成分:Na2SiO 3、CaSiO3、SiO2 过磷酸钙(主要成分) :Ca (H 2PO4)2和 CaSO4 重过磷酸钙(主要成分):Ca (H 2PO4)2 天然气、沼气、坑气(主要成分):CH 4 水煤气: CO 和 H 2 硫酸亚铁铵(淡蓝绿色) :Fe (NH 4)2 (SO4)2 溶于水后呈淡绿色光化学烟雾: NO 2 在光照下产生的一种有毒气体王水:浓HNO 3 与浓 HCl 按体积比1:3混合而成。铝热剂: Al + Fe 2O3或其它氧化物。尿素: CO(NH 2) 2有机部分:

14、氯仿: CHCl 3电石: CaC2电石气: C2H 2 (乙炔 ) TNT :三硝基甲苯酒精、 乙醇:C2H 5OH 氟氯烃:是良好的制冷剂,有毒,但破坏 O3 层。醋酸:冰醋酸、食醋 CH 3COOH 裂解气成分 (石油裂化) :烯烃、 烷烃、 炔烃、 H2S、CO2、CO 等。甘油、丙三醇:C3H8O3焦炉气成分 (煤干馏):H 2、CH 4、乙烯、CO 等。石炭酸: 苯酚 蚁醛: 甲醛 HCHO 福尔马林: 35%40%的甲醛水溶液 蚁酸:甲酸 HCOOH 葡萄糖: C6H12O6 果糖: C6H12O6 蔗糖: C12H22O11 麦芽糖: C12H 22O11 淀粉:(C6H10O

15、5) n 硬脂酸: C17H35COOH 油酸: C17H33COOH 软脂酸: C15H31COOH 草酸:乙二酸 HOOC COOH 使蓝墨水褪色,强酸性,受热分解成 CO2 和水,使 KMnO 4酸性溶液褪色。二、 颜色铁:铁粉是黑色的;一整块的固体铁是银白色的。Fe 2+浅绿色Fe3O4黑色晶体 Fe (SCN) 3血Fe(OH) 2白色沉淀Fe 3+黄色Fe (OH) 3红褐色沉淀红色溶液FeO黑色的粉末Fe (NH 4)2(SO4)2淡蓝绿色Fe2O3红棕色粉末FeS黑色固体名师归纳总结 铜:单质是紫红色Cu2+蓝色CuO黑色Cu2O红色CuSO4(无水)第 1 页,共 41 页白

16、 色CuSO4 5H2O 蓝 色Cu 2 (OH) 2CO3 绿 色Cu(OH) 2 蓝 色hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, kee e ping the force, we must deal with it calmly, neither keep advantages do not, missed opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, we must correctly understand and handle

17、the relationshi i p between l ong a nd short, effective enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weak ak nesses, short swagger grams, ya ya ngchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and

18、avoid, g, fill each have a logical relationshi p. We must dhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law , market economy and the laws of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision applicati ti on poli cy. US weaknesse s, is to pla

19、y to strengths and avoid weakne sssses. Like, i n industry development Shang, prefectural proposed development six big industry, the County District Cou ncil m ust to relies on re have to swall forest transition sources a dvantage, find associate i ndustry positioningow some of the effects of transf

20、ormation and devel n XI General Se cretary, put opme l ocal most ha nt of the short s competitirt Boar d. (Specifi on a dvantage, a ifi c to the a ndXX, w most e seize thas d he Kvelopme orean t potential of ind black railway istry first do nto the up, never can taprovince, along the way implemenda

21、qiuqua n, anntation d bli opportnd foll ow, a nd maunities, promotike wit ng the h qua lity of competition, for those obvi construction of railway projects alously not for l ocal development oong the River, in the Thirteen-Fivef industry to plan promstrongly oting the avoi d, cannot proje ct, under

22、Sha ng of project nev er can t construction. Pay special atte t ook Har ntion tar d on mo proviy fore ncial hea d. We talk al highway XX to bout ne swagger g s njiang roahort was t d tender call to buil o sophid stre ngths sticated shops, t to overcom, t he natie weakne sses. For example, on the aon

23、al highway from Dandong to Altay XX to 18 stati djustment of agricultural pla ti ons a nd commuter air nting str uct ure, I just a lir port renovation and ex ttle, short frost-free peri x pansion work, od a nd l ow tempromote XX infrastrperature, wit ucture ih traditionally grown n Hong Kong , plann

24、esoy beans, wheat a d openi ng water transport channel, a nd other crops in low yields, poor quality, t a nd construct land, water ahere is no advand air transportation netw ntage, it difficult for farmers t w orks). Homeopato achieve sustai hy for as long as we are inable i ncomes. n line wit Only

25、guih local conditide the peasa nts to do orga nic, ons, in the play long fuss, in ahigh-end, really good ki ddressing t ki nd of good he short work on w products, coleakne sses, d region and bla ck Gle, short swagger grams, yangbe ecologi cal advacha ngbuduan, wil ntages and adva il l be able tntage

26、s play o achieve ty out, my area of agricuhe development goalltural devel s. Second, focus opme on ent in or de conomic r to find a way. Us yangchan construction as the bud Center, pushiua n, is to ng forward - - - - - - -精选学习资料 - - - - - - - - - many other pre no money for develcious col d water fi

27、sh. Mi neral resources, ha opment, tra nsformation where dis prove d many of the gold ore d the money come from still outstabody, ndihigh grade , large reserves, re ng. From the perspective of talent re serves of more than 170 milli on t ons of lignite, iron, vana short Boar d, my talent shortage, l

28、ow overall quality, irratidium and titani onal strum magnetite reserves proven uct ure, weak over seas tale nts into l6 million cubic meters, 40 million tons of quartz sa ocal serious brai n-drain, e spe cially high-end talents nd deposit reserve badl y, ha s bes, the rare. ) From the short come the

29、 devel opment of con plate, Woods tr olKey issueconti nue s. If these e d industry we short Board neak, support is not strong , especially i nade quate for ither avoi d nor overcome, not padded, transformation and develproce ssi ng, there are opment no resour ces to make good product cannot be achie

30、ved i n forest areas. Ses, marketing is not enoug cond, thi nk calmly, calml h, there are no good product s sell for a good pri l y. A local economic development, stre ngths ace. Liveli nd weakhood weak nesses are dness, my district is l ocate d in the border area, the y namic a nd re ciprocal trans

31、formation, there ie s no aclimate is cold, for many years bsolute a dvantages as of the masses of workers have a nd di sadva ntages, adva ntages and disadvantahard life, a nd complete the buildi ge s of not hing, a s the time, plang of forest societys weak ce, a nd cha nges in externesses are mainly

32、 nal conditions, advaconce ntrated in the area of pe ntages coul d become die sadople s livelihood, especially in terms of poverty, t he task is still very ar a ntages, di sadva ntages may also be to your advantage. F or example, my gduous. From the per ood ecologispe ctive of shor cal environment,

33、lat-term capital, di strict fina nd dev elopment later, is ta ncial situation at prese he nati ons most dare ring nt tense, some financial de of green and organibts to repa y, is basically living money, c food, but these years are basically kind of traditional crops such as soybean, wheat, especiall

34、y the heavy use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides, the ecological advantages of agricultural development are being degraded. For example, ice and snow were e our weaknesses, sought after now, with visitors to the snow and ice i i n the S outh, but the development of eco-touri ri sm of gold and

35、silver. For example, our regi on is locate d in the border area, has been our weakness today as the country along the way, and long Jiang Silk Road building farther forward, but is ex ex pected to be ope ned t o the Russian frontier. (From XXs situation, while our railways, poports a nd other proje

36、cts has not fought for, but with the Mongolia-Russia economic corridors 65 policy and stea dy growth benefits of further releases, provide opportunities for our projects, paving proje cts in t he early County, in the Thirteen-Fiv e period will very likely get a specific implementation). Practice has

37、 proved that adversity is short or longCu(NH 3)4SO4深蓝色溶液BaSO4 、BaCO3 、Ag 2CO3 、CaCO3 、AgCl 、 Mg (OH) 2 、三溴苯酚均是白色沉淀Al(OH) 3 白色絮状沉淀H 4SiO4(原硅酸)白色胶状沉淀Cl2、氯水黄绿色 F2淡黄绿色气体 Br 2深红棕色液体 I2紫黑色固体HF、HCl 、HBr 、HI 均为无色气体,在空气中均形成白雾CCl 4无色的液体,密度大于水,与水不互溶 KMnO 4-紫色 MnO 4-紫色Na2O2淡黄色固体 Ag 3PO4黄色沉淀 S黄色固体 AgBr 浅黄色沉淀AgI

38、黄色沉淀 O3淡蓝色气体 SO2无色,有剌激性气味、有毒的气体SO3无色固体(沸点 44.8 0C) 品红溶液红色 氢氟酸: HF腐蚀玻璃N2O4、NO无色气体 NO 2红棕色气体 NH 3无色、有剌激性气味气体三、 现象:1、铝片与盐酸反应是放热的,Ba(OH) 2与 NH4Cl 反应是吸热的;2、Na 与 H2O(放有酚酞)反应,熔化、浮于水面、转动、有气体放出;(熔、浮、游、嘶、红) 3、焰色反应: Na 黄色、 K 紫色(透过蓝色的钴玻璃)K +(紫色)。、 Cu 绿色、 Ca 砖红、 Na +(黄色)、4、Cu 丝在 Cl 2中燃烧产生棕色的烟;5、 H2 在 Cl 2中燃烧是苍白色

39、的火焰;6、Na 在 Cl 2中燃烧产生大量的白烟;7、 P 在 Cl 2 中燃烧产生大量的白色烟雾;8、SO2通入品红溶液先褪色,加热后恢复原色;9、NH 3与 HCl 相遇产生大量的白烟;10、铝箔在氧气中激烈燃烧产生刺眼的白光;11、镁条在空气中燃烧产生刺眼白光,在CO 2中燃烧生成白色粉末(MgO ),产生黑烟;12、铁丝在 Cl 2中燃烧,产生棕色的烟;13、HF 腐蚀玻璃: 4HF + SiO 2 SiF4 + 2H 2O 14、 Fe(OH) 2在空气中被氧化:由白色变为灰绿最后变为红褐色;15、在常温下: Fe、Al 在浓 H 2SO4和浓 HNO3中钝化;16、向盛有苯酚溶液

40、的试管中滴入FeCl3溶液,溶液呈紫色;苯酚遇空气呈粉红色。17、蛋白质遇浓 HNO 3变黄,被灼烧时有烧焦羽毛气味;18、在空气中燃烧:S微弱的淡蓝色火焰 H 2淡蓝色火焰 H 2S淡蓝色火焰CO蓝色火焰 CH4明亮并呈蓝色的火焰 S 在 O2 中燃烧明亮的蓝紫色火焰。空气19特征反应现象:白色沉淀 Fe ( OH ) 2 红褐色 Fe ( OH ) 3 20浅黄色固体:S或 Na2O2或 AgBr 21使品红溶液褪色的气体:SO2(加热后又恢复红色) 、Cl2(加热后不恢复红色)22有色溶液: Fe 2+(浅绿色)、Fe 3+(黄色)、Cu 2+(蓝色)、MnO 4-(紫色)有色固体:红色

41、(Cu、Cu2O、Fe2O3)、红褐色 Fe(OH)3 黑色( CuO、FeO、FeS、CuS、Ag 2S、PbS)蓝色 Cu(OH) 2 黄色( AgI 、 Ag 3PO4)白色 Fe(0H) 2、CaCO3、BaSO4、AgCl 、BaSO3 有色气体: Cl 2(黄绿色)、 NO2(红棕色)四、 考试中经常用到的规律:1、溶解性规律见溶解性表;2、常用酸、碱指示剂的变色范围:hort and make up for long. Long and short, rational thought, keeping the force, we must deal with it calmly,

42、 neither keep advantages do not, misse指示剂e must correctly understand and handle the relationship between l ong a nd short, effectiv e enhancement initiative, to better promote the transformation and development. Three local conditions, homeopathy for. Foster strengths and circumvent weaknesses, shor

43、t swagger grams, yangchangbuduan, have in common is that swagger, and avoid, g, fill eac PH 的变色范围s of nature, all time, place and conditions for the transfer, targeted precision application poli cy. US weaknesse s, is to play to strengths and avoid weaknesses. Like, i n industry development Shang, p

44、refectural proposed development six big industry, the County District Council must to d opportunities, also faced short omissions, loss of confidence, wc h have a logical relationshi p. We must adhere to local conditions and homeopathy for, full compliance with the rule of law , market economy and the lawrelies on re sources a dvantage, find associate i ndustry positioning , put l ocal mo st has competiti on a dvantage, a nd most has development potential of industry first do up, never can tanda qiuqua n, and bli nd f oll ow, a nd make wit h qua lity of competition, for those o


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